Dragon Ball Z: Invasion Part 1

Dragon Ball Z: Invasion Part 1

Come and read Original Physco's shorter story of how a live action Dragon Ball Z movie should be made. Hope you enjoy...

By OriginalPhysco - Aug 07, 2010 05:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Dragon Ball Z:
Part: 1

“Where am I,” says a voice in total darkness. After that, all you hear is slow, heavy foot steps and the windy winds. The darkness gets lighted slowly as the walks get less loud. It takes some seconds for the whole scene to get lighted and you can see the back of someone. He is a tall and muscular warrior. He dons a black under-suit with a red Gi, which has black striped designs on it as well as a black kanji on the back. Unlike the cartoon, he doesn’t have spiky hair; he has the wildest and most nappy hair you would see on a person. The camera steps back to reveal that he is Goku and is walking on Snake Way. Snake Way looks like a path that would lead you forever. The Difference about Snake Way from the cartoon is the road is way wider.

“All I remember is dying.” The movie shifts back to darkness and words appear that tell the title of the movie. When the title words go away words come up that say, “Hours earlier.” The movie shifts to a party hosted by Roshi. Everyone is dancing, having a good time. But a little boy is stuck in a room, studying. The boy looks like an intelligent little kid that can easily go to college early. Goku comes in the room and says, “You study too much Gohan. Come out and have a good time.”

Gohan says, “That’s okay dad. I need to study hard. Besides, mom would kill me if I took partying first.”

“I know son but you never have fun and I’m worried about you. The only rest you get is sleeping. I’m proud of you son and you deserve to take a break for the years of hard work you have done.” Gohan looks at his father with happiness. Goku then says, “I have to give you something that my father gave me.” He takes out the Four Star Dragon Ball and gives it to him. The Dragon Ball glows in Gohan’s amazed eyes. Goku grabs a hat out the bag and places the Dragon Ball in the hole on top and uses the straps to strap it tightly in. On the dance floor, a woman comes up to Yamcha, sitting down, and asks him to dance. He says that he isn’t the dancing type. By him is a purple cat that hisses at the lady. Yamcha says, “Calm down Puar. I am sorry for my cat’s behavior.” The lady smiles and grabs his hand.

“Okay, but just for a little,” says Yamcha. They start dancing and she gets closer on him.

She starts to talk to him while they are slow dancing.
“Oh Yamcha, you dance like a man should.”
“Um… okay, thanks.”
“Do you have a big one like a man should?”
“Um… Excuse me?”
“Do you have a big one like a man should have?”
“What are you talking about lady?”
She says, “You know what I’m talking about,” and she touches him here and there. He tries to get her off but it’s too late. She’s already in his pants. Yamcha tries pulling her away but Bulma see’s them.
“It’s not what you think Bulma,” explains Yamcha. The girl walks away from seeing Bulma’s angered face. Bulma goes over to Yamcha and pushes him into the food table. In the room, Goku hears a lot of ruckus and rushes out the room. Bulma storms out the house and Goku goes to pick up Yamcha. After Goku pulls him up he sees a piece of chicken wrapped in noodles stuck in Yamcha’s hair. Goku takes it out and eats a piece of it. Everyone looking at him yells “EWWWWW!”

Some bald short guy says “same old Goku.” When Goku see's him they run to each other and hug. This bald guy was short, but he wasn't a midget. I never think of Krillin of being a midget. Krillin is just short. I know a lot of people that’s short and I am short but not short, short like them.
“Krillin buddy,” says Goku hugging him tightly.
Krillin says “Hey bud! We haven’t seen each other since you married Chi-Chi. Where is the evil bat any way?”

Chi-Chi runs up to him and yells, “Who are you calling an evil bat?” He backs up a little and she grabs a frying pan. He runs away from her and she chases him, trying to beat him with the pan. The movie shifts to two Saiyan pods crash landing right into the ground. The pods start to open and they start to rise out of them. You can not see them because it is too dark but they reveal themselves by coming out closer. One has a lot of hair that even covers his face and the other was bald and had muscles like stones.
The one with long hair starts to talk. “Nappa, it is time for the Invasion but first we need to find Kakarrot.”

