DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: New Report Finally Confirms Whether Taylor Swift Makes A Cameo Appearance In The Movie

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: New Report Finally Confirms Whether Taylor Swift Makes A Cameo Appearance In The Movie

After seemingly endless rumours regarding Taylor Swift's Deadpool & Wolverine status, a new report from a reliable source claims to set the record straight once and for all. Find more details here...

By JoshWilding - Jun 10, 2024 03:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Deadpool & Wolverine
Source: Entertainment Weekly

For months now, rumours have swirled that singer/songwriter Taylor Swift will make a cameo appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine. As for who she'll play, we've heard names like Lady Deadpool, Dazzler, and even herself!

A cameo makes sense; filmmaker Shawn Levy starred in Swift's self-directed "All Too Well" music video/short film (starring Dylan O'Brien and Sadie Sink), while Swift is also good friends with Ryan Reynolds and his wife, Blake Lively.

According to Entertainment Weekly, they’ve managed to confirm that Swift does not appear in Deadpool & Wolverine.

One of two things is happening here. Option one is that the rumours and excitement have gotten out of control and reached a point where Marvel Studios felt the need to clarify things or else risk disappointing a great many fans next month. Option two is that this is yet another example of Disney issuing a bogus denial through a friendly source to maintain the element of surprise.

We've seen this happen on countless occasions, with many a site enjoying the opportunity to debunk a seemingly bogus rumour, only to look the fool when the movie in question is released. A good example of this is John Krasinski’s surprise appearance as Mister Fantastic in 2022’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

For now, though, we’re left with no other choice than to believe Swift isn’t in Deadpool & Wolverine. It feels like a missed trick on Marvel Studios' part, though now might be a good idea to temper expectations for huge cameos as there are an awful lot of crazy rumours floating around.

"I regret that I was not quicker to shut it down the first time, so I'm going to default to my very true situation, which is as much as we love each other, the fear of death is so intense in me regarding Ryan and how he desperately wants to avoid talking about all of these proliferating rumors," Levy previously said when questioned about the Swift rumours.

Reynolds, meanwhile, also dodged the question last month when he said, "straight up dishonesty isn't in the cards," adding, "Movies like this, there's so much speculation about so many people that might end up in the film. I saw one that was convinced Elvis was in the movie. Anything can happen and that's sort of what I love about this universe. Surprises are the essence of Deadpool."

Are you disappointed that Deadpool & Wolverine seemingly won’t feature an appearance from Swift? The movie arrives in theaters on July 26.

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Lisa89 - 6/10/2024, 3:26 PM
And yet there will be TWENTY MORE "ARTICLES" about this.
MyCoolYoung - 6/10/2024, 3:48 PM
@Lisa89 - will you read all 20 is the question?
Lisa89 - 6/10/2024, 3:52 PM
@MyCoolYoung - What the fuсk makes you think I read this one.
VISIONaryNPa1 - 6/10/2024, 5:00 PM
@Lisa89 - it's so [frick]ing annoying.
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 9:17 PM
@Lisa89 - So damn what? Move past 'em. Read what YOU want. No one is making you put onions on your sandwich.
Lisa89 - 6/10/2024, 9:23 PM
@TwoByFour - I, like a lot of us, just want better for the website as a whole. Is that so wrong?
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 9:29 PM
@Lisa89 - Yes. Because what YOU want isn't necessarily "better". It's simply your opinion. And as a mod here, I'm not messing with disrespect just because "you don't like it".

Click on what you're interested in. Leave alone what you don't. As of now, these type of articles actually have a higher click rate. So if you really want them to go away...stop clicking on them. This is how the writer's learn what's popular and what isn't.
DTor91 - 6/10/2024, 9:57 PM
@TwoByFour - Or…peruse the comments and see what a mess it has become and compare it what it was 10+ years ago. If it’s not the rampant trolling, it’s exactly this type of “news” that’s shared over and over again. What Lisa is saying is not a singular sentiment, it’s been said by many for quite awhile now.

