Will Batman Die at the End of TDKR

Will Batman Die at the End of TDKR

Yes, it's been debated to death already. But Jamedog had to come out of Editorial retirement to throw his hat into the ring.

Editorial Opinion
By jamedog - Dec 21, 2011 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman

Hello CBM! Jamedog here! I have returned from a self imposed exile to comment on one of my favorite things...


First off, most of you probably don't even remember my posts, which is all good. I was regularly posting editorials up here for most of the year, but then things in my life got kinda crazy. Add in my increasing annoyance at the stupidity of most of the users of this website, and I decided to take a break for a while.

But I've been wanting to post up my thoughts on this subject for a while. My friends and I have been debating over this ever since the first trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES hit. I'm sure there has already been multiple editorials on this subject on this site (and I've read a couple on other sites), so I decided to toss in my two cents.

Will Batman die in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES?

It seems to be a favorite conversation topic amongst geeks. There are a million reasons Nolan could kill Batman, there's also a million reasons they could keep him alive. A popular argument against killing Batman is that WB wouldn't let Nolan do it. Batman has been a huge cash-cow for WB and they want to keep him around for more movies, blah, blah, blah. While this would be valid for other superhero franchises, I don't think you can really use this as an argument for not killing Batman.

Nolan has WB by the balls. It's that simple. He's made them so much money that they will let him do whatever he wants because they're confident in him delivering. So, if Nolan wants to kill Batman, he can go ahead and do it without any pressure from the studio. Also, its a well known fact that WB already wants to reboot the Batman franchise after Nolan finishes. So, if WB is indeed hitting the reset button, that means that Nolan can in fact do whatever the hell he pleases with this, seeing how everything will be returned to status quo next movie.

So yes, the odds are in favor of Batman dying. Another popular theory is the one centering around the character of John Blake. The theory is that at the end of TDKR, Batman will die saving Gotham, but not before passing his mantle onto John Blake, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. While I like this theory a lot, I would have to say it won't happen simply because it seems to obvious. Nolan likes surprising his audiences, and I'm sure that if he wanted to end his epic trilogy, he wouldn't go with the most obvious ending he could find.

I do have a theory of my own.

First off, let me say that WB and Nolan are doing an excellent job of making you think that Batman will die in TDKR. Both trailers openly state that this is the end of the series, both Nolan and Bale have been saying this is the end, and just look at the newest poster. All signs point that something big is happening to Batman, and of course everyone is assuming that he'll be joining his parents in the big Batcave in the sky. We all think Batman will die at the end because WB and Nolan want us to think that he's going to die. It's an excellent way to build tension and make you fear for the character, months before the movie even comes out. But here's my theory...

Bruce Wayne dies. Batman lives.

At first, this seems like the aforementioned "John Blake becoming Batman" theory, and its a slight variation on it. What I'm saying is that by the end of TDKR, Batman will shed his Bruce Wayne persona entirely and give himself entirely to the Batman persona. If you look, it's been planted throughout both previous movies.

"As a man, I'm flesh and blood. I can be destroyed, I can be ignored. But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting."

"I'm not sure that there will ever be a time that YOU don't need Batman"

"This is your mask. Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved. The man I lost. He never came back."

"You're getting lost inside this monster of yours!"

Now, let's look at the newest trailer. We see Bane telling a beaten and bloody Bruce Wayne that when Gotham is ashes, he has his permission to die. Bruce Wayne, not Batman.

My theory is that Bane attacks Batman at his most vulnerable: Bruce Wayne. If you also take in the "Miranda Tate is really Talia" theory as well, this means that Talia was posing as Tate in order to get close and gain his trust, just for Bane to strike when Bruce least suspects it. But being caught unawares won't be the thing that makes Bruce give himself fully to the darkness.

It will be Alfred dying.