Nappa then speaks and says, “Indeed Raditz, we find the traitor and-
“He is no traitor,” argues Raditz, “there has to be a reason for him not destroying this planet yet. He is a Saiyan; he is my brother.”
Nappa says, “My Scouter is picking up the highest power level very near.”
“So is my Scouter, Nappa. This being’s level is not more powerful than us. The level is very disgusting if you ask me. Let’s go to the person and they should be grateful for being our first victims.”

The two invaders laugh at the thought of torturing their victims. They fly away fast and the movie shifts to someone walking in the night. He puts a circular object next to other circular objects. You can barely see the objects because of the night. The seven objects all of a sudden glow and you see that the guy is a green guy from the glow.

He says, “I, Piccolo have gathered all the seven Dragon Balls. Here is my chance to be immortal!”

The sky starts storming really badly and the two invaders stop. Nappa says, “Our scouters didn’t pick up this type of weather and it didn’t pick up that it was happening any soon.”

Raditz says, “It must be magic being done. It looks as if our target is doing something. Let’s keep going Nappa.”

The two continue to fly in an accelerative rate. Goku and the others stare at the sudden change in weather. The storm is strong and powerful. Gohan comes out and holds onto his father, Goku. A few times, Goku looks at Gohan’s hat and looks back at the sky.

“Shenron is being summoned,” says Goku.
“But the person doesn’t have all the Dragon Balls,” says Master Roshi. “We have the four star ball.”

In anger, Goku grabs the Dragon Ball and crushes it over Gohan’s head.
“It’s a fake,” says Bulma coming in the door. She passes Yamcha without looking at him and joins Goku and the others by the window.
Goku says, “It looks like we are going to the source of this. Krillin and Tien come with me.” Tien comes out from the group of people to reveal himself. He is a muscular guy with a little line on his forehead instead of the eye he has in the magna/cartoon. He says, “I am ready Goku.”

Tien and Krillin fly while Goku calls the Nimbus (a flying cloud) to take him. The movie shifts back to Piccolo. The hugest and longest dragon you’ll ever see appears. Piccolo stands back and the dragon says, “You have woken me from my eternal slumber. What is your damn wish?”

The invaders are real close but Raditz tells Nappa to go to the other power level and he will take care of this one.
“I wish to be immortal with ultimate power that will make me rule this world,” says Piccolo. The Dragon suddenly roars and a blast goes straight through the dragon’s body, making the dragon fall to his death.
“You stupid dragon!” yells Piccolo. “You could have given me the wish before you died.” Piccolo suddenly gets a chill and says, “Whose power do I sense. It is a great power.” He looks up and sees Raditz. He gets angered and says, “You! You have stopped my wish from being fulfilled. Whoever you are, you must surely die.”

Raditz lowers down from flying and is only a few inches in the air.
Piccolo continues to talk. “I don’t care what your power is; you will feel the wrath of a Namekian’s power.”

Raditz smirks and calls him a fool. The battle begins and Piccolo goes in for the fight. Raditz dodges all his punches and says, “Pathetic.” In anger, Piccolo throws faster punches but all are still dodged. After Piccolo’s last failed punch, he hurries and throws a Ki Blast at Raditz. He smirks but that all goes away when he sees Raditz fly slowly out the smoke from the Ki Blast.
Raditz laughs and says, “Is that it. No wonder your power level is 446. Do you think of beating someone with the power level of 1,200?” Then the screen shows both power levels so the viewer can see. This will happen for every battle through the movie. “Let’s finish this off,” says Raditz.

Piccolo isn’t able to dodge any punches. Piccolo constantly gets hit and blood starts swinging from his mouth after the third punch.
“Destructive Wave!” yells piccolo as a huge a huge energy wave comes from his right hand. When the Destructive wave is summoned his power level goes up to 800. It’s a huge electrical clear and blue ball of energy. It manages to push Raditz back but it doesn’t do any damage because Raditz is blocking it with his arms.

Piccolo says, “That should have blown you to bits.” Raditz jumps over the ball and it goes straight to the dragon, Shenron. When the energy ball goes away, his power level goes back to 446. The dragon explodes and his power level of 1,000 goes down to zero. All of a sudden it starts to rain dragon parts and blood. Goku gets there before the other two and jumps off the Nimbus Cloud.
Goku says in his head, “What has happened here?” He stares at the raining of dragon parts and holds his hands out to see that the rain is actually blood. He hears grunting and goes around a huge stone to see Raditz grabbing Piccolo by the neck that is on his knees. It stops raining dragon parts when Krillin and Tien get there.

