Marvel vs DC Fanboys: Is There a Double Standard in Their Trolling?

Marvel vs DC Fanboys:  Is There a Double Standard in Their Trolling?

Lately, I've been hearing a lot about how the trolling operation between Marvel and DC fanboys differ. Apparently one side is hypocritical and the other isn't. Let's figure out if there is any truth to that.

Editorial Opinion
By RextheKing - Mar 27, 2015 01:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Before we begin, I would like to say there is a difference between a fan and a fanboy.  So if you are a fan of Marvel, DC, or both, do not fret.  I am not attacking you.

Fanboys, they spend their spare time(which is likely all of their time) defending a company, person, product, etc, on message boards and threads, while criticizing a similiar yet different company, person, product, etc.  You already know this though, and you recognize the proccess as trolling.

Apparently, DC fanboys as of late, are claiming that their is a double standard between the two.  Marvel fanboys(and regular fans as well) do not complain about anything Marvel does, but will criticize DC for any decision, even similar ones to Marvel's.  Whether it's Marvel's costumes vs DC's, Marvel's casting vs DC's, characters faithfulness to the source in Marvel and DC films, the use of realism, or even the new one, criticizing the studios' choice of wanting a female director at the helm of a female lead CBM.

Being both a Marvel and DC fan, my mind stays clear of bias when I'm on message boards and threads, so I see things, that fanboys go blind, death, and dumb to.   When it come to costume designs, people are very opinionated, fanboys in particular. DC fanboys believe that no one, outside of themselves, complain about any of the costume designs Marvel have given us.  They say Marvel fanboys(and regular fans) do no complain about Scarlet Witch's and Quicksilver's costumes in the upcoming Avengers:  Age of Ultron, yet they complain about Wonder Woman's new costume, in the upcoming Batman vs Superman:  Dawn of Justice film, even though it's very faithful to the comics.  It is true, Marvel and DC fanboys/fans alike have shared their complaints about Wonder Woman's new costume(mostly revolving around the muted colors, or simply about the actress wearing it), but I can say the same about many of the Marvel costume designs.  Fans and non-fans complain time and time again about how plain the Maximoff twin's costumes are.  It's not nearly as much, because they are constantly reminded that these are obviously not final costumes and they will probably get one at the end of AOU or in a future film, but the complaints are there.

Similar things are said about castings, and again I can say there is less complaints on Marvel's side, but to Marvel fans and critics, their casting has been spot on.  Even the ones that seem like they weren't good choices in the past, has surprised the fans and critics.  After seven years of this, people are more willing to trust Marvel when it comes to casting, but as I said, it does not stop the complaining.  It's not hypocrisy; it's like saying it's hypocritical for someone to trust their money with a finiancial advisor vs a man/woman who lost their life savings in a casino(not saying DC is that bad, I'm not saying their bad at all, just that the DCCU is in it's infancy and have yet to garner the trust that the MCU has).  It's actually a double standard to force people to have the same amount of trust in someone who hasn't earned it.

Not to be lazy, but to avoid writing and you reading the same argument three more times in this article, I will stop at that last point.

I will not argue with anyone who says that Marvel trolling has been more frequent than DC trolling, but in the end, there is not a double standard.  Trolls, and Fanboys are what they are, and they do the same thing no matter what they choose to defend and criticize.  Marvel having more fanboys is a result of Marvel starting their very successful cinematic universe back in 2008, while the DCCU just sprung into life in 2013.  Of course there was more balance during Nolan's Batman trilogy, but not every Nolanite was a DC fanboy, so now that his trilogy is being over shadowed by the upcoming slew of CBMs the Nolanites are beginning to fade.  Marvel fanboys are hypocritical though, and do follow Marvel blindly and criticizing DC with every step they make, but DC fanboys are the same.  A double standard do exist, but not in the way DC fanboys claim.  


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kinghulk - 3/27/2015, 2:32 PM
i agree both fans and fanboys have complained stuff at somepoint, like when Chris evans was cast as cap some people me included didnt think it would work but for me now evans is cap. and of course plenty of people have complained about cap and hawkeye's costumes in avengers, i think post avengers marvel get less flak because they have proved themselves and im sure after BvS or maybe Justice league DC will get less flak for their decisions.
Superheromoviefan - 3/27/2015, 2:38 PM
I think the problem is the dc fanboys because marvel is ripping dc's asshole and because it hurts the fanboys try to troll us away. The problem with dc is that the men in top don't care about the movies, but for the money. If they make the worst piece of shit(Bayformers etc), but it was succeful they wouldn't care. Marvel make mistakes, but they at least try to fix it.
SauronsBANE - 3/27/2015, 2:41 PM
We really need that block user function...
MrCBM56 - 3/27/2015, 2:43 PM
"We really need that block user function..."
blackandyellow - 3/27/2015, 2:52 PM
blackandyellow - 3/27/2015, 2:54 PM
Maybe people just need to stop taking superheroes, aliens, and robots so [frick]ing serious. Maybe.
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 2:56 PM
@blackandyellow fixed.
I actually had a probably writing "their" every time I meant "there" and the one time I was suppose to use "their" I got it wrong.
Pasto - 3/27/2015, 3:00 PM
I agree with B&Y.

....Whats happening to me?

Next I'm going to start sending death threats to actors who wear skinny ties...
Pasto - 3/27/2015, 3:02 PM
Baka - 3/27/2015, 3:02 PM
@Kinghulk @SauronsBANE @Rextheking
BastTheGod - 3/27/2015, 3:05 PM
just like football fans ,same sh!t
MercwithMouth - 3/27/2015, 3:10 PM
It's the same with Sony vs. Xbox, same with Mac vs. PC, same with Apple vs. Samsung, same with NFL fans.

