5 Changes That Could Make The MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Better

5 Changes That Could Make The MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Better

Continuing their reign as a blockbuster dynasty, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a force to be reckoned with and can only get stronger. But does this mean their films are perfect? No... So let's dive in and make a few adjustments to this juggernaut’s ways of working with "5 Changes."

Editorial Opinion
By dylanmm5 - Oct 08, 2015 08:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Hello again, ComicBookMovie.com users! This is dylanmm5 bringing you another edition to "5 Changes." In celebration of AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON's release to home video, I decided to make another article. First off, this is purely out of fun and I do not mean to discredit Marvel Studios or Disney for their hard work that is put into these films. But as much as I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, their films do seem to have their continuous errors. So I picked five key themes that I think would improve the product if altered.

1. Tone Down The Jokes

Yes, this is a main complaint everyone has with these films and for good reason too. The constant jokes from the likes of IRON MAN 3 and AGE OF ULTRON was what we did not expect, especially from the promising dramatic trailers. Do we want Marvel to be so dark and serious like DC? No, but we do want a balance. I believe CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER had the perfect blend of drama and comedy. Other MCU movies should not follow the same tone as THE WINTER SOLDIER but it does have balance to which they can learn from. The quips and physical jokes are great but sometimes films do need their breaks. When things slow down and the tension is eased in these action packed films, then there’s your time for a bit of humor to lighten the mood. But for the most part, use the comedy wisely. (Reminder: Less is more) How am I supposed to be worried about my main character when he’s cracking one-liners just moments after the love of his life has fallen to her death? Am I supposed to be scared of the villain when he’s talking about making omelets? Don’t get me wrong, I love to laugh. But when it’s time to get serious and raise some stakes, invest in embracing the dramatic aspect of filmmaking!

2.Live And Let Die

Coulson lives. Loki live. Everybody lives! I know these are comic book movies but let’s try to ground these stories a bit for the audience. We have become so spoiled with resurrections to the point where death is pretty much pointless in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Avengers assembled for the first time in the wake of Agent Coulson’s death but we bring him back... Why!?! He served his purpose as a character and did a great job too! Coulson played a heavy role throughout the films in Phase One bringing this franchise together. Everyone in the theater back in 2012 gasped when he was killed off. Bringing him back for an ABC show degrades that entire scene and even the motive for the whole movie. And do not even get me started on Pepper Potts.

Now surprises and twists are good to a certain extent. Like in THE WINTER SOLDIER, Nick Fury faked his own death. This is an exception to the problem I have with death in the MCU. Why? Because it was executed well. The spy of spies bends the truth all the time so we expected him to do this. He even remained "dead" and the audience had closure with him. But again that was wasted by his sudden reappearance in AGE OF ULTRON. All in all, death is not just a plot device but an important tool in storytelling and should be used very carefully.

3. More Creative Freedom


Kevin Feige is a mastermind and should be praised for what he has given us fans. With that being said I feel he can get in the way of some directors and writers. He should be a filter more than a guide on such projects such as THE DARK WORLD and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. I would consider GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY to be a great standalone, but you can tell James Gunn did not have full creative control when it came to the storytelling as the Infinity Stones and Thanos had to be used to set up INFINITY WAR.

Sorry but I just love THE WINTER SOLDIER. The Russo Brothers did the job right when making a Marvel Cinematic Universe post-THE AVENGERS. They didn't try to tie anything together or shoe-horn set ups but actually contributed to the MCU. This is the only movie besides IRON MAN and THE INCREDIBLE HULK where I can watch it and not worry about the other films that came before and after. If this type of creative freedom was available to Edgar Wright just imagine how much more entertaining ANT-MAN would have been.

4.Commit To Connecting

If there was one change that needs to happen, it is this one. The most frustrating things with these films are the way they are woven into each other. I will give credit where credit is due and admit there are certain things Marvel has got right (Senator Stern’s role in both IRON MAN 2 and THE WINTER SOLDIER). Most of the time, it is the small things that really count. But there are times where we get a false set up or detour in these films. Sometimes I feel like Marvel does not know where they are truly going at times. Odin learned dark magic to get Thor back on Earth for THE AVENGERS, how? Clearly that will be explained in THE DARK WORLD, right? Tony Stark is not Iron Man anymore but still is? Way to make it more complicated for Joss Whedon when you still have three Avengers movies to go, Shane Black. I remember thinking the reason why Thor or Rogers could not even help Stark during IRON MAN 3 was because SHIELD had been infiltrated and Asgard was in trouble all at the same time. But no, Stark is seen in the Avengers tower being a HYRDA target a couple of months later and Thor was on Earth destroying Europe for a while. So why couldn’t they help each other out? Make it easier on yourselves, Marvel! Keep Thor in Asgard and have the events of IRON MAN 3 and CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER happen at the same time!