Krillin says, “Was it me or was it raining dragon parts?” Tien looks at the parts on the ground and the movie shifts to Goku walking to Raditz. The screen says Goku’s power level is 503.
Goku says, “Who are you and why do you look like me?”
“Oh, you must be Kakarrot. Aren’t you happy to see me brother?”
“I am not this Kakarrot. I am nothing like Saiyans that Kami told me about. I am nothing like you so leave here now!”

“Why you…vile traitorous traitor,” says a surprised Raditz. “Nappa was right about you.” Raditz flies to Goku to battle. Goku tries to hit first but Raditz manages to be to fast and hits him through a huge stone. Krillin and Tien go to Goku’s rescue. Tien picks Goku up and Krillin asks what happened.
Goku gets off Tien and says, “This is my brother. He is from the Saiyan race.”
Tien says, “Your home planet?” Goku nods at Tien’s question. Krillin gets in fighting stance and it the screen shows his power level is 206. The movie shifts to Nappa stopping at Roshi’s huge island. He says, “Where did that high power level go?” He turns on his scouter and says, “Oh, it looks as if they went after Raditz. No matter; Raditz will pulverize those low level creeps. I might as well have some fun here.” He laughs as he goes to the front door. He blasts down the door and people stand looking surprised.
Roshi comes and says, “You have to leave. You have the wrong party. This isn’t some stripper party.” Everyone bust out laughing over this.
Nappa says, “Why you old man! This wearing is very traditional to Saiyans.”
Master Roshi says in his head, “Oh Crap, a Saiyan. I remember Kami telling us of them. I can’t get everyone scared or we’re all in trouble.” Roshi then says to him, “Oh really?”

“Yes. At least I’m not old.” People look at him crazy and Roshi says, “Wow, that wasn’t even good. I see you suck at this. It looks like you swallowed Lou Ferrigno.” Everyone bust out laughing again at Roshi’s joke.
Nappa says, “Well you’re bald.” People boo at him. While they cap, the movie shifts back to Krillin going into battle with Raditz. Krillin flies toward him and Raditz takes his fist and throws him back. Tien comes to the rescue to pull up Krillin but then is punched by Raditz. The screen shows Tien’s power level is 250. Tien gets up and puts out two fingers. His power level reaches 925 and he screams, “Dodon Ray!” It hits Raditz and it manages to sting him. He says, “That actually stung. So I’m asking you two to leave and stay out of our family affairs.” While Raditz talks to them, Goku makes it over to Piccolo. Piccolo says, “I hate your guts Goku but we have to team up to beat him.”

Goku smiles and agrees with Piccolo. Piccolo says “Goku, I will give him company. Meanwhile you need charge up your Kamehameha.” Piccolo gets up and extends his arm to grab Raditz. Tien and Krillin notice Goku in the air and go in to distract Raditz. He blocks all their punches and kicks. Krillin gets to kick him and Tien grabs him so Piccolo can punch him in the gut a couple of times. Raditz notices Goku in the air and breaks free of the hold, sending them flying across the place. By the time Raditz realizes Goku is charged up, he does a Ki attack and wait… that looks like Goku's Kamehameha, but its dark yellow and brown. Goku’s power level goes up to1,099. Raditz power level stays the same as before. Raditz says "Double Sunday" and the Ki energy from both his hands combine and charges at Goku. At the same time, Goku releases his Super Kamehameha wave and both attacks clash. It seems to be a pretty even wave, until Piccolo releases an attack called the Special Beam Cannon. It goes straight through him and the Super Kamehameha attacks him also. This attack drops Raditz power level from 1,200 to 107. They think he is dead and flies away. That attack took a lot from Piccolo and Goku decides to carry him. Back at the party, Master Roshi and Nappa are still capping.

Nappa says, “You cheating old bastard. I’m tired of this anyway.” He gathers energy to his eyes and he says, “Now who has the last laugh?” Roshi steps back in fear and Yamcha comes to the rescue. Yamcha pushes Roshi out the way of Nappa’s Eye Laser. Yamcha’s power level is 200 and Nappa’s power level is 1,213. Yamcha gets in stance and says, “Wolf Fang Fist.” He goes gets closer to Nappa and his fists are quick. They don’t faze Nappa until he hits his Scouter. The Saiyan glass stabs Nappa’s eye, making him yell in pain. He stomps on Yamcha likes he is nothing a laughs while he holds his eye. Roshi gets angry and his power level goes from 150 to 960. Roshi’s muscles bulk out and he looks like Nappa’s equal. Nappa yells, “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Roshi tackles Nappa through the wall and the partiers leave screaming. Nappa grabs Roshi by the arm and swings him into the water.

