Question About Thor's Fighting Technique In THE AVENGERS

Question About Thor's Fighting Technique In THE AVENGERS

n Thor, when him and Loki are fighting on the Rainbow Bridge, he places his hammer on Loki's chest to prevent him from going anywhere...

Feature Opinion
By RidiculousFanBoyDemands - May 10, 2012 12:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

Alright, so I saw The Avengers again the other day with my wife who was insistent on seeing what the fuss was about. Quick tangent she was thoroughly engaged but I think it had more to do with Robert Downy Jr, and Chris Hemsworth than anything else. When I asked her about it afterwords her first comments were, damn RDJ was funny, and Chris Hemsworth is buff. I digress though.

However, I have a question for anyone that is well versed in comic book lore. In Thor, when him and Loki are fighting on the Rainbow Bridge, he places his hammer on Loki's chest to prevent him from going anywhere. My question is, would that same technique work on Iron Man, and even Hulk? If it did, you figure Thor would be at a huge advantage when it comes to hand to hand combat, and would make him virtually unstoppable (as long as the person he placed it on someone who isn't worthy)right? In essence, couldn't he throw the hammer at someone, which in turn knocks the person down, then quickly rush over, place the hammer on the persons chest, and continue beating his adversary into oblivion? As for the great fight scene on the Hellacarrier between Thor and Hulk, wouldn't that be Thor's first instinct? Place the hammer on the Hulks chest so he would be unable to go anywhere, thus not be able to tear the ship apart? I understand that Hulk would fight it and smash a hole through the ship where he is laying, but if the hammer can't movie, it would just follow him from level to level until the eventually fell out of the ship.

The movie is still tremendous, and this doesn't ruin anything for me, but it did have me wondering, and if anyone could answer this question it would be much appreciated. That, and I am at work until 6AM, and these are the kinds of things I think about when it is slow.

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Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 12:48 AM
Secondly on the helicarrier, if he had got it on Hulks chest, Hulk could just bash the floor and fall through twist his body so the hammer would slide off.
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 1:14 AM

The reason I ask, because the one epic shot of Thor decking the hulk in the mouth I believe sent the hulk onto the ground. I thought he had enough time to put it on his chest.


As for the hammer sliding off, I thought it couldn't be moved unless Thor moved it. That was the question I had, was in the comics can it defy gravity? Would the Hulk been able to turn sideways even in free fall?

I know these are silly questions, but I am very, very bored tonight at work.
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 1:14 AM
I just noticed when watching the movie, he put Iron Man on the ground a couple of times, and was shown to be strong enough to rip off his helmet with ease. In my opinion if just seemed like if Thor wanted to he could have defeated Iron Man quite easily.

Knock him down, hammer on his chest piece, rip off the helmet, smash him in the face.
Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 1:21 AM
I thought it couldn't be lifted, once gravity takes over you just move out the way as you fall.
Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 1:25 AM
Who knows, I guess Thor is like Supe's in the fight with Iron Man where he is holding back trying to almost put stop his attacker knowing full well full power would easily kill them.

Hammer wise, it is tough as would putting the hammer down on the helicarrier cause it to crash. However the thing about this movie, was because it wasn't trying to be real just entertaining these questions are fun to ask and answer in enjoyable fashion
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 1:54 AM
Great point Knightrider, I never thought about that in regards to the hella carrier. It would be funny if Thor was sitting in the chair, placed his hammer down, then all of the a sudden the ship started a slow descent back to the ground.

Yeah, I don't ask this because I think it deters from the movie. It's just a fun question I was thinking about, and is not meant to offend hardcore fans. However, there will be some that will become incredibly upset, and call this knit picking or whatever. It's just a silly question, and I'm hoping someone has a reference from the comics that can provide some insight lol.

One part I did love, is that when Thor was fighting Hulk, he called for his hammer and had to wait for it. For some reason that was just awesome. Despite all the fantastical elements we are watching, real world physics still apply when he is summoning his hammer.
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 1:55 AM
I got the feeling Thor was holding back a little when watching that fight. I mean come on, the dude took out the destroyer and frost giants in the first movie with relative ease. He could easily defeat Iron Man and Cap.
Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 2:00 AM
I wonder where it was, did it smash through people and walls to get to him or did it spin around corners dodging people before arriving. However I wish my house keys were like that always forgetting them, wish could just hold my hand out and they came to me.

