Christopher Nolan. Is he what people really want?

Christopher Nolan.  Is he what people really want?

Is Christopher Nolan doing more bad than good when it comes to the DC movie universe? Is he the all-mighty when it comes to modern CBM's, or is he actually hurting things? Lets take a look, shall we?

Editorial Opinion
By CorndogBurglar - Aug 12, 2010 05:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

Christopher Nolan has been known for many great things since "Batman Begins" hit the scene. He's been touted as one of the best directors to ever bring a comic book to life. Don't believe me? Spend a week on this site, read people's comments, and you'll see just how high most fans hold him. I can't disagree. The guy makes fantastic movies, and as far as raw talent goes, he's got it in spades.

Nolan made unbelievably good Batman movies. "Batman Begins" showed fans that a Batman movie could take place in a grounded reality, and that it wasn't just for the kids anymore. I remember sitting in the theatre watching "Begins," and some parents were walking their little kids out of the theatre because the hallucination scenes from Scarecrow's toxins were too much. For the first time I felt like I was watching a Batman movie geared more toward adults than kids...and I loved every second of it.

Then Nolan gave us "The Dark Knight." Personally, I like "Begins" better, but I digress. Many people have come to think of TDK as the best CBM of all time. We got more of the dark feel that most people loved about "Begins," but Nolan upped the ante by introducing the Joker. This movie was even more brutal and violent then the first. Again, Nolan hit a home run, no, a grand slam.

That same summer, something else happened in the CBM genre of movies. That something was called Marvel Studios, John Favreau, and "Iron Man." In "Iron Man," we learned for the first time that Marvel was planning on creating individual character films that all lead to the Avengers. It didn't take long before people started wondering and hoping that DC would follow suit.

We've all read the news that DC is gearing up for a JLA movie. Unfortunately, we've also been told that it may not feature Batman and Superman. Why? In my opinion, it's because Nolan has the reigns to Batman and Superman. With Batman 3 on the horizon, we all know that it will be Nolan's final installment. He has been very adamant about his Batman existing in a world with no other heroes. He has also stated the same thing about his upcoming Superman film; no other heroes will exist in Superman's movie world. What a shame.

I'm going out on a limb here, but I think it's safe to say that MOST fans want a unified DC movie universe. I say that based on comments on this site, so I don't want to hear anyone saying I'm putting words in people's mouths. Do people want to see a unified DC movie universe without Superman and Batman? Can something like that even happen without ripping the space-time continuum apart? It would be the end of all that is, right? Obviously, I'm being sarcastic, but think about it.

Yes, Nolan is a fantastic talent that made some very good Batman movies, and the Superman movie will undoubtedly be just as great. But is this the guy people really want handling two of the most important DC character movies? A guy that will not agree to let them be in a universe with other heroes? When you look at the big picture, would you rather have Nolan helming these individual movies, even though you know it cripples them from taking part in JLA? Personally, I'm not sure. I'm torn between Nolan's talent, and his stubbornness. I also have to question DC's intentions. Nolan is about to be done with Batman, which COULD possibly free him up for JLA. But then they turn around and put him on Superman. So in effect, we're back at square one, only now it's with Superman and not Batman. It's almost like DC doesn't want them in a JLA movie, no matter what. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Anyway, as you can see from the length of this article, I could go on about this all day. So I'll go ahead and wrap it up. Thanks to everyone for reading this, and I hope to see you're thoughts!

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CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2010, 5:10 PM
Ironbat95 - 8/12/2010, 5:26 PM
I agree. Everyone on this site and many other consider Nolan to be a god for CBMs. But honestly, I don't want to see HIS take on every hero in the DC universe. Because:

1. They won't coexist in one universe like Marvel

2. Its nice to see other director's takes on the superhero film sub-genre

3. I don't want to see a psychological take on The Flash or Aquaman, those movies should be pure fun like Iron Man, especially with Flash

Warner Bros. should really take advantage of the fact that unlike Marvel, they have ALL their properties under one studio. And what have we seen from them for the last 30 years: Superman, Batman, and JONAH HEX.

