Evolution of Doom

Evolution of Doom

Marvel/DC crossover story pitting the greatest heroes and villans from 2 universes against one another.

By shock - Jan 31, 2015 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

int: medical research lab

DR. STEPHEN STRANGE, average built man, black hear combed back with neatly trimmed gotee sporting a white coat measures a blue liquid into a beaker. He ciphers a droplet from the beaker placing it onto a microscope film. As he places his face against the microscope's eye piece he hears a banging noise outside his door.

After a brief moment the noise is repeated this time with a man screaming.

Strange slowly removes his white coat realizing what is to come. Gunfire mixed with guards yelling echoes outside his door followed the electronic buzz of an impulse ray blasting the guards away.

Strange can smell the stench of burning flesh as he maintains his gaze on the door. He realizes the threat is about to enter. 

BAM The door is blown off the hinges. Green vapors evaporate around the new entrance. Standing in the doorway is the dark green armored combat suit of BORIS BULLSKI'S TITANIUM MAN.A green tented arc reactor center piece brightens the lab aimed directly at Strange. A bulkier more aggressive version of the Iron Man armor.

Strange does not attempt to fight or flee. He maintains his calm expression seamlessly. Titanium Man's face plate recedes upward revealing Bullski's grungy face. 


You don't seem surprised to see me.


BLIZZARD conditions POUND a, gun for hire, WORK CREW carving their way through an ICY CAP. A crewman stops his drill throwing up a hand.



The other men stop their activity focusing attention on their comrade.



I think I found something.

The men crowd around the discovery.


Behind the crowd a man strikes a match lighting a cigar. GENERAL THUNDERBOLT ROSS. The general takes a large puff before making his way toward the excitement.

Ross not dressed in his normal military attire, instead sporting the dark colors of large black jacket.

Ross maneuvers through the stunned onlookers to see a body frozen in ice. He kneels down beside the discovering crewman. The body is wearing an 1940's US military uniform with the name BARNES on his tag.


Doctor, find me a pulse.

Bulky footsteps of DR. VICTOR FRIES' MISTER FREEZE's suit approaches. Fries manipulates a wrist console ejecting a red laser performing a full scan of the frozen body.


He's alive.

Ross smirks exhaling another tobacco cloud.


This is a soldier Fries. They don't die.


We need to transport immediately before his temperature begins to rise. If it does so too rapidly he will go into cardiac arrest.

Ross inhales his cigar gesturing toward the stunned crewmen.


You heard the Doctor. Load it up.


Ext: swiss alps

The private mid evil Chillon Castle makes it's home alongside a Swiss Alps mountain range. Sanctuary of modern class mixed with the mystery of the past.  

int: Chillon castle BALL ROOM

A luxurious stone ball room plays host to a black tie event. Guests sport beautiful night gowns and snazzy tuxedos sharing light music and hordurves. An attractive man in his late 20's wearing a shaggy hair cut, DICK GRAYSON, makes his way to the beverage table. 


Only thing stronger than your after shave is your inept ability to look suspicious.

A well groomed blonde haired man OLIVER QUEEN turns toward Grayson holding a plate of food.


You should consider that in your favor. It's the only thing keeping the room's eyes off you.


How's the lamb?



From across the room, Queen notices a beautiful young woman, FELICIA HARDY, mingling among the festivities.


Still chasing cats?


Observing, what do you call yourself doing? Free loading off rich government acquaintances? 


Just here to make sure you don't need any help when the rogues pounce on you like a bad apple.


You even talk like SHIELD.


You should consider joining.


SHIELD is nothing more than Stark tech and super soldiers. I'm not interested in recon duty.


No doubt you still belong in the field and that's what I'm here to offer.


Maybe you didn't hear my last statement.

Queen reaches into his pocket pulling out a flash drive handing it to Dick.


This has nothing to do with SHIELD. I'm going to leave now and if you're interested in hearing out my offer you'll look at the disc's contents and I'll see you tomorrow morning. If not then I hope you and Miss Hardy have a wonderful evening.

Queen sets down his refreshments and walks away.

Grayson inspects the flash drive for a moment before he hears a voice behind him.


Dick Grayson, you keep showing up in interesting places.


Just call me your token of luck.


What brings you to this occasion?


Based on the note from Moscow you invited me. 


So I did.


"Den beskedlige far ingenting."

Felecia smiles at the comment.


"The modest one gets nothing."   


Impressed by your knowledge of Swedish proverbs.


Impressed you could actually figure it out.

Dick pulls a post card out of his coat pocket the proverb is written on.


The massive Chillon Castle picture leaves little doubt on the location. 

Felecia quickly pulls the card from his hand tucking it back into his pocket


Be careful who see's you with that sweetheart. Nobody likes a tourist. 

