"What Did I Just See?": BVS: Dawn of Justice Comic Con Trailer

"What Did I Just See?": BVS: Dawn of Justice Comic Con Trailer

I breakdown the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic Con trailer. It's full of easter eggs and just an overall awesome trailer. Click the jump to nerd out!

Editorial Opinion
By caseyhaney - Jul 12, 2015 12:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman vs. Superman
Source: slackernerds.com

This trailer was at the top of my list for most anticipated moments for Comic Con this year. As you may know by now, I am a huge Batman fanatic. I live and breath Batman. That being said, I was more than a little pumped when watching this trailer the now 15,000 times that I have. This trailer was simply magnificent in every way so, this installment of “What Did I Just See?” is going to be a little different. I would usually talk about “What Didn’t Work?” but seeing how this trailer was just a nonstop powerhouse of awesomeness, I am going to skip that segment and simply list “What Did Work?” I am also going to talk about some speculations and things you may have missed in the trailer, and what some things in the trailer could allude to. So, lets put on our cowls and breakdown this spectacular trailer!

What Worked?

Holding Superman Accountable

We’ve known for some time that the world will hold Superman accountable for the hundreds of deaths that were a direct cause of his fight with Zod. It’s a great way to open up this trailer at the courthouse where Superman is being tried by a committee. It shows that the world does not yet stand in solidarity with heroes, and most of all, Superman. It gives a great sense of why not only Batman, but the entire world, sees Superman as a threat, and to some degree, a murderer.

Deaths for Batman

We know that Batman has been out of commission for a while and that he’s seen his share of devastation. However, the deaths of his employees, or “family”, and his inability to save them or protect them during Superman’s battle are a great way to motivate Bruce to suit up once more. We know that the driving force for Batman’s crusade is to save those who can’t protect themselves, and to avenge those who have died at the hands of criminals, like his parents who get a nice little scene in this trailer, or Jason Todd whose Robin outfit we see (more on him in the speculation area). Now that Batman has had his family hurt once more, the flames of rage are burning once more.

Jeremy [frick]ing Irons

There is no one else that could deliver the lines he has with the same amount of gravitas and precision as he does. With a Batman as badass and rage-filled as this one, we needed an Alfred who could contend emotionally with him. Jeremy Irons is the only one that can believably stand up to Batman and tell him like it is. Also, his look is so great. He looks like an old spy who still has that fire burning in him, but with much more wisdom. I can’t wait to see and hear the dialogue between he and Ben Affleck.

Lex Zuckerberg

Even though I wish Lex was a tad bigger, I am totally sold on Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal of Lex Luthor. He is cocky and deceitful just like how his character should be. He is surprisingly compelling as a formidable foe. There is the obvious brain vs. brawn matchup between he and Superman brewing here. This makes me very excited. Also, he has hair in this trailer, so he will presumably lose it as a plot point, and I’m totally ok with that because that has been done successfully in the past.

Wonder Woman

My doubts of Gal Gadot are gone. She gives off a very good vibe. When fighting she has a smirk like Diana should have. She is obviously up against a formidable opponent, and Wonder Woman always loves a good battle. She looks like, even though she is taking this seriously, she is enjoying a good fight. Also, I’m so glad that she and Batman know each other’s secret identities and that they seem to be a bit flirtatious together. I hope this is a sign that perhaps they will have a bit of a romance, much like in the Justice League animated show. She also looks believable as this strong powerful woman. Many complained that she was too skinny, but she seems very fit and ready for battle in this trailer.

The Batman

I call him The Batman because he is certainly a figure of justice that deserves the “The.” Ben Affleck is [frick]ing killing it in this role as not only The Batman, but as Bruce Wayne as well. He is creating a blend of both personas that mixes extremely well, while also making it believable and understandable that they are both two masks he wears at different times. His motivations, as I touched on above, are great ways to set up the pure rage that is boiling beneath the surface. I love how Ben Affleck is literally trembling with anger throughout this trailer as well. You can see this rage not only in his demeanor, but his eyes as well. When he is watching the devastation of Metropolis, as well as describing Superman’s abilities, you can see the seriousness, sadness, and rage. He is also very agile which has been a problem in the past Batman movies. While being agile, he is also HUGE in stature and extremely demanding whenever he is seen. Ben Affleck is the truest Batman we have ever seen. He embodies all of the physical elements that Batman has, as well as the emotions that come with living under the cowl.