I am personally more of a Marvel guy and it sux how they can put Spider-Man or Daredevil in their cinematic universe, but at least they are trying to make a film universe, unlike DC (and so far I have loved each and everyone of the Marvel Studios films)

So Nolan, after Superman, please back off from CBMs for awhile so we can have a DC cinematic Universe!
Gearstation - 8/12/2010, 5:53 PM
I still can't understand why Nolan doesn't want Batman to interact with Superman and the other super powered characters of the DC universe. I know he wants them grounded in realism, but wasn't the premise of the DC world that everything was ordinary and realistic as the 'real' world until the super-heroes started showing up? Warner Brothers could really showcase the shock and excitement of a world encountering super-beings for the first time. And anyone that has read any Batman books knows that from the start he was planning ways of dealing with them (if he had to). WB really needs to take control and remind Nolan that, while he is making great movies, he still works for them. Not the other way around. Nolan doesn't own Batman, WB (DC) does.

And I'm sure by now everyone has seen the amazing DC Universe Online 5 min intro. That is how I've always imagined a live action JLA movie to look and feel (minus the cgi). Even that short amount of time showed how well Batman could interact with the rest of the JLA.

Nice article CorndogBurglar
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2010, 6:09 PM
@ ironbat

you know what man? you make an excellent point! Us fans complain quite a bit about Marvel not being able to put certain characters in their film universe because they don't own the rights, but its almost like DC is WILLINGLY making it so that Superman and Batman can't take part. They own the rights, yet they won't put them in. Thats almost more frustrating than whats going on with Marvel. At least Marvel would if they could, y'know?

@ gearstation

thanks man! its a frustrating time to be a DC movie fan!
claybo4131 - 8/12/2010, 6:25 PM
I think Chris Nolan needs to stop acting like "My Batman only exists on his own" attitude, DC needs to give the fans what they want.

Case in Point, why is Marvel making The Avengers? Money and for the fans (more money than fans duh) but when the actors are doing it as well for the fans, that tells you something.

WB has had the DC properties since 1971, and all they have done of the JLA characters have been Batman and Superman? If you told me 10-15 years ago what would be made first, I would have said JLA due to WB owning all the rights, and Marvels were scattered around like shattered glass.

But WB/DC need to sit down with Nolan about this, yes he makes great movies, but they shouldnt bow down to him. They need to ask Christian Bale to do it as well, since he is now Batman to everyone and fans perfer continuity as well.
croach1989 - 8/12/2010, 6:53 PM
I'm surprised how quickly we forget all Christopher Nolan has done for batman and comic book movies. If you have heard him talk about the upcoming Superman project, He makes it very clear why his superman movie is not going to work in a universe with hundreds of superhumans running around. As for batman, I think it's very clear why his batman would not mesh well in a universe with other heroes.

His movies are character pieces exploring who these people are. Really that's all his movies are and just because batman and superman are disgused as comic book movies, doesn't change what Christopher Nolan does as a director. And I for one am eternally grateful that Warner bros. has entrusted their two most popular characters to Nolan. The man is a genius and a visionary.

Why don't we just rip these projects out of Nolan's hands and give them to zack snyder? Is that what you people want? Slow motion fight scenes and over the top action? Is that all you want to see? Sure those movies may be fun to watch a time or two, but those movies don't stick with you, those movies at the end of the day mean nothing.

In Nolan I trust. If he doesn't want his characters in a justice league universe, then I don't want his characters in a justice league universe.
bleedthefreak - 8/12/2010, 7:00 PM
@croach1989 i know this seems like a dumb answer but yes i would rather see slow motion fight scenes as opposed to none at all. I would rather not get bored to death while batman talks for 2 hours and see superheros do what they do best kick some ass in a ridiculously unrealistic fashion. Superhero movies aren't the kind of movies that you say hey lets make it real(to the exception of Kick-Ass). and Nolan is no saint now we have some bullshit over rated director screwing us of any chance of seeing a faithful justice league movie with the two most popular and key characters
InTylerWeTrust - 8/12/2010, 7:20 PM
I can understand where he comes from in regards to Batman, and I don't mind that he keeps his Batman separate. In theory, they could introduce a new Batman into the unified universe when Nolan is done, it's only one of the members of the League, after all. But I just can't understand why Superman would need to be treated the same. It would not compromise one bit of the director's vision if Superman were to exist in a world with other heroes. By establishing Superman, you ARE acknowledging the fantastical and the impossible. It's unavoidable. So why can't he exist with Green Lantern, Flash, etc.? They don't need to cram a bunch of references and cameos to set crossovers up, if it really bothers the director/Nolan that much. I just don't see the problem there.
GreenIronBatdude - 8/12/2010, 7:28 PM
I really hope that Nolan sees that a unified DC universe is the way to go. If anything put Superman in the Justice League movie, it's a reboot so just put him in it. I would really be happy if Bale's Batman is in the Justice League movie, just have him in a small-ish part and have him be a detective and find something out that leads to the final fight in which he would be involved.
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2010, 7:48 PM
@ croach

if you read the whole article then you would see that i have a lot respect for Nolan's skills. You'll also see that i feel the same way as you when it comes to being greatful for what he's given us in the batman movies.