If you set up some details, large or small, be sure to resolve it and not have your audience guessing. AGE OF ULTRON is a perfect example of how not to connect a film franchise with a shared universe. Tie the knots rather than provide more set ups, this just makes me feel like I’m watching a trailer. Enough with the teasing and future promises just give us a complete movie. Leave the connections to the post-credit scenes and One-Shots, maybe even some sleek Easter eggs/references in the films.

5. Alternate Movie Line Up

These might be dramatic changes (notice a few titles changes too) that are not really necessary but can help out Marvel Studios. With future installments of “5 Changes” these alterations would make more sense so do not knock off this idea just yet. The main reason I did this was because of Tony Stark. This character has been overused, which is saying a lot coming from a huge fan of Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal. Spreading certain films out gives us time to actually miss Stark, even when he makes huge mistakes. There’s variety and growth with these multiple franchises.


For me, this line up seems a bit less clutered and diverse. And that will conclude "5 Changes!"

Thank you so much for reading. Again, this is my interpertation and would love to hear yours. Comments and feedback is much appreciated! Hope to do some more of these. Follow me on Twitter @dylanmm5! Until next time!

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gamecreatorjj - 10/5/2015, 9:38 PM
I agree with most of this, most of all I just want variety. I'm getting burnt out on the same 2 movies every year. I really thought they made some ground with Cap2 and GotG, but then two steps back with Ultron and Antman.
StreakOfBlue - 10/5/2015, 9:39 PM
Tbh none of these really bother me. Especially #2. It's a comic book movie, so no one is ever permanently dead. The humor is alright and overall I enjoy watching Marvel movies.
XelCorp - 10/5/2015, 9:47 PM
I'd probably agree with 1 and 4 but other than that, I highly enjoy the MCU!
nikgrid - 10/5/2015, 10:05 PM
I would like it if, the MCU did NOT change the way Marvel Comics publish. We don't need all the bullshit film politics.
TheManFromMars - 10/5/2015, 10:12 PM
"5 Changes That Could Make The MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Better"

...For you.
Schmoopy - 10/5/2015, 10:29 PM
sKeemAn - 10/5/2015, 10:43 PM
I agree with tying up the knots. I like to see small plots setup over several mves for a big impact. Nice write up
MarkyMarkRises - 10/5/2015, 10:55 PM

Valid points; unfortunately this is in the wrong section and it goes against the majority opinion so..
Jaspion - 10/5/2015, 11:22 PM
Wow, great news!...

Also, anybody that says Tony wasn't Iron Man anymore by the end of IM3 clearly wasn't paying attention, when the movie ends with him saying "One thing they can't take away from me... I AM IRON MAN"
BlacktimusPrime - 10/6/2015, 12:49 AM
Greetings, I am Blacktimus Prime. I was told that if I wanted to join an online community that was free of the scourge of the utterly pointless Marvel vs. DC flamewars then this was the site to join! I greatly look forward to many friendly and civil discussions about our favorite cbms.
Mercwitham0uth - 10/6/2015, 1:10 AM

" I was told that if I wanted to join an online community that was free of the scourge of the utterly pointless Marvel vs. DC flamewars"

Lol you came to the wrong place.
TheRedCondom - 10/6/2015, 1:44 AM
Good editorial, even if I don't agree with most of the reasons. I like the MUCU the way it is. The one that does get a bit annoying though is #4. They should have connected more dots in AoU.
Saga - 10/6/2015, 3:14 AM
RextheKing - 10/6/2015, 3:18 AM
1. To me Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 are the only films to cross the line comedy wise, and even then wasn't that bad.
2. Doesn't matter if they live or die, fans will bitch either way. Marvel have let characters die in their latest tv series and movies, and shit, most of their villains have died.
3. This is a cinematic universe, only so much creative freedom can be given, and even then they were willing to wait a decade for Edgar Wright to make an Ant Man film.
4. All of this point was just nonsense.
5. Have you not seen the phase three line up, and heard about all the new shows coming out? Marvel is bringing in New while also finishing the story arcs of already established characters, that's a lot to handle yet they've been doing a great job.
Baka - 10/6/2015, 3:42 AM
3 & 4 contradict each other, 4 is why EW left Ant-man because he wanted a 10 year old non connected film
dragonator29 - 10/6/2015, 4:18 AM
I totally agree, as a big MCU fan, on 1st and 4th points.

