Diversity in CBMs - Time to Put it to Rest

Diversity in CBMs - Time to Put it to Rest

Yes, this tired old subject again, so how about we nip the subject in the bud for good!

Editorial Opinion
By RextheKing - Mar 30, 2016 05:03 PM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics

The arguement on the subject of diversity in comic book films comes up often on this site.  It's a heated subject which we seem to never be able to rest, and maybe this article isn't helping.  I don't mean to rustle any jimmies, but it is time to put the subject to rest, and hopefully I can do so today.  Since a lot of what I'm going say have already been said, I'll try and keep this short.

Who are your top 10 favorite superheroes?  Well mines are, in order from most favorite to least is:  Captain America, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Iron Man, Wolverine, Jean Grey(Pheonix), Spawn, and Daredevil.  I look up to and relate with all these heroes.  To those who don't know, I'm Black and male, and there is only two characters on my list who fits both those descriptions.  So what was the point  of this?  Well, is your list similar?  Do many of the characters to love, look up to, and relate to not share your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc?  I would, as I suspect many of you guys would love as well, for more comic book films based on characters with different races, genders, religions, sexual orientations, etc., but to do so based soley on giving more people, who aren't white, straight, and male, someone to look up to and/or relate to is redundant, when  our love for these characters don't stem from that.  If you can't look up to and relate to characters who don't share your gender or race, the problem isn't with the character, it's with you. 

I love strong characters, which we all do, and their race and gender has nothing to do with it.  A character's personality and attributes are what draw me to them, which it should be for everyone.  Studios know this, and while they may take some risk(Guardians of the Galaxy, Suicide Squad, Ant Man) they still have to keep the majority of the films they make something they can rely on being financially beneficial for them.  There are many diverse comic characters, but most would be huge risk giving their own film, so if you want to see one or more of these characters on the big screen, just keep showing your love for them.  Let their popularity grow, voice your wants for the characters and the studios will notice(Deadpool).  Studios don't need to just rush on these risky films, just for diversity sake, negatively effecting quality and B.O numbers.  Doing this will cause studios to move away from CBMS due to losing the general audience, and the long theorized fall of the CBM genre may actually come true.

Just going to touch on this a little, but on casting, if an actor have to be a certian race or gender, to be that character, that should not be changed for diversity sake.  To those who don't, it should come down to who proves themself the best to the studio, regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., but lately it seem studios narrow the people they cast or hire(directors) to those who serve their diversity driven agenda. 


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UltimateTypeface - 3/30/2016, 6:51 PM
Luke Cage has got to be black.

Ironfist has got to be white.

Shang -chi has got to be yellow.

Red Skull has got to be red.

Drax has got to be green.

Moondragon is Gay and Bald.

Hulk can be many colours.

Thanos is purple.

Some Kree are blue and some are white.

Grey Gargoyle is grey.

Thor can be male/female/goat faced or a frog.

I don't know where I'm going with this.

Claymore - 3/30/2016, 7:27 PM
Glad to see there are other spawn fans
kong - 3/30/2016, 7:55 PM
"I love strong characters, which we all do, and their race and gender has nothing to do with it. A character's personality and attributes are what draw me to them, which it should be for everyone."

So since it doesn't matter what the race or gender is, you'd be fine with a african-american, female, Captain America?
RextheKing - 3/30/2016, 8:05 PM
@Kong - Read the last paragraph.
BawbScharf - 3/31/2016, 1:33 PM
@Kong - That would be an amazing take on the character as it embodies the idea that America is a diverse country with people of different colors and genders. FANTASTIC IDEA! Because, when you get right down to it, Captain America sure did fit the perfect mold of the people he was fighting in the 40's. Can we make your wonderful African-American Female Cap a quarter Jewish. too?

While I am making fun of you ...what you presented WOULD be a compelling take on a patriotic hero and not the joke that you think it is.
kong - 3/31/2016, 4:17 PM
@Objectivelybiased - I agree. I would pick up that comic or watch that movie as soon as I could.
RextheKing - 3/30/2016, 9:30 PM
@NateBest Need a little help with my article, it's acting up, plus I can't get into my other articles to edit them.
RextheKing - 3/30/2016, 10:06 PM
@RextheKing - @NateBest oh and don't forget the comment section.
Ghostpointzero - 3/30/2016, 10:54 PM
This boils down to Please stop talking about things I don't want to hear about.

Counter productive. We've been here and done this. The moment hollywood stops whitewashing everything the so called "Diversity Problem" will probably stop being talked about.

RextheKing - 3/31/2016, 10:47 AM
@Ghostpointzero - I see you read two sentences in then stopped.
SteveBosell - 4/2/2016, 8:31 AM
@Ghostpointzero - There's talking about diversity and acting on diversity. Hollywood does a whole lot of jaw-jacking about things. They made a big, whiny fuss over the Oscars "being too white" yet Hollywood won't do anything about it.
01928401 - 3/31/2016, 5:32 PM

Basically, you don't understand why diversity is important.
RextheKing - 4/1/2016, 5:31 AM
@PietroMaximoff - Basically you didn't read shit? Diversity for the sake of diversity, I don't like. People bitching that we need more of this race or this gender so that audience members of this race or this gender can have someone to look up to, I don't like. How about we stop defining ourselve by our race and gender, and learn that you can relate to anyone of any color, gender, etc.

