Can you actually read and reflect on something that isn't written by a drooling Fanboy??? It's doubtful, but we shall see...

Review Opinion
By BloodRed - Jul 24, 2011 02:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America


PREFACE: Know that I REALLY, HONESTLY wanted this film to kick some serious arse and to be a film that I'd happily watch over and over. Unfortunately, THAT movie wasn't made. Btw, this is a meat & potatoes, nuts and bolts review. We're all aware of what is the plot line, etc. I'm simply going to relate the good stuff and the bad stuff.


Actually, I saw it weeks ago and have seen it several times (though, I didn't pay for it once) and with every viewing, it gets worse and it's mostly rather boring.

If you've seen it, be honest with yourself, at least for one moment. Nothing TRULY exciting happens to make you jump, nor really "root" for Cap, or anyone else for that matter. He's just....there. Going through the motions. Cap could have gotten a bullet in the head and you wouldn't really care. It's just watching stuff unfold and there are no super thrills. Sadly, there is nothing very great about this film except for Hayley Atwell and the Red Skull's awesome make-up.


EVERY person in this film that is "German" have PISS-POOR accents and are completely unbelievable! While Hugo Weaving is a fine actor, he can't do a very good, strong, German accent, and when he does attempt it, he slips in and out of it constantly.
To me, that either shows a lack of talent or a severe lack of preparation. You cast a British actor as a hardcore German villain? I'm sure there will be MANY German actors that will watch this film and be seriously LIVID. More so than I am! I mean, they couldn't find ONE, damn good German actor in ALL of Germany to play the Red Skull?!? Also, Weaving's voice, when matched with the face of the Red Skull, doesn't go together very well....not at all very menacing. He looks scary, but no one is afraid of him. The lack of a good accent didn't help. Not a very German-sounding Red Skull. What a waste of a character.

The other actors portraying Germans tend to blow it on their accents as well, just using it on certain words, same as Weaving. Kind of like they throw it in there to remind you of that character, like, 'Oh, right...he's German.'
Weaving, The German Spy, Erskine, Zola, ALL OF THEM!!, could have done a MUCH better job!!!
And couldn't they have had them speaking SOME German here and there too and show subtitles? Nah, of course not, that'd be too smart for a comic book movie. Way to dumb it down, Marvel.

Additionally, I CALLED IT FROM THE VERY F----N' BEGINNING!! THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO NAZI IMAGERY IN THIS "WWII" FILM!!!!!! There was only TWO Swastikas in the entire damn film! TWO!!! One is shown for one second in the newsreel and the other is on the arm of a High Ranking German Officer and it's shown very briefly as he turns. And that guy is just ONE of THREE real Nazis in the entire film!!! Everyone else is dressed as "Hydra." MARVEL....JOE JOHNSTON......YOU ARE ALL PUSSIES!!!!!

Btw, I take exception with the words of Chris Evans, when he said "He should just be called Captain Good." Way to, once again, shy away and downplay the true AMERICAN roots of a classic character. He's only wearing a version of the American Flag and is named CAPTAIN AMERICA!! Ass! (This is right up there with Singer's deletion of ".....the American Way" from Superman Returns.) And don't give me that crap about politics and govt. If you can't be proud of the U.S.A., as a country and what it did, during this time period, then EFF YOU. It's this liberal, p.c. bullsh!t that is eroding our country more and more, every year. Additionally, if this film was superb (and not kept from critics until the last minute) and had they really embraced the American aspect of it, they could have had an awesome, marketing campaign and opened up on July 4th, in conjunction with our national holiday celebrating our Independence, and STILL brought in a truckload of cash against TF3! Believe it!!

The Red Skull's make-up was dead-on and looked fantastic! Though, as he is Hydra, and not a Nazi, he ends up as not as sinister a villain. When you water down the back story, you water down the villain himself. The public don't know, nor care, who or what is Hydra. Nazis...they know them and they know that they are EVIL. And this guy could have been shown to be AS evil as Hitler, but they make him a cartoony leader of a separate group, because they don't want to be true to the comic book and show him as an insane Nazi, and the right-hand man of Hitler. Again, Marvel and Joe Johnston have no balls.

Hydra goons were lame. Not threatening. Just lame, unemotional, non-speaking goons. Also, since they're depicting the Red Skull as Hydra's leader, there is no Baron von Strucker. Lame!