Was a great fight scene between the two.

Yeah, these are just fun debates, however some people will take that is we are hating on the movie when I really enjoyed it.
Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 2:04 AM
Yeah, must have been holding back, would love to see a fight in a JL film maybe when Green Lantern first meets Superman that would be a SFX spectacular right there.

However I think when Thor is crushing his hand he is doing it slow almost as a demonstration
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 2:41 AM
haha, yeah. Imagine being a janitor, or some low level technician on the ship. You're doing your job, minding your own business, when all of a sudden a hammer comes crashing through a wall and takes you out. Or, if my theory on his hammer is correct, that you can't slide out of the way once it pushes on you, I thought it would be funny if just a slew of mangled people arrived with his hammer.

I agree a Superman Green Lantern fight would be epic. I just can't wait to see a Superman fight done right. People may hate Zach Snyder (I personally don't), but the dude can direct and action scene, and the man of steel is in good hands with him.
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 2:46 AM
Thanks tea, I thought he fell to the ground. I just wish there was some sort of Marvel rule book, that specifically outlined what someone's power would to another character. For example how much damage Iron Man's repulsive ray would to Wolverine, Thor, Cap etc. Some chart that had every character, their powers, and some sort of numbering system between 1-10 about how their individual power would effect another character.

Like one page is about the Hulk, and one of the his powers is being able to punch someone. You would have a list of every characters name and a 1-10 how that punch would effect them. Cap, may have a 10, but Thor would have a 2. I know that there are a ton of encyclopedias out there about the MCU, but I want some sort of VS. encyclopedia. A definitive explanation about what one persons powers does to another.
Knightrider - 5/10/2012, 3:19 AM
Yeah I think Zack gets an unfair bad wrap, Sucker Punch he wrote, and perhaps he should stick to directing, I know people slag off Watchmen for me he did a great job of putting a Comicbook on screen, almost panel for panel, but for some that isn't what they want and Watchmen is such a difficult book to put on the big screen.

So he isn't writing this and will just be doing his thing behind the camera, so hopefully the script has the action in it to really let Zack do some amazing action shots.

Yeah, wouldn't that just ruin your day, 1 day from retirement and Thor's hammer breaks your spine, no need for Bane here comes Thor's hammer. Haha

As much as I loved him waiting for the hammer I always wondered where was it? Had he put it down to take dump and just left it there.
CorndogBurglar - 5/10/2012, 3:26 AM
Anyone who is not worthy to lift the hammer woukd not be able to get it off of them. Cap has been shown a to be worthy of lifting the hammer a few times in the comics, but other than that, very few are worthy.

Fun fact, in fhe ultimate universe, hulk has lifted the hammee, not because he's worthy, but because he's that strong. :)
jaysin420 - 5/10/2012, 6:48 AM
I've seen the movie 3x now and it gets better each time.

But there's a scene that confused me, after Thor fell to earth in the cage built for the Hulk. It seems like he walks around for a while searching for his hammer, but why wouldn't he just summon it like he usually does?
RidiculousFanBoyDemands - 5/10/2012, 6:59 AM

Yeah, it seemed like he was out of energy? Remember he reached for it but it didn't come to his hand so he picked it up. Then it showed him getting ready by summoning lightening.

One question what is the range on that baby. I mean could Thor be ANYWHERE on the planet and all he has to do is stick his hand out to summon it?
calin88 - 5/10/2012, 7:05 AM
I hate the idea of Hulk lifting the hammer only because he is strog, that pissed me off in the Ultimate Avengers movie. OK, some are worthy to lif it Thor,Cap,Storm,Beta Ray Bill, but... Thor has the power, so if the Hulk did somehow manage to lift it of the ground with maximum effort, how the hell would he have strenght to throw it??? and if he did throw it, Thor can stop the Hammer in mid air and control it however he wants, so my point is, it's impossible to use it against him. So why would they insist on other people lifting it? Thor should be able to call Mjolnir right from their hands
jojofmd - 5/10/2012, 8:04 AM
In the scene where Thor was looking for the hammer, I took it as him being in a bit of "shell shock" and as an alternate hypothesis as one where he was questioning his own worth. Was his intentions and current self worthy of the hammer. As it were, he was able to wield it. That is an interesting concept, that if Thor ever does or becomes something that is not worthy of the hammer it can then not be wielded. This was a moment where his intentions and mindset were subtly shown. This also has happened to him and Beta Ray Bill in the comics on occasion.
jaysin420 - 5/10/2012, 8:40 AM
Cool thanks, I figured he was just like getting himself together and thinking about what to do with Loki but maybe they cut that scene short?