She looks away toward the dance floor.


Let's have a dance Mr. Grayson.

Dick throws a reluctant look to Felicia as she maneuvers her arm inside his. Dick follows along and weaves through guests toward the dance area.

Soft music soothes the environment as couples intimately share in various cultural dances. Felicia leads Dick with romantic dance steps trying her best to blend in. Dick stiffly follows.


Loosen up precious. It's just the Waltz.


And it's just another organization interested in making a name. Stop with the distractions Felecia. Where's A.I.M.?


What makes you think I know? I left their trail two months ago.


I didn't know you could scare off the Black Cat.


More like the Cat got a whiff of something a little more dangerous.

Grayson throws a suspicious look at Felecia and then begins looking around at the crowd.


Public places make secrets go down a little smoother--I'm listening.


They call themselves The Syndicate. 




In a matter of weeks they've gained control of criminal organizations from Costa Rica to Korea.


And you?


I prefer the solo act.


You'd might live longer with a second set of eyes.


Is this your pathetic attempt to ask me out?


What do you know of this Syndicate?


Small group looking to expand, make a name.


Who isn't?


The kinda name that makes A.I.M obsolete. 


Well that's still a work in progress. They haven't shown up on any grid yet. 



I can see Wayne's ego is rubbing off on you. Don't be so naive. You think you have a grip on what's going on in the world but there's so much you have not even fathomed.  


Then what have you fathomed Felicia? How did you know where to look?



Cat can't give away all her secrets.



You don't have to live your life in the shadows. Come with me and start fighting instead running.


Sometimes they can be the same things.   


They don't have to be. Let me save you.

Felecia grips Dick tighter with tears pooling in her eyes. Her voice quivering.


I wish you could have.

Felecia's body begins to become heavy in Dick's arms as she loses consciousness. Dick feels an object in Felecia's dress and removes a small dart. 

Dick looks up to catch the eye's of a suspicious man several tables away. The man's face begins to form a tight smirk. He stands, leisurely walking away. 

Dick is left holding Felecia's body. He quickly finds a chair to sit her in and turns his attention to the man making his way to the bar. 

Cut to: bar (COntinuous)

The man takes a seat amongst the crowd and orders a drink. The bar tender places a drink in front of him and as he reaches for the glass Dick grabs his wrist holding it to the bar.


Hell's Kitchen taking its' tole--Bullseye?

Bullseye remains calm cutting his eyes toward Dick.


No worse than what Gotham can do to a man. However this party is becoming equally as dangerous.

Dick's jaw tightens along with his grip. Bullseye shows no fear with a smile.



She was a beautiful woman, but I did not fully appreciate the beauty until now.


You don't know anything about her.


You loved her.


Love is a choice. And choices are something you've run out of.


Mr. Grayson I don't think you fully grasp the repercussions of the choices you are making as we speak. You're a tiny leaf in raging fire. No matter what you think you know you are not prepared for what is to come.


And what might that be?



As Bullseye finishes the statement the large pane window in front of the bar shatters from gunfire as men in combat attire repel in.

The room turns to shambles with guest running for the their lives.

Bullseye snatches his wrist from Dick's grip, pivoting, landing a punch to his face. Dick stumbles back into the rampaged crowd. When he regains his bearings Bullseye is gone.

cut to: main dance floor (continuous)

The armed men aimlessly fire round after round into the crowd picking off random guests.

Dick blindsides one of the men knocking him to the ground. Two more men jump to Dick going for the kill. As a gun is brought to bare at Dick a large man comes out of no where, his skin transforming to steel, repelling the bullets. COLOSSUS, PIOTR RASPUTIN.

Colossus slams the two men to the floor with ease. Then helps Dick to his feet.


Piotr Rasputin at your service. Looks like you could use a hand.



A little over my head right now.

Colossus barrels through several more men repelling their gunfire with ease.

Dick focuses in on the closest target landing a roundhouse kick to the head. He grabs the gun and fires several shots taking down several more. Above the chaos Dick recognizes gunfire of a different pinch, then notices the enemies dropping like flies.

He turns to see Oliver Queen and at his side a stunning brunette in a black luscious night gown DINAH DRAKE "BLACK CANARY" firing on the armed men. After several moments it is over. Queen and his assistant walk over to a stunned Dick.


The familiar aroma of after shave can be relieving in moments like this.


It has it's advantages. Who are these people?


No doubt part of the Syndicate.


This is not like them to target something so public. They must have been targeting something specific. 


It was someone.

Saddened by loss, Dick is knelt down beside Felicia's body holding her head.


Any idea why?


She had been trailing them for several weeks. I received a message from her to come here. Felicia was afraid of something and I know who to ask.



