UPDATE COMICS: Adam Glass To Retell Harley Quinn's Origin Story In Suicide Squad #7!

UPDATE COMICS: Adam Glass To Retell Harley Quinn's Origin Story In Suicide Squad #7!

CBR talks to Adam Glass as he reveals Harley's new origin story will be told in Suicide Squad #7 which will tell us how psychiatrist Harleen Quinzel became the dangerous Harley Quinn.

By SpiderParker - Dec 13, 2011 12:12 AM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Source: CBR

In January, Suicide Squad writer Adam Glass, series artist Federico Dallocchio and DC Comics are sending Deadshot, King Shark and the other Team X members on The Hunt For Harley Quinn.

The Hunt For Harley Quinn see's Harley going rogue, breaking out of Belle Reeve during a prison riot in order to look for the missing Joker. Unfortunately for her, the Squad is hot on her tail and that's not all as Glass informed CBR, the writer has more in store for Quinn as Suicide Squad #7 issue #7 will also feature the popular bad girl's new origin story.

Harley Quinn was originally created by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for their early '90s hit television show "Batman: The Animated Series," she made her way into comics shortly thereafter as Dini and Timm established her DC Universe origin the 1994 "Mad Love" one-shot. As the book revealed, Quinn was once Dr. Harleen Quinzel, Joker's psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum fell in love with Joker during their therapy sessions, Quinn changed her name and donned her harlequin-inspired costume, obsessively turning to a life of crime in order to win Joker's affection. Winning an Eisner Award for Best Single Story, "Mad Love" remained Quinn's comic book and television origin but now that's going to change.

Speaking with CBR about the new origin, Glass takes us on a tour of his "Suicide Squad," touching on the tough times ahead for Deadshot, Savant's not-so-permanent death and the re-design controversy the book has dealt with since its September launch so make the jump to read what Adam Glass had to say about this and a lot more.

CBR News: This month wraps up your initial "Suicide Squad" storyline, and in January we've got "The Hunt For Harley Quinn" starting up. We've already seen that you're committed to character rotation with the first death in the Squad and Captain Boomerang coming on, but do you see Harley as one of the few mainstays of your comic?

Adam Glass: Absolutely! First of all, from the moment we started talking about this idea, I think we were on a call and someone said, "The Hunt for Harley," and I said, "I love that title!" It just sounds so freaking awesome! So yes, Harley is definitely one of the stars of our book, from the moment I pitched her as one of the members of the Squad. I think everybody at first was like, "Huh?" One of the things we're doing that I really enjoyed with Harley is just showing all the different sides to her. I think she's a great character and I think she's been portrayed in an interesting way; we're just really peeling the onion back and showing that there is even more to her then we've seen so far.

CBR: What first interested you in exploring Harley as a character? As you said, you were really the one who wanted to bring her onto "Suicide Squad."

AG: I think there are a couple of things about Harley. One is, I think she's incredibly underestimated. I think people look at her as a sidekick -- and when I say people, I'm talking within the world of the comic itself, other heroes, villains -- stuff like that. I mean, her fan base is so strong, and all those Harley Quinn fans who constantly want to kill me for her costume change and everything else, I love them to death and I think they're going to be really happy as we continue to peel back all these different layers of her.

She's an extremely dangerous young woman, and I think what this book is going to show is just how dangerous she is, and also how smart she is. Let's not forget, this is a woman who was a doctor, a psychiatrist, who was very successful at her life before she even met Joker. I have to believe that someone like this, who is so smart, is more culpable in her switchover from Dr. Harleen Quinzel to Harley Quinn. There's more to this. She knows what she's doing, she's more in charge than people think. I think a lot of people say, "She's just in love with Joker and does what he says." She definitely falls in love with Joker and she definitely does what he says, but she knows what she's doing. There's something behind the madness.

CBR: What can you tell us about the "Hunt" storyline?

AG: I think I can tell you this, which is, we already know that the Joker's missing. When she hears that, well, Harley needs to go find him. Someone took her puddin', where's Mr. J? She turns around and decides, you know what? I'm going to go find out for myself what happened. As I think about it I'm like, hmm, can I say this? Lawyer, lawyer! [Laughs] I can say we're going to hunt her, so you know that she's basically going to get away.