It was very much like the scene with Banner laying in that building he landed on talking to that janitor guy and I read there was much more to that scene.
cerrone6 - 5/10/2012, 8:44 AM
Im not sure of having a chart system to go by would be a very good idea simply because it would take away from unexpected actions. For example Hulk is stronger than Captain America but in a fight wouldnt there be probabilities such as shield agility smarts vs hulk brute strength. Having a chart would only make a fight match obvious. unless thor is on odin power I believe thats why there are so many debates on who would win "Hulk vs superman". Even though hulk is classified as " STRONGEST THER IS" there are no definetes ...Interesting to see when he fights juggernaut. I think it usually just how the story is written..but my money is usually on hulk...GO MARVEL
TheOverlord - 5/10/2012, 9:12 AM
I want to see all the other Avengers taken down in the 2nd movie and no one left but Cap, and he loses his shield and out of desperation picks up the hammer and POW! He's got Thunder God powers, which he uses to turn the tide. How awesome and would that be?
CitizenOfAsgard - 5/10/2012, 9:58 AM
@Jojo - Perfect take on why Thor didn't just pick up Mjolnir, or summon it to his hand. Thor wasn't sure his intentions were noble at that time.

@Ridiculous - another contributor (Knossis) had another post on a previous entry that talked about the power structure. I haven't looked it up, but I suspect the power levels would be:

1. Hulk - "STRONGEST ONE THERE IS". Remember, he was able to take on the Chitauri blasting him with everything they had, and he still was standing, albeit a little worn out.

2. Thor - if Knossis (and the book he read are canon/accurate), then Thor, as an otherworldly being/God, if he can lift 100 tons, then he surely can match the Hulk for strength. That's why, when you see Thor in battle with the Hulk, he isn't defeated, and barely has a scratch on him. Thor's smile when he is summoning Mjolnir says "now this is a worthy opponent". Thor also, when fighting Iron Man, even with "magical lightning" augmented armor, was not only shown crushing Iron Man's armor with his bare hands, but also, with the head butt, Iron Man moved Thor a little bit, but Thor sent Iron Man quite the distance with the return head butt, denting his helmet in the process.

3. Loki - again, if Knossis is correct, then Loki, being able to lift 50 tons, then, while he is not as strong as Thor, he still is very strong. Remember, he is an Asgardian/otherworldly being/god, and thus, much like Thor, is much stronger than human, even a human in peak physical condition, i.e. Cap. Recall that Loki in Stuttgart not only took on ballistic fire from Black Widow in the Quinjet, but, even more remarkable was that Loki took on Iron Man's repulsors, without a scratch. That just shows that Loki and Thor have a different skin density, much like Superman. Also, recall that Cap, talking with Stark aboard the Quinjet, says, "That guy packs a wallop!"

4. Iron Man - human encased in Titanium alloy. While Tony Stark wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight as a normal human, his alter-ego is a different story.