And as a mod, you should be able to handle a critique. This attitude you have instead, well, that’s exactly what pushes people away. If you want one less click, sure go off I guess.
Lisa89 - 6/10/2024, 9:59 PM
@TwoByFour - No one asked for your opinion either. Lighten up.
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 10:17 PM
@DTor91 - This is a new endeavor. So trust me, I am pursuing the comments. And the juvenile disrespect I'm seeing is exactly why I've been enlisted to help restore this place back to decency.

As for, "What Lisa is saying is not a singular sentiment." I'm well aware of this. But are you aware that popularity, good or bad, is what informs the creatives as to what gets the most attention?

So yeah, in a sense, we want "one less click". Because that's what informs us of what gets ATTENTION.

These authors aren't gonna stop putting in the work. They're gonna feed the attention machine. And this is why clicking on things that don't appeal to you is working against you.

In other words, if everyone was less interested in complaining and more interested in giving attention to what they felt deserved it, the numbers would shake out to reflect a priority in different types of articles.

Does this make sense?
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 10:33 PM
@Lisa89 - It seems you're not understanding the situation here. No one asked for your opinion in the first place, yet here you are. No one asked for my opinion, yet here I am.

Opinions aren't by invitation only, unfortunately.

And now we're at 2 strikes. For whatever reason, you just like being rude. So... either strike out or express your "opinion" respectfully. And I mean that respectfully. We want everyone here to have unique opinions and to share those opinions. What we want to get away from is people expressing their opinion disrespectfully when they could very well express that same opinion respectfully.

Respect first, opinion second. Everyone wins.
Nolanite - 6/11/2024, 7:11 AM
@TwoByFour - okay Josh. Adding this account to the several other fake ones that you hide behind of.
TwoByFour - 6/11/2024, 3:43 PM
@Nolanite - You can ask @NateBest. I am not Josh. I am someone who Nate brought on to keep the peace. All opinions are welcomed. But disrespect is not.

Respect first, opinion second.
NateBest - 6/11/2024, 4:13 PM
@Nolanite - @TwoByFour is a long time user of the site, who shall remain anonymous, that volunteered to lend a hand moderating the comments and hopefully push it back towards its former glory, which is what I think @DTor91and @Lisa89 are referring to. The trolling and incessant negative attitudes that have become so rampant online are exhausting and I'm hoping that CBM can corse correct, even if it's just a little bit.

I've said for years that the users have the power to shape what shows up on the platform by either posting directly and creating content (it does run on user-generated content after all), or by clicking on what they want to see. Unfortunately clicking on what you *don't* want to see does the exact opposite.
Nolanite - 6/11/2024, 5:57 PM
@NateBest - I am from the golden years of this site, if you remember me.
While it was better controlled back then, it isn't too bad now and days.
NateBest - 6/11/2024, 7:28 PM
@Nolanite - I agree! I think it's headed back in the right direction. It was really bad 2 or 3 years ago 😬
Nolanite - 6/11/2024, 8:16 PM
@NateBest - but you can admit that those were the good years mainly because all people like me had was Nolan, before the DCEU existed.
TwoByFour - 6/11/2024, 8:53 PM
@Nolanite - It is actually quite bad at the moment. Hence my presence. But please know that I'm not here to make things PC or otherwise one-sided, one way or the other. (I'm not even an advocate of PCness if we're being honest.)

But I am fair. And I am someone who enforces RESPECT. And from what I've seen, there's some work to be done.

That said, I'm glad to see you've been a long term user here! I hope I can rely on folks like you to get behind an endeavor such as this. We just want people to feel welcome and excited to talk about CBMs. Not have to worry about politics and discrimination and all that nonsense. For a lot of people, this is an escape from people's stressful lives. Let's not make it even more stressful.

So as Nate said, we're pushing this thing back to the good ol' days.
Evansly - 6/10/2024, 3:26 PM
Some people will rejoice while most don't care
DravenCorvis - 6/10/2024, 3:28 PM
This shit is getting creepy, Joshy-Boy.

BTW, I'm more than aware that I'm enabling this by clicking.
DravenCorvis - 6/10/2024, 3:30 PM
@DravenCorvis - I ultimately don't care if she's in it.