Nappa follows after and they begin to battle. Roshi brings him under water and constantly punches him but Nappa takes the upper hand and punches him in the face a couple of times. Blood fills the waters and Roshi’s power level goes down to 950. Roshi does a Kamehameha under the water which Nappa blocks with a barrier not concealed with water. Roshi rushes out the water. He takes deep breaths and Nappa flies slowly out of the water. As Nappa fires numerous Ki Blasts at him, Roshi’s power level goes down. When his power level gets to 98, Goku intervenes and battles Nappa.

Goku’s power level is 503 and Nappa’s is 1,199. Tien says that Nappa’s power feels incredible. Goku says “I know Tien. He’s even more powerful than Raditz.”
Nappa says, “Raditz; that weakling? Raditz is nothing compared to me and I am nothing compared to what’s coming. The Planet Trade Organization is invading and there are even two more beings stronger than them. I and Raditz just came to test this planet.” Roshi, whose power level is close back, looks in all directions and says, “Am I being punked? Come on; where’s the cameras?”
Goku and the others get fright in their eyes while Nappa laughs. Krillin stutters the word impossible. Raditz comes flying slowly and looks like he almost falls a couple a lot of times. He manages to catch up and people stare scared.

Nappa says, “Looks as if you didn’t finish Raditz off. His power level has gone to 107. Let’s finish them off-
Ah…!” Nappa gets hit by a white light that comes from behind him and his power level goes down to 944. Surprisingly it came from Raditz. While still wounded, he yells at Nappa. He says, “Kakarrot is still my little brother! I love him and I will not let anything happen to him. I can not simply kill my own flesh and blood. Let me tell you something Nappa: Blood is thicker than water. If your dumb mind can’t comprehend that it means family is blood and friends are water. Choose your family over your closes friends and even allies.” He looks at Goku and says, “Our father, Bardock always told me that.” Goku smiles and nods his head. Raditz looks down at Nappa trying to get up and says to Goku, “Nappa is stronger than me but I have a technique. I am not strong enough to wield my ultimate technique so I will give you the energy.”
Raditz summons electrical energy from his arm to hand. Nappa manages to almost get up. Goku goes to Raditz and says “Okay my brother.”

“Oh, does it bring me joy to hear you use those words. Since you didn’t gather up the energy for this technique, it will sting a lot but will not be used against you.” Goku gets the electrical energy from Raditz’s hand. The Power Level of Raditz goes down to zero and the electric shocks Goku’s hand. It looks a lot of pain is being given. Trying to control the technique, Goku aims it at Nappa. Nappa gets up and when he realizes what Goku is doing, he flees but is confronted by Tien. The line on Tien’s head opens to reveal a third eye ball. Nappa says, “What the…” Tien then does a technique called Solar Flare which blinds Nappa. Goku gets ready to throw it and Nappa goes nuts with his powers. Nappa throws them in each direction and they look like huge Ki Waves. As soon as Goku lets go and throws the technique at Nappa, one of those huge waves thrown by blind Nappa hit Goku. Goku’s Power Level goes down to 5 and Nappa is hit and his power level goes down to zero. Goku falls from flying and falls by his brother Raditz. He grabs Raditz’s dead hand with the last of his strength and says, “Thank you Raditz. You might have been evil but you are a good brother. I’ve always wanted a brother when I was little and when I heard I was a Saiyan, I thought about what it would be like if I had a brother I would spend time with. I was bummed to see that my only brother was evil and was ready to kill me. But you did what a brother should; what I imagined a brother like you would do for me and vice versa. I love you for that Raditz.”
Everyone runs to Goku and cries over him. Bulma says, “We can collect the Dragon Balls and call upon the Dragon, Shenron.”

