Batman Movie Series and Fan Cast

Batman Movie Series and Fan Cast

This is my Batman movie series idea and fan cast. I know many of you already know who is Batman now (Batfleck is not my choice but to each their own) and Alfred (good choice) but here is my dream team of a cast for the movies to come. Warning: All cast, characters, and ideas are subject to ridicule as you see fit but that is your opinion and not mine.

By joeguy23 - Mar 10, 2014 05:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Batman is one of my favorite comic book characters. He has some of the greatest stories ever told in comics to date. This fan cast is my opinion on what I think the cast and characters should be in a new reboot batman movie series. Speaking of the series my idea consists of a six movies story arc with interwoven story for main characters and villains.

Here are some things that CBMer’s want in the Batman reboot:

1. We Need Some New Villains. Also Some Already Used Villains Could Use Some Proper Treatment…
2. Batman is the World’s Greatest Detective and is Extremely Intelligent, and it needs to Show
3. There needs to be More Fantasy Aspects in the Reboot
4. Have Robin and Batgirl, but With Some Changes
5. The New Series of Movies need to be Part of a Shared DC Universe

Nick Salinski
No Origin
Last in the build up to JL
Different Villains
No Robin, not yet


1. The World’s Greatest Detective
2. New Villains
3. Gadgets
4. Adaptations of Classic Storylines
5. Robin
6. No Batman Origin Story
7. Screw Realism
8. Mr. Freeze
9. The Joker

These are the things I toke from this:

1. Story arc
2. Theme?
3. Two trilogies or a series?
4. Antagonists?
5. How do you plan to make it into a movie?
6. Original? Or based on comics or novel story line?

My Answers:

1. Story Arc = a six movie story arc with Ra’s al Ghul in the shadows (Puppet master)
2.Theme= Think Batman animated series meet Sherlock Holmes (real but with sci-fi elements)
3. Not trilogies a series like those of Resident Evil, Fast and Furious, Saw, etc…
4. Movies 1. Riddler and Deadshot 2. Hush 3. Joker and Strange 4. Black Mask, Penguin, and Court of Owls 5. Bane ( Knightfall Story Arc) 6. Ra's Al Ghul, Mr. Freeze, and Red Hood
5. Story first then script it.
6. Mostly based on the comics and novels but a reboot more close to the source.

Movies story arc:

Like me clue you in on my story arc. Ra's does not control them but he is connected to each movie in some way or another.

The movie-story line I am suggesting is character driven and story driven. For the six-movie set up it has to be interrelated. The villains should represent something about Batman. Let us not forget that although Batman is indeed the world's greatest detective, an all-around Olympic level athlete, Master Martial artist and master strategist of the Justice League, his primary concern is the protection of Gotham City only. Ra's idealism is global in retrospect but still need a ground zero.

We need to first determine the tone for Ra's Al Ghul and for Bruce Wayne. Knowing Ra's, he has his reasons for cleansing the earth. Bruce should also have an underlying theme of his own, and conflicts with Ra's. Riddler, Mister Freeze, Joker, Black Mask, Bane, and The Penguin are too big of character to be in the six-film story line that has Ra's at the end of it. So, I would make them look like they are Ra's puppets to get through the Dark Knight. Ra's has noble intentions but his means are wicked and cruel. Each villain I mentioned can represent any of the seven deadly sins, not really apocalyptic but perhaps the sins of Batman. Ra's will ultimately explore these further and will be the driving force behind it all.

Now what we need to do first is to equate a villain with a deadly sin.

Pride? Avarice? Wrath? Envy? Gluttony? Sloth? Lust?

Pride = The Riddler
Avarice/Greed = Black Mask
Wrath = Ra’s al Ghul
Envy = Hush
Gluttony/Selfishness = Mister Freeze
Sloth/ Omission = The Joker
Lust = Bane

Here is some of the CBMer’s List for a Batman Reboot:

1st movie: freeze and penguin (just as iceberg lounge owner, like you said)
2nd movie: hush and riddler
3rd movie: two-face, black mask, and red hood story
4th movie: court of owls

1st Riddler
2nd Scarface and Penguin in gang war
3rd The Joker
4th Mr. Freeze
That would be my line up.

1. Joker and Harley Quinn
2. Two-Face and Scarecrow
3. Riddler and Hugo Strange

And that's how to make an epic Batman trilogy.