With vengeance in his eyes Dick nods.  

Police lights and sirens can be heard outside while officials make their way into the outside Fourier.


We have to leave before the police arrive.


We're on top of a mountain. Where exactly are we gonna go?

Queen smiles.


Mr. Rasputin if you will.

Piotr manipulates a hand held remote and begins walking toward the shattered pane glass.


If you will make your way toward the window and wait for the aircraft to come to complete stop.

A blue stealth jet quietly hovers outside the window with the cargo door open.

The group boards the state of the art jet. As quietly as it arrived the jet is gone without a trace ahead of the police.

INT: JET cockpit

Dick takes in the high tech interior.


Business must be staying out of the red.


Actually you can thank Piotr for these wings. He has powerful friends that owe me a favor.

From the co-pilots chair Drake manipulates the navigation console. 


Coordinates are set. Engaging autopilot. ETA ten hours.


Where are we going?


Queen Industries. Time to get you acquainted with a few things.

ext: atlantic ocean-day

int: submarine

General Ross studies radar grid. Bullseye comes to his side.


I assume your presence indicates our friend has been taken care of.


She wasn't a problem. 


When you find their weakness they never are.


There was someone else.

Ross takes his concentration off the radar grid to Bullseye's face.


Dick Grayson

Ross smiles


The Nightwing. What's he doing in this part of the world?


She had alerted him of the meeting. They were--involved. 



Young love. Was he disposed of?


Back up arrived on schedule but Oliver Queen managed to save him. 


Queen knew we would be there. He's  searching for his fallen comrade. 


But how could they know who we are?


Do not under estimate his reach. He has powerful assets in small places. Contact Nevsky and Bullski to watch Queen from a distance. I wanna know what he knows.  


Still haven't found it?

An annoyed expression crosses Ross's face. Bullseye intently struck a nerve.



I have several offers on the table that don't require me traveling across the globe tying up your loose ends for something you should have handled a long time ago. 

Ross tightens his jaw staring a lead mile through the assassin. 


Just remember I own the table your offers sit on. I took you out of the bloody waters when the sharks started to circle. If you'd like to go back be my guest. 

Bullseye holds Ross's stare before breaking looking away with a smirk.


Not today General but our day's coming.  

ext: QUEEN industries-new york-day

int: queen industries-underground warehouse

The X-Jet engine's power down as the team exits the ramp into the large open warehouse. Consoles of telecommunication equipment, radar, weapons/suit armory. 


This the man cave?

Queen's pride beaming leads Dick on a tour.


The best money can buy. 32,000 square footage of the latest greatest premier intelligence combat equipment in the universe. Gamma sensor radar, quantum communications, 91% of the planet under satellite footage. Have you ever seen better?


Actually I have.


Excluding Bruce Wayne.


You do have better lighting.

Oliver gives Dick an unimpressed look.


What is it Queen Industries pretends to do?


Plastic water bottles. We're the primary supplier for the Western Hemisphere with 100% of the product from recycled materials. Who said you have to kill in order to save the planet?

Piotor walks back carrying a large crate over his shoulder.


No one has ever said that.


Always the pessimist--but he is Russian. 

Dick notices a glass globe suspended on a metal platform across the room.


What's over there?

Oliver's expression quickly transforms to serious.


What I brought you to get acquainted with.  

The two begin walking toward the glob.


Are you familiar with the work of Dr. Stephen Strange?


Sorcery. Voodoo magic stuff?


We've pulled several missions together over the years. He's arrogant, ill tempered, and full blown narcissistic. Text book personality of a medical surgeon. He came to me 2 weeks ago looking like a man ready to die.

They arrive at the globe to find a glowing artifact easily recognized as not of this world. It's basic shape is that of standing clock. Florescent circular center outlined by a gold ring. A half oval frame is mounted to a square base. 


Strange refused to talk and gave me this to protect. 


What is it?


The Eye of Agamotto. It's what Strange draws his power from. Two days later he went missing. 


Any idea where he went?


No but I've never seen that man afraid the way he was that day. Something is coming. Something that he would rather fight as a man. 


The Syndicate. That's why you were at the party. You knew they would be there.  


Bullseye hardly counts as the Syndicate. He's a pawn, a front man. Whatever this organization is has the jump on all of us. We never intended on finding Strange at the party. We came to recruit you to a greater cause before they got to you first. I'm sorry we were too late for you and Felicia's sake.

Dick holds his gaze at the ancient artifact holding onto the last memories of Felicia.


You weren't too late. She didn't have to die, but her death made your life a little easier.




We now share a common enemy.