During the attack on Wayne, Alfred will die. As we've seen in the previous movies, Alfred was very much the angel on Bruce's shoulder, keeping him from "getting lost in his monster". With Alfred's death, Bruce will lose that final link to his human side, to his parents. Now, Bruce only has one thing...


After recovering from whatever injuries he receives at the hands of Bane, Batman will come back and help Gotham take control. But even with the threat of Bane extinguished, Bruce will find that he can't stop his battle for Gotham because it's all he has now. Hell, the movie may even have him do something like fake his death as Bruce Wayne or something just to prove that he is only Batman now. However it happens, Bruce will find himself as Batman and forsake his public persona forever. Just like in INCEPTION, where we wonder if Cobb is still dreaming or not, we will wonder if Bruce will ever go back to his old life.

You can even throw in the "John Blake as the new Batman" theory and have it that Bruce takes him under his wing at the end, to carry on his legacy once his quest for justice gets the best of him.

I said it in a previous article, but in TDKR, Gotham will prove that it doesn't need Batman, but Bruce Wayne will realize that he will always need Batman.

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SigmaCenturion - 12/21/2011, 3:44 PM
Nolanites might lol
joeker - 12/21/2011, 3:44 PM
very good article i have said before that one 'persona' will die, but i believe they could kill off batman if they wanted NOT to say they will but if they wanted they could beacuse a movie studio is still a business so if they have to which they will is Reboot it & start again with a shared continuity with other DC films & cash in what MARVEL are doing so new & old fans cann have a tease at a possible JLA movie .I would prefer the INCEPTION ending as you said of wondering if bruce will return or not
MovieMaster - 12/21/2011, 3:46 PM
Pretty good theory dude. But if it ended that way, it would leave it open for sequels. There's a rumor that Gotham is destroyed at the end of the movie and if Bane reveals Batman's identity and Batman stays in Gotham then they'd all assume that they both died. But he could secretly survive, devoting his entire life to Batman. I thought of a more depressing way to end the trilogy. It would put an end to sequels altogether and cements Batman's status as a legend and anybody can take up the mantle. Bruce realises he can't live without Batman so he simply:

Kills himself.
joeker - 12/21/2011, 3:50 PM
or Bruce can get laid & realise WTF has he done with himself & then just blow his money on crack & whores the end.
SigmaCenturion - 12/21/2011, 3:52 PM
After the credits Batman Beyond teaser would be pretty sweet.
lnTylerWeTrust - 12/21/2011, 5:12 PM
No Batman will not die, not even Nolan has the balls to kill him
golden123 - 12/21/2011, 5:56 PM
Ummmm....Why would Nolan kill Batman? I'm not disagreeing with you that the gate is open for Batman to die, but you weren't able to explain why Nolan WOULD kill off Batman. You even say, "So yes, the odds are in favor of Batman dying", yet you don't prove that. You just say stuff about Nolan having WB by the balls. What would be Nolans reasoning for filming "the death of Batman" other than having the ability too and this being the end. I think you just want Batman to die, and it's making you think that it's obvious when it really isn't. It's a possibility, but it's no where near a logical assumption based on what we know.
golden123 - 12/21/2011, 5:56 PM
Welcome back, by the way. I remember your editorials.
headlopper - 12/21/2011, 6:18 PM
@SigmaCenturion- Perfect.
superbatspiderman - 12/21/2011, 6:34 PM
I don't think Batman will die that would not end well for the audience. No one has the balls to kill off Batman.