1. The Riddler
2. Black Mask and Penguin in a gang war with black mask's false face society.
3. Mr. Freeze (The death of his wife could be a result to the gang killings in the previous film.)
4. Killer Croc and Hugo Strange
5. The Joker

My Movies and Plots:

Batman Rebirth


Batman: Rebirth – Origin of Nightwing and Jason Todd, Villains The Riddler and DeadShot. Bruce is traumatized by the death of his wealthy parents at the hands of a ruthless crime ridden city. Plagued by the promise he made that day, he travel the world seeking training to help his city, the only way he knows how as the Batman. The Riddler has outwitted the police before but never like this, when he kidnaps a doctor to blackmail a well known business man. Batman takes the case but is pursued by a metropolis news report by the name of Kara Harris of the Daily Planet. Meanwhile there is another vigilante in the city of Gotham but his justice has more dire consequences. Will Batman solve this puzzle and takedown lethal shooter or will The Riddler and Deadshot takeover Gotham.

Batman Forgotten Past


Batman: Forgotten Past – Origin of Batgirl and Catwoman, Villain Hush. Bruce and Dick have done their best to bring justice to the ruthless crime ridden cities of Gotham and Blüdhaven. Bruce and his new partner Jason are having problems. Jason violent nature is making Bruce uneasy. Bat girl joins them after stops a criminal tries robbery a Wayne foundation charity party. When a child of one of Gotham’s Elite gets kidnapped Batman is on the case. After catching the kidnappers a women in a cat suit steals the ransom money but who is she working for. Batman chases her using his batline but it is cut by an unknown shooter. Alfred calls on one of Bruce's old friend a surgeon by the name of Thomas Elliot. Will Batman figure out who the woman was or will he be brought down by the sins of the past?

Batman Path of Madness


Batman: Path of Madness – Villains Doctor Strange, Joker, and Harley Quinn. Barbara is now more focused on her school work wanting to now please her father the Commissioner. Doctor Strange, the head of the Psych ward at Arkham, has revealed to the media that can figure out who Batman is for a price. Batman investigates the good doctor to see if his claim is true. As a preventative measure for this Strange allows Dr. Harleen Quinzel to escape with the Joker. Can Batman stop the Joker and Harley from tell the killing joke? Or will the world final know who Batman real is?

Batman Dark Society


Batman: Dark Society – Origin of Huntress, Blackbat, and Tim Drake Villains Court of Owls, Black Mask, and The Penguin. Bruce feels confident in his return to Gotham, and decides to use his wealth and influence to revitalize the city, announcing his plans to most of Gotham's elite. The Court of Owls is a secret organization that is centuries old with immense power and influence embedded into the very architecture and history of Gotham City. Black Mask is taking over the underworld of crime and The Court see Black Mask as a threat and tells one of their members to take him out, The Penguin. While investigating a murder Batman finds a message "Bruce Wayne will die tomorrow." This is complicated by a new legion of criminals called “False Face Society". Will Batman and the city of Gotham savior this battle?

Batman Fractured Twilight


Batman: Fractured Twilight – Villains Bane, Rogue Gallery. Bruce feels confident after defending Gotham from both Black Mask and The Court of Owls. Knowing that he has back up if needed has eased his mind about accepting Tim as his new partner. As a result of Black Mask attempted takeover of the criminal underworld, Helena Bertinelli daughter of Guido Bertinelli wants revenge against Black Mask for having her family murder. Meanwhile, the biggest prison break in Gotham history has taken place at both Blackgate Penitentiary and Arkham Asylum. Who is to blame for this catastrophe the new vigilante known as the Huntress or a new foe that has yet to be seen?

Batman Shadow of the Bat


Batman: Shadow of the Bat – Villains Mister Freeze, Ra’s Al Ghul, Red Hood. After the events of Bane attack on batman, Bruce decides to take it easy and let the bat family handle Gotham. Bruce and Jaina Hudson go on a well deserved trip and run into one of Bruce old mentors, Henry Ducard. Back in Gotham, Tim has discovered the start of virus that is plaguing the slums of Gotham. As the bat family race to find a cure each one is taking out one by one by a man in a red mask. Will Bruce stop his old mentor’s son and get back to help Gotham in time? Or will the man that calls himself “Nothing” and the Red Hood bring down the whole bat family and Gotham along with them?

