How i think the Fantastic Four could be brought into the MCU.

How i think the Fantastic Four could be brought into the MCU.

I've put together a story on how the Fantastic Four could be brought into the MCU. As well as a brief back round of what and who these characters could be in the MCU. So have a read and see what

Editorial Opinion
By TheBeard - May 07, 2016 03:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
So let's say that this year around comic-con or whenever, Fox realizes they've destroyed the FF and let the rights return to Marvel. Maybe some money changes hands, maybe it turns out to be part of Marvel letting Fox do the X-Men tv shows. Dosen't really matter they have the rights back, so let's move on.
                                                                                 Phase 4
Infinity war is over and future spoiler,,,, Thanos lost. The Avengers and Guardians have won and the infinity stones have been scattered across the known universe to hide them forever. The world has moved on and the Avengers while still around are scatterd, as the big threat or so the world thinks is over and dealt with. There are heros and villians running around just like in the comics but it is more of an every day thing now. Think Spider-man stops the Shocker from robbing a bank last week type of shit that has become common place in this world. which means nobody bats an eye because it's old news. There are still superhero groupies and haters or whatever around though.
Movie Title: 
 Fantastic Four: First Family
So let's start the movie,
Opening scenes are of two guys both around 18 at Empire State Univeristy. This is Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom. They are working on reverse engineering advanced propulsion engines from Loki's attack. This is a government funded project, Doom and Reed were chosen as the two smartest people on Earth. A prototype engine is ready for testing but Reed believes Dooms calculations are off and they argue about it. Doom berates Reed for questioning his intellect and ingores him. The prototype turns on and explodes and Doom is hit by debris, he survives but blames Reed for the accident. Doom recovers and leaves to return to Latveria, his hatred of Reed Richards now cemented. Sound familar, it should, it's Doom's origin story. Tweaked a little to fit into the MCU, it was also hinted at one point to be Ben's fault but screw that. Also as you can tell i changed what kind of machine they were working on to fit. In this case an advanced propulsion system instead of an astral form projection machine.

*note* ( We don't see Doom's scarred face here, it is wrapped up in medical bandage.)

Skip a few years into the future, Civil war and infinity war events have happened. Reed along with his friend Ben Grimm and the siblings Sue and Johnny Storm are in space installing a new deep space alien threat monitering device on the moon. Reed is working as a civilian contracter for S.W.O.R.D, the new agency controlled by the United Nations. They have a time frame they are supposed to strickly obey as there is a cosmic radiation storm passing by Earth which could be harmful to them and their space ship. Reed however is fasinated and brought along a self built monitering device for this event. The deployment of this combined with Ben and Johnny's constat bickering slows things down though and they are running low on time. Sue gets things back on track, they board the ship and leave the moon. On their way back to Earth the engines shut down stranding them in the path of the cosmic storm. Reed begins desparetly trying to repair the engines.   At this point a transmission from an unknown location is heard by the four aboard the ship, not even SWORD can trace it. The voice begins to speak and Reed reconizes its Doom immeditly. He taunts Reed then ends the transmission. Reed manages to get the engines working again but it is to late, and they are hit by the cosmic radiation. The ship is damaged but not destroyed as Reed had strengthend the shields. However all four are rendered unconscious, the ship is caught in Earth's gravity and begins hurtling towards the ground.

(*Note* we see that these are the same type engines Reed and Doom were working on a few years before. Only the passengers of the spaceship are hearing Doom talk, SWORD and anyone else just get static. Basicly it's their word against his, and as the ruler of UN recognized nation SWORD can't do anything. They believe Reed, but's there is no proof.)
Quick Flashback: we see Reed and Ben watching  tv the day before the mission launch. On it we see that hostilities between Latveria and Sokovia have ended with Sokovia being absorbed by Latveria. There is a UN gathering where the Laterian representetive to the UN Lucia von Bardas is signing a peace treaty on behalf of Latveria's ruler Dr Victor von Doom. The reporter mentions how Doom rose to power and quickly turned the country into a technologic powerhouse and European aggressor basicly. We fade away from Reed and Ben as they talk about Doom and see the spaceship being prepared for launch by Johnny and Sue Storm among others.