Dick's determined eyes meet Oliver's



I'm in. 

ext: SABA CARIBBEAN island-Near coast of Netherlands-day 

Paradise is the only word to describe the luxurious sand beaches, swaying palm trees, and crystal clear waters. Natives fist from the docks as tourist catch rays and photographs. Each all the more ignorant of what lies beneath the sand.

int: underground bunker (continuous)

Nearly half a mile below paradise lies state of the art version of Frankenstein's lab. Mr. Freeze's personal paradise where science meets madness. The steel room is decorated by ice sickles along the ceiling's boarder. Life size generators power the water filled glass tank slowly bringing Bucky Barnes back into the world. 

General Ross enters shivering in the cold.


I thought the idea was to warm him up.

Freeze takes his attention off the touch screen displays suspended in mid air analyzing Barnes' vitals.


That is a process that takes time General. If that time is not respected you will have but another body on your hands.


What's his condition?

Freeze turns back to his displays manipulating them in the air.


Vital organs are intact and waking up. Frost bite to the outer epidermis is minimal. However, it appears his left arm suffered severe irreversible damage prior to the freeze. 


Is it salvageable? 


No, it will require amputation including the shoulder. 



You can't leave me with a soldier with only one arm.


Relax, I have already begun preparation on a robotic replacement that will serve better than the original. Something Dr. Otto Octavius and I developed during our time in the Legion.  


How soon can you have it intact?


That is up to you General. I can bring Barnes' physiology back to life but neurologically he requires a resurrection. 


Don't worry about that Doctor. The Winter Soldier will live. 


Is that what you will call him? 


Barnes died a soldier. That's something that will never change. 


Why this man? I'm aware of his participation in the super soldier project but we could just as easily acquired the work SHIELD already has.


During the war with Russia, Barnes was taken prisoner by a scientist Johann Shmidt the Red Skull. Shmidt had been developing his on strain of the super soldier. That strain differed from the original in that it allowed for neurological mapping. Isotopes in the serum traveled to the brain creating pathways that would allow the subject to be controlled through a specific radio frequency. 


Shmidt wanted mind control over the subject. 


Exactly but when Steve Rogers crashed Shmidt's facility, taking Barnes, he was never able to test the frequency. 


You want to find out if the neurological mapping succeeded. 


An army of super soldiers that took direct order without hesitation.

Ross closes his eyes soaking in those words breathing in the power.



It's the future Doctor.


Do you have the frequency Shmidt was planning to use.


After the war SHIELD obtained the frequency channel and buried it under ten tons of government steel.  


I assume you have a plan for obtaining it?


The wheels are already in motion. 

Ext: back alley-night

Graffiti paintings cover the building's sides. Bullseye weaves his away around knocked over trash cans on the sidewalk as the cool wind swirls trash across his footsteps.   

Two men stand at point in front of a door planted in the side of a building halfway down the alley. Bullseye hands the men two knives and holds his arms out as they pat him down. 

Bullseye is then escorted through the door into a smoke filled room coated with the smell of cigarettes and ammunition. 

int: room

Half a dozen armed men flank a table covered with hundred dollar bills being counted by a man with his back turned. The door is shut behind Bullseye trapping him in. The man at the table removes his cigarette from his mouth putting it out in an ash tray. 


Back so soon?


Couldn't stand it any longer. You can be difficult but Ross is unbearable. 

The room's tension eases as Bullseye removes his coat handing it to one of the armed men. He then takes his seat directly across from the man EOBARD THAWNE "PROFESSOR ZOOM"


I'll take that as a compliment. 


It was intended to be. 


The General's hands still tied I take it?


He wont admit that but he still doesn't have the Eye of Agamotto and now Oliver Queen is breathing down his neck.

Thawne smiles while strumming through a stack of bills.


Sounds like a man in over his head. A shame for the Syndicate to collapse so quickly.   


He had it coming. These military type get a little poison in their blood and think they can go from fighting terrorism to playing it. 


It is an art. What's his next move?


He's wanting eyes on Queen. 


Nevsky and Bullski 


Plan to contact them tomorrow.

Thawne smiles with satisfaction. 


Ross is still pulling from the same load of trash. What about Barnes' body?


Saba, the Caribbean island. He's employed Victor Fries to see the body though the thawing process, but like I said until he as that Eye all they'll have is a body with a pulse.   


Amazing the man can bring down Doctor Strange like he did but leave out the most important part.


That's why I took your offer. The plan has remained intact and soon you'll have Barnes' with an actual means for a resurrection. 

Thawns smiles wirley.


Barnes' body can wait. I have my eye on something a little more...rare.


Always pushing for more.


Does General Ross have any indication for where the Eye of Agametto is located?


No, he's in the dark but something tells me you're not quite as blinded.

Thawne again forms a wirely smile with savage eyes.