Off topic, has anyone ever commented on a video of the guy who used to be on this site cgblade? He is a frickin loon who all he does is rant about how bad Nolan is and whenever you defend Nolan all he does is insult you. His youtube name is Movieworldexpress if you want to see.
MoonDoggyX - 12/21/2011, 7:44 PM
I don}t think he will die. Its already been done in V for Vendetta...
RunDTC - 12/21/2011, 8:20 PM
@SUPERBATSPIDERMAN: I just found his page. I'd bet anything he:

has no friends.
is a virgin.
lives in his mom's basement.
has no friends.
has an I.Q. of a 6 year-old.
did I mention no friends?
superbatspiderman - 12/21/2011, 8:57 PM
@RunDTC - I know right. He is a crazy troll with no life.
RunDTC - 12/21/2011, 9:17 PM
@SUPERBATSPIDERMAN: here's what's weird...well, one of the many weird things about him. I watched one (and a half) of his posted videos. in the one I watched fully, he said [frick] like a dozen times. he said it again and said "pardon my French"...I think he may have some rare mix of being retarded/OCD/ADD/MPD all at the same time.
superbatspiderman - 12/21/2011, 9:48 PM
@RunDTC - Yeah he cusses a lot especially when he is insulting people who disagree with him. In one of his videos he bashes this website and refers to us as a "Hitler website full of Nolanites." I sent him a message on Youtube and gave him a piece of my mind. Trolls these days...
RunDTC - 12/21/2011, 9:59 PM
^that was the one I watched. he dissed CBM and IMDb
Supes17 - 12/21/2011, 10:45 PM
Let's bash the troll on youtube. No one shits on this site and gets away with it!
But seriously that bitch made a new record. his ass got over 60 reports
MovieMaster - 12/22/2011, 1:24 AM
Yay, Cgblade trashing time! I wanna join in!
MovieMaster - 12/22/2011, 1:33 AM
He was undoubtedly the biggest retard I've ever seen on here. I actully want him to come back so we can trash him lol
TheFireRisesss - 12/22/2011, 5:18 AM
Tetsuo - 12/22/2011, 5:28 AM
a good idea to mention the joker and end the series with som *bang*:

after batman was beaten once (by bane)
alfred shows bruce a tape frome the interrogation with the joker.

Alfred: "he was right...to save both of them..you have to break your one rule"

Bruce: "i couldn't save neither Rachel nor Harvey..."

Alfred: "... i meant the city....the city and you master wayne"

so at the end of the movie.. batman kills bane.. maybe in the batcave and dies too

AC1 - 12/22/2011, 7:18 AM
Great article, and that's pretty much what happens in The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. Alfred dies, Bruce fakes his death, and buries Alfred in "Bruce Wayne's" coffin/grave. It even involves Batman coming out of retirement after a long absence, and if we're to believe what we think we know so far, Bruce supposedly retired as Batman during the 8 years between TDK and TDKR, and this is his comeback.

Also, coming from what @Tetsuo was saying, perhaps something like that works as the catalyst for Batman shedding the Bruce persona. Perhaps he breaks his rule, and does kill Bane. After committing this act, he can't go back to being Bruce; breaking the rule has distanced himself from humanity, and he now solely sees himself as Batman. He could even end up turning Wayne Manor into some sort of an extension to the Batcave. Of course, he'd need allies in the outside world to help him in this, what with the legal ramifications of faking your own death, so I'm guessing Gordon fakes all the legal stuff, Lucius sorts out his Batman funding and takes control of Wayne Enterprises full time, and if Alfred survives, perhaps he's the public cover story for who's now living in Wayne Manor.
CorndogBurglar - 12/22/2011, 8:52 AM
Right, Batman dies in a movie called "The Dark Knight RISES".

How does that make any sense? It will end with Batman fully accepting his role as Batman.

In Begins we saw him train and become Batman, but he very obviously was not ready for what that meant.

In TDK we saw him lose his dearest and oldest friend/love, Rachel, which made him question his role and almost give it up.

In TDKR we'll see him realize that Gotham will always need Batman, and he'll come to terms with that.

Come on now, its pretty obvious.
CorndogBurglar - 12/22/2011, 8:54 AM
@ teabag

"Also the meaning at the end of Inception isnt wether he is dreaming or not...its that he doesnt care anymore :)"

Thank you...so many people missed the entire point of that movie that its ridiculous.
superbatspiderman - 12/22/2011, 9:56 AM
Yeah Cgblade is a moron. We should all go to his videos and bash him cuz he is so dumb. He kind of already blocked me from commenting on his videos tho because he is a pussy.

