Mercwitham0uth's DEADPOOL 2 (SPOILER FREE) Review!

Mercwitham0uth's DEADPOOL 2 (SPOILER FREE) Review!

Were the rumors about Deadpool 2 being a complete disaster true? Or is this a great sequel? Is the film way too overstuffed by introducing new characters? Come find out in my review for Deadpool 2!

Review Opinion
By Mercwitham0uth - May 14, 2018 11:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Deadpool 2

I was lucky enough to win tickets to see and advance screening for Deadpool 2 for May 10, 2018. Before the film officially started we got an introduction from Deadpool addressing the audience. Deadpool went on to tell us that we were all lucky bastards because we get to see the film a week early. He also told us to use the "#Deadpool2" on social media to post our reactions to the film. He then told us to not post any spoilers or there would be consequences. Maybe this will be included as a neat little extra on the Blu-ray?

Going in, I wasn't too sure what to expect with the rumors surrounding Deadpool 2's production worried me a little. With director Tim Miller (Deadpool) backing out of making the sequel due to creative differences between himself and Reynolds it was another huge blow to fans of the first film. Also the talk about test audiences not liking the film and with supposed leaks for the film coming out and basically saying the film was a big screw up. Lucky for us David Leitch (John Wick and Atomic Blonde) stepped in to take the reigns and thank [frick] he did. There was quite a bit to digest in this film as it runs for 2 hours and honestly, I was quite surprised.

So without more ado, here are my thoughts on Deadpool 2.

From what you get about the films plot is that Cable is after a mutant kid played by Julian Dennison (Hunt For The Wilderpeople) and Deadpool is trying to protect him from Cable. Deadpool eventually forms a team to take on Cable and that's kind of it really. There is more to the story but I don't want to tread into spoiler territory. It wasn't structured like the first film where it starts in the present, cuts back to the past, and then back to the present, etc etc. Still I found the plot more engaging than what we got in the first film which was your standard revenge story with an origin story as well.

A majority of the cast played their roles quite well while some did not. The real stars of the film are Deadpool, Cable,  Domino, and Colossus. So let's break down some of the new and returning characters in the film.

CABLE (Josh Brolin)

Josh Brolin is 2/2 for Marvel characters. Brolin has done an amazing job as Thanos in Infinity War, that's a fact. In the role of the time traveling mutant Cable he does a great job as well. Maybe not as good as his role as Thanos but still well enough. Cable's motivation in Deadpool 2 is pretty basic. It's not necessarily a bad thing but you won't be getting a convoluted back story like in the comics or anything like that. However what he lacks in backstory he makes up for in performance, especially in intense action scenes.
Josh puts in an intense and no nonsense performance that make you feel like he's a real badass soldier. Equipped with a big gun and a metal arm Cable just looks awesome on screen and seems unstoppable. However I found he was lacking in some things as well, but it's not enough to make him any less fun to watch. Cables interactions with Deadpool at first are, like in the comics, that Wade is just a nuisance but Cable soon learns that Deadpool is a formidable opponent and vice versa.

DOMINO (Zazie Beetz)

Now those that know me on this site, you know what my thoughts were on this casting. I was not happy that they had cast Zazie as Domino.  Simply put, I wanted the character to look like how she does in the comics where her mutation has given her bleached white skin. As much as I want that look in the movie those thoughts went away after seeing Zazie Beetz put in a performance that almost rival's Deadpool himself. 
Domino can actually keep up with the Merc's sense of wit and twisted humor as Domino can fire back with a joke or one-liner just as fast. She's also very very cocky and since luck is always in her favor it makes perfect sense. Domino was fun to watch on screen. Every action scene she's in was somehting else as everything falls into place for her (pun intended). Her performance felt like a surprise as she was also able to throw down with Cable and partake in some great action sequences especially in the final act. She's a great team-up character for Deadpool as she could match wit with action. Domino and Deadpool played off of each other surprisingly well.


COLOSSUS (Stefan Kapičić) & NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD (Brianna Hildebrand)

Well what can be said about Colossus and NSTW? Well first off Colossus and Negasonic have longer roles in the film than what we got in Deadpool 1.
Colossus as always is an X-Man through and through and wants to do the right thing. His relationship with Deadpool hasn't changed and it's hilarious to watch either Colossus be offended or just downright uncomfortable in the presence of Deadpool. With that aside, Colossus tries to encourage Deadpool to do good. Negasonic brings her rebellious teen attitude, sarcasm, and snarky remarks like she had shown in the first film.
In the final act both Colossus and Negasonic take part in a better fight sequence than they did in the first film. These characters are a welcome return and just fun to watch on screen.


Saved the best for last. Ryan Reynolds puts out an even better performance in this sequel than he did in Deadpool 1. Deadpool isn't motivated by revenge this time. It's something else that drives him which I won't get into because of spoilers. Just like in the first film Deadpool quips, references pop culture, breaks the 4th wall, and just kicks ass in gory fashion.
The references to pop culture in the film are even more hilarious than what we saw in Deadpool 1. They aren't just relegated to X-Men jokes but to other films and other forms of media as well. Watching Deadpool and Cable fight is something of a treat and it's fun to watch these characters duke it out on the big screen. Reynolds gives off a far better performance in the sequel compared to the first film. He also has his emotional moments which was a welcome surprise because even though he's a ruthless Merc, he also has a heart of gold to him as well.

Now there are more characters in the film like Shatterstar, Bedlam, Zeitgeist, and of course Peter, but I don't want to spoil anything by talking about them. It's best to see for yourself when going to the movie.

Director David Leitch (John Wick and Atomic Blonde) actually did a damn good job with this film. Yes we were all a bit upset when Tim Miller left Deadpool 2 but Leitch's vision for action choreography is a work of art. It feels like John Wick style action but like the style of a comic book fight unfolding on screen at the same time. It just meshes very well together. Deadpool 2 is very action heavy, more than the first film in fact, and it doesn't slow down too often.

Deadpool 2 also has quite a few cameos as well which are just as hilarious as they are surprising.


Deadpool 2 is going to be a hit. Forget what you heard about those rumors saying it was a disaster. What Ryan Reynolds, David Leitch, and the writing duo of Paul Wernick & Rhett Reese have done is deliver a worthy sequel that improves on the first film. Not only are the new characters great to watch but the returning ones are still great too. Deadpool 2 doesn't feel overstuffed either as the film runs at a steady 2 hours and has plenty of time to introduce us to some new characters.
Deadpool 2 is hilarious, chalk full of gore that out does Deadpool 1, and it's so action heavy it's like Deadpool on cocaine from start to finish. It's that good.
Seeing the X-Force roster was also a treat. I can't wait to see that film as well. However it all depends if Fox makes it in time due to the aquisition by Disney taking effect next year.
There were some things I wasn't too pleased with regarding some characters but I can't say why that is without spoiling them. I had a lot of fun watching this film. I also feel it's worth repeat viewings because you'll be laughing so hard at parts you may just miss the next joke or bit of dialogue. I walked out of the theater wanting to see it again. You can bet I'll see it on the official opening day.

Also be sure to stick around for a hilarious mid-credits sequence. If you're Canadian you'll love it.

DEADPOOL 2 Gets a 4.5/5

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