my problem is with the big picture. a DC universe without Superman and Batman? thats crazy. and i can't help but feel that this might happen BECAUSE of nolan. thats all i mean.

as for your comments about zack snyder? of course i don't want him to do a Superman or Batman movie. The guy is a good director when it comes to solo movies that he can pull directly from the single story, like Watchmen and 300. but he would face the same problems as any other director if he were given a movie about a character with over 50 years of backstory.

Bleedthefreak has a good point though. These movies are about superheroes. people should expect unrealistic fight scenes, when the project warrants it.
CorndogBurglar - 8/12/2010, 7:49 PM
@ tyler

I'm with you buddy. its weird. i don't see what the problem is either. why would you completely seal your movie off from interacting with a JLA movie? it just doesn't make sense. if anything, you would think that would help HIS Superman movie. people knowing that its going to be part of something bigger? but who knows, maybe thats why he doesn't like the idea. because the end result (JLA) would overshadow his Superman movie? who knows...
Gearstation - 8/12/2010, 7:50 PM
That seems a good way to go. Keep Bale's Batman the detective of the team, not the powerhouse. He's the one that figures everything out.

It seems pointless to introduce a rebooted Batman just for the sake of a JLA movie. The origin would still be the same - billionaire parents killed, trains for years in martial arts training, returns to Gotham, creates Batman Identity, befriends Gordon, takes on criminal element, bat signal, batmobile, etc... It would be the same basic character so why not use the already established movies and build on them! As for Batman Begins and TDK being grounded and realistic... well, they weren't. They were made to be believable. There's the difference. If it were realistic Batman would have died the first time he jumped off a building or when he was shot at. The tech he uses in the movie simply doesn't exist. They're believable because we buy into the character of Bruce Wayne. He was portrayed in a very human way. They just need to maintain that human connection to the movies and let the audience identify with what they are seeing onscreen. I don't want to compare, but it seems that Marvel is succeeding at this with movies that have characters with fantastic powers and abilities, but they are still regular people. Godlike power, super advanced tech and non-powered heroes are seemingly combining nicely. There is no reason WB(DC) can't be doing the same.
croach1989 - 8/12/2010, 8:13 PM
@bleedthefreak I would say for the most part you are correct. In most super hero films there is just no way you are going to get the audience to buy the reality, so why not have at it? Go crazy. Give me campy one liners, crazy action sequences, and Over the top villians. Have fun with it!

But if there ever was a character that could be set in reality it would be batman. Of course they didn't have to set it in reality, they could have easily had bats financing his battle with killer croc with his batman credit card. But by choosing to give it a realistic tone it allowed them to essentially explore the psychology of batman, which to me, I find far more fascinating and ambitious than any other dime a dozen superhero film.

I think to then introduce the Nolan batman, A fully realized character with emotional depth, into a larger universe would be a tragic mistake and completely betray the tone of what Nolan has tried to do.

I understand how what Nolan has done may not be your cup of tea and you may be pissed at him, but you can't ask a man to betray his own vision. Even if you disagree with that vision.
croach1989 - 8/12/2010, 8:29 PM
@corndogburglar I understand what you're saying a thousand percent. A DC Universe can't exist without batman or superman. I guess what I'm saying, is why does it have to? Why does a justice league movie have to be made? People are acting like it was promised in the constituion. I agree, that if the movie is to be made, It has to absolutly feature batman and superman, even if it isn't nolan's batman and superman.

I guess I'm in the drastic minority who actually prefers DC's approach over marvel's. I would rather these characters and franchise's be developed as opposed to just throwing everything in a huge pile and seeing how many movies you can make out of it.
OdinsBeard - 8/12/2010, 8:38 PM
i guess it just comes down to how you read your fiction. do you care about what's happening? why it's happening? or who it's happening too? Some people like character studies, some people like good action and chris has a good way of combining a little bit of both of those and making a fucing fantastic film. i love Nolan, I love The Prestige and the Batman films and of course Inception. Granted we havent seen superman but I think it could be a good thing that he keeps these away for the time being - and i stress for the time being. because i see where CDB is coming from. i understand the want for a unified movie-verse. but patience is a vertue.

