Kevin Smith Weighs In With His Opinion of The Marvel/Disney Merger

Kevin Smith Weighs In With His Opinion of The Marvel/Disney Merger

Check this MTV interview out where Kevin Smith basically tells us all to just chill out and relax.

By jman1977 - Oct 02, 2009 08:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

This from MTV:

"I saw a lot of cats who were like, 'Oh, this is the end, they're raping my childhood again,'" said Smith of the online uproar when the deal went public.

"No, they're not," he said. "[DC]'s been owned by Time Warner...for many years now. ... If you like DC's output, why the f--- is Marvel being owned by a corporate entity going to be any different?"

You know what Comic Book Movie fans? Kevin has a point.

Many thanks to MTV for providing the video.
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Shaman - 10/2/2009, 8:19 AM
No shit.
CrookedJaw - 10/2/2009, 8:23 AM
That's whay I've been sayin...people i know have been saying that Marvel is a sellout, na na na, and that DC's not...however, I remind me that DC "sold out" to WB long long time ago...there's no difference with what Marvel's doing
InFamouslyCool - 10/2/2009, 8:27 AM
..i haven't been a comicbook/video game reader/player.. fan since jr highschool so i guess i should be completely clueless to why some people (fully grown adults) seem to think the world's ending because of disney. hannah montana aint never kill nobody.
KeepItReal - 10/2/2009, 8:34 AM
"hannah montana aint never kill nobody." she killed me with that new song of hers party now! UGH!!! cant stand it!
InFamouslyCool - 10/2/2009, 8:37 AM

you're right.
GUNSMITH - 10/2/2009, 8:40 AM
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 8:43 AM
soforizo- True. But DC/Warner are slowly gettin' there. Plus, Disney bought Marvel to make profits. They've seen how much money Marvel can make with their films, why would they tell them to switch recepies? It would be like Subway buying MacDonalds and asking them to ditch the big mac and switch to Whoppers. Anybody else hungry???
CorndogBurglar - 10/2/2009, 8:43 AM
now watch. because kevin smith came in here and said positive things, all of a sudden everyone's gonna start changing their minds. what happened to all the haters a few weeks ago?? huh??? did you guys actually start using your brains before saying disney will screw up marvel??
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 8:45 AM
CDB- LEEE's not up yet...
spideysweb - 10/2/2009, 8:53 AM
@shaman, now that is funny.

The merger still bothers me. I will just wait and see.
RaMan - 10/2/2009, 8:54 AM
Why would anyone worry about Disney buying Marvel for a measly $4 billion? Hasn't Disney been successful in 95% of the films they have made? Look at Pirates of the Carribean, & The Chronicles of Narnia. Not crazy about Prince Caspian and it wasn't as successful as Lion, Witch, & Wardrobe but it still earned close to $300 million worldwide. Disney has been around for what...50 to 60 years and the name itself is worldwide iconic and stands for sucess. So why would anyone think it is going to hurt Marvel movies?? It didn't pay that much money to Marvel so they can lose money! It wants a piece of the pie and a BIG piece. Walt Disney will now strengthen Marvel in becoming more successful and it will reach out to younger viewers as much as the adults. I am all for Disney buying Marvel!!
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 9:03 AM
Best part of "Niareha: the turd, the nugget and the floater" was The Turkish Delight. What a piece of shit film that was. Haven't seen Price Crapian, any good?
Spock - 10/2/2009, 9:05 AM
Everything will be fine. Besides Kevin has always kept it REEL!
As far as Hannah MOntana she had to postpone her concert here in Omaha,NE yesterday because she got stroup throat. Oh well.

StephenStrange - 10/2/2009, 9:09 AM
I have never in my life listened to pop music.

Anyway of course Smith is right on all points.

However all I have ever said is what I am saying now which is that I am going to reserve judgement.

What makes sense to me is looking at the films, not the people that own the characters that the films are about. If there's realistic gore and violence and a strong level of authenticity and reverence for the source material, then there's nothing to worry about period. Those are the only things that are actually at stake here.
Now if in the future we see that there are things amiss and there's some indication that it came from Disney, well that's different. But that's a a pretty big IF.

They would be fools not to realize that they are under extreme scrutiny about all this. If they had the Avengers in a My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Barbie triple threat, we would all flip out.
We would reject it, the people we know would reject it because we do and those lovely numbers would dwindle considerably.

So int he final analysis, let's not worry till we can clearly see there's somehting to worry about. ;)
Spock - 10/2/2009, 9:18 AM
nice tea bag, I should blow this up & pickit the Qwest Center with this.
StephenStrange - 10/2/2009, 9:20 AM
Shaman, Caspian was boring, confusing, silly, cliche, and the acting was horrible.

The only upside in my memory was some decent cinematography and breathtaking natural scenery.
Shadowelfz - 10/2/2009, 9:56 AM
Haha Teabag so true. Ever see that girl without makeup?