I don't hate her or anything, I'm a bit burnt out on her being seemingly everywhere all the time, but that's it.
The1st - 6/10/2024, 6:38 PM
@DravenCorvis - Is she? My algorithm must be working. I've seen the Netflix special with a good friend and that's it. I respect what she does, but it's not my I don't feel the need to follow. I'm like that w/a lot of things though.
DravenCorvis - 6/10/2024, 8:03 PM
@The1st - Must be working for you then.

Checked a news site here in Scotland recently and she's eating up a bunch of space - she's been in Scotland this week.
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 10:05 PM
@DravenCorvis - Then please don't enable it. You see, when creators create things, they rely on popularity, good or bad, to determine what gets the most attention. You admittedly skewing the numbers just to complain about the outcome is rather... well, let's just say you have no ground to stand on.

I'm here to help @NateBest clean up the unnecessary disrespect. But also explain, in instances like this, that it's actually your fault -- and the collective others that click-to-complain -- as to why articles like this march on without breaking stride.

Here's the simple solution. Click on what you like. Don't click on what you don't like. Now imagine how the popularity of article-types would reflect a more accurate story for the ACTUAL CREATIVES here to make informed decisions.

@JoshWilding - To be fair as possible, am I representing your perspective accurately, or am I representing your perspective accurately?
braunermegda - 6/10/2024, 3:30 PM
"Option two is that this is yet another example of Disney issuing a bogus denial through a friendly source to maintain the element of surprise."

Jesus [frick]ing christ, josh, JESUS [frick]ING CHRIST, MAN
DTor91 - 6/10/2024, 3:34 PM
@braunermegda - It’s ridiculous. And that’s exactly what the site has come down to.
JoshWilding - 6/10/2024, 3:36 PM
@braunermegda - Seeing as I had Disney’s now-former Senior Publicist email me to categorically say Mister Fantastic was NOT in Doctor Strange 2 a few weeks before it was released, I’d say I know more about this sort of thing than you. Denials like these happen all the time. Maybe she isn’t in it, but this has happened countless times.
QuietMagician - 6/10/2024, 3:45 PM
@JoshWilding - unrelated but when are you changing the site name to
JoshWilding - 6/10/2024, 3:46 PM
@QuietMagician - Wouldn’t be posted if it didn’t get clicks. Rumours continue to be the most popular type of news shared here. 🤷🏻‍♂️
ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/10/2024, 3:56 PM
@JoshWilding - What is your favorite treat?
ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/10/2024, 4:01 PM
@JoshWilding - I have not had that, I'll swing by World Market this week to see if they have it.

JoshWilding - 6/10/2024, 4:02 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - Screwed up posting the image the first time, but maybe this will work. So freaking good, man.
ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/10/2024, 4:51 PM
@JoshWilding - I'm down for it! Hopefully I find it
CyberBishop - 6/10/2024, 4:56 PM
@braunermegda - I just noticed someone is talking with Josh and I can't see J man's replies.. He has me blocked HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OMG that is so funny to me. Pathetic POS.
VISIONaryNPa1 - 6/10/2024, 5:01 PM
@braunermegda - he's like a broken record I stg
Diend - 6/10/2024, 6:31 PM
@CyberBishop - You offended him. Josh is a bit of a snowflake.
DravenCorvis - 6/10/2024, 8:05 PM
@QuietMagician - Josh has me blocked again apparently 😂

Haven't even tagged him in anything with this account.
CyberBishop - 6/10/2024, 8:46 PM
@Diend - That is the best news I have heard all day. He can F#ck off.
Razorface1 - 6/10/2024, 8:48 PM
@JoshWilding - why tf did they contact you? Lol like who do you think you are?
TwoByFour - 6/10/2024, 9:44 PM
@Razorface1 - Listen, man. Let's keep the disrespect at the door. I'm here to help @NateBest moderate and your comment is just simply unnecessarily low.

But to answer your question, he's a writer, vlogger, interviewer, etc... I promise you couldn't do what he does. Which is why Disney’s former Senior Publicist emailed him and not you.
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