Do you find it odd that Oliver Queen was in Switzerland at exactly the same time as you?


They know we have Strange.


Queen has something of interest as well.


The Eye?

The corner of Thawne's mouth smirks with acknowledgement.


How do you know?


Oliver Queen and his antics have created an army of enemies. One of those such has infiltrated his safe haven and seen it heavily protected underneath Queen Industries. We acquire that my friend then your General will have no choice but to join our cause.


What's the next move?


Whatever Ross told you. Follow his lead until I contact you and everything will play in our favor.

int: queen industries conference room

The large oval table at the room's center seats a dozen blood shot eyed board members staring a hole through another long winded salesman trying to make a foot print in the world. 


I can guarantee a partnership between Queen Industries and Lisco Communications will not only become a economical success it will change the way the world looks a multimedia outlets. The days of rivaling cell phone competitors and wasteful fees will be a thing of the past. We are the future. 


I believe those were famous last words by Kenneth Lay just before Enron self destructed.  

The salesman takes a double take at Queen's comment.


Excuse me?


I don't believe you specified the future our collaboration will become. The high flying billboard 10 o'clock exclusive or the scraping bubble gum off the bottom of a 3rd grader's desk.  


If you would like me to elaborate in detail I'll be happy--


Happy? Now we are speaking in specific terms easily defined but future. What does that even mean? 

Board member

Mr. Queen I believe Mr. Tribb deserves an opportunity to explain his plan. He has specific data-- 


And I have receding hair line constantly reminding me of my future becoming my past. 

The monotone buzzing of the rooms air conditioner fills the stale atmosphere as every eye in the room is painted on Queen. Oliver takes in the sight taking a deep breath followed by letting out half. 


Break for lunch? I-hop all you can eat pancakes. Raisin walnut good for digestion. 

board member

I think a little air would do everyone some good.


Sold! Check back in an hour.

The sound of a dozen chairs pushing back with stiff legs rising break the silence as the room empties. 

Oliver, keeping his seat, watches the business suites flow through the door. As the wave of white Rogaine treated hair exits Oliver notices Dick Grayson propped outside the door frame.  


The comb-over suites you well Mr. Queen.


You seem to have taken an uncomfortable interest in my grooming techniques.

Grayson takes a 360 degree view of the empty board room and the view of New York's afternoon skyline.


So this is your other half. The sanctuary of the famous Olive Queen. 


Makes the name and pays the bills.


Keep those negotiation techniques up and you'll definitely make a name.


That's all we have in this world Dick.  Put it on as many billboards as you can find.


I prefer not to, but listen I didn't come up here to see your playhouse. Just wanted to say thank you for intervening the other night.


Just call it what it is Dick. I saved your life.


Saved my life? I wasn't in danger. I was thinking of the civilians. 


Don't be delusional. I don't doubt you could handle Bullseye but all those mercenaries. You may be good but you're no man of steel.


(smiles conceding his point)

That's still up for debate but--

Queen's lap top laying on the table beeps. Queen walks over to it clicking it on. Dinah Drake appears on the holographic screen projected above the table.



Not answering your phone again Oliver.


I was in a meeting. I'm busy. 


(rolls her eyes)

Right well I've also been busy and have something you should see. 


On our way, but hey I really was busy.


Good bye Ollie. 

int: queen industries underground warehouse (continuous)

Dick, Queen, and Piotor crowd around Dinah at a computer console with half a dozen monitors. Plastered on those monitors is Bullseye standing on a city street holding cellphone. 


Seems that our friend is getting sloppy. I first got a match with an ATM camera but has he moved toward this intersection. I picked him up with the street cameras.


That's unlike him. He's usually more discrete.


Can we here what he's saying? 


(manipulating the keypad)

Already on it.


The target is still set. Payment is the same. Meet me at the Taveran at 11. Order a Gray Goose and come alone.

Bullseye hangs up the phone and moves into a building. 


We could take him now. 


We don't know if he's alone. Plus downtown New York in rush hour. It'll be a mess.


Any idea who he was talking to?


No way to get a number. Even if we did, no guarantee we get a name. 


Tonight. We know where he'll be. It can be quick and clean. Plus we can see who our mystery man is. 


So what's our play?


Our play is to just show up. I've got a couple of friends for the trenches.

int: taveran

Second rate social light of motorcyclist and harlets looking to expand their bank account. Cigarette smoke and stale beer cut through the room's background chatter of swearing and future gambling debts. Solo, at the worn bar, ALEX NEVSKY, downs his third Gray Goose.     




Coming right up.

A black haired sensual woman takes a seat beside Nevsky. Her tight fitting leopard print outfit immediately makes every harlet obsolete. 

Nevsky's attention is taken from his glass to his new neighbor.