Tommy Lee Jones plays himself, yet again, in a movie. Way to phone it in, Tommy've been coasting since "The Fugitive." He has one good moment in this film, which is probably the only truly funny line, at the end when he is driving the Hydramobile.

Chris Evans' head on that scrawny body is a mix. At times, it looks very real. Other times, fake as sh!t. And what was with the plane that was being flown by Howard Stark? It looked like it was on a friggin' string, being held by someone! much of that money was spent on effects???

When Cap is in the USO segments, he is dressed just like the comic book version, a wink and nod to the fans. Whatever.

The sets and locations all looked very believable and they captured the period very well! From Brooklyn to the old-time styles, it definitely had a WWII look.

Two mistakes/plot holes: First, after Skinny-Steve becomes Super-Steve, his pants still seem to fit, and no they didn't give him bigger pants before he goes inside. He should have been breaking out of them like the Hulk! Mistake! And two, at one point Cap jumps into a Hydra mini-plane and seems to fly it like a pro. Where the hell did he learn that?? Nowhere! Plot hole!

Hayley Atwell. I could watch her...ALL. DAY. She is completely magnetic in this movie and, as I previously have not seen her perform, she is a very natural actress and amazingly beautiful! Also, her English accent is so appealing. When she is onscreen, she is the only thing you really care about in that scene. One scene with her in a red dress is absolutely unreal. Bravo Hayley! You are the BEST thing in this film!!

What else? I could tell you that Bucky apparently dies by falling from a train into a mountain range and the Red Skull touches the Cosmic Cube and gets sucked into the Asgardian oblivion like Loki....but I won't get into it.

As I first wrote, it's just stuff happening and it's all very forgettable. It's barely two hours but it feels painfully longer.

As it is, this is just another film in a long set-up, to get you to "The Avengers" next year. Instead of focusing on making self-contained, home run films, they've consistently put out disappointing, semi-mediocre films since the first "Iron Man." THAT really set the bar high and every film since then hasn't lived up to it.

Simply put, Marvel hasn't made a -->GREAT<-- film since "Iron Man." Deal with THAT FACT, True Believers!

I'd like to give it a B-, but a C+ is more in order.

Now, bring on your hate, punks. Yeees...let it flow through you! Hahaha!

- Blood Red
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CraptainAmerica - 7/24/2011, 5:11 AM
Wadey09 - 7/24/2011, 6:34 AM
so i take you are a Richard Roeper fan???
gorgeousgeeks - 7/24/2011, 7:10 AM

I didn't hate it as much as you apparently did, but you are right and it's refreshing to find someone else who doesn't think it was the best comic book movie of all time, of the summer, or of the year. This didn't make me feel anything and I'm really sad about that. Captain America is no nonsense when it's time for war. That super sexy "I'm in charge" attitude is nowhere to be seen. The Avengers movie has a lot to make up for.
ParadigmSD - 7/24/2011, 7:24 AM
If you're that impressed with America's accomplishments during WWII, you must be gonzo for the Ruskies. 80% of all German WWII combat deaths occurred on the Eastern front.

Captain America the character was birthed at a time of extreme homefront propaganda, and that probably influenced the creation. I see no issue with softening what is otherwise a rather silly design...the guy looks like what I imagine Sarah Palin's secret service guys would have had to dress up as.

Otherwise, I almost totally agree with your review of this movie.
CraptainAmerica - 7/24/2011, 7:41 AM
I agree with Tea
Mrmoviemaker09 - 7/24/2011, 10:44 AM
Now that the verbal deformation of captain america is over would it be possible to get a review I mean your artical was good but it was too everywhere I felt like I owed you money with all the exclamtion marks it was.....intimidating and if that's what you where going for you, sir, succeeded
Mrmoviemaker09 - 7/24/2011, 10:45 AM
Oh and I agree with craptain and tea..just throwin that out there.
cgrass5150 - 7/24/2011, 10:46 AM
"CA" delivers the goods...plain and simple. Joe Johnson not only adds his creative flair to the character but also captures the essence of what "CA" represents. Chris Evans nails down "Cap" all the way...he's the perfect choice for this role. Also, Hugo Weaving, as the power-mad Red Skull, "smacks it out of the ballpark." Well-paced story, excellent acting (especially TLJ & S. Tucci), solid character development, awesome effects, and slick action make this the best of the summer 2011 CBM's. Congrats and many thanks to Marvel Comics for delivering 3 top-notch CBM's this summer. Avengers await...Excelsior!!!
IronPatriotAvenger - 7/24/2011, 2:40 PM
I read your 1st paragraph, skimmed the review, and THANK YOU for being honest about this. Your intro paragraph sums up my feelings about Captain America: TFA.