Director – Guy Ritchie

Guy is best known for directing Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Swept Away, Revolver, RocknRolla, Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

Screenwriter- Guy Ritchie and Scott Snyder


Batman/Bruce Wayne - Scott Adkins

Scott Adkins: (Age: 37/Height: 5' 11") Why Scott? Maybe be it because he will be the first batman with true martial art skill or maybe WB's can save a shit load of money hiring someone who can do his own stunts and choreography. Needless to say he does have his crappy low budget movies but so does Bruce Campbell and that man is a God in my eyes. He’s got the earnest look and chiseled jaw for it, but more importantly he’s got the look of experience on him, he’s an actor who looks like he’s seen things and that is an interesting way to approach Bruce Wayne. If you can look pass that and realize that Bruce Wayne is what Batman pretends to be then you can understand my point.

Alfred Pennyworth - Hugh Laurie

Hugh Laurie: (Age: 53/Height: 6' 2") I think Hugh would be great as Alfred and he is a great actor. I wanted someone who had the right look for Alfred, but I also didn't want someone too frail looking. I do want to see the early adventures of Batman and Robin and I do think that Hugh has a class in his performance that can’t be matched or compared to. He works for Alfred because the dry wit of the character matched with Alfred’s non-sarcastic personality is a lot like Hugh’s personality from interviews and panels. He is a genially nice guy who is just a great actor and I think he fits the role of early Alfred as best as anyone could. He has been around the block and definitely has the acting chops to pull off the role.

Nightwing/ Dick Grayson – Jon Foo

Jon Foo: (Age: 31/Height: 5' 8") Jon is an unknown but hear me out. I wanted to cast someone original and I think Jon is a young actor with potential. I also chose him, because I felt he has the ability to bring Dick's funny cocky charm to the big screen. I chose him as my Dick Grayson because simply, he fit the bill. He’s a young actor who could play the role well and he is trained in wushu. I wanted to see a Robin origin that did things properly and I think this kid can display the drama necessary for Dick Grayson at that stage of his life.

Jason Todd/Robin – Leo Howard

Leo is a rising star in the industry and would be able to portray the hurt and anguish that Jason Todd has went through and continues to go through. Leo in his short career has already shown he can handle complicated characters, and as such I think he would be one of the best choices for the second Boy Wonder.

Jason Todd/Red Hood – Matt Mullins

Matt Mullins: (Age: 32/Height: 6’ 1”) Matt is best known for stunt work in Mortal Kombat Legacy. With a role like Jason Todd you need someone that can show just how deranged and obsessed with revenge he's become since his younger years as Robin, and I felt like Matt would be the perfect actor to showcase this and would make for an interesting dynamic.

Lucius Fox – Ernie Hudson

Ernie Hudson: (Age: 67/Height: 6' 0") I always envisioned him as Lucius after watching him on Last Resort. He is a very good and underrated actor that hasn’t been in much. I believe his take on the character would be a terrific one. He’s a fantastic actor and I think he really fits the role of Lucius in a lot of manners. I feel that he would inject more comedy from Lucius then we’ve seen but not overdue it or overplay his hand. Ernie is an actor who knows how to find that right balance for comedy and drama to inject into his roles.

James Gordon – Jeremy Piven

Jeremy Piven: (Age: 47/Height: 5' 10") Jeremy is a solid actor with a proven track record has been in a lot of films like The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard, RocknRolla, and The Kingdom. Casting him as Gordon would be great, he’s never played anyone quiet like Gordon before, but he’s played a cop. Jeremy is an immensely talented actor who just has perfect chemistry playing a character. This is a role that Jeremy could do incredibly and really hit the nail on the head with a new portrayal.

Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle – Alexa Vega

Alexa Vega: (Age: 24/Height: 5' 1") beautifully talented young up in comer Alexa has the right look and tenderness for Barbara, and the acting ability to bring her character to life. Might be a little short for the roll, but that's why they created heels. It would show her growth as a character, because she does look matured. So, not only does she have the acting abilities, but also the correct age and look. Give her red hair, and she would be so fantastic!

Harvey Bullock – Clive Owen

Clive Owen: (Age: 48/Height: 6' 2") First and foremost I think that Clive is perfect for Harvey, but since he's already played the part several times over the years. He was great in Killer Elite and has the right look for Harvey. He’s an actor that I enjoy casting he’s got a great film list and has always shown talent in any role he plays. He is no doubt a great choice for Harvey Bullock!