*note* (we never atcually see Doom's rise, just hear about it. Sorta like Banner getting his Hulk powers in the opening credits of Incredible Hulk. Technically yes, we did see Banner get his powers in that but work with me here.) 
Now back to the present day, Reed and the rest are plumeting to their deaths aboard the ship. At this point we see Captain marvel (Danvers) joined by Ironman and they manage to bring the ship down without killing its passangers. They open the ship as Tony scans it's crew which reveals they all have positive life signs. Carol and Tony have a quick chat about not having seen each other since Thanos attack. Carol is working for SWORD and Tony is foucsing on his tech and other projects and dosen't don the Ironman suit as much. A few days later they all have woken up but are displaying what the doctors at first think is radiation poisoning but it dosen't make sense because none of them are reading as radioactive. Reed and Sue begin anlysing the DNA of all four and discover it's rewriting itself. (mutating) We go to a montage of the four getting sick but then getting their individual powers as they recover. Ben has the worst of it as his transformation is very painful and he is basicly scratching his own skin off, as the rock form grows out from the inside.

*note* (we never see Tony's face just hear him talk. Carol works for SWORD in her "day job".) 
Quick flash at this point: we see someone in shadow watching a report about the four having surivied. A  armored hand extends out from the shadow and fires a green colored energy blast destroying the moniter.
We now see all four Reed,Ben,Sue, and Johnny with their powers having fully emerged at the Baxter Building. Which is where both Reed and Ben live as well as serving as the headquarters to Reed's company, The Future Foundation. Ben wants a cure but the best that can be done is a serum that will allow Ben to return to Human form for a few hours. Also this formula will only work once or twice as Ben's new immune system will fight it off. Johnny loves his powers and somewhat taunts Ben, giving him the nickname Thing. Ben attacks Johnny but its broken up by Sue, who creates her first force-field. Which surprises the other three. Reed is opsessed with what happened and is certain that Doom didn't just hack into their comunications but caused the ship's breakdown in space. Reed goes to the SWORD facility where the crashed ship is being studied and finds what he was looking for. The ship was tampered with and a code was implanted into the engine control system that is all too familar to Reed. It's the same one he had programed into the protoype years before that exploded and scarred Doom's face. This time though it's been set to activate at a certain time, intead of engine start-up. 
*note* (Up to this point the four's transformations are complete but, they don't yet know their limits. Reed can only stretch his fingers and neck, Sue can go invisible but thats it, Ben is full on the Thing but dosen't know his strenghs and weaknesses, and Johnny can create fire blasts from his hands more or less. Also there is no media frenzy  about them having powers now like in Tim Story's movie. This is an Avengers world after all, people have superpowers. They are breifly quarantined by SWORD, but that's about it.)
Reed returns to the Baxter Building now with the proof Doom tried to kill him. But there is no way to prove or connect this to Doom, made even more difficult because of his diplomatic immunity. Once there he is completely lost in thought about Doom, and oblivious to Ben and Johnny fighting again. Sue tries to talk to him but it's no use. Ben snaps finally and tries to punch Johnny who in the act of dodging the hit fully ignites into flame and flies into the ceiling starting it on fire. Ben's punch contacts the floor/building support making the other residents think there has been an earthquake. This snaps Reed back to reality and activates a speacial fire systems he built in his lab which extinguishes Johnny. He falls to the ground butt ass naked since his clothes were incinerated. Reed realizes they need somewhere they can test the limits of their powers. We cut to the four at An Avengers training faclity, maybe it's the one from the end of Age of Ultron. There's a message left for them by Stark telling Reed he owes him for two now, and Stark also says in the message that if Sue is tired of being ignored stop by Avengers Tower. She laughs a little and saying it might be fun, Reed looks a little irritated though.

*note* ( This is the first time we really see that there are feelings between Reed and Sue. There was no previous relationship between them like in Story's movies.) 
They start training and testing themselves and we get to see their powers full on now. There is a bit of a montage here but not completely. We see how strong Ben is and how durable and everything he can do more or less. We see Reed learning the extent of his abilities. Sue has learned to control her force fields, Invisiblity, how to fly and shock waves. Johnny though he is quick to get an understanding of his full complement of abilities, still has the problem of his clothes burning off every time. Here we now see Reed go to work and create from scratch the Fantastic Four uniforms that will work with their individual powers. Instead of their suits just appearing off screen we get to see them built. We then see them all working and training together, and using their powers together in unison. They are becoming a team.

*note* ( Here they get their names, probably by Johnny naming them. Thing has already been previosly named in a mocking fashion but he likes it. Then as we now from the comics it's Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman and Human Torch.)