Cap's character isn't really strong enough for a great movie. Like my wife said, he's just a little guy with a big heart who gets some really good steroids.

That being said, I enjoyed the movie for what it was, not great, but fun.
THORION76 - 7/24/2011, 3:23 PM
Damn this guy is such a poser. Look at the way he try's to bait us into an arguement. I bet he wear's high heel's at nite.
BlanketMan - 7/24/2011, 5:12 PM
The complaints about the lack of Nazi imagery is silly and very nitpicky. There were many references to "Germans" and "Germany" - if Johnston really wanted to be PC, I think he'd have avoided German references more than the word Nazi. And we saw Cap punching out a fake Hitler several times, in full Nazi regalia, IIRC. And there were other Hitler references as well. And you spend a lot of time complaining about an actor's comment ("...Captain Good") - which has absolutely nothing to do with the film itself! Was Cap AMERICAN? Obviously. He WAS wearing the flag, just like in the comics. He was a soldier in the US ARMY. What else do you want??? There are still plenty of propaganda films around from WWII - I'm convinced that's more along the lines of what you were looking for. Instead we got a comic book flick with characters that I genuinely cared about - I was moved by Bucky's death, but apparently you were too busy rolling your eyes about the lack of swastikas in the film to care...
stevestav - 7/24/2011, 5:54 PM
I agree with you almost 100%. My friends and I have been scratching our heads trying to figure out where some of these critics and "fans"are coming from. Great script, great directing, movie of the summer... whaat? Maybe too many people actually like Bruckheimer & Bay movies, because this is where CA goes after the first third. Nothing moved me about this film, and I didn't go into it with high expectations. I did not expect to give it a poor review, however ( By the way, Marvel wasn't too moved by Bucky's death... they tossed him away, prematurely, to set up a revised climax - Peggy Carter heartbreak that fell flat. In the CA pantheon, that's like Peter Parker's uncle getting hit by a bus, instead of murdered by a criminal Parker decided not to pursue.
FoxyLoxy - 7/24/2011, 6:20 PM
"You cast a British actor as a hardcore German villain?" Weaving is Australian, not British. Do your research.
BloodRed - 7/24/2011, 8:56 PM
@McParadigm - How is it true to the character when he's but a shell of his comic version?? And obviously the Soviets accounted for most of the German deaths, as Hitler had declared war on, and invaded, Russia. As this was happening, the U.S. was still 6 months, and an entire ocean away, from entering the war.

@cgrass5150 - That was either complete sarcasm or you work directly for Marvel or Paramount.

@THORION76 - No argument here. Just the simple truth. And the only high heels in my room are when your mom left hers here the other night. Btw, tell her she still owes me a nickel change from my dime!

@BlanketMan - A history lesson. Captain America: An -->intentionally patriotic creation,<-- who was often depicted fighting the Axis powers of World War II, Captain America was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. Joe Simon said Captain America was -->a consciously political creation<--; he and Kirby were morally repulsed by the actions of Nazi Germany in the years leading up to the United States' involvement in World War II and felt war was inevitable: "The opponents to the war were all quite well organized. We wanted to have our say too."
So, since Joe Johnston stated on more than one occasion that this "wasn't going to be a flag-waving movie" and Evans would be satisfied with calling him "Captain Good" (which IS about the film itself WHEN HE REFERS TO THE CHARACTER AS SUCH and it's spoken during PRESS JUNKETS), then I'd say that they've gone away from what the root of what embodies this great character, per the definition above. They didn't WANT to make a "flag-waving movie" (which would have been true to the book) because Hollywood, these days, is not supportive of U.S. policies, and maybe rightly so, but this film takes place in WWII when lines were, more or less, clearly defined. And to not have true Nazism is to make it a lame film, to say the least, when the books have depicted the Red Skull as a Nazi (until one recent version as a Communist) since his inception. He's a watered down version of his comic counterpart, just as Cap is a watered down version as well. Less evil and less patriotism.