Many people shit on DC for being so dark. I think it’s not only smart for them to embrace this tone as a great way to separate themselves from Marvel, but it's wise of them to stick more closely to the source material they have chosen. There are many incarnations of these characters and they have stated which comics are influencing them. Why would they draw inspiration from the Dark Knight Returns, and then make a movie full of jokes and lightheartedness? It wouldn’t make sense, and would in turn make the film a mess. I applaud them for embracing the source material they are drawing inspiration from, and they are doing a great job capturing the feel of these comics.


This trailer is beautiful. The interspliced shots, establishing shots, close-ups, action shots, etc. They are all done with grace and precision. I loved seeing Superman shoot his heat vision then cut to Batman dodging heat vision (although I don’t believe it is Superman shooting at him). The shots help establish and convey all of what is being said as well as add tidbits of information not being talked about. For instance, my comment about Diana enjoying the battle was in part due to the close-up on her as she is thrown into a wall. The trembling I noticed in Ben Affleck was also in part due to the close-up shots that let us be able to observe these minor details that only further enhance our experience and understanding of the trailer.


Jason Todd

Seeing Jason Todd’s Robin suit with a message from the Joker left behind on it is an obvious indication that he was murdered by the Joker. However, I think that they aren’t just putting this in there for mere dramatic effect. I think this is foreshadowing the events of the upcoming solo Batman film where Jason Todd comes back as the Red Hood. I also think that the staff he is holding is indeed a staff that Jason Todd used. Although it may not look like a traditional staff, it would make sense that perhaps they created a staff with some modifications. I think this is actually what we see Batman holding in the previous trailer, and what he uses to inject kryptonite into Superman with. I also think that he chooses this weapon as a means of motivation and as a reminder that he sees Superman in a similar light to the Joker at this point. He uses this staff because it is that of a fallen comrade taken from him by someone he deems to be a criminal. Superman has already killed his employees that are described as being his family, so it would make sense that he’s using one of his “family” members signature weapon to defeat an enemy that has taken what he holds closest to him.

Joker Knows Everything

It’s very suspicious that the Joker is presumably sending Batman mail directly, and calling him out for letting his family die. His note also serves as a nice poke at the death of Jason Todd at his hands. I’m assuming that during one of their previous altercations, Batman either revealed his alter ego, or it was uncovered by the Joker during the interrogation and torture of Jason Todd. I don’t quite know how or why the Joker knows who The Batman is, but it’s a very interesting dynamic that we haven’t seen before.

The Pockocmoc Satellite

I had brought this up in my review for the first trailer, but we get to see an extended look at the Pockocmoc satellite launch. I am still convinced it is some form of threat that Superman deters as a means of winning over the trust of the American military. It is clearly Russian, but this time the labelling has been removed from the satellite itself. It still bears the Russian flag, and could be a bit of foreshadowing to a larger conflict that will soon involve all of the heroes.


A lot of people are calling out Batman’s obvious necksnap during the desert scene. Many don’t believe it is Batman considering he doesn’t kill people. I am wondering if these “Super Soldiers” are actually people. I’m thinking they might not be. Knowing that Lex will be using Zod’s DNA for something nefarious, and having billions of dollars at his disposal, it would make sense that perhaps Lex has created some sort of humanoid robot squadron. Now here me out. Zack Snyder admitted that Metallo was in the first draft for the film, but was later cut. Metallo is a humanoid robot with the mind of a man and powered by kryptonite. I don’t think its that farfetched to believe that Luthor has created a small scale squadron of androids to battle Superman, in place of Metallo. They can in fact serve as a precursor to the introduction of Metallo. Also, it is suspicious that we never see any skin, or any of the soldiers faces. So, with all of that said, perhaps Batman knows they aren’t human, and is then using lethal tactics in hopes of destroying them.