Goku says, “No you can’t Bulma. No one can anymore because in the battle between Raditz and Piccolo, Shenron was blown to bits. I might be close to death but I’m still alive and will be a long time when I get better.”
A black man comes down from a flying carpet and people are happy to see him. His name is Mr. Popo. He says that he is here to do something. Goku, still lying on the ground, says, “What Mr. Popo? The threat is gone and the rest aren’t coming-
Goku stop because Mr. Popo takes out his sword. People are looking weirdly at him and he pierces Goku’s stomach. Goku’s Power Level goes to zero and everyone looks at Mr. Popo and is shocked to see his actions.
“Why Mr. Popo?” says Krillin.

“We need him dead. He is our only hope for the next invasion.”
Bulma asks if he is crazy and Mr. Popo ignores her.
Mr. Popo continues to talk. “In heaven, he must train with King Kai. King Kai has asked me to bring him there and I don’t have Kami’s powers to transport there. I must leave now. Come to me when the warriors are ready and I will send them to Namek. Piccolo, I am leaving you in charge because Namek is your home world and Kami asked it of me.”

When he leaves people cry over Goku.
Piccolo looks mean as always and says, “Stop the crying and complaining. There is a way to revive Goku.”
Everyone’s attention turns to Piccolo and Krillin says, “Why should you help us? You’re Goku’s enemy.”
“I know I am,” says Piccolo. “But I don’t want this ‘Planet Trade Organization’ to ruin my chances to rule the earth. I will not let them take my job and destiny.”
Everyone stares at Piccolo as he continues to talk. “Kami will be able to make more but he has taken a trip to Namek and Mr. Popo is in charge as Guardian of the Earth.”

Krillin says, “Isn’t Namek yours and Kami’s home world.”
“Yes and there are Dragon Balls there. You can train under the Namekian’s and collect all Seven Dragon Balls to wish back Goku.”
Everyone suddenly hears a car engine and look back to see Chi-Chi starting up the car. She says, “You’re not going to have my son. You got me [frick]ed up if you think I’m going to let him fight some monsters.” She drives off with some of Goku’s friends trying to run after her and saying, “Wait?” She drives on the ground trail on top of the ocean. A giant picks up the car and says, “Chi-Chi? I am shocked in you.”
Chi-Chi says, “Father, I’m not going to give my son up. He’s no hero; he is a school boy.”

“You’re being selfish and the others really need him.”
He talks some since into her and she goes back and apologizes. The flashback is over and the movie shifts back to Goku on Snake Way. Goku says, “So I am dead?” A voice from every direction speaks.
The voice says, “Maybe you are. I mean you took a blow from Nappa’s Bomber DX and took a stabbing from the most sharp and powerful Katakana on Earth. Don’t want to mess with that Damascus steel.” The voice laughs soon after. Goku asks the voice why he was betrayed by Mr. Popo.
The voice says, “You were not betrayed Goku. I told him to kill you because he had no other way of getting you here. I am King Kai!”
“Um… okay,” says Goku.
“You don’t know who I am?”
“Not really…”
“I can’t believe it! I am a great person known all through the heavens. They do not speak of me on Earth?”
“No, no they do not.”
“Never mind that anyway,” says King Kai trying to change the subject. “You are Earth’s only hope for defeating the invasion and I will train you. Your first test is to walk on Snake Way and come to me. The journey is only 10,000 miles on foot.”

“10,000 miles!” says a concerned Goku. “What if I don’t make it in time for the invasion?”
King Kai says, “Then I suggest you hurry. You have only three days until the invasion.” When Goku looks frightened, King Kai says, “I was just joking man. Can’t you take a joke?” He laughs but Goku doesn’t. “Just get over here so I can train you. You have at least three days. Oh and if you fall off, you’ll just keep landing forever if don’t grab on to this road. It is completely bottomless with only this road everywhere.” King Kai yells go and Goku starts running.

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LEEE777 - 8/8/2010, 5:48 AM
Excellent! :)
ThaMessenger07 - 8/10/2010, 9:44 AM
I was planning on doing a FanFic for DBZ hope you don't mind? Great Story I loved it. Hope it doesn't mesh with my own thoughts much.
OriginalPhysco - 8/11/2010, 5:48 AM
Thanks dudes, Cant wait to read yours. I hope so too but I love being a good influence on people and if someone uses my ideas, it makes me happy because I know my ideas are great. So if it does accidentally or purposely mash, then im not tripping, it would make me kno my ideas are good.

PS. *Whisper* Im doing a Great Ape (Vegeta) vs. Great Ape (Goku)
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