@FoxyLoxy - Yeah, I DID my research. Weaving was born to English parents, though in Nigeria, and year after his birth, his family returned to England. Some might consider him a British-Australian, because he lived Down Under, but again, his parents ARE English and he lived in Britain first. Stop looking for nonsense to nitpick.

CapFan79 - 7/24/2011, 10:22 PM
As soon as I saw your claim about seeing it "weeks ago" I knew this "review" was shit. You saw it weeks ago and wrote a review 2 days after the wide release.
ROMACK - 7/25/2011, 1:07 AM
Prozac.....get some.
CraptainAmerica - 7/25/2011, 4:46 AM
You said @FoxyLady

"Stop looking for nonsense to nitpick"


I would normally encourage people to ignore pot stirrers and would also allow anybody free opinion. But you 'review' has no basis at all. There's is no substance and, hence, no arguement. It's just a page of projected insults. If you didn't like the movie then that is fine.

I wouldn't ever expect everybody to like it. If standing in front of an audience on a chair rambling like a crack addict wearing peanut butter and your nannie's nightey was the only way to get your opinion heard (and the comments shows that) then high five...enjoy your incest
TheOverlord - 7/25/2011, 6:04 AM
BlanketMan - 7/25/2011, 7:07 AM
@BloodRed: Thanks for the history lesson. I bought my first CAP comic in 1974, so trust me I'm well aware of Cap's long history. Here's a lesson for you on the nature of criticism: Separate the ART from the ARTIST. You obviously went into this movie with a biased view, based on Johnston's and Evans' comments about the movie. Those need to be tossed aside if you're going to review the work objectively. I fear you sat in your seat prepared to pick out every possible instance where Johnston avoided "flag-waving" or Evans tried to make his character "Captain Good" instead of Captain America, and that's a big no-no in putting together a fair review. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Am I saying that every one of your points is invalid? NO. Honestly, a little more emphasis on the Skull's "Nazi-ism" would've been welcome, and a dash-or-two of Rogers' pure American patriotism wouldn't have hurt, but those things didn't make or break the movie at all for me. There was plenty of Skull evil-ness in the movie, and Rogers' desire to enlist at all costs made it pretty clear that he was eager to help the American cause any way he could.

And, just to end on a kumbaya note: I agree 1,000% with you about Hayley Atwill!
BloodRed - 7/25/2011, 9:50 AM
@CapFan79 - Some people get to see things beforehand, such as producers, studio execs, SFX workers, critics and other industry people. Realize that before a film hits theaters, it's already been seen by many, many people. YOU are a nobody and don't fall into ANY of these career categories, whereas I DO. I not only saw it early, and more than once, I didn't spend one dollar on it, and thankfully so. I saw it weeeeeks ago and DID post a review, although CBM deleted because I didn't have "source." Well, I can't give a source w/o stating directly HOW I saw it and consequently losing out on future films, hence my posting now. I posted basically the same article that I did about month ago. You are a know-nothing.

@CraptainAmerica - No nitpicking, I simply pointed out that I DID my research. Why is it that someone is called a "pot stirrer" when they don't go along with the rest of the sheep? If the movie outright blew, and most agreed, would I be a "pot stirrer" if I thought it was great? Do you enjoy that crowd mentality much? Take off your blinders. - If all you see is a page of insults, then I guess you missed the parts that I pointed out that are really good, such as Atwell's performance, the Red Skull's make-up, the WWII look & feel. You also missed the comments where they AGREED WITH me. Negative much? And rather than try to debate me on each point that I made, instead, you rant on like I personally hurt your little feelings because I didn't like this C+ of a movie (because it ISN'T GREAT) and you degrade into juvenile name-calling. A wordsmith (look it up), you are not.

@BlanketMan - Actually, despite everything that I'd known beforehand, I went in, as I wrote in my Preface, wanting it kick some ass. I've seen enough films that I was pleasantly surprised they way they turned out, even though expectations were different going in. And I did separate the Artist from the Art, I just wasn't impressed with the Art. Regardless of how I went in, it doesn't negate my points. The movie, overall, WAS. NOT. GREAT. And it SHOULD have been! I'm a comic book & cbm fan and enjoy them immensely. I think we got ripped off for it COULD have been. Can you deny this statement? No Marvel film since IM has been a complete home run. Period.

THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 7/25/2011, 9:58 AM
Just because one person doesn't like captain america doesn't mean that you guys have to complain.
CorndogBurglar - 7/25/2011, 10:40 AM
@ bloodred

I think what the good Craptain was trying to say by calling you a "pot stirrer" is the way you openly challenge fanboys from the get go. Its very insulting and inciting. Even the title and description sounds like an open challenge for anyone reading this to get try and argue with you. Even the last line of your "review" is an inslut to anyone that doesn't agree with you. You just come off as being someone that is trying a little too hard to piss people off.

As for your opinions on the movie, hey, man, they are your opinion. I can't hate you for that, in fact, i agree with a lot of them. I was pissed that the Nazis weren't the main villains from day one. However, the Hydra soldiers having no voice were pretty much par for the course. You reference the differences from the comics quite a bit, when, in actuality, the Hydra soldiers were pretty dead on as far as their place and actions. Sure they looked different than the comic versions, but in the comics, Hydra troops are just that, fodder. They don't talk unless they are praising Hydra. They're more like a swarm of bees than actual people. So i feel they actually got that right, even if they should have been Nazis instead.

One thing I definately agree with is Bucky's death. You know, they show him fight once with Steve, which was awesome, and then in the same scene he dies. Cap gives the run of the mill "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" scream, and then just seems to be perfectly fine with it after that, lol. No one, including Cap, seems to really care.

I don't know, overall, I agree it could have been better, but it was still fun, and I still enjoyed it.
CraptainAmerica - 7/25/2011, 1:50 PM
"now, bring on your hate, punks. Yeees, let it flow through you..."

That was a challenge from the getgo. You were aware you were going against the grain. Your starting and finishing statement was just as juvenile. Why YOU are so defensive, when this was less a review and more a crowd rouser, is a mystery. I'm surprised that you are surprised.

Liking something and being in the majority doesn't make me a sheep...and it's blinkers (look it up), not blinders Mr. Wordsmith.

BloodRed - 7/25/2011, 2:24 PM
@CorndogBurglar - I don't believe that I set out to piss off anyone, I was just bluntly stating the truth. And as I wrote earlier, most of that was written weeks ago, in the form of notes that I made, and an overall view of the film, rather than a long, drawn out review. It seems some people like to blather on and I try to keep it to the point. I challenge ANYONE, in life, that follows the crowd and doesn't think for themselves, and Fanboys are sadly, so easily swayed and seem to WANT to believe that something is the greatest thing since sliced bread, no matter what is presented to them. How many of them were eating crow after X:FC came out? They absolutely disparaged it for MONTHS only for it to be a decent film, better than CA:TFA.

@CraptainAmerica - If you took it as a challenge, then you were clearly, albeit very easily, offended by someone you don't even know. Consequently, you also must be a punk. And you STILL can't refute any "negative" point that I made. See, that's what happens when someone, like yourself, can't debate. They turn to vitriolic dialogue to distract from the initial argument because they can't win on merit.
Btw, for the record, BLINDERS: "Blinders, also known as blinkers or winkers, are a piece of horse tack that prevent the horse seeing to the rear and, in some cases, to the side. The term, in both "blinker" and "blinder" form is also used metaphorically to refer to people with an overly narrow focus or inability to see the larger picture." - So it's both. School's out.

CraptainAmerica - 7/25/2011, 3:29 PM
Scrutinising the inability of a pair of trousers to stretch is ridiculous.

Weaving was born in England but raised in Austrailia. I'm sure he would call himself Australian and, therefore, not a British actor.

If the movie spans a lengthy period (as stated by both director and producer) then there is plenty of unseen training where Steve could have learnt to fly a plane.

Tommy Lee Jones played Tommy Lee Jones because he is Tommy Lee Jones. There are many top end actors that aren't chameleons. It doesn't mean he did a bad job. Did he deliver well in the part? Yes. If he'd have put on a different accent would that have been more acceptable?

Red Skull was not portrayed as Hitler's right hand man because it was a plot device that served not purpose. It would only have served to overcomplicate the story. It needed no further exploring.

Cap needn't have been awash with further stars and stripes. He's called [frick]in Captain AMERICA, what more did you want? Some cheesy shot of him bracing Omagh Beach with flag in tow? It would have done nothing more than make a mockery of a serious attempt at a period piece. "FOR AMERICAAAAAAAA!!!!". there would have been even more low ratings if that had been the case.