Now go up and a stealth spy drone is revealed to us. The camera goes into it's eye and as we pan out again we are in Doom's castle. The drone is sending a signal back to his castle and he is watching from his shadowed throne on multiple moniters. He get's up and heads to a different room but we still don't get a good look at him. Just a breif glimpse of a armored foot and his classic green cloak. We follow him into his laboratory which just awesome, think avengers tower laboratory on full on futuristic steriods. Stark would nut his pants kinda badass if he saw it. He has chitari tech in here as well as stuff from the Thanos attack. Sakaraan ships i would think will show up in Infinity war. We can see that he his building machines/devices of some type and is clearly readying himself to confront the Four. Lucia von Bardas walks in and we see Doom from behind as he uses a computer. We see his green cloak clearly and his stature in the armor but not from the front yet. She asks him if it's time yet, he says almost. We still don't see his face though. 

*note* ( the camera will drift away and out of Doom's lab and we see his castle from the outside. It's a giant old castle that has been extremly modified with modern and costum tech. A lot of it created by Doom himself. It's a seriously damn impressive looking place.)

Back in New York City we find that some time has elapsed, a few weeks maybe nothing huge. Johnny has fully embrassed the super hero life we see him fighting Beetle. Reed has a confrontation with Wizard. Sue unintentionally runs into a fleeing Trapster and helps capture him. Ben has a battle with Wrecker on Yancy street. But they are still basicly fighting as solo acts, not a team and arn't referred to as such when mentioned by the media or themselves yet. Reed prefers to spend most of his time in his lab trying to figure out what Doom will try next, as well as creating new stuff. Sue meets up with Carol Danvers in their cilvilian outfits and they talk about how to blend and make their public and private lifes work. Reed and Sue start becoming closer and Reed starts to let his guard down ever so slightly. But it's just enough, and what Doom has been waiting for. As we see back in Doom's castle he is watching every move they make from a far. He summons Lucia von Bardas and tells her it's time, he remains in shadow. Then we see Sue walk into the room, or does she? Doom gives a command and her eyes glow breifly, it's a doombot.
We transition back to New York City were we see Sue leaving the Baxter building. She goes invisible to be left alone, and begins walking. We get to a point where there are less people, we begin switching between infrared vision and Sue's eye's. Sue starts getting the i'm being watched vibe, she looks around but no one is looking at her. After all, she is invisible. Then we see a eye flash, it's the Sue doombot (Suebot), it's cloaked. Sue can't shake the being watched thing and while still invisible turns into an ally. She looks around to see if she was wrong about the feeling, but there is nothing unusal. We switch to the Suebot with it's infrared and it's right behind Sue. The camera pans down to the robot's hand as it changes. It makes a slight noise which Sue hears, but it's to late she is tranquilized and falls unconscious. Back in the Baxter Building Johnny  has head phones on as he see's what he thinks is Sue approach him, he begins to speak but tranquilized immediately. The suebot cloaks and enters Ben's room, who is sleeping. It finds the vial containing the formula that will allow Ben to return to human form for the one and only time temporarily. The Suebot dumps out the cup of water next to Ben's bed and fills with the serum. The suebot's hand transforms again some type of smoke comes out and causes Ben to wake up coughing. He goes for the cup and swallows in down before he realizes its the serum, he then painfully reverts to human form and is tranquilized.

Qucik cut scene: we see all three have loaded on to a stealth ship which is piloted by Von Bardas, and flown away.
Oblivious as to what has happened Reed leaves his lab to find Sue standing motionless and silent in the room. He asks if something is wrong but the voice that answers back is Doom. He is speaking through the Suebot, he begins taunting Reed about him being all alone and he can't save them. Reed strecthes all over the place looking for the others, as the suebot's head does 360's following him. As it's synthetic skin tears at the neck, revealing some of it's inner workings. Reed tells Doom he won't get away with this but Doom laughs, repleying the threats of a dead man mean nothing to Doom. Reed instantly releazies what that meant and tries to flee, but the suebot explodes. He is caught in the blast but his powers allow him to survive, more or less unharmed. Reed regains himself and knows he has to get to latveria.