5. Captain America - human at peak physical condition. Obviously, no match for the Hulk or Asgardian gods, however, he certainly had no problem fighting the Chitauri in hand-to-hand combat. Also, he wounds, and although Cap doesn't have a "mutant healing factor" like Wolverine, he does have the physical cellular ability for regeneration, as evidenced in the destroyed bar scene in CA:TFA.
CitizenOfAsgard - 5/10/2012, 10:31 AM
Very good takes, @Aztec!
CitizenOfAsgard - 5/10/2012, 11:20 AM
I feel you, @Aztec. I am of Norwegian and Dutch descent, so I have an already strong connection to the "God of Thunder". Cap is #2 on my "favorite" list, a lot of that is because of what he stands for. And, yes, I am unopologetically American. And, like you, I have been reading, and collecting comics for a looooooong time. About 38 years (I'm almost 48 - a "geezer", kinda like gusto, lol!).
Gary8264 - 5/10/2012, 11:55 AM
@Axtec, I can see what you're sayin' and agree with you. also 'bout point #4 I thought while watchin' it that he mighta been thinkin' some dark thoughts like Killin' Loki who just tried to drop him to his death, and had to regain his composure before he could retrieve the hammer.
Either way it was one hellava ride.... Joss nailed every character, and all the actors knocked it outta the park.
"Make Mine Marvel"
Gerrit - 5/10/2012, 2:51 PM
I just want to point out that Hulk couldn't lift Mjolnir in the Helicarrier scene. The tecnic Thor used in his solo movie is just unpractical.
NightForce - 5/10/2012, 4:24 PM
I agree I definitely agree Thor was going easy on Iron Man and Captain America. He knew he was fighting Humans if he did what he did on Jotunheim it would've bye bye for them lol.

@Jaysin, What happened there I think was Thor was having a self doubt moment. And was mulling over the fact Loki killed Coulson and tried to kill him AGAIN.
maito - 5/10/2012, 6:59 PM
I was asking myself the same question. Why he couldn't summon mjornir. He didn't do anything to be unworthy this time. It doesn't make any sense, right?

Well after watching it for the third time I come out with a theory. He didn’t try to summon it after the cage crash.

How I get that? Well, It was a dub version and the translation killed most of the jokes so I started to pay attention to the visuals instead. And there are theses 2 scenes with no dialogue, no FXs and only the essential CGI.

1st scene: Loki's hesitating hand over the expel button, Thor's disbelieve face behind the glass. Loki's statement “ I'm not longer who I used to be” pushing the button.

2nd scene: Thor's walk across the field is not in searching of mjolnir, is his duel for a lost brother. The open hand staying over the hammer is the final mourn. The fist is the resolution. Lifting up mjolnir is him saying “Loki, what you've done is wrong, you'll pay for it. And It's me who will take you down ”

I may add that Loki didn't give him any options. The Hulk, the only treat, is lost at this point in the movie, and the rest of the team and world are just insects in power comparison.

You just gotta love this man, I mean Joss Whedon. In the first scene he portrayed the Brother's relationship better than many comics and in the second he shows us the inflection point that leaves them in opposite sides of the moral balance. And he did it in less than 12 seconds.
arshaga - 5/10/2012, 10:17 PM
Did any of you guys notice Bruce's face and action after the helicarrer fight? I saw the movie again for the fourth time today and noticed that after Thor uppercut Hulk with mjolnir, sure it stunned Hulk a little but but after Hulk crashlanded and turned into Brucehe was rubbing his jaw and wincing. On top of that the way he was talking to that security guard...he was barely able to open is mouth. It looked like he was hurt. Anyone else notice this? Any thoughts?
DocDangerous - 5/11/2012, 12:51 PM
Don't know if anyone pointed this out but in the 'Fear Itself' story arc cap picks up Thors hammer and uses it.
Allie1 - 6/23/2012, 7:57 PM
I was looking for the answer to the "why cant Thor lift the hammer in the field" question when I found this one... which is certainly a valid point! I think he should try your suggestion sometime, although I agree with the guy who says Thor is a warrior, and likes to fight the hard way.

Did anyone else think when Thor hits Cap's shield, Cap ought to have been driven straight into the ground? Of course the resulting wave of power decimating the forest would remain the same. Or does the shield really protect Cap from any consequence or forward motion? Because I swear when he's in the bank and the bomb goes off, he's blown out the window and the shield doesnt block him from the repercussions of THAT blast...
Jwe75 - 8/24/2012, 1:04 AM
Ofcourse it's not easy for Thor just plant his hammer on everything his fighting against, this is not some finishing-move either and Hulk must be knocked out to get chance to do this :)

Good comments here, but i would like to add that why some here think Iron man was "just human" opponent against that fight scene for Thor? Iron man is very strong and fast, also Thor really did not know what to expect from Stark. Also Iron man wanted to measure Thor, because he was pissed. Remember how Iron man just crashed into Jet interiors when he was fixing it earlier and restarted that motor etc. He is very strong, but ofcourse Thor was not giving it all, but it is very different to fight against huge Frost-giants or Hulk then against Ironman.
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