That is me refuting your, few plausible, negative points. Punk.

A guy I know slates people for liking Nolan's Batman because he hates it. So a LARGE majority who enjoy it are deemed sheep and 'fanboys' who accept any old shit. Well it's no different to me believing that people go into these movies a 'non conformists' who seek nothing more than to fight the current. It's not cool. It's not big. It's not clever. It just makes you seem cynical at every opportunity.

So I shall remain a sheep and you can remain a hippy.

And as for 'blinders', I'm from the UK and so that has little meaning to me. School's back in as the teacher's just caught you copy and pasting your work from Wikipedia.
CorndogBurglar - 7/25/2011, 5:11 PM
@ bloodred

While you may not have been trying piss people off, you have to admit that the way you wrote this article comes off as extremely abrasive. I mean, just look at the beginning and end. There's no denying it, lol. The only conclusion I can come to is that you did that to make people mad, and to try stir the proverbial pot. You were not just stating your opinions, you actually, openly challenged anyone that doesn't agree to argue your points.

I'm all for a good debate, man, anyone on this site can tell you that, lol. My point is, there's no need to openly insult people to START a debate, or to CONTINUE to debate. Most people around here are always open to it, and to be honest, name calling and talking down to people does not make your argument any more valid.

Again, its sad, because like I said, I actually agree with a lot of your review. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It was just a little over the top in the "i have an edgy attitude" department.
ohsoserious - 7/25/2011, 5:48 PM
@bloodred first off I agree that this isn't a review much as a bunch of insults. Second who cares about having a ton of nazi references the movies villain was the red skull and Hydra not hitler and nazis and the movie was about captain America. 3rd. You say others are nit picking through your "review " when you complain that he didn't have bigger pants comimg out of the super soldier process that soinds a bit like nit picking and 4th your a c.u.n.t
ohsoserious - 7/25/2011, 6:31 PM
My bad I hat realized why the name blood red you must be on your period hence all the anger.
Disregard this review folks he'll change his tune once his mangina stops bleeding .
BloodRed - 7/25/2011, 8:58 PM
@CraptainAmerica - "Weaving was born in England but raised in Austrailia. I'm sure he would call himself Australian and, therefore, not a British actor." --- You already lost this debate. If my parents are both from Italy, but I live in Italy and South Africa, am I South African? No, I'm an Italian living in South Africa. His parents are ENGLISH and he lived in ENGLAND. Regardless of where he lives, he is of ENGLISH BLOOD. Period.

"If the movie spans a lengthy period (as stated by both director and producer) then there is plenty of unseen training where Steve could have learnt to fly a plane." --- This is you excusing an obvious plot hole.

"Tommy Lee Jones played Tommy Lee Jones because he is Tommy Lee Jones. There are many top end actors that aren't chameleons. It doesn't mean he did a bad job. Did he deliver well in the part? Yes. If he'd have put on a different accent would that have been more acceptable?" --- He's portrayed basically the same character in many films, except he's just in different clothes. He makes NO ATTEMPT to grow as an actor. Period.

"Red Skull was not portrayed as Hitler's right hand man because it was a plot device that served not purpose. It would only have served to overcomplicate the story. It needed no further exploring." --- This wasn't explored because they didn't want to focus on the Nazi aspect of his roots. Why? Well, a few reasons, but the glaring one is about their desire to just sell TOYS. Mommy won't buy a Red Skull figure with a Swastika on him, so let's make him a Hydra leader, which is completely non-threatening. So, if he is already not that threatening, and then paired with Weaving being miscast because his voice is off and he can't do a solid German accent, how does all of that translate to an evil character on screen? IT DOESN'T. They should have shown him choking the life out of Cap in a grueling, knock-down, drag-out fight. He barely even fought with Cap. He's not at all scary or threatening. He's just there.

"Cap needn't have been awash with further stars and stripes. He's called [frick]in Captain AMERICA, what more did you want? Some cheesy shot of him bracing Omagh Beach with flag in tow? It would have done nothing more than make a mockery of a serious attempt at a period piece. "FOR AMERICAAAAAAAA!!!!". there would have been even more low ratings if that had been the case." --- My argument regarding this subject was in the filming & promoting of the film, as I've clearly stated. They deviated from the true nature of why Cap was created to begin with...go back and re-read.