Catwoman/Selina Kyle – Morena Baccarin

Morena Baccarin: (Age: 33/Height: 5' 7") I wanted someone no one would think or dare try for Catwoman. Morena probably best known for being Inara Serra in the TV show FireFly and movie Serenity. She has this very seductive look that I think is very essential to the character. I think she's a great beauty and a terrific actress and my top choice to play Ms Kyle.

Red Robin/Tim Drake – BooBoo Stewart

Boo Boo Stewart: (Age: 20/Height: 5' 8") He has not really been in a lot of movies. He is a martial artist and actually a really good actor. He's got the skill and the feel for this character and yeah I know he's done the Twilight series but that doesn't really matter. He's a good actor and would do this role exceptionally well. He is a great young actor who has the right look for Tim.

BlackBat/Cassandra Cain – Jeeja Yanin

Jeeja Yanin: (Age: 29/Height: 5' 2") Jeeja is a beautifully talented young up in comer she has the right look and toughness for Cassandra, and the acting ability to bring her character to life. She has been labeled the female version of Tony Jaa, with her high impact martial art scenes and stunt work. She holds a 3rd Dan Black belt in Taekwondo; she also uses Muay Thai in her movies which are always great to watch on screen with the power it brings, elbows, knees and powerful kicks. She is best known for her roles in Chocolate, Raging Phoenix and the Protector 2.

Bane – Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa: (Age: 33 /Height: 6’ 4”) Jason I believe could be physically imposing as Bane. If he were to bulk up little more, not to mention he has the deep voice for the character. He would be believable as Bane and Momoa can fight especially if you have seen him in his movies then you will see why I chose him as Bane. He is best known for his roles in Bullet to the Head and Conan the Barbarian.

Helena Bertinelli/Huntress – Teresa Palmer

Teresa Palmer: (Age: 28 /Height: 5’ 6”) Teresa is an actress best known for her work in movies like Warm Bodies and I Am Number Four. She is sexy and she has the flexibility and age for it. But her very look might set fans off (because she looks like Kristen Stewart), but she could do something to the role no other actress could, she could very well be the actress to define the character. Hopefully she will be better than the Arrow’s Huntress.

Roman Sionis/Black Mask – Jeffery Donovan

Jeffrey Donovan: (Age: 44/Height: 6’ 0”) Jeffrey is An Amazing actor best known for his role in Bait, Hitch, and TV’s Burn Notice. On the show Burn Notice, Jeffrey has to constantly balance multiple characters at a time in many episodes. Due to his character being a spy, he has to be able to adapt into a cover identity and take on a whole other personality. The way Donovan does this is brilliant. He moves, talks, and even has ticks and quirks that come and go when he takes on another persona that set his main character apart from his cover identities. His ability to go in and out of different characters within one role is phenomenal, and what makes him an outstanding and unique choice for the role of Black Mask.

Mr. Freeze/Victor Fries – Andrew Howard

Andrew Howard: (Age: 44/Height: 5’ 11”) Andrew is an actor best known for his role in The Hangover Part II, Limitless, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He was great playing character and he also has a wide range of acting skills. I don't really know if he has played a villain before, but I am sure this is a different role for him which I believe that he would play spectacularly.

Harvey Dent/Two-Face – Dominic Copper

Dominic Cooper: (Age: 35/Height: 5’ 10”) Dominic is an actor best known for his roles in the Devil’s Double and Dead Man Down. Dominic was great in the Captain America and he has played a dual role; this would be a great opportunity for him to tap into that again. Dent’s character has been explored enough on film; I would like to see how bad Two-Face’s multiple personality disorder can make him dangerously random.

Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin – Lee Arenberg

Lee Arenberg: (Age: 51/Height: 5’ 4”) Lee is an actor best known for his roles in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and Waterworld. Lee is a fantastic actor who I think could play the short and stout mobster very well. On top of being a great actor, his look is what really strikes me as being perfect for Oswald. It’s going to be hard to write this without sounding mean, but his features lend well to the role of the unsavory Cobblepot.

Edward Nashton/The Riddler – Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan Rhys Meyers: (Age: 36/Height: 5' 10") Jonathan is a great actor I believe he has potential to be a great Riddler. I think his take on the Riddler would be arrogant but highly intellectual and manipulative. I think this is a pretty original choice and I'm proud of it. I think he would kill it as The Riddler he has the right look and charisma to play the character.

Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter – Alan Tudyk

Alan Tudyk: (Age: 42/Height: 6' 0") Alan is awesome actor with great range in comedy and drama. He’s got a great and almost creepy look to him that would be perfect for the role of the Hatter. He’s intense and he’s powerful in everything he’s a part of, and a perfect fit for Mad Hatter. He is best known for his roles in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Serenity, TV's Dollhouse and FireFly.

Joker – Ben Foster

Ben Foster: (Age: 33/Height: 5' 9") The Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied in comics. I wanted a highly intelligent psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. Ben is amazing at playing creepy and sinister characters. Ben is a great actor, Period. Look at 30 Days of Night, he became The Stranger. And from The Punisher to Contraband, his range is seemingly limitless. He would be a frickin batshit crazy Joker, and still be able to give the charater depth, and portray all of his layers, he is the only person in my mind who could rival Heath's performance.

Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn – Noomi Rapace

Noomi Rapace: (Age: 34/Height: 5' 4") Noomi is such a fantastic actress who would be great as The Joker's psychotic partner. I believe she was wonderful in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and she showed she is a really versatile performer. I also think she fits alongside my Joker choice. She knows how to play dark characters with ease.

Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy – Cassidy Freeman

Cassidy Freeman: (Age: 31/Height: 5' 8") I choose this extremely talented actress to play Poison Ivy because of her role in Smallville. She can play tough, smart, and she has that natural beauty and style that fits Pamela perfectly. This is another choice I really love.

Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow – Adam Goldberg

Adam Goldberg: (Age: 37/Height: 5' 8") Adam is an actor best known for his roles in Zodiac, Déjà vu, and A Beautiful Mind. Jonathan Crane was originally a well-respected professor, although he lost credibility when he obsessively took his experiments too far and descended into madness. I think Adam can show that descend in a new and amazing way.

Lincoln March – Eric Bana

Eric Bana: (Age: 36 /Height: 5’ 11”) Eric is best known for his role in Star Trek, Troy, and Lone Survivor. Lincoln March’s character is extremely intelligent, manipulative and cunning. Eric I think can pull these characteristics off without a problem. He is one of my favorite underrated actors and would play this character perfectly.

William Cobb/Talon – Ray Park

Ray Park: (Age: 39/Height: 5’ 10”) Ray is best known for stunt work in the Star Wars movies and G.I. Joe. Since the character spends almost all his screen time in a mask, I thought a big name actor wouldn’t be necessary. Ray is known for his martial arts skills and with The Talon being a very physical character, who better to portray him than Snake Eyes himself?

Hugo Strange – Tim Roth

Tim Roth: (Age: 51/Height: 5' 7") One of Batman's oldest foes, Strange is one of the few people that can really mess with the Dark Knight's head. Tim is probably best known for being in The Incredible Hulk and the TV show Lie to Me. He is a great actor who's excelled in small strong roles. A tremendous actor who I can see easily playing Hugo Strange in a movie.

Leslie Thompkins – Betsy Russell

Betsy Russell: (Age: 49/Height: 5’ 5”) Betsy is best known for her role in the Saw movies. She is a great actress with a good acting range. Plus she has played the part of a doctor before. She knows how to play kind characters and motherly figures and I'd like to see her acting against Hugh Laurie, too.

Talia Al Ghul – Moran Atias

Moran Atias: (Age: 32/Height: 5' 9") Moran is a very beautiful actress she's best known for her work in movies like The Next Three Days and Third Person. She isn't a well known name, but I think she's a decent actress who I believe would make a good Talia.

Ra’s Al Ghul – Oded Fehr

Oded Fehr: (Age: 42/Height: 6' 2") Oded is a great actor who was amazing in the Resident Evil movies and again in the Mummy. He has tremendous range and ability as an actor and also possesses the charisma and imposing figure that Ra's carries. Not to mention he was the voice of Ra’s in Young Justice.

Thomas Elliot/Hush – Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal: (Age: 33/Height: 6' 0") Jake is a great underrated actor who's probably best known for his work in movies like Source Code and Prince of Persia. He’s a great method actor who has done everything from crime drama to action thrillers. He’s played the “killer” roles before, which would give him the experience needed to pull off an authentic and deadly Hush. I think he’s a great choice, and a unique one. He would make a very meticulous and interesting Hush, and also he has the perfect look for the role.

Thomas Wayne – Thomas Jane

Thomas Jane: (Age: 43/Height: 5' 11") I think Thomas is an awesome actor and would be perfect for this role. Loved him in The Punisher and he was fantastic in his small part in Scott Pilgrim. It also doesn't hurt that he kinda looks like the lead actor.