Doomsday Is Upon Us

From Luthor getting Kryptonite, Zod’s body, and being an all-around maniacal asshole, I think it is obvious that he creates Doomsday. We also see Lexcorps destroyed, as if something escaped, hence all of the bullets on the ground as Luthor walks through the facility. Also, we see a scene with massive devastation and fire as the Batwing flies overhead. As stated before, we see Superman using his heat vision, which he only does in extreme cases. I doubt very much so that he’s using it towards Batman. Also, Wonder Woman wouldn’t fight Superman as she is descibed as the gateway drug to the Justice League, which insinuates she is the uniting force that brings both heroes together. So if she isn’t fighting Superman, or Batman, she must be fighting someone very strong as she is seen being thrown into a wall, and using a powerful attack. I just hope we get to see this big grey son-of-a-bitch soon!

Overall Assessment

This trailer [frick]ing delivered. It gave me more of the story, it conveyed tone, it showed character motivation, and established an overall sense of understanding of the conflict. It kicked major ass all around.

Score: 10/10

If you’ve stuck around this long to read my huge in depth nerdgasm, I thank you! Please be sure to let me know what you all thought in the comments below and let’s start a conversation. What did you think of the trailer? Were you as impressed and blown away as me? Or did you [frick]ing hate it? As always, please follow me on Twitter @HaneyCasey, check me out on MoviePilot.com/HaneyCasey, and check out my own website at SlackerNerds.com.

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ThedamnBatman - 7/12/2015, 1:17 AM
Thanks for actually writing an article, I was excpecting another poorly done youtube video again.

Yep, so fvcking excited for this, I just had reservations on Jesse Eisenberg, but the trailer completelly sold me on him!

Also, am I the only one that thinks Jeremy Irons looks a lot like an old Robert Downey Jr. here? lol
caseyhaney - 7/12/2015, 2:05 AM
I've been seeing those videos everywhere too. I thought he looked a bit like RDJ too.
kong - 7/12/2015, 2:20 AM
"I’m thinking they might not be. Knowing that Lex will be using Zod’s DNA for something nefarious, and having billions of dollars at his disposal, it would make sense that perhaps Lex has created some sort of humanoid robot squadron. Now here me out. Zack Snyder admitted that Metallo was in the first draft for the film, but was later cut...I don’t think its that farfetched to believe that Luthor has created a small scale squadron of androids to battle Superman, in place of Metallo...it is suspicious that we never see any skin, or any of the soldiers faces."

I don't agree with this at all. Frankly it doesn't make much sense to me. Why would he use DNA to make robots? And if they had Zod's DNA why would they be using guns instead of their superpowers? Also Zack Snyder didn't say he was in the first draft, but said that the people over at WB thought that's where they were going to go before deciding on Batman v Superman.

"It’s very suspicious that the Joker is presumably sending Batman mail directly, and calling him out for letting his family die. His note also serves as a nice poke at the death of Jason Todd at his hands. I’m assuming that during one of their previous altercations, Batman either revealed his alter ego, or it was uncovered by the Joker during the interrogation and torture of Jason Todd. I don’t quite know how or why the Joker knows who The Batman is, but it’s a very interesting dynamic that we haven’t seen before."

This is why I don't buy that this is from the Joker. Why would the Joker even want to know who Batman is. Time and time again in the comics he's stated that it wouldn't be "as fun" if he knew. It seems like a message from Jason Todd/Red Hood. Not only because he did it in Red, but because saying "You let your family die" could be a serious double entendre that seems like something Jason would send to Bruce. Not only doe he mean that Bruce let his Wayne Financial family die, but he also let his mother and father die, and Jason.
Klone - 7/12/2015, 3:03 AM
Zod being the catalyst for creating Doomsday is a fine idea. There are many fine ideas. I recall the notion about a year ago that kryptonite would be the result of the WE's failure when changing Earth's structure, and now that seems to be true. Simply the execution. Seems to have too much in common with what made MoS bad, marring its quality. Still, the plethora of DC references was nice enough. Appears to be an improvement in a sense yet it seems likely the exact thing that befalled MoS will befall this too.
Klone - 7/12/2015, 3:10 AM
If Doomsday leads to the creation of the JL by defeating Superman in this film and leaving the rest to realise his actual importance and scramble to combat it, another fine idea they've had.
CherryBomb - 7/12/2015, 3:57 AM
Awesome article,
Gal looked amazing as Wonder Woman. The costume works so well and just by her body language and facial expressions alone she seems like a confident, graceful and passionate warrior.