And this is in a wrong section
Tempo - 10/6/2015, 4:50 AM
Totally agree with all the points

Damn good article.

dinoSlider - 10/6/2015, 5:05 AM
This should not be in the news section.
AleSir19 - 10/6/2015, 5:07 AM

I dont know, for me this list could had make a lot of Phase 2 movies more coherent and better.

After all Thor 2 is just crap, for me they could just erase that movie of the time line and it would be ok, all the movie was an excuse to explain where was Thor in Phase 2, because we need more sequels, because we need to present 2 new infinity stones this phase, after the Space Stone and Mind Stone, now we need Reality Stone and Power Stone.

So if Marvel just relax a little bit and begin to make again the movies because they want and not because they need to, then everything will be better.

Put Iron Man 3 and Winter Soldier events in the same time could be interesting and for me they happen in the same time.

Thor 2 is just bad.

Guardians of the Galaxy is just fun.

Age of Ultron is just a movie that lose his way through a lot of teasing and cgi action, because the movie is good, really good, one of the best movies Marvel never had done, but becomes bad, really bad, because only people that know how to read the subtext of a movie could understand why Ultron is making this or what the message of all the movie is.

Ant Man is great, cliche, maybe a safe ride, but great, one of the best and one of the worst.
Demiurge - 10/6/2015, 5:08 AM
There isn't much wrong with the MCU. I think the humor can be a little too much, yes. Especially during moments where tension should be enhanced (GotG ending, Thor 2, Iron Man 3). The constant quipping works for certain characters, but everyone shouldn't be quipping all the time.

The Cap solo movies are the best, and they keep going in the right direction. Iron Man started off really really strong (IM1), but then fizzled fast. Thor has yet to really make an impact. His solo movies so far have been weak.

The Avenger movies are doing well. Age of Ultron had a few issues, but overall it was still a solid entry, considering the fact it didn't benefit from the novelty aspect like the first one. And the Russos seem like the perfect choice to take them to the next level.

But I do agree that the MCU needs to take more risks going forward, because the comic book movie landscape is going to be pretty fertile starting next year. The competition will be fierce, and the new Marvel characters (Dr Strange, Black Panther, Cpatain Marvel...) will have to carve themselves an identity beyond the Marvel brand. But one important thing to remember is Feige is finally rid of Perlmutter, so he's free to take those necessary risks (without denaturing the MCU). And I believe he will.

The MCU is going to be in a really interesting place in a couple years, and I can't wait.
Demiurge - 10/6/2015, 5:14 AM

Ant-Man isn't one of those movies that needed to be much else but fun. It's an obscure character, and the one thing the movie had to get absolutely right was to integrate that character seemlessly in the MCU. And it did. Scott Lang will fit right in with the Avengers. His movie might have been a little predictable, but that's OK, as long as it established his world, the characters and the reason why Ant-Man is needed in the MCU. What he brings to the table.

ANt-Man 2, that's where things should start getting interesting. No more safe. Go all in, try new things to keep the character fresh and moving forward. I think that's what the Iron Man movies sort of failed to do (in my opinion of course, I know there are lots of people who love them just the way the are).
Luminus - 10/6/2015, 5:39 AM
"Odin learned dark magic to get Thor back on Earth for THE AVENGERS, how?"

He didn't learn dark energy. Loki was wondering how he conjured up so much to make Earth travel possible.

"Tony Stark is not Iron Man anymore but still is?"

He says so at the end of Iron Man 3.

"I remember thinking the reason why Thor or Rogers could not even help Stark during IRON MAN 3 was because SHIELD had been infiltrated and Asgard was in trouble all at the same time. But no, Stark is seen in the Avengers tower being a HYRDA target a couple of months later and Thor was on Earth destroying Europe for a while. So why couldn’t they help each other out?"

Thor was literally hours away. He can't fly at light speed.

Captain America was also hours away. There are no site-to-site transporters on Earth. Also, Iron Man has an Iron Legion as well as War Machine.

