Cool It with all the Dark Knight Rises Criticism

Cool It with all the Dark Knight Rises Criticism

Fanboys have been livid over leaked pics that basically are just snippets of something much bigger. We should wait until we get more information before we judge this movie.

Editorial Opinion
By jamedog - Aug 07, 2011 12:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

To start things off, this is not one of those "I believe in Nolan" articles. Yes, Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors. I've loved everything he's made so far, and I'm very confident that The Dark Knight Rises will deliver. But nothing annoys me more than the fans with blind faith in Nolan that end all of their comments with "I believe in Nolan".

I'll admit it, I was underwhelmed when I saw the first pics of Catwoman. And yes, I wasn't impressed by Bane's voice either. This movie could very be Nolan's first dud, hell, no man is perfect. I believed that Sam Raimi would give us a great third Spider-Man movie, and I believed that Bryan Singer would deliver a great Superman movie...

So yes, Nolan could fail with TDKR, but am I condemning it yet? Not at all.

Officially, all we've seen of the movie has been two pictures and a brief trailer. As for unofficially... well, pics have been leaking almost daily from the Pittsburgh set. There has been tons of fanboy speculation and information leaks from supposed "sources" on set, but the truth is that we know very little about this movie.

What we've seen is just snippets from a much bigger picture. We've gotten word about an "Earthquake machine" and Bane feeling no pain, but all this is just hearsay. But of course, we're fans, we know all.

Fans have been complaining about Ann Hathaway's look as Catwoman, and like I said, I wasn't impressed either. There's rumors that she does have a full cat-mask in the movie, and I certainly hope those rumors are true. But lets look at why we got that picture. Firstly, I'm sure that Warner Brothers did not want to reveal a picture of Catwoman so soon, but they did. Why?

Because of us.

Catwoman was filming exterior shots, and they knew that eager fan boys would snap pictures and post them on the internet. So Warner Brothers hurried and released a picture so they could beat us to the punch. Catwoman may only look like this for one scene and have her cat-mask for the rest of the movie, but because we were stalking the set, they released a picture early to make us happy. And still we complained.

Fans are also complaining because of the scene set at Gotham City Hall, which apparently has Batman out during the day. Yes, I know Batman doesn't come out during the day, but what if it was something urgent? Something that needed Batman's presence immediately? Maybe someone Batman cared about was in trouble? Batman would be there. Batman isn't the type of character to sit around and watch something bad happen and go "Oh, too bad I can't help because the sun is out".

Also, time for a film school lesson! There's a thing called shooting day for night. It's when a scene is shot during the day, and through the magic of post production, a night filter is put on and voila! It looks like it was shot at night! Its a process done with blocking out existing light, over-exposing what light there is, etc. It's very possible that the city hall scene was being shot day for night, and if not, then oh well. Just as long as it makes sense in the movie, then I'm fine with it.

And then there's Bane. Ah Bane, yet another character causing controversy. People are complaining that he isn't big enough, that they hate his voice, etc. Now firstly, Nolan's Bat-movies are firmly planted in realism. If the Joker didn't have his skin and hair dyed by some magical appearance altering chemical, did you really think that Nolan would have a guy on a drug that makes you gain muscle mass in a period of seconds? I certainly didn't, and I still stand by my prediction that maybe he doesn't use Venom at all.

I think the approach with Bane in this is that he's more of an "anti-Batman". Bane is what would happen if Bruce stayed with the League of Shadows. Instead of being a hulking behemoth, I think Bane will instead be more of Batman's physical equal. A guy with the same muscle build, intelligence, and fighting skill. So yes, he's not a giant like in the comics, but still a scary character when you think about it.

Then there's his voice. I was present at the Stadium scene and I could barely make out what Bane was saying from where I was. What I could tell was that Tom Hardy's voice was extremely muffled by the mask as well as all of the noise pollution around him. But of course, a crappy cell phone recording leaks and fans get up in arms, complaining about how stupid Bane sounds.

Time for a film lesson kids! There's a thing called ADR, its very common on movie sets. Many times, if sound is bad on a movie, due to location or what not, the actors will be called back into a sound studio and basically re-record their dialogue for a scene. That dialogue is then re-dubbed over the existing dialogue. Now, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that all of Bane's dialogue is being re-dubbed via ADR because of the mask. I can tell you this: how Tom Hardy sounded in the stadium scene is not how he will sound in the final product. The sound in the stadium was terrible so I can almost guarantee ADR work.