Hope nobody was sitting here.


You'll do just fine.

EXt: sidewalk in front of taveran (continuous)

An unassuming van is parked out front.

int: van

Dick Grayson and Oliver Queen watch a video monitor with a direct feed to the woman's contact lens.


Alex Nevsky


Anton Vanko's old assistant?


That's him.

The bar tender hands Nevsky is drink.


Four Gooses, must be a thirsty boy tonight.


I take hydration very seriously. 


Do you now? 

The woman leans in closer.


What else do you take seriously?


Finding out your name.


Why would you be interested in something like that. I kinda enjoy the mystery.

Nevsky looks the woman's seductive body up and down.


Mystery? I can do mystery. What's my first clue?


Are you familiar with the Taveran's Trophies? 


Been back their once or twice, but I've never seen anything worth first place. Until now.


Then let's see if you have what it takes to be on top.

int: van


The trophy room? Who is this woman?


Jennifer Walters. She's got a sweet tooth if your nice but can flip a temper in a heartbeat. Isn't that right Piotr?

Piotr rubs his jaw.


She's got a mean bite.


It looks like our man is about to get a taste.

INT: taveran-back trophy room

Nevsky and the woman nearly fall through the door into the dark room passionately kissing. Pictures and trophies fall from the wall as their bodies move toward a worn sofa. The woman pushes Nevsky onto the couch.


Let me turn on the light so you can see what first place is all about.

She flips on the switch revealing from the corner a figure dressed in green ninja clothing with a yellow banddana covering his head and eyes "IRON FIST". Nevsky quickly stands in defense.


Who are you?

Iron Fist round house Nevsky in the head knocking him to the floor.

iron fist

Not your turn to talk.


You don't recognize me? 

The woman's body begins to grow enlarge muscle size and definition. Her skin transforming to a green tint. SHE HULK

She hulk

What about now? Things becoming a bit clearer?

Nevsky adjusts his jaw. His distressed expression turns to a smirk.


You people really have no idea who you're dealing with.

she hulk

We are very aware of what's going on here. You are going to give us everything we want. Starting with why you were meeting Bullseye here?


Guy can't blow off steam after work? 

She Hulk grabs Nevsky by the throat slamming him against a wall. Several trophies fall to the floor from the impact.

iron fist

I would cooperate if I were you. Patience is not her thing.

She hulk

Who's running The Syndicate?


Let's just say it's complicated.

she hulk

Wrong answer.



You have nothing to threaten me with. 

She Hulk's anger rises to a climax. Balling up her fist drawing back her arm. Before she can land her bone cracking rage an explosion knocks the three off their feet. 

Through the debris Bullseye, Titanium Man, and Crimson Dynamo armor walk through the new entrance. The Crimson armor resembles the enlarged war style combat armor of Titanium man with Crimson red ascents. 


What do ya say we make this a fair fight?

Bullseye pulls two handguns from his trench coat firing them straight at She Hulk. She is able to dive away and launches directly toward Bullseye. The powerful fist of Titanium Man strikes her in the back knocking her to the floor. He pulls a futuristic hand gun from holster in his tight aiming at her body.

titanium man

So quick to fight but never mind your surroundings. 

She Hulk quickly jumps back to her feet, kicking the gun away, landing a punch denting his helmet.  

Iron Fist blind sides Bullseye with hay maker to the jaw. When reaching back for a second punch his arm is stopped by the Crimson Dynamo armor. Nevsky smirks as the Dynamo armored face plate locks into place over his face.

crimson dynamo

You seem to have run out of tricks Mr. Rand. 

Bullseye places the gun to Iron Fist's head.


Time to find out if it's truly iron in that body.

iron fist

If you were so lucky. 

Out of plain view his right hand begins to glow with a powerful light and in a swift motion lands the punch to Crimson Dynamo's chest breaking grip. Iron Fist knocks the gun from Bullseye's hand followed by a round house kick to the chest.

iron fist

Lei Kung's teaching are one hundred times stronger than iron could ever be. 

crimson dynamo

Let's see if his teachings are bullet proof.

Crimson Dynamo aims his wrist at Iron Fist rapid firing laser blast. The supreme martial artists uses his agility and quickness dodging the fire. As it seizes Crimson Dynamo's arc reactor chest piece charges for a blast. With nowhere to go Iron Fist picks up a battered trophy case shielding himself. The powerful blast blows Iron Fist through the wall into the public bar area. 

int: public bar area

The heavy mechanical legs of Crimson Dynamo echo in the frantic people scattering and screaming away from the action. Iron Fist attempts to peel his sore body off the floor. Dynamo aims his gun to the wounded hero.

crimson dynamo

Times up.