"That is me refuting your, few plausible, negative points. Punk." --- Well, you lost, punk. Deal with it.

"A guy I know slates people for liking Nolan's Batman because he hates it. So a LARGE majority who enjoy it are deemed sheep and 'fanboys' who accept any old shit. Well it's no different to me believing that people go into these movies a 'non conformists' who seek nothing more than to fight the current. It's not cool. It's not big. It's not clever. It just makes you seem cynical at every opportunity." --- Fanboys rush out en masse to support virtually anything because they want these films to continue to be made. I want them made as well, but not of the sub-par content that is this film. Again, I wanted it to be great and IT'S NOT GREAT. Period.

"So I shall remain a sheep and you can remain a hippy." --- Bwahahahahahah! That's the first time I've ever been called that!! Okaaay...

"And as for 'blinders', I'm from the UK and so that has little meaning to me. School's back in as the teacher's just caught you copy and pasting your work from Wikipedia." --- Haha, I knew you were limey! Because NO ONE calls them "blinkers" in America. If anything, "blinkers" might be referred to as the turn signals for your car. Yep, from Wiki...And? Yeah, that IS the proper definition.
All in all, it was a nice try, but your debate didn't have any solid arguments.

@CorndogBurglar - I guess it might seem edgy because I don't sugarcoat. I believe that I demand something greater than what is presented. And that is for films as a whole, not just this picture. I love movies and it's very disappointing to see such lackluster films being made for a LOT of money and then shoved down the public's throat. The countless remakes, reboots, lame T.V. show adaptations, the total scam that is 3-D...I could go on and on. If there is a sequel to CAP, it damn well better be an upgrade. Peace.
ohsoserious - 7/25/2011, 10:20 PM
Seriously go [frick] yourself you miserable douche bag
CraptainAmerica - 7/26/2011, 2:22 PM
It won't let me post my response for some reason
CapFan79 - 7/26/2011, 9:48 PM

YOU in fact are the "know nothing" douche. I'd bet my left nut you're some DC fanboy living with his grandma.

I in fact know a lot about how screenings work as I have worked in films and on several television shows (nothing special to brag about, but I did it). I went to school and worked for nearly a decade in LA before deciding that working with untalented pompous assholes such as yourself weren't worth my time any longer. I also got tired of being a nitpicky bitch every time I watched a movie since my knowledge of techniques used ruined just about everything for me.

My basic point was that you're dumb ass wrote a review saying you saw it weeks ago yet never felt the need until now to post it? You are full of shit and you know it. You're "source" argument is BS too since half the shit on this website is totally unsubstantiated. You could have posted this on Thursday. You just want attention. Even if you did see it several times and "never spent a penny" who cares. Great, you saved yourself about $20-30 you big baller you!

As far as the film is concerned, I see quality work from a lot of artists. The pacing, comic timing, action, art direction, cinematography, costumes, etc are all top notch and the film is a lot of fun. I'd gladly pay to see it multiple times to make up for the huge box office loss generated from your free advance screenings.

BTW you're a dick.
BloodRed - 7/27/2011, 1:43 AM
@CapFan79 - Hahahahahahaha!!! That was a Hilarious Read!! So, bringing it back to reality, you basically got tired of: running to get coffee for people, having stuff thrown at you, being yelled at, being laughed at, not receiving the "recognition" you never even deserved, and constantly wetting yourself for feeling so disrespected. And then you took your sorry ass and ran away out of town. Hahaha!!

Let me guess, you're teaching now, right?
"He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."
- George Bernard Shaw

The best part of your delusional drivel was, "I also got tired of being a nitpicky bitch every time I watched a movie since my knowledge of techniques used ruined just about everything for me."

Yep, this is true, you are a bitch, and I can hear you now, vehemently screaming at the screen, "Noooooo!! You're doing it ALL WRONG!! OH! WHEN will they EVER learn?!?!?" Hahahahaha!

In Summary:

A. You should lose your left nut, if you ever had one at all. I live Very Well. And I'm not loyal to any company, you idiot.

B. If you paid any attention, I stated that I posted it weeks ago, but this site deleted it. Can't control that, you dope. You're not very bright, are you? Now I truly understand your history. You didn't quit the business, you damn fraud. THEY FIRED YOUR STUPID ASS FOR UTTER INCOMPETENCE.