- no mention of Mercy Graves?! She's a minor character but it was nice to see her in a few scenes!
caseyhaney - 7/12/2015, 4:11 AM
I almost mentioned Mercy, but to be honest, she just didn't catch my attention at first. I didn't even really notice her until like my 10th viewing.
SimplyAz - 7/12/2015, 5:06 AM
Good article, thanks for writing it.

I loved the trailer and I think the film looked beautiful.
It was great to see Superman, Batman and Wonder WOman in a live action film trailer I cannot wait, especially as I loved MOS.

Suprised by batmans agility in the movie though.

RextheKing - 7/12/2015, 8:07 AM
I got to say, the trailer blew me the [frick] away. I wasn't expecting that to look this good, but hoped and it's looking like DC is delivering.
BlackIceJoe - 7/12/2015, 8:08 AM
I'm not sure anymore if the newspaper is from Joker, on a different site they were talking about how it might be from Jason. If that's the case, that is really cool and helps show how much he has changed since being a kid.
ScarletWarlock - 7/12/2015, 8:13 AM
This may be a stupid idea so don't crucify me for suggesting it, but maybe the soldiers with the superman symbol are Superman's droid servants from the fortress of solitude and they're just covered in military gear. Perhaps Luthor hacked them or something to make them do something terrible making it look like Superman is responsible. The only reason I say that is because that has to be Ben in the costume there, who else could it be? At the same time, it seems as though this Batman will cross that line, I could be wrong. Still, I hope it has something to do with the droids, and possibly even have something to do with Metallo. Also, lovely article man.
neihofft - 7/12/2015, 8:28 AM
I disagree entirely on the neck snapping thing. I think they are people, not robots. This is a Batman so far into a career, so pissed, that he just doesnt care. And I liked it a lot.

I dont think Zod will spawn Doomsday or Bizarro. Both ideas are too out there. I think he simply has him to study weakness in Kryptonian biology, and uses his studies to create Kryptonite.
Alphadog - 7/12/2015, 10:06 AM
I think that what Zack Snyder meant with gateway drug was that Wonder Woman is a concept out there enough for people to buy into the rest of the fantastical things that are coming like Aquaman and Green Lantern.
@DrunkenMadNukem That's just a reference to the phrase "The red coats are coming" with Luthor saying that Superman will try conquer them.
The super soldiers have got to be humans and I'm thinking that maybe Luthor creates them to pretend that Superman is related to them, that he has an army of people with weapons.
I'm so happy that we got to see the Daily Planet and the part of the trailer that got to me the most was when Lex does that movement with his hand around Superman's head, what the hell is going on. Either Lex just revealed something that pulled a mental blow to him and Lex is mocking him or Supes is actually under the control of Lex somehow. That part with Martha Kent was also pretty interesting.
PAF - 7/12/2015, 10:32 AM
WTF is the guy with the gun doing... two stepping? Sometimes I hate gifs from films because it makes you notice shit you shouldn't.

Zuckerberg sticks out like a sore thumb imo.

Everything else was fantastic.
caseyhaney - 7/12/2015, 12:08 PM
I'm loving the comments guys. It's interesting how differently we all read into what we're seeing.
FoxStrikePhenom - 7/13/2015, 10:40 AM
I think it's Jason Todd's writing on the newspaper clip. Could be his writing on the suit as well, making Batman question if the Joker wrote that even though the Joker should be locked up in prison for Suicide Squad. Unless of course Suicide Squad doesn't take place right after BvS. I too don't think it's Supes shooting heat vision at Batman in the trailer. It might be Bizarro, although Doomsday seems likely, especially due to all the recent rumors. And lastly I think that is the real Batman in that desert scene with the Superman soldiers; however my freind threw a suggestion out to me...Red Son. While no he's not part of the Soviet Union in this scene, what if it's a dream sequence for Batman in a world where Superman rules over everybody..the very threat that Superman poses in Batmans eyes in this movie.
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