Captain America: Is Marvel Not Doing Enough to Hype it Up?

Captain America: Is Marvel Not Doing Enough to Hype it Up?

Captain America is the final film before the epic Avengers movie, and Marvel has to deliver. Sadly, it seems like Marvel doesn't see the Cap movie as the epic it should be.

Editorial Opinion
By jamedog - Feb 08, 2011 11:02 AM EST

This past Sunday I sat there at a friend's house on the edge of my seat. No, not for the game, I never really was a sports person (though I was rooting for The Steelers since their my hometown team) but because I'm a movie and comic book geek, and I was waiting for the first glimpse of one of my favorite Marvel characters: Captain America.

The thirty second spot hit and I geeked out! Skinny Cap! Howling Commandos! H.Y.D.R.A! Red Skull! Everything I wanted was crammed in there! Overall the reaction to the trailer seems to be positive, even my friends who aren't comic book fans seem excited. But there's a problem.

This is the first film in a potential new franchise as well as the final film before The Avengers hit the big screen, Marvel should be promoting the hell out of this movie. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Marvel isn't doing enough to get Cap's name out there?

Marvel's other big movie this year is Thor, and Marvel has been pimping that out since last May. It started with the after credits sequence in Iron Man 2, then a Comic-Con trailer, and then stills littered throughout Summer and Fall, and finally a trailer in December. It's a pretty by-the-book way to hype your summer movie, but it works and it got the job done: people are talking about Thor.

As for Cap, well we've gotten a few stills but this was the first footage we've seen. According to rumor, we'll see a Cap trailer in front of Thor in May. Just as a reminder, The First Avenger: Captain America comes out in July. This means Marvel has two months to build the hype for what should be one of their biggest movies.

This leads me to my question. Why isn't Marvel hyping Cap more?

In my opinion, Captain America is up there with Spider-Man and Wolverine as one of Marvel's most iconic and recognizable characters. As a character, he's been around since the 40s and has years of history and fandom behind him. But why is Marvel giving him the short stick? This movie needs to be big, it needs to be epic, and I get the feeling that Marvel sees it as just an Avengers prequel.

The hype machine for Captain America should have been building just as much as Thor was. At first it seemed like it was going to be an event, seeing how Marvel placed references to Cap in all of their movies so far. But now it seems like he's playing second fiddle to the other heroes instead of being the main event.

The Captain America movie has a lot to accomplish. Not only is it meant to be a multi-million dollar summer tentpole picture, but also a start to a franchise and the final piece in the build up to the Avengers. We need to see why Captain America is such a legendary superhero, and why other superheroes look up to him. I've been saying that we need to buy Robert Downey Jr's Tony Stark taking orders from Captain America, and this movie has to show why he is such a leader. It has to be an epic movie, not as epic as The Avengers will be, but it still has to be big. But for some reason it seems Marvel is promoting Thor as the summer epic and Captain America as the smaller picture.

But why? Does Marvel not have faith in the movie? Director Joe Johnston is pretty hit or miss but it seems like he had plenty of time to prep the movie and find a suitable cast, and I gotta say that the cast is pretty solid. I always said that Chris Evans was the best part of the Fantastic Four movies and was very happy to see him get the role of Captain America. From the looks of the trailer it seems that Evans is playing up the nice guy aspect of Cap, the humble leader that isn't afraid to kick ass. Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull is dream casting and I'm pretty sure Weaving will steal the movie as usual. From the brief glimpse we got in the Superbowl spot, The Red Skull looks pretty spot on, I just hope we don't get one scene of classic Red Skull and then him in human form for the rest of the movie (much like in the cheap 1990s Cap movie). It does seem like there's one thing Marvel isn't quite so confident in: The costume.

Cap's costume seemed like a tricky thing from the get-go, and it's clear Marvel didn't think the classic costume would work. When the concept art of the costume leaked, I was a big fan of the look. But when pictures started coming out, most of them showed Cap in the costume, sans mask. And I gotta say that when pictures of Cap wearing the mask came out I could see why. For some reason the mask/helmet just seems... awkward. I dig the rest of the costume but something just looks off about the helmet. It's clear the filmmakers felt the same way seeing how even the poster has a mask-less Cap wielding the shield. Hopefully they'll correct this issue for the Avengers and future Captain America films but until then I think we'll be hearing complaints about it.

Other than the costume, I'm not really sure why Marvel isn't promoting Captain America more. Maybe they aren't happy with the movie, or maybe they think that the character is recognizable enough that they don't have to promote it. Enough pictures of merchandise have leaked onto the web to show that Marvel looks to promote the hell out of it this summer, but is two months enough? Captain America is a big character and his movie needs the big build up it deserves. This man is the Sentinel of Liberty, the leader of the Avengers, his movie needs to show him for the legend that he is. Hopefully, this July, Captain America will show us why Cap is the hero he is and not just spend two hours building up to the Avengers. The Avengers is going to be big, it needs to be big, but Cap needs to be just as big too because without him the Avengers would not be the team it is. The movie needs to deliver not just to the fans but for the general audiences as well, so they can see why people love Captain America so much.