There's no stopping it. It's all a fact of the internet.
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 3:22 PM
@sintzu It's just the way they are, and honestly, part of the reason I finally decided this article was worth writing, I don't think they can be changed. I'm losing hope on this flame war ending, but at least I could try and get them to agree on something. That they are all trolls, and work the same way, just loyal to different company.
LEVITIKUZ - 3/27/2015, 4:02 PM
01928401 - 3/27/2015, 4:22 PM
It is very easy to have no bias in the CBM world. When it comes to the overall world of comics, one might have a preference, but there is a surprising number of us on here that just want all CBMs to succeed and don't have much bias based on company specifically.
01928401 - 3/27/2015, 4:25 PM
And honestly, I would say that a user's comments are "better" if the user is one of these people. Of course a DC fanboy will bash Marvel and vice versa. With less or no bias, comments are much more logical for the most part and hold more weight.
CombatWombat - 3/27/2015, 4:26 PM

Actually it is "There"
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 4:29 PM
@TheMarvelite End what? Fanboyism? Never mentioned anything in my article about ending it.
@GentlemanlyBatman I see your point, and you are right, I am bias to a certain degree, everyone is. If I had to say my bias is with Marvel, but I'm not a blind follower. I still enjoy DC a lot even though I enjoy Marvel slightly more. So when I said I'm not biased, I only meant I don't go blind, deaf, and dumb when fanboys from my preferred company starts trolling, so I can't make claims like, DC fanboys having a double standard, because I know it doesn't exist.
CombatWombat - 3/27/2015, 4:31 PM
...Wait, what was that comment referring to?
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 4:37 PM
@CombatWombat It was the headline, but I fixed it.
@TheMarvelite Same here, but as of late, my second favorite, Cap is getting close to edging Batman off his pedestal.
Fekkius - 3/27/2015, 4:40 PM
I generally couldn't care less about the [frick]wit Marvel fanboys who criticize and troll anything not made by Marvel. The one thing that really pisses me off, though, (and this goes for anything really not just CBMs) are the assholes who criticize Gadot's size. When I see someone say "too skinny, go eat a hamburger" what I really see is an ignorant [frick]wad who can't see the distinction between anorexia and someone's natural body shape and size.
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 4:45 PM
@ProselyteCanti I also can't stand when people post photo of her before her casting, vs after now that she has done some bulking up.
RextheKing - 3/27/2015, 4:49 PM
@TheMarvelite I was talking about overall, but here.

In movies:

1. Cap
2. Iron Man
3. Batman

Im comics:

1.. Batman
2. Cap
3. Spider-Man


1. Batman(barely)
2. Cap
3. Spider-Man
kinghulk - 3/27/2015, 4:53 PM
i lean more toward marvel than DC but i still really like dc and it's characters.
Brainiac13 - 3/27/2015, 5:13 PM
We really need that block user function...

People would abuse it.
Wannabe - 3/27/2015, 5:22 PM
I like both and even prefer DC to Marvel, but pretend to like Marvel more because it upsets people.

There. You know the truth. Now let me troll in peace.
TheManFromMars - 3/27/2015, 8:55 PM
"Trolling operation" makes it sound like a military procedure.
the - 3/27/2015, 9:15 PM
Talking about CBM's community exclusively. I don't know if we're supposed to be the crossroads of all communities with a similar focus (superherohype, screenrant, etc).
but I think I cracked the recurrent feedback to each studio.

Sony gets the most hate, especially after the 2012 reboot, even more so after all the in studio politics have been made transparent.

With FOX, there is a ton of passive-aggressive remarks mixed in with some inflammatory posts. Switched if dealing with F4 reboot. The few studio supporters present, acknowledge the passive-aggressive remarks. FOX may have more fans/fanboys than SONY, but neither matches in scale nor strength to the final 2.

WB/DC, oddly enough, has the reverse reception compared to FOX. A bunch of fan or fanboy praise (perhaps just the usuals dragging out a thread), yet always ending up debating with critics and defending against the same few trolls. On the most positive end, expect a nearly peachy keen comments section to Ayer's Suicide Squad.

MCU numerically has more fans/fanboys and less dissenters.
'Meh' outcries have been the most common "lows" I have seen.
The usual complaints and criticisms get bottled up & end up under other studios' threads. Most of the site's trolls happen to be MCU fans, some far more passionate as detractors. The remaining trolls side with the other 3 (descending order: DC, Sony, FOX).
MisterSuperior - 3/27/2015, 9:48 PM

"We really need that block user function..."

MisterSuperior - 3/27/2015, 9:49 PM
Wait.....there's a block user function now? The word 'block' is underneath avatars now.

Sauron wished it and it became true.
gamecreatorjj - 3/27/2015, 9:58 PM
I can tell you Marvel fanboys are super biased. I mean all fanboys are super biased, but Marvel Fanboys are just ignorant half the time. Mindless drones.

Human Torch is Black? shit
Horrible Avengers line up? Just go read Aryan DC Comics
Dr Doom might be a woman? I knew Fox would ruin this
Thor is a woman? It's about time for a diverse change
Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye dont wear real costumes? It's a modern day adaptation
The X-Men of the past dont wear costumes? FOX IS AFRAID OF COMICS
Hank Pym is an old fart? It's an interesting change
The Fantastic Four is slightly younger? This is NOT the fantastic four
Marvel is following the DC crisis formula? This is going to be amazing
DC does yet another crisis? They're just copying Marvel!

I know there is more context to this and there are exceptions to every rule, but this is the general consensus I find on this site and particularly on Reddit. Even on this comment section, you see stuff like "Marvel is only worse at trolling because Marvel is better." This is why people say shit like Marvel is for Kids and DC is for grown ups.
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