So, overall, we have a year left until this movie comes out. Could it suck? Yes. But should we judge based on crappy cell phone pictures and videos? I've preached this many times in the past: fans need to cool off and wait to judge things. I remember a little movie called The Dark Knight, and how fans hated the new Joker. Fans hated the actor they cast to play the Joker and they hated how the Joker looked. Fans complained, saying how much The Dark Knight was going to suck based on what little evidence they had.

Then The Dark Knight came out, and now we say that it's the best comic book movie ever made. And that actor fans hated? He won an Oscar for his performance as the Joker. I understand why fans are so protective of their favorite characters, I really do, but there comes a time when we need to grow up and stop complaining. We'll sit there and nitpick at every little detail in a picture taken by some guy who was just hanging out watching filming, and then we sit and wonder why we can't get a date.

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95 - 8/7/2011, 1:21 PM
I agree. TDKR is definitely looking bigger, action wise. Just very curious as to this completely new take on Bane, quite strange if you ask me.
marvel72 - 8/7/2011, 1:27 PM
why? i haven't seen anything to get excited about.
BigK1337 - 8/7/2011, 2:02 PM
You have to admit, the voice for Bane is more ridiculous than Batman's voice. And as far as apperance goes for Bane, the mask and his size does not fit at all.

But hey, I chose to wait a while for the final product to come out; story fits well as far it goes with Bane, but I just hope this doesn't disappoint from alot of the fan's expectation for this movie.
BigK1337 - 8/7/2011, 2:04 PM

Yeah, it is pretty strange; story wise he is good, but seeing a small, weirdly voiced, least menancing Bane is a pretty strange portrayal to this character.

I guess we all have to wait and see how this turns out.
bigshow2312 - 8/7/2011, 2:08 PM

Whats funny but kinda corny is that no member on this site has produced a million dollar film or knows the exact pressure these thespians are put under to please us... the geeks

Theyre just pretty much talking out their asses

its like watching drunkards argue... just wait till theyre finish

Plus, I have no doubt in my mind that no matter how stupid nerds think this film is going to be, theyll more than likely go see it
Nobody thats in protest at this very moment will not skip this movie to see a pixar film...

PS: not reboot please
lets hope Warner Bros can come up with another nice check for Nolan to produce some more Batman films
bigshow2312 - 8/7/2011, 2:15 PM

@ BigK1337
You never learn, have you not seen Bane from the 90's Batman film? Anything is better!

His mask? So you rather have Bane to look like a Mexican wrestler?

Tom Hardy's voice? We havent even seen the guy in action, no... in theaters to make a final opinion, so what are you talking about? He could be an old man for all we know and the venom could be the result of the actual BANE
Hawksblueyes - 8/7/2011, 2:51 PM
What teabag said! I don't think I've ever talked negatively about any movie on this site before it was released. However, I'm about sick of people telling me how far I have to extend the benefit of the doubt to anything Batman or Nolan related. I like Batman and I am fond of Nolan's films but I have grown just about sick of the two. And to be perfectly honest, nothing we have seen about this film looks very good at all.