It seems cooler heads have prevailed. Sure, there is fair enough reason for people to worry A LITTLE bit, though Disney hadnt become an entertainment juggernaut by pulling stupid moves like altering previously successful properties. Their kid-friendly methods of operation belong to products of their brands, though as Mirimax has shown us, they are not dumb enough to try to hold all their properties to such standards. I think the backlash was a gut-reaction by fans who woke up and saw 'Disney bought Marvel' in news headlines. If you sit down and think about it, there isnt too much to worry about, but your first reaction probably would be a bit sceptical. Still, there are those (like Leee), whose reaction was a bit prolonged, but I think when the next Marvel movie rears its head and we see its the same, those fears should be put to rest.
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 10:01 AM
DarthMulder- Sounds better than the first one already!
RaMan - 10/2/2009, 10:04 AM
@Shaman. 1st Narnia movie was excellent. It earned close to $300mil domestically. Prince Caspian was crap in my opinion.
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 10:15 AM
Hulk2008- Do you have any idea how much money Titanic made??? Even Kate Winslet in the freakin' buff couldn't sell me the movie!!! You're telling me that you found Narnia excellent because it made 300mil??? What a sheep.
CorndogBurglar - 10/2/2009, 11:11 AM
the first narnia was shit. the special effects were awful, and it was religious jargon. gi joe's special effects were worse, but narnia's were pretty damn bad too
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 11:29 AM
CDB- Maybe GI JOE would have seemed a bit better had they put Turkish Delight somewhere in there :P
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 12:33 PM
You know you have a bad movie on your hands when even Turkish Delight can't make it better :(
RaMan - 10/2/2009, 12:47 PM
@Shaman. Narnia (1st movie) was a very good movie, not becuz of what it made but it was a good story and great special effects. The Lion (Aslan) represents the symbol of Christ Jesus. Its a Disney movie.You have every right to disagree, and to each his own. My point was that Disney is the right company and Marvel is in the hands of the right owner in my opinion. Mickey & the gang for the children; Cap & Avengers for Adults & teens and children to some extent. Exposing it to a bigger audience means bigger revenues and profits.
Bandrews1 - 10/2/2009, 12:49 PM
You gotta give it to Kevin Smith, I agree with him.
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 1:12 PM
Hulk2008- I'll agree with everything you've said except Narnia being a very good movie. The acting was very bad aside from Liam's voice over. And i don't see Aslan's sacrifice related to Christ that much. No character aside from Aslan has any charisma. None of them were likable to the point where you'd actually root for them. And having children fight in a war the scale of LOTR, to the death no less, IMO isn't a good story. At all.
Set2Fallfirst - 10/2/2009, 1:15 PM
So so true he hit the nail in the coffin. hahah @Shaman hah ai missed you man lol nice avatar
NJdevil12 - 10/2/2009, 1:23 PM
i'm really liking that logo he has on his jacket =P
Shaman - 10/2/2009, 1:54 PM
Set2Fallfirst- Thanks man, missed you too ;) And i dunno if it's just me but seriously the kids in a war thing is so not endearing in the least! As if you'd be watching an afghanistany war film with kids going to battle, saying how good it is while eating pop corn. WTF???
Phinehas - 10/2/2009, 3:55 PM
"If you like DC's output, why the f--- is Marvel being owned by a corporate entity going to be any different?"

Because, WB is far more diversified in its film history. Smith, acknowledges Disney's effeminate bent! Difference is, he presumes his own common sense on Disney.

Hey many of you have made good points, but Disney is Disney is Disney. They'll toy with it. Mark my words. The CEO let slip that one day...(i'll get back to you on that quote).

"And i don't see Aslan's sacrifice related to Christ that much."
It was definitely CS Lewis' intent to allegorize Christian teachings into Chronicles of Narnia including (and not limited to) Aslan's selfless sacrifice.
wolverine81 - 10/2/2009, 4:18 PM
Gotta agree it is just good business the only change I can see is that we will probably not see a R rated Marvel movie ever again. Besides didnt Marvel say no more R rating in any Marvel movie. Money that is all its about.

As far as the r ratings go the following list is tops for r rating:

All Blade Movies
All Ghost Rider Movies
Elektra Movies???????
Punisher Movies...Only with Tom Jane though
Wolverine Movies...Japan Storyline
Magneto Movie...W W 2
Venom Movie!!!!

Thats it for any more
Phinehas - 10/2/2009, 4:31 PM
Found it!

Bob Iger first predictably says, ""We're not planning on any 'Disneyfication' of Marvel," said Iger, "...Our intention is to keep Marvel as an entity."


But then lets slip, "Iger reiterated that part of what is so intriguing about Marvel is the deal is designed to play out in the long run, having characters that 'transcend gender and age.'"

...which is "Disnyfication." But what do I know? Disney is a big corporation. And big corporations are only money driven, right? (Scoffing) They never push a corporate ideology into their product! Nahhhh... lol

You know what? If it had been any other company than Disney, I would only be half as concerned. But flippin Disney...
CorndogBurglar - 10/2/2009, 4:44 PM
@ phinehas

you just said disney is a money driven corporation. (i would like to hear how this is different from any other company) so how would they be gaining money by driving away the majority of their fanbase? which are adults.
FilmGuy91 - 10/2/2009, 4:44 PM
he made a good
i think differntly of the buy out
Phinehas - 10/2/2009, 4:50 PM
CDB, I was speaking tongue in cheek(I'll re-edit for effect). Why don't you ask Iger! Those are his words up there in quotes, not mine.
Jimdlux - 10/2/2009, 5:36 PM
I wanna see Paranormal Activity!!!
CorndogBurglar - 10/3/2009, 5:14 AM
@ phinehas

just so you know, buddy, i mean no disrespect. but i read his quote you wrote up there. and it doesn't say "disneyfication".

that was YOUR translation of what he said. he actually said the marvel characters "transcend gender and age". i take that to mean that they are characters that can be used and marketed to boys and girls, and people of all ages. meaning, disney wanted marvel because people don't just stop buying marvel merchandise when they reach a certain age. but marvel has been marketing to both kids and adults since the beginning. Marvel Super Hero Squad is a perfect example. thats something for the kids, that has no impact on the adult material that already exists. i just exect to see more of that type of thing, which i'm fine with.

there's just no real reason to "disneyfy" the adult material, because they would literally lose half of their income that marvel already has. its simple business 101, really. don't fix what already brings in lots of profits :)
dancingmonkey08 - 10/3/2009, 7:18 AM
I love Kevin Smith, he is just one of the comic book fans like us
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