Some thing that sometimes worries me about Marvel Studios is that they rushing things out. now i believe it can be done and be done well within the time table they've set. and with nothing to do all day except making freaking awesome movies about your own characters im sure they have plenty of time to plan things out. but sometimes there's an advantage to going second.

Even if the avengers is so big and everyone sees it, and everyone loves it, no one is going to forget about batman or superman. they will still be on the minds of the audience. Don't forget what summer '08 was like - Iron Man came out and we all hailed it as the best so far, because we knew TDK was right around the corner and was going to blow it out of the water. and imo it did. Who is to say summer 2012 won't be different? The Avengers will come out and blow every one's minds then Superman and GL2 with come out and people will be saying "captain who?"

Keep them seperate for now, learn from marvel's mistakes if and when they make them and we'll have a better product in the long run.
croach1989 - 8/12/2010, 8:39 PM
To let Christopher Nolan make his own case. When asked about a potential JLA movie and comparing it to what Marvel was trying to do, he said this

"Marvel are doing what they are doing and people will either respond to that really well or they won't. Its not something I ever applied a blanket rule to, but Marvel characters are very different to DC characters....You've got to go back to that element of 'What do I see when I close my eyes and think of Batman/Superman?' And for me a big part of that is their individuality. They are extraordinary beings in an ordinary world....they are two very different characters but theres an elemental feeling of power in the iconography of those characters. To me that's originally because they stood alone, I need to hang onto that in my imagining of them".
OdinsBeard - 8/12/2010, 8:41 PM
croach@ ^ that's the man i want making the movies i pay to go see.
marvelguy - 8/12/2010, 8:56 PM

I think 'Dark Knight' escalated the Batman property that Warner probably thinks they will give up money by mixing him elsewhere. Their back-up plan may even be that Nolan stays on to produce future Bat-movies.
Remember, what Marvel is doing is a huge experiment. Warner may be waiting them out to see how viable it is. Also, they may try to get the big three in to separate flicks to fund what will be an atrociously expensive movie with the JLA.
Last thing, I don't think Warner has retained complete rights to both Batman and Superman. Remember that everyone wanted to see Bruce Wayne on "Smallville," and it was always a property rights issue. And if you watch the show, Green Arrow started out being a very watered down Bruce Wayne.
But, good editorial in all.
Gearstation - 8/12/2010, 9:24 PM
It seems to me that the reason a lot of fans are excited about a unified Marvel movie-verse is simple - it's something new! Movies (all movies, not just CBM's) seem to have hit a point where it feels like we've seen it all. Where everything has been done a million times before. Then Marvel comes along and creates it's own studio where they are going to start making multi-million dollar films that are all inter-connected and characters can move from one film to another and that there is something larger and more important happening than just what you are watching. And the Avengers is not even supposed to be the end result, just the first linchpin to a larger, more cosmic storyline. It's different and new and hasn't been done before. Even if it eventually proves to be a failure (Not likely, but possible) at least they are taking a chance. And they'll be remembered for that. Risking it all on this ambitious project. I just wish WB/DC would do the same. Create the individual movie franchises for the characters, but leave it open for a JLA movie every now and again. Character development in their own movies, pure action in the combined ones. Take a chance WB/DC! Don't just be a follower.
DudeOfSteel16 - 8/12/2010, 9:45 PM
I think that after Nolan gets done with Batman and Superman DC should reboot all the movies and create one cinematic universe for all the JLA members and then make the JLA movie. They should definitely consider taking a page out of Marvel's playbook. @Gearstation I'm definitely agreeing with your comment.
KILLADELFIA - 8/12/2010, 9:52 PM
I am a dihard Bat-fan, but I dislike every other DC character, just not my cup o' tea, I like semi-realistic characters and stories. I don't think that the idea of a JLA movie is COMPLETELY stupid, because I understand the DC diehards, but if it includes Nolan's Batman story, Bale etc., well then, that will be just horrible, in my opinion. Nolan's Batman movies are great, the best so far, and I doubt they are topped anytime soon. They are great for their realism and the admirable way they portray Batman (THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE), Gotham and the overall story and characters that WE Bat-Fans have known and loved. Batman is totally different from every other DC character, being that he's a NORMAL man, a detective, not a super hero, and the idea that he's the only "hero"/vigilante that exists in the Nolanverse is perfect and the way it should stay. I say there is a 00.1% chance that Nolan allows this. He's a proud and extremely talented filmmaker and I'd guess that he wouldn't let some silly idea like "Justice League" taint his trilogy of dare I say? Art. I hope I'm right.
OdinsBeard - 8/12/2010, 9:53 PM
Gearstation@ great point. and i agree, im really excited to watch it and thinks it's going to be awesome. However marvel is a new studio and WB has been around since the beggining and plan on being around for a lot longer. they had a guranteed money maker on their hands each yeah with the Harry Potter franchise. and they've openly admitted that they are hoping their DC titles will now fill that gap. Harry Potter will have given them 11-12 years of profit and now that is coming to an end. it's bound to happen again and i hope what is happening is that DC is in it for the long haul. maybe they'll find a way to get 15-20 years worth out of this. they need to just take thier time, keep an eye on marvel and just concentrating on making one movie at a time and making the best it can possibly be. they've been doing it a lot longer than marvel.