C. You're STILL a know-nothing and now have shown just how much of one.

D. I'm STILL in the business. And you're not, chump.

E. YOU paid money for a sub-par film. Fool!

Again, thanks for the laughs!! That was great! Feel free to respond and regale us with more stories of your time in LA. That stuff is rich!!

All the best,

Blood Red

CraptainAmerica - 7/27/2011, 2:38 AM
First response:

"..If my parents are both from Italy, but I live in Italy and South Africa, am I South African?
No....." But everything he knows is Australian. The passport says 'BRITISH' (NOT ENGLISH) but everything he knows would be Australian. My ex-boss' parents were Italian. He was born in the UK and lived here since. That makes him Italian by definition but everything about him is British! He has more British in him as that is the country and lifestyle that raised him. As for Weaving's German accent...I'm not sure how many Germans you know but it was a subtle German accent which is actually spot on.

"This is you excusing an obvious plot hole."
It's using common sense. If he's meant to be the 'complete' soldier then why wouldn't he have this knowledge. Just because you didn't see him learn on screen it means he hasn't learnt it? I didn't see him learn to put his Captain America boots on...but he had them on? is that a plot hole? No.

"He's portrayed basically the same character...except he's just in different clothes. He makes NO ATTEMPT to grow as an actor."
The part didn't warrant him playing anything else! They wanted a gruff, grumpy old man and he played that! Don't change for the sake of changing! Why would they have given him this part? Matt Damon, funnily enough, always looks like Jason Bourne (with the exception of 'The Informant' because the part REQUIRED it). So all of sudden that makes him bad at playing a part? Similarity?!
CraptainAmerica - 7/27/2011, 2:40 AM
Part two:

"This wasn't explored because they didn't want to focus on the Nazi aspect of his roots. Why?.....let's make him a Hydra leader, which is completely non-threatening...then paired with Weaving being miscast because his voice is off and he can't do a solid German accent.....They should have shown him choking the life out of Cap in a gruelling, knock-down, drag-out fight.....He's not at all scary or threatening..."
I would only be repeating my last comment in regards to why the Nazi's didn't need a huge presence. There's no need to sandwich in scenes with Hitler and The Red Skull. It's irrelevant! Discounting Weaving's performance on accent alone is ridiculous!! Red Skull wouldn't choke Steve out. It's much more evenly matched given they are BOTH super soldiers.

"My argument regarding this subject was in the filming & promoting of the film.....They deviated from the true nature of why Cap was created to begin with....."
Having America '[frick] YEAH' splashed everywhere may have harmed its Box Office clout which is the whole point of making a movie. He was created for and in a time of national propaganda. Making it a irrelevant movie in a time of international tension would have been careless. That's just business sense.

"Fanboys rush out en masse to support virtually anything.....Again, I wanted it to be great and IT'S NOT GREAT. Period."
No. We rush out to see them because we want to see our heroes on the big screen. Being "sub-par" based on the reasons you have given is not much of an opinion in truth.

My debate had many fair and just points. All of yours fall around the same weak points as to why the film blew. You continue to specify that you saw this many times over the past few weeks but I'm actually starting to think that you hadn't seen the movie PRIOR TO WRITING THIS. You make no indication of tone, score, editing, character relationships and acting of other characters shown in the movie. All of the ingredients that actually form a FAIR opinion of a movie as a whole. This is why I believe you had no argument from the outset.

P.S. After reading your response to CapFan I can see that you calling me juvenile can be you seem to fall into the category
CapFan79 - 7/27/2011, 11:47 AM

You are quite the classy guy!

I'm sure you are uber succesful in what you do because you have such a magnetic personality! So charming too! You certainly sound like a happy and successful guy who is totally secure with himself considering you live "very well".

If by living well you mean you finally upgraded from Grandma's basement to a studio apartment in Little Armenia so you can pretend that you're in Hollywood.

I addressed the fact you "claimed" to have posted a review weeks ago and I still say you're full of shit. Being so defensive and making claims about how "well" you live and all the crap goes to show you are at the very least heavily exagerating and most likely living in your own bitter fantasy land. You are clearly completely irrational and no longer worth my time.

Feel free to fling further insults if you wish. I'm sure it'll make you feel like a big boy. Keep on "living well"!

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