An arrow strikes Dynamo in the chest and explodes knocking him back into the trophy room. Bullseye shields his face from the explosion. Smoke clears to reveal Green Arrow, Nightwing, and Colossus flanking Iron Fist.

Green Arrow resets another arrow into his bow aiming it directly for Bullseye.

Green arrow

Happy hour is over Bullseye and last call has been made.

Bullseye drops his gun.


So its true. There really is no such thing as a party without Oliver Queen.

Green arrow

Hope you didn't think that was just a myth. 


Three against one seems a little unfair.


Don't talk to us about fair.


Still on edge Mr. Grayson? I guess that's understandable. They say time heels all. 

Green arrow

Enough with the stalling you're coming with us.


Is that right? You're not going to invite my other friend?

Titanium Man smashes through the wall landing on top of Bullseye. She Hulk comes walking through the newly formed hole.

she hulk

Brought you'll a second one.

int: queen industries underground warehouse

Colossus and She Hulk escort the three prisoners Bullseye, Nevsky, and Bullski into a revere mirror cell. 

Queen, Dick, and Dinah watch from the opposite side of the mirror.


All three of them just like that. Any leads?


Nothing. Just a dried up watering hole and concussions. 


How's Danny?


I'll live.

Danny Rand the Iron Fist walks up. Arm in sling cuts and bruises on face.


Haven't seen you take a beating like that in awhile.


Don't get use to it. 

She Hulk and Colossus walk up. Both transforming into their human forms.


There still pretty woozy but those UV lights will wake them soon.


Good. As soon as they're able to talk we drill them.

Ext: saba CARIBBEAN island 

Paradise, beaches, sand, crystal water. The safe haven for dreams. But where there are dreams there are also nightmares.

int: underground bunker-prisoner cell

Doctor Strange sits in the corner of the dark stale room meditating. The sound of dripping water echoes against the gray cinder blocks. Most men would go insane with these conditions. Door squeals open letting in a strong ray of welcomed light. Strange looks up to find Ross standing in the doorway.


How are things Doctor?

Strange stares him down but does not respond. Ross holds for a moment and then enters the room pulling up a chair. He looks around at the bitter dwelling.


I like what you've done with the place. Very wizard like. 


Your antics are gaining no ground. 


Oh really. It hasn't sunk in yet that I own you. You're buried so deep you can feel the burning flames of Hell. No ones coming to save you. Tell me now or tell me later but I will find what I'm looking for.


If I am made to suffer a thousand eternities without relief. If I must endure the greatest pain sentient beings can fathom. If I am made to die a thousand deaths I will do so. The Eye of Agamotto will never be yours.

The two men lock down into a stare of warriors for several heartbeats. Neither speaking with emotions of will and anger in their eyes. 


I might be able to arrange that.

int: interrogation room-queen industries

Bullseye sits in chair at empty table. Queen enters and takes a seat.


No handcuffs?


Don't need them.


I could run. I've got two men in the hold sell.


Where would you go?


Anywhere I want.

cut to: outside interrogation room (contintuous)


He's an arrogant one. 


They all are.


Why aren't you in their Dick. You've got experience with this sort of thing.


Don't push it Danny. It's best he stay out here.




Cause I'll kill 'em.

int: interrogation room (continuous)


What's this all about? You've been a mainstay in Hell's Kitchen. Why change?


Everybody needs a change Queen. Every man is on a clock. You, me, your band out there. All trying to make sure our time counts. I was burned out in the Kitchen. Fisk never saw the big picture.


So you joined the Syndicate.


The Syndicate in global. No boundaries, no limitations. It's a living evolving machine.


Who runs this machine? You?

Bullseye laughs.


Me? Of course not. Come one Oliver guys like you and me aren't the leading type. We are the point of service. Which leads me to a question. Do you know what you're getting these people in to?


They all have their own reasons for being here.


Do they? Because this isn't the same game. Ask Grayson. This is bigger than all of us, and I'm giving you a chance to walk away before you get yourself and everyone you care about killed.

Queen's stern face turns to anger, stands kicking the table into Bullseye knocking him to the floor. Queen jumps on top of Bullseye, pulling pistol from his waist, pointing it to his head.


Who is running the Syndicate! I want a name!

Bullseye stays silent. Queen puts his hand around Bullseye's throat.


Tell me now or I will kill you.

Door opens, Dinah and Piotr dash toward the two men pulling them apart.


Calm down Oliver. If you kill him we get nothing.

Queen's tirade calms. Piotr binds Bullseye's hand pulling him away.


You had your chance Queen and you didn't take it. The blood will be on your hands.

int: Queen industries lobby (continuous)

A dozen men, sporting trench coats and black gangster hats, a scene from a 1920's bank robbery, enter the large populated lobby. Their unique look catches the attention of onlookers including that of the nearest security guard.

security guard

Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?