I do want to see more diversity in cbms, but not forcibly. I want studios to actually give a shit, not just pandering to a bunch of special snowflakes who feel entitled to representation.
01928401 - 4/1/2016, 6:11 AM
@RextheKing - No, I read it. And I read your comment. Doesn't mean you understand diversity.

The point of forcing diversity at this point is so it won't be an issue in the future. And that's with anything: movies, music, business, schools, you name it. If we give to a minority what we've stripped from them in the past, we can ensure that there is another area in which they can thrive.

It sucks that you've been lead to believe diversity only exists so children have someone to look up to (although that is partially true because culture and race intertwine). Society has got to quit forcing us to believe it's negative to want to create an environment where everyone has a shot. So, like I said, force it now and it will be natural over time.
RextheKing - 4/1/2016, 6:23 AM
@PietroMaximoff - Basically what I'm getting and am offended by as a Black man, is that minority needs hand outs to make it in this world. No, we need and for the most part do have equal opportunities, to make it... which bring me to my next point.

"Society has got to quit forcing us to believe it's negative to want to create an environment where everyone has a shot." No, people need to stop desgising giving minorities special treatment, as giving everyone a fair shot.
01928401 - 4/1/2016, 6:41 AM
@RextheKing - But the reason they need special treatment at the present time is to make up for the injustices done to them in the past. If you look at movie casts and government chairs and corporate boards, they are all mostly comprised of white men. This happens because white men just keep giving white men the upper hand. These hand-outs are not to suggest that anyone his weak or can't do anything of their own merit, they're more like a hand-up to change the status quo in which white men are taking over this country and will continue to do so unless we force minorities into their positions to produce an even playing field.
SteveBosell - 4/2/2016, 8:36 AM
@PietroMaximoff - You do realize that Asians are more wealthy on average than white people? This concept that white people are hogging the whole pie and not letting others partake is a serious case of brainwashing. As Rex mentioned, a lot of injustices and inadequacies have been corrected and no longer exist. To perpetuate this concept that minorities are still victims doesn't help anyone. Your idea to "force" diversity is antithetical to liberty and history has proven this.
TomSolo - 4/1/2016, 12:49 AM
Being a white male, age 18-45, everyone listens to what I have to say! Simpsons jokes aside, I feel like movie studio's reasons are often not to be morally inclusive or tell a better story... they just want more demographics in the seats. That is not a win for diversity. It's a win for profits.
RextheKing - 4/1/2016, 1:36 PM
@PietroMaximoff - The injustices that happen to my ancestors happen to them not me. I don't deserve a hand out for what they went through neither does anyone else. Those injustices were a lesson to not do that shit again, not to do it in reverse. Putting movie cast aside, why do you think government chairs and corporate boards are as such. Maybe white men are just more interested in these positions? Maybe we the people(including minorities) voted them in? Want more minority government officials, ceos, in stem fields, etc? How about more of us work for it, instead of relying on quotas. If I ever got a job because of my race, that what say a lot about my merits, which is that they didn't give a shit about them, they just needed someone who looked like me to fill the position. I may be the most qualified black person to fill the position, but I have no clue, without the quota, if I was the most qualified person for the job.
01928401 - 4/1/2016, 2:14 PM
@RextheKing - Are you listening to yourself? America is run by white men because they have always been in charge. Black culture was just as much a building block in the construction of this country as signing the Declaration of Independence. Without slavery, without black influence, white people would not be near the power we are today. By allowing them to continue running this country, by allowing white people to stay the power they've always been, you're submitting to their rule. They still to this day look down upon the one other race that helped build this country and the only way to stop this is to take whatever you can get to fill the positions that make you equal to them. Or you can keep writing bullshit articles on a website full of internet nerds who don't give a shit about your culture. Take the hand out. You deserve it after all your people have been through.
RextheKing - 4/1/2016, 2:52 PM
@PietroMaximoff - I'm tired of this shit. You want to continue blaming everything on the white man, believing your entitled to power because of your race or gender, ignoring the fact that the people you "submit" yourself to are the people we voted in, and thinking equal representation is better than equal opprotunity, go ahead. I know my worth, and I'm proud of my race and gender, but I don't define myself by them. If I ever take a hand out, it's because I'm a human being in need of it, not because I feel oppressed under the all powerful white male, but until that day comes, if it ever does, I will continue working hard to make it this world.
SteveBosell - 4/2/2016, 8:43 AM
@PietroMaximoff - I bet you're voting for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

An excellent deconstruction of white privilege (from a minority to a self-loathing white kid):

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