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mawilli4 - 2/8/2011, 11:44 AM
Agreed, but I don't want it rushed and [frick]ed up either. The Super Bowl spot looked amazing and it was seen by millions of football fans, so that doesn't hurt. But, they do need to hurry up and get a full trailer out.
AlexdoxA - 2/8/2011, 11:48 AM
I'm pretty sure last Sunday was the starting point for the movie's marketing... and everything that was done with Thor will be crammed in the following months to set the mood right. I know that maybe Marvel should've started promoting this a long time ago, but they needed something as huge as the Superbowl to come. In Cap's movie we believe...
PaulRom - 2/8/2011, 12:14 PM
@mawilli4 I agree. They should definitely promote it more, but they shouldn't cram alot in.
CapFan79 - 2/8/2011, 12:36 PM
Both Paramount and Marvel have a lot invested in Thor. It'll further set up the Avengers and it comes out nearly 2 months before Cap. Thor and Cap must be successful in order for them to do all they want with The Avengers & other sequels. They got Cap out there Sunday and I'm sure we'll see more articles and ads over the next few months now that the 30 second spot has people curious. With Thor they can attach the full trailer for Cap (I'm sure about 90% of the viewers for Thor will see Cap too) and do the same for other big Paramount films like Transformers 3 which comes out a few weeks earlier. TF3 will likely make over $250 million before Cap is released which is means a lot of exposure! There'll be a ton of exposure for Cap once summer hits. Marvel has to establish Thor now since it's really the first big Summer movie.
CorndogBurglar - 2/8/2011, 12:36 PM
another one of these articles? come on. They aren't doing any less than they are with Thor, or what WB is doing with Green Lantern.

The movie is still 4 or 5 months away. previews and ads don't start that early for any movie, really.

we got the preview during the super bowl. and unless you follow this stuff online, then you wouldn't have even known they were making Thor until the Super Bowl, either.

people are so crazy
CorndogBurglar - 2/8/2011, 12:38 PM
You know, what? if it'll make you happy. yes, Marvel thinks its going to bomb so they aren't even bothering to advertise it. There. How much sense does that make? you're right, it doesn't make any sense.
blueballs - 2/8/2011, 12:57 PM
They will but they don't want to just push aside Thor, so everyone forgets about him. Once Thor hits they're gonna push the hell out of Cap but for now your left wanting more
Orphix - 2/8/2011, 1:00 PM
I wouldn't be too worried.

Once Thor is released the cap promotion will go into overdrive - most of which will be attached to Thors theatrical shows.
DaenerysTargaryen - 2/8/2011, 1:04 PM
Marvel is doing a better job at advertising cap than DC is advertising GL :P
Gmoney84 - 2/8/2011, 1:08 PM
This is a pointless article. Some of you guys need to stop being BIG GAY FANBOYS who need to see something new everyday. Get over yourselves.
golden123 - 2/8/2011, 1:22 PM
You do know this movie isn't coming out till July and is two months away from Thor? This article would make more since if it was posted two months from now.
marvel72 - 2/8/2011, 2:00 PM
marvel might be a bit slow at the moment hypeing captain america,but i think anytime now your gonna be flooded with trailers,posters & so on.
thunderforce - 2/8/2011, 2:02 PM
I think Marvel made a bit of a mistake with making the Thor trailer so long and so early so they will wait and not show so much of Cap til it nears the release date . The first Thor was awesome but it was too long and showed too much they should just start with a little teaser and let more out as the date gets near .
AvariForlorn - 2/8/2011, 2:21 PM
I was very impressed by the trailer I analyzed it here:

I do agree though Marvel needs to hype this up a bit more. What I'm actually afraid of is that the reason it isn't being as hyped up as Thor is because they know Thor is going to be worse, so they have to overcompensate. Thor looks okay, but the 33 seconds of Cap that we have are far better in comparison.

I wouldn't worry too much. Even if it doesn't do that well in the box office, it will still probably be wonderful (ex. Scott Pilgrim).

AvariForlorn - 2/8/2011, 2:24 PM
@The Black Widow you are correct. Sadly I think we all know how bad GL is going to be. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
AvariForlorn - 2/8/2011, 2:27 PM
@Gmoney84 what's wrong with being concerned and invested in a character you love? Even if it may be unnecessary worry, this is a site for obsessive nerds. Stop being a jerk.
skidz - 2/8/2011, 6:29 PM
I'm more concerned about the lack of interest the media is displaying about this picture. Sure, the film was just into principle photography when San Diego Comicon came around, but it feels like the news media outside of comic and sciencefiction websites and magazines has largely ignored it. Thor even had a spot on Entertainment Tonight while it was still in principle photography. How many interviews have there been with anyone other than Joe Johnston, Chris Evans and Hugo Weaving (the one during ComiCon)? And they seem pretty hyped about this movie. Only a handful have been interviewed more than once. What about Tommy Lee Jones? I haven't read or seen a single interview about his role in the movie. Maybe he's having flashbacks about Batman Forever and he's trying not to jinx himself. All of us are excited about it, why not them? I hope the teaser trailer kicks off more interest in this movie. The media needs to pay more attention.
superotherside - 2/9/2011, 1:16 PM
i agree but i think they will in the coming months! and i can't wait!
CapWriter - 2/9/2011, 8:46 PM
I agree. Not enough hype. Cap should be Marvel Studios #1 property, since they don't own Spidey or X-Men rights. The fact that every little kid in America loves Iron Man but probably doesn't recognize Cap makes me want to vomit. Cap is the leader of the Avengers, and he better be in the movie. If Iron Man is #1, with Cap as his #2, like he is in the DisneyXD cartoon, I'm gonna be disappointed.

Anyway, I am going to WonderCon in April and Cap better be the #1 panel with exclusive footage and the most buzz of anything at the 3-day convention.
NeoBaggins - 2/9/2011, 10:29 PM
They are not doing enough. Chris Evans needs to come to my house dressed as Cap and apologize for the shitty casting.
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