*note*( remember Doom has been watching and stuiding them, he knows that this explosion won't kill Reed. That's not his goal at this point.)
Reed run's into his lab and gathers a few things then pauses for a moment looking at something that is covered up. He then removes the cover and it's the Fantasticar, the flying bath tub verison. We cut to Carol at the SWORD facility getting call from Reed, she can barely hear what he is saying. A SWORD employee get's her attention saying they are tracking an unkown object over NYC. We then can make out along with Carol what Reed is saying. He is asking her to tell the military to not shoot him down, that it's him flying over NYC heading to her. We see Reed piloting this thing he built when he was a kid and it handles like shit. He struggles to keep from crashing but does manage and reaches the SWORD facility, coming to a sliding/crash landing but he made it. Reed tells her what has occurred but her hands are tied. She can't just send a SWORD Quinnjet into Latverian airspace, Reed asks just to get him close and she reluctantly agrees.
*note* (the flying bathtub is essentially just that. Reed built it when he was a kid and you can tell. A couple of SWORD base guards look at it and there is a joke made about it. I suck at writing jokes so just imagine it.)

As the two of them head to the airfield Reed asks her for whatever information on Doom's Latveria she has, but it's almost nothing. She's say's the CIA(US), Mi6(UK) and the SVR(RUSSIA) among others have sent spies into the country. But every one of them has dissappeared without a trace. Futhure more Doom appreantly tracks spy satellites in orbit. Every time one crosses over central Europe, some kind of light/laser device is activated from inside Latveria. Which blinds the satellites and renders any pictures worthless. She tells him good luck and he boards the jet and leaves. As they get close to Latverian airspace the pilot informs Reed and jump door opens, he jumps with no parachute. Reed alters his form into a parachute like figure and floats slowly to the ground through the night sky. We see as Doom he watches the plane come close to his airspace but turn away, he knows Reed has arrived.

Reed makes it to Doomstadt, Latveria where Castle Doom is located, but he knows it was too easy. Doom wanted him to get here, but he dosen't have a choice. He tries to sneak in but is detected almost immediately by Doom who taunts him via a P.A system. He invites Reed in to share his friends fates. Reed enters the main throne room of the castle and Doom is sitting on his throne. Finally Reed and Doom are face to face as Doom walks toward Reed. We see Doom clearly now and it's the real Dr Doom, no more dog shit from fox. Reed is somewhat surprised at the sight of Doom, who say's to Reed "don't you recognize me. Perhaps this will help" as he removes his face plate and we see his scarred face. It's bad, but not quite as bad as it was in secret wars, his nose is intact. As they get back to the matter at hand Reed obviously wants his friends back, Dooms laughs saying Reed has no friends in Latveria.

Movie Cut Scene: We see Ben, Sue and Johnny on operating tables more or less. They are hooked up to machines and specifically their heads. We see Doom monitoring their brain waves. Doom is speaking but it's in real time to Reed, and we flash back in forth. He is altering their memories, replacing Reed with himself in their minds.

Back to real time and three enter the room, Ben having reverted to the thing form. They stand alongside Doom, Reed tries to speak to them but Sue uses her powers and sends Reed flying backwards. Doom speaks to them "Saying look my friends the great Reed Richards, the man who scarred me and turned are dear friend Ben into the thing he is today. What do we do to our enimies in Latveria? We destroy them answers Johnny." With that three begin to attack as Doom sits down on his throne. The fight gets going Reed is still trying to break through to them but it dosen't appear to be working. Johnny in circles him in flames as Thing punches Reed through the flames. His powers keep him from being knocked out or killed but he is in trouble, he manages to slip under the door and reach the courtyard to gain some more area. He is quickly followed by the three who continue their attack, with Doom following behind. Sue flies at Reed who manages to wrap her up as talks to her, reminding her of her true memories. We see that he is starting to get through to her atleast but she uses her powers to create a force field around herself which sends him flying. He splayed out on the ground looking like stretch armstrong got tortured by an 11 year old.
The laughing Doom again now begins taunting Reed about having lost what was must precicise to him, his friends. Who are now Doom's, Doom's to command. A bit of a classic bad guy kinda monologue. Reed desperatly tries one last time to break through to the three. Retelling each one a specific and cherished memory, except for Sue. Who he tells that he loves her, we can tell that he has broken through to her. Doom laughs at him and prepears to kill Reed but Sue has snapped out of it, and she blasts Doom through a wall. Ben and Johnny haven't been completely restored yet though so Sue holds them in a force field. An energy blast from Doom hits her and hurts her, this snaps Johnny out of it seeing his sister harmed. Johnny flames on and attacks Doom keeping him distracted, Reed is looking at her wounds and makes a bandage out of some ripped clothing. Ben is still confused but Reed tells him would true friends nearly kill each other care for each other. This finally snaps Ben out of it as he drops to his knees along side Reed and Sue. He apologizes to Reed but and asks if Sue will be ok, she will but she needs medical attention. Reed asks Ben what that old phrase was he used to say when he played linebacker at ESU, as he looks at Doom. Ben smiles then stands up and charges at Doom, shouting " It's clobberin time".