The man leading the posy lifts his head revealing to be Eobard Thawne.


No sir we have an appointment.

Thawne drops his attention from the guard and attempts to proceed forward. The security guard steps in front.

security guard

Just hold on. You have to be signed in before going anywhere.


My dear fellow this we are not signing in.

Thawne grabs the guard by the throat. Fighting to breathe the guard pulls at the Thawne's hand to no prevail. 


We will be visiting Mr. Queen's VIP area.

Thawne snaps the guards neck. The other men drop their coats revealing machine guns, and begin full open gunfire. Screams and debris scatter along the lobby as Thawne and his men plow a path. 

int: INTERROGATION room (continuous)

Alarms sound from the attack. 


Dinah what's going on out their?

Outside the interrogation room Dinah scans a console.


Security breach in the main lobby. None of the guards are responding.


Is the blood dripping yet?

Queen gives Bullseye a scowling look and turns to Piotr. 


Stay here with the meat.

Queen quickly exits. 

int: outside interrogation room (continuous)

Queen exits the door. Grayson and Danny Rand already suite up into Nightwing and Iron Fist. Queen picks up his bow and quiver slinging it over his back. 


Dinah stay here and keep an eye out. The rest of you on me.

int: queen industries lobby (continuous)

Elevator door opens with the three heroes finding blood stains and bullet hole walls. 




Not like this. 


No, the standard security can handle petty business. This is something else. 


Right you are Mr. Queen.

The men quickly turn to see Thawne with armed men flanking his sides. 


Eobard Thawne, is this really the proper way of doing business? If you wanted a job we're not getting off to a good start. 

Queen pulls an arrow from the quiver placing it across his bow. 


I read Wall Street Oliver. You can't afford me. 


Then why don't we call it a day and just go home.


You have something I want.


Your boyfriend is unavailable at this time but if you leave a message I might can pass it along. 


Sounds fair. Listen closely.

Yellow energy begins forming around Thawne's body leaving a yellow suit with the flash centerpiece on his chest. The "Reverse Flash"

The armed men begin unloading gunfire. Without hesitation Queen shoots off three arrows with explosive tips disorienting.

Nightwing and Iron Fist leap into action engaging the men in combat. They land blow after blow with minimal damage to the enemy. As if receiving a universal order the henchmen retaliate putting the three heroes on their backs.    

Feeling as a quick burst of wind Thawne flashes past the heroes disarming them leaving each disoriented on the ground. 


Got all that Queen.

The heroes moan in pain attempting to regain composure. Thawne admires Oliver's bow.


Amazing how the weapon that once ruled the land for centuries can still cause so much destruction.


What do you want?


Does that really need to be asked? The Eye of Agamatto is high priced ticket these days and I plan to cash in.   

Time seizes to exist as Thawne gains control of the atoms around him. Atomic energy grows through his chest, draining to his arms out of his hands sending a powerful shock wave through the heroes leaving them unconscious. The surrounding structure cracks and withers from the incredible force.

int: Interrogation ROom

The walls rumble from stress. Bullseye recognizes it's inception from the ceiling debris trickling the floor. Dinah draws her gun. Pitor's body transforms into the metallic covering of Colossus


Oh now the tides have changed.


No one said you were safe.


Might want to check those odds. I'm the safest person in this room.

Ext: interrogation room

The 5 meter steel reinforced wall peals back from Thawne's powerful energy burst. Thawne surveys what a billionaire vigilante is able to construct. He notices Colossus and Dinah exiting the interrogation room and secondly spots the Eye of Agamotto.


Take care of those worthless beings. I'm gonna collect our ransom.

The dozen men draw various hand guns and automatic firearms. One by one the sound of safeties being released and bullets transitioning to chambers.

Colossus pounds his fist into his palm.


Looks like practice. 


Looks like fun.

Colossus picks up a nearby desk tossing into toward the men. A thug fires a plasma weapon at the desk designating it instantly. 


These guys don't play. 


I've got an idea. Computer activate defense torrents. 

Weapon torrents emerge from walls.


Get to the Thawne. I'll handle this. 


You got it.

Colossus sprints off as the torrents activate peppering the thugs with gunfire. 


Thawne walks up beside a smirk faced Bullseye who is looking through the glass.


Getting stuffy in this fish tank. I see your plan is coming together.


My plan is just beginning. 

Thawne crashes his fist into the glass causing it to crumble to the floor. 


Grab Nevsky and Bullski. Leave this eye sore in shambles. 


With pleasure. 

CUT TO:Wall torrents

The helpless thugs fall victim. 

Cut to: eye of agamotto (continuous) 


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