CBR: In issue #7, you're re-jiggering the origin story for Harley. Is that all part and parcel with you wanting to show her as more than Mr. J's sidekick?

AG: Once again it goes with what I've been saying about the whole New 52 and especially "Suicide Squad," which is; it's familiar but fresh. What's the familiar thing that we all know about her, and what's the fresh take on it? I think, when you look at Harley, she's still [Joker's] doctor, he's still her patient, they still meet at Arkham Asylum -- it's really the inciting incident that changes. We're diving a little deeper into the actual psychology of what it is. What makes her turn, what makes her fall for him, what makes her decide to go down his road? There are all these things we're going to visit and examine for the reboot of her origin. How did she get her white skin? She's not albino, but she's close to [the Joker] with chalk white skin. All those things, we will establish.

CBR: It seemed like Harley was exploring a "relationship" with Deadshot -- is this new twist going to play into the "Hunt?"

AG: Let's just put it this way -- it's definitely going to get dealt with! [Laughs]

CBR: The Suicide Squad members are all hardened criminals, but who's the scariest bad guy in your book full of criminal badasses?

AG: I think that's part of what we're going to do in this book. We're going to find that the girl who has no powers and is apparently the most underestimated is actually the most dangerous person in the group. By the end of this book, people are going to be like, "Wow, you don't want to screw with Harley Quinn." And Deadshot is also obviously a real badass. I think everything is going to come to a culmination here, everything from the relationship we basically started laying down to who's in charge of the Squad, who's in the Squad; it's all going to peak by the end of #7.

I wanted to also say there are going to be a couple of issues coming up, too, that are going to lead to some things. To take a moment to talk about the other characters; we're going to get into why King Shark has been evolving, we're going to find out what's been happening to him, so we're going to start to explore King Shark and why he's been so out of it. And everyone thought Savant died in book one. Well, we're going to find out what happened to Savant, because he appears in "The Hunt For Harley." We're going to find out more about El Diablo, his powers and what the tattoos mean and all that stuff. And Black Spider -- what's his background? What's he doing there, what happened to him after the diner where he got shot, is he going to be back in the front or is he going to die? We learn more about Yo-Yo, who is an interesting character -- who is he, what is he, where does he come from? And there are these great covers; on the "Hunt For Harley" I think Paul Renauld, a French artist, did the first cover. The cover's just amazing. And then Ivan Reis, who's killing it on "Aquaman," is the second cover.

CBR: With all these different characters replacing Squad members, how do you go about deciding who you are going to bring in? Is it something where you consider the team dynamic or are there other considerations?

AG: I think there's a mixture of considerations, and that's one of them. You ask, how does this person affect the rest of the team? Someone like Captain Boomerang comes in, and he's in charge, basically given the detonator to the neck bombs. Holy cow! Obviously, from the moment he sees Deadshot-- they know each other from the past and they don't like each other. I always say it's the male alpha monkey problem -- stick a bunch of male alpha monkeys in the room and let them kill each other. So yes, that definitely comes into consideration when you're picking everybody, and it's also just a wink to the old fans who love Boomer like I do and want to see him. I think you'll see some other visits, as the issues go on, of other people coming in and how they play into this new Squad. It's exciting! I'm glad to have Captain Boomerang back on board.

CBR: And you've also got Yo-Yo, who you mentioned earlier and who seems to be a completely new character.

AG: Yo-Yo is a completely new character. Part of the great opportunity I'm getting with the book, and I know a lot of times, as an avid reader, myself, of comics, and as an old fan of Ostrander's "Squad," you always knew who the dude with the red shirt was, and you were like, "I've never heard of that guy, that guy's dead." Any time you introduce someone new, they're like, "Oh, he's cannon fodder." I think people are going to be very surprised who sticks around and who does not. I really like Yo-Yo a lot. He's got this great, interesting power where he can fluctuate his weight, hence the name Yo-Yo, and he's sort of like a crazy teenager in a lot of ways. As you'll see from his opening line, "Don't worry, a string doesn't come out of my ass," that's a great introduction to him. He carries that sense of humor with him along the way, interacting with all the different characters.

CBR: Let's talk about the interior art for the book, and what it's been like working with Federico Dallocchio.