Iron Man was also hours away, during Winter Soldier. Cap already doesn't trust Tony, so he's the last person he'd ask for help during that Hydra fiasco.
AleSir19 - 10/6/2015, 5:48 AM

The best movies MCU had done until now for me are:

-Iron Man 1, Captain America 1 (although it felt like a long teaser), Thor 1 (the Asgard parts are really solid), Avengers 1 (although i felt too colorful), Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy (although the development of the villain is shit and the movie abuse of the comedy), Age of Ultron (Too much unnecessary action and teasing), Ant Man (Marvel make the movie a safe ride without anything that could had make it a risk).
AleSir19 - 10/6/2015, 5:56 AM

But Until now Captain America Trilogy will be the only one i would buy in Bluray some day, because the 2 movies had make a really good Character development and a big Arc, the first movie helps the second and i expect the second will obviusly help the third.

Because the patriotism of Steve Rogers show in Captain America 1 plays a big role in how he finds out America biggest enemy is herself in Captain America 2 and i believe the distrust he has shown for the goverment before in Captain America 2 will trigger Civil War plot.

While only Iron Man 1 is good, Thor 1 is really good but only the Asgard Scenes, the development of Loki, Thor, Odin and Frigga is excellent in that movie.

My problem with Ant Man is that Scott is a criminal, but through all the movie everything we saw over and over again is that Scott is a good criminal and for me that make fail the movie really hard. althrough the movie has the best Character Arc in a single movie of all Marvel Movies, the Hope Arc is close baby, is perfect, is glorious.
Demiurge - 10/6/2015, 6:18 AM

"My problem with Ant Man is that Scott is a criminal, but through all the movie everything we saw over and over again is that Scott is a good criminal and for me that make fail the movie really hard. althrough the movie has the best Character Arc in a single movie of all Marvel Movies, the Hope Arc is close baby, is perfect, is glorious."

I agree with this, but at the same time, this is what I had prepared myself to expect. No way Scott Lang was going to be subversive in his first entry. At least, not since Edgar Wright departed. The change in directors signified for me that Marvel was first and foremost looking to make sure everyone in the movie-going public could empathize with Scott's plight. I guess they thought writing him with too many flaws besides not having his sh*t together would alienate some people (especially the younger crowd).

It's all about expectations. As much as I'm super pumped for Dr Strange and Black Panther, I'm not expecting them to break new ground in terms of storytelling, because so far the track record in the MCU doesn't suggest that's what's going to happen. And that in itself isn't a bad thing at all, because as long as you write a great story with compelling characters and clearly establish the identity of the character using the source material, you'll have a GREAT movie. You don't always need to take huge risks right off the bat. That's why I'm usually more lenient towards first entry movies. There's huge pressure on them to establish the world, the characters, and the conflict. The burden usually disappears with sequels, as they're more about progression and, perhaps, a break in the formula.

I think you can usually judge a trilogy by how good the second movie is.
Demiurge - 10/6/2015, 6:26 AM

I like Captain America 1 too :)
And I agree about Thor 1.
I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy as much as most people. I enjoyed parts of it, and thought Rocket Raccoon and Groot were especially well done. What brought the movie down a peg for me was that, aside from the villain not really being that much of a threat (especially considering the way he went out), there wasn't much imagination brought in the designs of the alien races. Every single race was humanoid, and the only thing that varied was their colors. I thought that was pretty lazy. Also, Gamora was way too tame. I didn't believe for a second that she was the most dangerous assassin in the universe.
But I do think the world-building was solid, and it set everything up pretty well.
That part with the Celestial destroying a planet was pretty awesome though !
Franshu - 10/6/2015, 5:58 PM
I agree with 1, 2 and 4.
Number 3 is... IDK, I think Shane Black for instance, was given a LOT of creative freedom, and Iron Man 3 turned out to be divisive. GOTG was Gunn being given a lot of creative freedom, too. SO... Not sure about that.
As for number 5... uh, what?
dylanmm5 - 10/6/2015, 8:17 PM
AHH!!! Sorry guys, this is a draft that I had scheduled to be published a week from today. It's not complete and still needs editing. Disregard, I repeat, disregard!!!
TheEpicJuicebox - 10/8/2015, 9:17 PM
You would've got a thumb if you included bringing back quicksilver, but you didn't so it's a no from me
sickboy76 - 10/9/2015, 1:48 AM
@Demiurge understand your gripe about aliens but if you read the comics how many non humanoid species are there The brood, the klyntar?
Shiar skrull kree badoon sakaarans all humanoid so technically they're following canon.
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