Martha Wayne – Rachel Weisz

Rachel Weisz: (Age: 41/Height: 5' 5") I think she's a really good actress she was amazing in Oz: the Great and Powerful and was hilarious in The Mummy movies. I was trying to cast a well known good actress who would resemble the character the most.

Floyd Lawton/Deadshot – Michael Shanks

Michael Shanks: (Age: 43/Height: 6' 0") Michael not only can act, he is so Deadshot it's unbelievable, he has the look, the attitude, and the acting skills to pull it off this gem of a role off! Calling him an underrated actor is an understatement, just check out the Burn Notice to see what I mean, cannot think of anyone even close to the role of Deadshot but him.

Victoria Zsasz – Mena Suvari

Mena Suvari: (Age: 35/Height: 5' 4") I honestly believe that she can play almost any sadistic Batman villain. But Mena in this role will allow the audience to truly see how sadistic Zsasz can be from a female point of view.

Jaina Hudson– Janina Gavankar/The White Rabbit - Monique Ganderton

Janina Gavankar: (Age: 33/Height: 5' 7") my first memory of seeing her was on the hilarious FX show The League. She played Shiva who is a doctor, Andre’s love interest, and a symbol for the guys Fantasy Football trophy. She also plays Papi on the L Word which is a very drama centered show so she has a very good range in acting. I rewrote this part numerous times because A) I don’t want to sound like a creep and B) the off chance my wife reads this post. There’s really no other way to say it – she’s breathtakingly beautiful.

Monique Ganderton: (Age: 32/Height: 5' 10") Monique is perhaps best known for her role in Sucker Punch and Twilight: Eclipse. She was also the stunt double for Mystique in X-Men and X-2.

Renee Montoya – Cote de Pablo

Cote de Pablo: (Age: 34/Height: 5' 6") Cote is probably best known for being in the TV show NCIS and the upcoming movie The 33. A minor character under Gordon and Bullock’s partner, I don’t think Cote would have a problem portraying a conflicted cop. If we don’t see her become the Question in film, then it'll be nice to tap into that on the small screen.

Lady Shiva – Jade Xu

Jade Xu: (Age: 28/Height: 5’ 5”) I wanted a new choice, that has never been used, because every other actress who is Japanese has been used 100 times. I chose the uprising actress, Jade Xu. I think she is absolutely stunning. She is well trained, and has recently shown her true acting capabilities. I think she has the perfect acting skills to take on Shiva's harshness that she tends to put on. Plus, I would love to see her and Scott fight, haha!

Well, that is my long idea. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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kong - 3/10/2014, 5:43 PM
I liked your ideas. You might as well cast Ben Affleck though and Batman needs a genuinely good actor. Frankly, Adkins is just a bad ass martial artist, not the best actor.
BubSnikt - 3/10/2014, 5:48 PM
Riddler, Freeze, Black Mask/Penguin/Ventriloquist, Croc/Bane, Ra's/Strange in no particular order besides Ra's and Strange being last. You have some good ideas for the films. I think Todd should be introduced at the end of the first film and have Under the Red Hood be 2nd or 3rd with Riddler putting him in a trap, kind of like Saw. Then Batman would have to stop him from doing the same thing to Gordon, Batgirl, and Nightwing while he figures out the mystery of the Red Hood
NuclearMan - 3/10/2014, 5:51 PM
I like how you gathered others opinions for this and compared/contrasted
DeathstrokeTerminator - 3/10/2014, 6:19 PM
Scott Adkins would be a great Batman...stunt double. You lost me at Jeremy Piven as Commisioner Gordon but won me back with Jeffrey Donovan as Black Mask, the rest is not bad either.
superherofan21 - 3/10/2014, 6:40 PM
Hey, man, nice article! And thanks for adding in my ideas!
agni17jun - 3/10/2014, 6:43 PM
U did real hard work dude! Some of the casting choices i like...some i don't! The best according to ne was Jason Momoa as bane
l0rdleg0las - 3/11/2014, 11:03 AM
I like it overall. Not sure about the asian persuasion with Nightwing though.
superbatspiderman - 3/13/2014, 5:41 PM
This is a pretty good cast. I especially love your Joker choice who is also one of my favorite picks for the Joker. Ben Foster is a great actor and very underrated so I would love to see him shine in a role like the Joker.
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