( that's a whole lot better than a scumbag older brother saying that as he beats young Ben's ass, now isn't it. Looking at you fox, shaking my head.)

Johnny who merely had been keeping Doom distracted as his shields are repelling all Johnny's attacks, now returns to Reed and Sue as Ben attacks Doom. This is more an actual fight as Doom is forced to contend with Ben's power attack. Sue finally wakes up as we see Doom fly up into the air holding Ben's foot. He drops him then fires a energy blast propelling him even faster through the roof of the castle. As Sue gets to her feet Ben is blasted through the castle wall back into the courtyard, a little worse for wear but ok. He ends up coming to a stop in front of the rest, Doom's armor is to advanced it's going to take them all. Reed say's to the others, "yeah as a fantastic four says Johnny". " No, as a family, replies Sue." Together they charge Doom as he does the same to them. Doom manages to hold his own against his unified foes but starts to get overwelmed. Reed calling out attack orders wraps up Doom as Sue uses her powers to damage his guantlets. Reed is stunned by an electricel charge from Doom's armor, it gives Ben time to get in and rip off the guantlets. With his armor system damaged the shields stop functioning and Johnny's fire starts affecting Doom.
Doom isn't quite beaten yet, he flies into the air and head butts Johnny knocking him unconscious. Who reverts back to human form falling to the ground but Reed turns into a trampoline type form cushioning his fall. Sue becomes furious and grips Doom in a force field slamming him to the ground, Ben jumps on him and begins ripping the armor off. Doom is beaten and he knows it, but he summons back up before his systems fail completely. Several Doom bots appear and surround their master, protecting him. Reed calls out to Doom saying it's over, Doom replies "this time perhaps Richards but i will never stop." "Then the Fantastic Four will always be here to stop you", replies Reed. The doom bots fly off carring Doom as Sue turns to Reed. "The Fantastic Four, really?" "It's a little ostentatious i admit, but it does have a certain ring to it replies Reed." Johnny chimes in saying that was his idea. Ben dosen't care what they call themselves, he just wants to know how they're getting back to New York. We transition to an airport where there is a Stark industries private jet waiting for them. Johnny and Ben board as the pilot gives Reed a message from Stark which reads that's three you owe me. He and Sue have a quick laugh, then kiss and board the plane. 

                                         --Roll Credits--

Mid Credit Scene: We see the Four in a rebuilt Baxter Building, Ben and Johnny are fighting over something as per usual. Reed and Sue are in his lab where he brings the the buildings new security system H.E.R.B.I.E online. We also see he is building a new modern Fantasticar. They look out through a window over looking the city skyline. An aura of Doom's face in full armor appears, only we the audience can see it. Just bit of tease that Doom will be back.
After Credit Scene: We are on a devestated and now clearly dead alien planet. The camera goes in closer, and we see a gigantic figure walking amongest the ruined world. It turns towards the camera, it's Galactus. The real Galactus, not space fart cloud Galactus those jackasses at fox thought was a good idea. The Silver Surfer comes in from the right side of the screen. He does a 180 around Galactus's head then flies right into the camera.  
                                            -Cut to Black-
                             The Fantastic Four will Return
Character Backrounds: Close to the comic origin with a few twists to fit into the greater MCU. No race swapping they are who they are. As for casting i have no idea, but i do think Doom should get the Darth Vader treatment. Cast an actor for the ESU scenes who has the right voice. Then have a stuntman/etc wear the armor. In my mind we never see his face in H.U.D display like Ironman. Only the one time he shows his face to Reed which will be the voice/ESU scenes actor. Reed, Ben and Victor met in college like the comics and Reed and Victor were both child prodigies. Reed graduates starts his company but becomes  a civilian contractor at SWORD. Ben left ESU after a change of heart and decided to join the Marines where he excels as an up and coming pilot. Who is recruited by SWORD immediately after it's founding. Dr Doom is Dr doom, but i'm not sure about his mother and the Mephisto connection. I wanted to give him his magical powers in this as well but i need to see Dr Strange to know how Marvel is going to portray all the crazy magical powers. His armor is far more advanced than the Ironman armor. Sue and Johnny are a two years younger than Reed, Ben and Victor but in this version i say make them twins with Sue being the elder. (Not-identical) They are brother and sister already not a big leap. Both of their parents died in the car crash in this version instead of just their mother like in the comics. Johnny is a brillent mechanic and would be pilot who joined the Air force out of high school, but his hot dogging/showboating nature keep him from becoming a pilot with the Air Force. Once recurited to SWORD for his airplane mechanic skills he get's another chance to prove he can be a pilot and is trained there by Ben. Sue is a genuis in her own right but not on the level of Reed, Stark, and Doom obviously. She is an electrical engineer who also attened ESU. She only briefly met Reed while there though after the lab explosin that scarred Doom. They are put on the mission together by SWORD after evalutations show they work well as a team. This is where the romance between Reed and Sue begins. Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel is the director/Commander of SWORD, formed after Thano's attack. I doubt Marvel can use abigail Brand so Carol makes the most sense. The SWORD base we see in the movie where Carol works out of is built on the grounds Camp Leigh once stood, yes the one that was destroyed in The Winter Soldier. As i said in the story above we never see Stark's face just hear him talk, so why not get Downy Jr in a sound studio for an hour or so. Then he can go back to that private island Disney bought him.