AG: Federico's amazing. It's so funny, when he sends me pages, I always say it's like Christmas morning. I can't wait to open them and see what new stuff he has. He's such a talented guy, and when I look at his stuff -- this isn't a knock on them, but I think certain artists just look like comic book artists, and I love a lot of those artists, but when I look at Federico's stuff, I'm like, "Wow, he's really original." I don't know who looks like him. He really has his own style and that's what I love about what he's bringing to the book.

I think he's got that original style, but I also think he's really good at catching emotion within the panel. I just love the way he'll place something. He picks the right angle to play them at, which I think it really makes the page pop. I have to give him 95% of the credit -- every now and then, he'll call me and say, "Hey I was thinking of this" -- though he lives in South America, so I should say he actually Facebooks me! He has a really clear sense of not only these characters, but also how they feel in the book and how to lay them out in the panel.

There are more questions answered by Adam Glass so be sure to head over to CBR to read them.

Update: Added cover for Suicide Squad #7.

Don't forget to pick up Suicide Squad issue #4 on December 14, issue #5 on January 11 and the beginning of The Hunt For Harley Quinn when it hits stores on February 8.

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BatSlam - 12/11/2011, 7:26 PM
1st .... thats cool, I have been reading this, i am not going to rave about it, its not the best thing ever, but it isn't bad either. When you have Harley Quinn fighting a stadium full of "zombies" with a hammer it is hard to go wrong. I hope this book goes into a good direction.
Checkmate - 12/11/2011, 8:15 PM
I couldn't care less about Harley, but I'm looking forward to Captain Boomerang's inclusion in the Squad.
KUSlacker - 12/11/2011, 10:50 PM
Feeling kinda lonely in the boat of liking Harley. I think this one has alot of potential...but the Zombies was a bit much.
Oarsis - 12/12/2011, 4:12 AM
I like Harley...

I love her new design. Very dark, sexy, and psychotic! Who would dare fight in this, other then her???

Very nice!
marvel72 - 12/12/2011, 5:17 AM
harley quinn's excellent maybe even my favorite female dc character up there with powergirl,zatanna,wonder woman & black canary.
SpiderParker - 12/12/2011, 9:45 AM
Yea, she is one of the top baddest female character in DC and maybe even in the whole Comics genre. She is an interesting character being bad much like Joker.
JatevinM - 12/13/2011, 9:04 AM
Don't feel alone in liking Harley because I freaking love her.
JatevinM - 12/13/2011, 9:05 AM
While I don't like her redesign which I think should be changed again.
productionbunny - 12/27/2011, 4:09 PM
I'm so GLAD DC is finally doing something more complex with Harley's character. It's about time. It's nice to see the writers adding more depth to her persona these days -several of my colleagues and I have been involved in a film version of Harley's rise and fall since 2010, so funny I came across your article now. What's really cool about this script is the that the writer is a woman who worked in a Maximum Security Prison for years, she really identified with Harley but felt like the writers of her origin story made the character flaky and too innocent - she said you wouldn't last a day in a high profile corrections setting like that. I've read the script and been on set for some of the filming I can tell you it's going to be an AMAZING project. I hope it does well because it's a really great team of people and I really love the "real" Harley she portrays in the story. Here's a summary:
Gotham Origins: Harley Quinn

In the Maximum Security Psychiatric Facility of Arkham Asylum, the “ivy league of insanity”, Dr. Harlene Quinzel is a damaged but idealistic psychiatrist who already lives on the edge between good and evil. Her efforts to improve conditions for the mentally ill catch the attention of Bruce Wayne, and the two quickly realize the other is not what they seem. As they begin to dance around the each other’s secrets, a romance begins to bloom. But when Harley refuses to play by the rules of the Asylum’s sadistic administrator, Dr. Jeremiah Arkham, she is assigned to what he hopes will be the last case of her life: JOHN DOE #2625374- aka The Joker. And when her work with the infamous psychopath becomes more and more compromising, Harley steps over the edge of what defines sanity and madness.

Gotham Origins: Harley Quinn creates a boldly honest vision of the genesis of Gotham’s most intriguing siren; one where Dr. Harlene Quinzel, both in her clandestine sexual adventures and in her dangerous daily existence, blurs the line between free will and free fall...
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