and if people get tired of watching super hero movies DC will always have that trump card, in the JLA, that will bring people back. like superman in the 70's, batman in the 80's, X-Men and Spider-Man in the '00s.
Codeseven - 8/12/2010, 10:04 PM
i would like to see them use batman as "inspiration" for clark kent to become superman. sure it doesn't follow the source material but i think that it would be an amazing idea for clark to hear of a normal man fighting crime and uses that as inspiration. if they went that route then they could stay in the universe that nolan has already created in batman and move on from there.
NERO - 8/12/2010, 10:09 PM
Truthfully I think DC/WB needs to insure that Superman is included in JLA, I can't see it without him. Batman is equally essential; you need the yin and yang of the two as the moral and practical absolutes of the team respectively. I think Batman's inclusion will pose little problem as Nolan will be done with the character at that point. Superman is the bigger issue. The must be a clause in Nolan's contract that Superman be available for inclusion in JLA. If this compromise cannot be reach; as much as it pains me to say it Nolan may not be the man for the job of rebooting the big blue Boy Scout. I truly think that if he can't concede the point that Superman exists in a fantastical world that is inhabited by others like him then Nolan is simply too stubborn and inflexible to be allowed to helm the project.

That's my bottom line. Would Nolan do a great job with Supes? I think he would, but seeing that vision is not worth the cost of losing Kal El to the greater DC film universe for a decade. Other directors and writers who are more flexible or at least more open to the greater DC mythos, who would not guard "their" projects like spoiled children hording a favorite toy, should be given the task.

In a way I see this as arrogance on Nolan's part. as if he doesn't want his version of a character to be handled or dirtied by another director. He seems to forget these are DC properties not his. If DC is smart they should get assurances on the matter and if those cannot be given, then they have at least two to three years to shop elsewhere for a director with a more compatible vision. It’s not too late, but if they want a quality product they had better get off their asses soon.
naterator - 8/12/2010, 10:27 PM
carefully reading NOLANS case in not wanting to mix in...kinda makes sense in "his approach to directing these films" i dont think that hes saying that he wouldnt allow later on to have them mix or be introduced to one another but in exploring BATMAN he didnt bring in any other heroes...he focused on BATMAN because in BATMANS mind...he is one of a kind and is unaware of any other forces out there for the greater good. And i assume after thinking about it in this manner that he will take the same approack with SUPERMAN...he will focus on him and he will be the only hero "at this time" because Superman is not aware that he is not alone in the fight for the greater good.... therefore each character in essence is on his own. am i making any sense? i believe that we will see them in JLA and its quite possible that NOLAN will even direct it. I have enjoyed the NOLANVERSE because he has dug deep into who BATMAN is and i cant wait to see how he reboots the MOS. Each hero in his own world...because they are the only heroes in their own minds....but thats not to say that one day they could have that veil of ignorance removed from before them and inducted into the JLA at the end of the JLA movie since it seems that they are going with the YEAR ONE route.... im not worried... im certain that we will see the full cast in JLA. could i get some feed back on whether or not this clicks with any of you?
anonymous - 8/13/2010, 12:14 AM
Why not make the JLA movie stand alone in its own universe instead of doing like the avengers and putting all the heroes together from their own movies? That way Nolan can finish Batman and create Superman properly and we can still have Batman and Superman fit the gap for the other movies played by different actors.
LEEE777 - 8/13/2010, 1:35 AM
I think NOLAN doesn't own the DC UNIVERSE or BATMAN...

BATMAN is part of the DC UNIVERSE end of lol.
RyKnow - 8/13/2010, 1:49 AM
Just a quickie. In response to the question posed in the article headline "Is he what people really want?", just look at the box office takings, and you'll have your answer.