Batman is not going to die in the Dark Knight Rises tho.
headlopper - 12/22/2011, 11:12 AM
Batman dies. Talia puts him in a Lazarus pit. He then marries her, goes back to Gotham , opens a pawn shop , gets fat, almost has a heart attack, has an epiphany, gets back in shape and becomes a elevator repair mechanic- hence the "Rising". Idiots.
TheLoveDoc - 12/22/2011, 12:32 PM
It is called TDKR, but he can still save Gotham and die. The objective of the movie is to redeem the symbol of Batman...not live. And the trailers state that TDKR rises is the conclusion, not 'Batman will die'. So, it could go either way. More or less, Nolan will pull something on us,just as he did at the end of TDK.
TheNameIsBetty - 12/22/2011, 1:19 PM
TDKR better be like a 3-4 hour movie, or all the epicness won't matter :P
Moonwalker1991 - 12/22/2011, 1:30 PM
Just making a point to the idiots that think Batman is going to die in TDKR. Besides the fact that I will be ticked if it does happen, doubtful, but I highly doubt the purpose of having him RISE would be to kill him off. Makes no damn sense.
ellispart3 - 12/22/2011, 2:03 PM
I feel the movie will simply expand on the title; Batman Begins is...the beginning of the batman story. The Dark Knight ends with him become a fugitive, Dent is the "White Knight" leaving Batman to fill the role of the "Dark Knight". The Dark Knight Rises simply feels like he is returning after 8 years of either being in hiding or fighting crime while being viewed as a true criminal himself. The later is what i would love to see, a 8 year battled hardened Batman at his prime, going against a foe that can match, and beat him.

i doubt batman will die. And bruce wayne is still needed (gotta get the cool bat tech somewhere). It is simply a return of a superhero to his mantle as the protector of Gotham, and the positive symbol (the white knight).
patriautism - 12/22/2011, 11:24 PM
"you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
superbatspiderman - 12/23/2011, 8:22 AM
Lol that is hilarious. ^^^
MovieMaster - 12/23/2011, 2:32 PM
jbak368 - 12/24/2011, 6:22 AM
I think Batman dies, Bruce Wayne lives. For Bruce's character arc to come full circle from the other films he needs to let go of his mask and realize that Bruce Wayne can be Gotham's White Knight. Batman may be the hero Gotham deserves, but there is no reason Bruce Wayne can't be the hero it needs.
WhySoSerious22 - 12/28/2011, 9:53 AM
I like you theory. It is actually the best i've red and everything you say makes sense. I personally think that Bane is going to destroy the Batman and that Talia is gonna destroy Bruce Wayne then he will have no choice and he'll have to give up.
I would also love to see John Blake take Bruce's responsibility am become the new batman
slagathor - 1/31/2012, 4:41 PM
i think batman is going to die about mid way thought the movie. i mean in the since bruce gives up being batman because he loses the will to save gotham, here why. in the batman comic knightfall where bane is first shows up he blows up the arkham asylems wall braking everyone out. then after batman wears him self out bane fights him in the batcave braking his back. after he gets his back broken he loses his will to fight and gets very close to dying and gives up being batman. and all of this is strongly hinted at in the trailers, so i think it is safe to think the movie will fallow the comic preety closly. that being said im sure nolan has some twist that no one will see coming and of course bruce become batman once more to save gotham. atleast that what i think will happen
Sallie - 5/21/2012, 9:12 PM
Dannnnggg, that was deep. I don't want Alfred to die, but I think it's going to happen. That'll for sure push Bats over the edge. But I like to think that they'll shed the Bruce persona, and leave Batman to be Batman. Gotham needs a Batman. But I don't see how they can't include Bane braking Batman's back over his knee out of the movie, cause it's such a big deal in the comic.
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