While I have never exorcised my right to criticize anything and everything on the site like others have done, I don't owe Nolan or the Batman anything more than any other hero or director.
JackDexx - 8/7/2011, 3:05 PM
well have you seen the stuff so far? we have reason to be skeptic. i have ever since the title was announced. Dark Knight Rises..... i'm not sure.
JackDexx - 8/7/2011, 3:08 PM
tea put in a great and correct answer... with out boobs? i never knew he had it in him.
George88 - 8/7/2011, 3:28 PM
I personally like Bane's voice. It may well be dubbed in post but its very creepy. Two other things i have to say is that it may be hard to project his voice with the mask on so may have tampered with his voice and another idea is that Nolan knew people would be filming so didn't use the voice he will use in the movie.
JackDexx - 8/7/2011, 3:39 PM
George that makes no sense what so [frick]ing ever. he knew people would be filming so he thought he'd through them off by [frick]ing it up?
gamecreatorjj - 8/7/2011, 3:58 PM
ramai should have made a good spiderman 3, but the studio said that he had to do venom, he didnt want to do venom, so about have of the film was scrapped for the symbiote story
superbatspiderman - 8/7/2011, 4:29 PM
I can almost guarantee that they will make bane bigger than Batman somehow and change the voice to sound more menacing. Hardy will rock this role like Heath Ledger did in the last film. I am getting kind of tired of saying nolan knows what he is doing but I can't emphasize that enough. Even Gary Oldman said himself that the story is fantatic and, would Gary Oldman lie to us?
Frogman - 8/7/2011, 4:39 PM
Its the same with all films. It was exactly the same with The Amazing Spider-Man and people are coming around to that now.
Frogman - 8/7/2011, 4:41 PM that we have seen actual footage and images rather than tow teaser images and set photos/footage
goatmilk - 8/7/2011, 5:04 PM
The worst thing going on in these comment sections isn't just the whining and nitpicking about totally out of context details of a movie that's still a year away from being released, it's the fact that a lot of these comments are being based around a guys body size. We're starting to sound like a bunch of jocks! 'Oh man Tom Hardy sucks, there's a guy at my gym way bigger than him blah blah blah.' WTF does some guy at your gym have to do with anything? I agree fully with this article that the fans are to blame for all this so far. It totally sucks that they can't film a single scene for this movie without cell phone pictures and recordings leaking and I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to be involved with trying to create something under such close scrutiny.
Batfan8675309 - 8/7/2011, 5:57 PM
Wow! You people are incredible, the movie is still be filmed and already everyones a critic. Slow your role and wait till the movie comes out. Regardless of what pics or video that are out there, you all now your going to go see it anyway. it's either going going to be better that TDK or the next spiderman 3 (horrible).
nocoolname - 8/7/2011, 6:42 PM
Bottom line: people have the right to say what the want, whether its a critique or defense of what we've seen so far. If someone wants to get hot and bothered about Bane's size/voice, Catwoman's outfit, etc., let 'em. And whether you like the film so far or not, I guarantee one thing: all of you (and I) will still be in line to see it when it comes out.
AIG23 - 8/7/2011, 8:20 PM
For all those people who are picking at videos and whatnot that have been shown for the next nolan film dark knight rises - take a second to realize that the people who posted these vids and sound on youtube did so ILLEGALLY, because each and EVERY person who entered the stadium had to sign a release form which states that they are not to reveal ANYTHING about the film whatsoever. If there is one complaint I have -- it is that the people who are trying to get pics and vid of early footage from this film. STOP RUINING THE FUN before the movie has even come out!!!! We live in a 'I have to have it right now' type of society and if we had any patience at all we would realize that all the scenes you have seen thus far will be digitally altered there is absolutely 100 percent a GUARANTEE on that one - you can take it to the BANK (in other words it will look NOTHING like it appears on youtube ). Now that we have these early youtube shots of the film -- let me say that I BELIEVE in BANE and I think BANE will be EVEN BETTER THAN THE JOKER. AND THIS FILM WILL BE EPIC. Thomas Tull does films BIG.
BigK1337 - 8/7/2011, 8:55 PM

Dude, thats my first opinion of him in terms of apperance and mannerism; my final thoughts on the character will be when the movie comes out.

Didn't you concider that I might save my final thoughts till after the release of the movie?

Now as for Bane, he is pretty much a Mexican wrestler concidering his Hispanic background and costume in the comics.
dqc3613 - 8/7/2011, 9:12 PM
Quick thought about the criticism on Bane's voice. People should realize that what we're hearing, won't be the same after the audio goes through post-production. Let's just cool it and excited....but let's keep our heads.