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TucksFrom2015 - 5/7/2016, 9:50 PM
While it doesn't make the same mistakes as the existing movies, it also doesn't take as many risks as the previous ones did, even the 2005 took a few risks and it's the safest, most middle of the road of the whole series. Here the narrative and action scenes are so densely woven that the character motivations aren't nearly as fleshed out as they could be. I could at least appreciate the attempt of Fant4stic, to tell an Elseworlds tale that held literally no reverence towards the source material, and hated the idea of the Fantastic Four itself. But with this movie, playing it so close to the chest makes it almost feel redundant, especially in it's choice of villain, which is the last thing that would change any general moviegoer's mind about the franchise as a film series. "Hey wanna go see the new FF? I hear they really made Doctor Doom accurate to the comics this time!" "Nah I stopped caring like five movies ago."

Pitching movies is all about finding the narrative hook, and if your narrative hook is that this is an entry to the MCU, it still lacks a certain inter-connectivity you'd expect to see from any movie set in a universe where everyone's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate either knows a hero or is a hero. For example, the idea of Latveria and Sokovia being regions of turmoil doesn't seem to hold any baring on the space mission, or Victor Von as a character, and I feel like the plot here would function the exact same as a standalone if you change some names around, it would virtually be the same story just with less easter eggs and less references, the major MCU players don't really play integral roles from what I can tell. But with Doombots acting as the team's Chitauri/Ultronbot/Parademon cannon fodder, I guess that's the best thing this pitch has going for it is it's creative use of Doombots, which made for a clever twist or two.
superheronerdo - 5/8/2016, 7:27 PM

I love the title you came up with
Itoburrito - 5/9/2016, 8:25 AM
This only makes me more excited for this to really happen. I think Victor Von Doom should be casted as an almost 6' 5" intimidating guy just to give off that sense of power something that the other interpretations were never able to do. I think he is one of the few villains that would be able to be brought back and explored more deeply, something that we haven't really seen much in the MCU. Especially if the MCU shapes into what you explain with villains and heros being an everyday occurrence it would be nice to see a villain who could make them question the idea of how powerful they really are and bring them to a sense of urgency. It would also be a nice introduction to a new Marvel Universe that if you're a comic reader you are much more accustomed to with heroics being an everyday occurance.
Peterhill160 - 5/10/2016, 3:08 PM
This was such good fun to read! I've always imagined that the FF were in deep space stranded somehow are unable to get back to Earth hence their absence from the MCU events but you're editorial was fantastic!
TheArkhamKnight - 5/10/2016, 9:12 PM
What I want to do to FOX's Fantastic Four
SnapperCarr - 5/11/2016, 2:13 PM
I'd bring in FF4 supporting characters like Wyatt Wingfoot and HERBIE.
bkmeijer2 - 5/20/2016, 8:41 AM
This is actually pretty good. But I hope osborn will become the new head of SHIELD after thanos' offensive and that it will be renamed HAMMER. I would also leave carol danvers out of fantastic four. They working on a orbital defense system, because of thanos things and whatnot, and then crashing with their ship should work too. For the rest of this fan fic its pretty solid. Even the name rocks
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