@ CorndogBurglar - Good article though mate, I enjoyed reading it :)

@ naterator - what you've suggested is cool and would probably work. I think WB are biding their time to see what happens with The Avengers. Despite the hype surrounding the build up and how they've cleverly interwoven the stories so far, the Avengers movie could be a total disaster. If that is the case, it'll probably mean WB won't risk a JLA film.

naterator - 8/13/2010, 1:51 AM
@LEEE777 read my comment above...let me know if you think we might just misinterpreting NOLAN....

@Gaston....thats a cool vantage point... that would be a sweet way of bringing a different origin to the JLA..
Omegatron - 8/13/2010, 5:26 AM
I say keep Nolan. As long as he can make the movies good and bring in a pile of money we will get more DC movies from different characters.
CalendarMan - 8/13/2010, 6:30 AM
the dark knight wasn't one of the greatest movies of all time for nothing...Nolan is a great visionary and his 'real' take on Batman has been a breath of fresh air to franchise that got too campy. granted he had a little help from Heath Ledger for making one of the greatest performances in screen history, but i think we are all going to be suprised by batman 3 and the superman reboot.
cadairjr05 - 8/13/2010, 7:14 AM
I can understand where Nolan is coming from, but I dont think he is working hard enough to make his take on Batman or Superman mesh together.

His take on Batman could still work if Superman just doesn't exist until a little after Batman first shows up in Gotham. Then it would still make sense for Batman to show up the way he did. Superman would still find a reason to show up--even though he is in Metropolis he is still there for the WHOLE world.

Batman (as stubborn as he is) wouldn't just let someone else protect his city--granted after THE DARK KNIGHT he realizes his city is different, and needs another kind of hero to reign in Gotham.

What makes Superman the face of the JLA, is that he is even the "super" man amongst the other heroes, not just the ordinary people.

These are key principles.
OdinsBeard - 8/13/2010, 8:05 AM

it's sort of like how Thor seems to be handling the "vault" of Odin. setting it up as something that contains many artifacts in the Marvel U that could lead to other movies. DC is set in a "multiverse" so to speak so having that as part of your story from the outset makes it a whole lot better. you sir, should be working in hollywood! that is exactly what they should do.
NightBat - 8/13/2010, 9:14 AM feel dumb for not thinking of that....GREAT idea....mulitiverse....I must now punch myself in the face a hundred times for not thinking of that....
ray243 - 8/13/2010, 1:01 PM
I don't think the reason why Nolan do not want to have other superheroes in his batman universe is due to realism.

Having other superheroes in his batman movie essentially destroy the need for Batman. Why is there a need for Batman to exist if Superman can fly all around the world in a few second, and always respond to crime before Batman does?

Why would the general public at Gotham city need to believe in Batman if there's a much better superhero that isn't hiding behind a mask?

Batman in Chris Nolan's world is special because he is the only hope Gotham have. There is simply no one else that can replace Batman in trying to clean up the streets of Gotham in Nolan's universe. That is the key point that Nolan is driving for. This is something that was mentioned by Gordon towards the end of The Dark knight.

That is the reason why it is a bad idea for other superhero to appear in Nolan's Batman universe.

XxBatmanCrusaderxX - 8/13/2010, 1:50 PM
NNOOOOOOOOOOOO are you insane! I want NOLANS movies AWAY from the DC UNIVERSE. AND YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!!!!!! Enough people KNOW BATMAN and SUPERMAN to just introduce them in the FRIKIN JLA MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XxBatmanCrusaderxX - 8/13/2010, 1:54 PM
OH AND 4 THE MORONS OUT THIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE WILL NOT!!!!!!!
AND THIERS A FRIKIN GOOD REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MJPETTY7 - 8/13/2010, 3:09 PM
Nolan's great, The Dark Knight is fantabulous. But, if he can't have Superman and Batman and the JLA in the same universe, than I don't think we should let him continue. If he keeps trying to make his Batman movies bigger and better by NOT letting DC use him in other things (Smallville, Bruce Wayne TV series, Justice League of America movie, etc.) than he should be gone. He has NO RIGHTS to Batman, DC Comics on the other hand has ALL THE RIGHTS TO BATMAN! So, not trying to be rude to Nolan, but LAY OFF!
thetrubatman14 - 8/13/2010, 3:22 PM
some ways yes, some no.
his is a realistic take on batman which is what the franchise needed.
but nolans batman is gonna end and with a bang.
then someone else will take up the batman mantle and begin on there take which might be on the realm of a justice league movie.
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