Nolan has not failed, BUT it will be difficult to keep the standard of the first two films. But if anyone can do's Nolan and the screenwriting team. :)
WellShit - 8/7/2011, 9:46 PM
@HailToTheKingBaby you're talking outof your ass because Tom hardy is easily 6 ft or taller and if you think he's "[frick]ing" small that just shows how little you know about him. Look up the trailer to Bronson and proceed to feel like a dumbass. The guy is ripped and intimidating, people don't get that nolans batman is a noir vision and not a comic book/outlandish vision. And your comment about Nolan "getting careless" is just bull. What, if any of us, knows in detail exactly what he's doing in this film? A few pics and all of a sudden he's getting careless really? Way to jump to conclusion man really.
logunvadercap - 8/7/2011, 10:22 PM
stop the crying you little dc puss. sorry MARVEL rules!
VicSage - 8/8/2011, 12:01 AM
VicSage - 8/8/2011, 12:05 AM
could you imagine if a stormtrooper extra on set leaked a video of Prowse with this voice on his cellphone. Many of you would've tried to boycott one of the greatest gifts to cinema of all time. There's no way Nolan is going to keep Tom Hardy's voice as is on the film. Hardy MAY use the same old, dying man with an accent as his voice. But I guarantee you it will be clearer and more defined. You MAY end up liking it.

In FACT, during most action sequences for movies, ADR is used because you can't hear the actors/actresses over all the explosions, guns, etc. going off on set. I say reserve judgement until an official trailer.
WireySpindell - 8/8/2011, 1:04 AM
You are 100% right in everything you have said.

Still, fanboys are fanboys, and they're going to freakout and react (usually negatively) to every little out of context detail. It's just the natural order of the universe.

Luckily, guys like Nolan are champs and aren't affected by the noise. Those same guys who are dissing TDKR/TDK/Captain Americas costume/RDJ as Iron Man will still be there on opening night, and still be the biggest supporters if the film is good.

So I guess accepting their diva freakouts is part of the deal.
GillytheKid33 - 8/8/2011, 2:14 AM
Just wait and see fellas. Time will tell. Cant judge this film on set pics and videos take with an iphone 50 feet from the set. The only reason were getting so much leaked footage is because we live in a day and age where everyone has a camera and video recorder on their phone. The buzz for this movie has sky rocketed into one of the most anticipated films ever and I'm not saying that just to start up a fight I'm saying that because its true. Yes The Avengers is right up there but lets be honest Nolans popularity went through the roof with TDK and then he came back with Inception. People tend to forget about the other great films he's made. All story driven. If nothing else at least expect a story that you wished you could have come up with. I'm not worried what so ever for this film. Nolan has proven he knows how to tell a story and to make it into a damn good movie at that. So relax, kick back, and wait a year because on July 20th 2012 were all going to have to bring extra underwear to the movie.
charlieboymufc - 8/8/2011, 4:23 AM
I agree, everyone is moaning over stupid little things
Deathstrike - 8/8/2011, 6:27 AM
jjmeylar - 8/8/2011, 6:54 AM
He didn't win the Oscar! He was only nominated! He also sucked as the Joker. I agree with you on your view of what Bane will be. I think that it will be an interesting change, but I'm not sure that I will really love it. As for the whole "wonder why we can't get a date" part? I'm in a committed relationship and will marry her after I finish college.
GothamKnight - 8/8/2011, 7:33 AM
@JJ Ledger DID win for best supporting actor.
TheLoveDoc - 8/8/2011, 9:18 AM
I haven't been on this site long, but I easily came to realize you don't like the Batman movies. So why don't you just leave it alone. As an actor myself, I know that nothing is ever as the original. This movie has 250 million to use. Don't sh*t yourself over live and uncut production.
TheLoveDoc - 8/8/2011, 9:21 AM
HE did not suck as the Joker. HE played it the way Nolan told him to, it's not that hard to realize. If you have any problem you should be mad at Nolan. Heath did a superb job at playing NOLAN'S Joker...but he was never meant to play a comic Joker. And Heath did win many awards.

CapFan79 - 8/8/2011, 9:27 AM
I'm with Teabag!

I loved Batman Begins. I made people go see it who were totally indifferent to Batman at that time due to B&R. I loved TDK too, but is was too "real" IMO. I loved that BB had Arkham Asylum and a more comic booky villainous plot. TDK is still a 4 star film no doubt, but I miss the sort of gothic atmosphere.

I do have faith in Nolan since I was a huge Memento fan and I like Inception and thought The Prestige was pretty good too.

Nonetheless I am not enthused so far with Bane and especially Catwoman. I think he's going even mre "real" than TDK. More daytime scenes, overly practical etc.

We shall see. I can't wait for a real trailer!
TheLoveDoc - 8/8/2011, 9:39 AM
lol. We can't let Batman pull a Green Lantern. Hopefully he pulls up the grittiness of BB into TDKR.
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