Man of Steel Fix

Man of Steel Fix

This isn’t exactly a Fan Fic, just what I think would make Man of Steel better. Now I’m not changing the general story (Zod is still main villain, world engines, terraforming etc.).

By Salamalamalama - Jun 08, 2016 09:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

1.      When Clark saves his classmates from the sinking bus, he has a conversation with Jonathan
Clark Kent: I just wanted to help.
Jonathan Kent: I know you did, but we talked about this. Right? Right? We talked about this! You have...!
(calms himself)
Jonathan Kent: Clark, you have to keep this side of yourself a secret.
Clark Kent: What was I supposed to do? Just let them die?
Jonathan Kent: No! God no! If you have the power to stop bad things from happening, but don’t, then that makes you just as bad.
Clark Kent: Then what was I supposed to do!
Jonathan Kent: I don’t know son.
Clark Kent: And why do I have to keep the real me a secret!?
Jonathan Kent: You see how Pete’s mom reacted. People are scared of what they don’t understand. Of people that are different.
Clark Kent: Why me? Why did I have to be different? Did God do this to me?!
Then you have the scene in the barn where Jonathan shows Clark the ship he came in. Very good moment in the film.
2.      Jonathan Kent’s death
While doing some chores/farm work, Jonathan suddenly collapses. Martha and Clark see this and both rush to him. Clark sees Jonathan grabbing his chest and uses his x-ray vision to see that Jonathan is having a heart attack. Without even thinking Clark grabs Jonathan and uses his speed and strength to get Jonathan to the nearest hospital. Until…
Jonathan: S-stop Clark…stop…
Clark: I can’t stop
Jonathan: It’s too late…
(Clark stops; he is starting to tear up)
Clark: W-what do I do?
Jonathan: Listen…son even with all your power you can’t save everyone…b-but that doesn’t mean you stop trying to…
Clark: (Sobbing) Dad…
Jonathan: I love you, m-my son…
(Jonathan dies. Clark, buried in his father’s chest, crying)
During this scene, you can faintly hear Jonathan’s heartbeat, until the end.
3.      Interrogation/Interview Scene between Lois and Clark
Lois: What does the “S” stand for?
Clark: (Slight chuckle) On my planet it’s my family’s crest.
Lois: Looks a lot like an “S”. Maybe for…Su-
Hamilton: Hello, I’m-
Clark: Dr. Emile Hamilton, I can see your name tag in your breast pocket and a half eaten roll of Winter Green Life Savers. I can also see the 8 soldiers that are currently loading up their tranquiliser guns.
Hamilton: You can’t not expect us to take precautionary measures
Clark: You’re right I can’t
General: Look! We have legitimate security concerns as to why you revealed your identity to Miss Lane? Why won’t you do the same with us?
Clark: Because I trust her
General: And you don’t trust us?
Clark: (Clark humorously gestures at his handcuffs) Works both ways.
General: We all know, they’re not doing anything.
Clark: Ok…(breaks handcuffs, begins to walk towards the mirror)…I understand why you don’t trust me. You don’t understand me. I’m new. Different. Powerful. And therefore, a threat. I’ve had people fear me for most of my life because of what I can do. And to be honest, I don’t blame them. But that’s why I’m here…(General and Hamilton look confused)…To show them that I’m not be a symbol of fear, but a symbol of hope.
General: Well, unfortunately, I’m under strict orders to hand you over to Zod.
Clark: I understand.
4.      Zod’s New Krypton
General Zod: …On Krypton, the genetic template for every being yet to be born is incarnate in the Registry of Citizens. Your father stole the registry's Codex and stored it in the capsule that brought you here.
Superman: For what purpose?
General Zod: So that Krypton can live again, on Earth. Where is the Codex, Kal?
(Projection shows Earth being decimated by the world engine)
Superman: This is what will happen to Earth?!
General Zod: A foundation has to be built on something. Even your father recognized that.
Superman: (Slowly being sunk by the skulls) It doesn’t have to be like this General, we can work together with the people of Earth.
General Zod: Krypton deserves its place, once again, in the universe.
Superman: And it will! But not like this. Give them a chance!
General Zod: This backwater planet and its primitive warmongers?! Don’t be naïve! WHERE IS THE CODEX?!
Superman: Zod please don’t do this!
General Zod: If you will not comply then we will take the Codex by force…along with the rest of this planet!
Superman: ZOD PLEAASE!!!...
General Zod: You’re outnumbered…and there is nothing you can do…
Superman: STOOOOOPPPPPP!!! (He continues to scream as he is fully engulfed by the skulls)
5.      Superman vs. Zod/ Superman vs. Faora and The Big Kryptonian
Zod threatens Martha and demands to know where the codex is. A sonic boom is heard nearby.
Superman: (Tackles Zod at full force to the ground and repeatedly punches him) You think you can threaten my mother!
Superman then flips over Zod and throws him. As Zod tries to get back up, Superman swoops in from the air and punches Zod, then punches him again, and on the third punch Zod catches it)
Zod: You forget, I’m a soldier…farm boy
Zod uppercuts him sending Superman soaring in to the air. While in the air, Zod quickly reaches to Superman and punches him again with all his strength. The punch makes Superman land on a petrol station causing it to explode. As Superman regains his bearings, he can hear the cries of people trapped in the burning petrol station, and he quickly saves them and puts them away from the petrol station
Superman: Everybody get back and get to saf-
Zod tackles Superman to the ground from behind, Superman then elbows him in the face
Superman: (Under his breath) Not here…
Superman then tries to lead the fight outside of Smallville by tackling Zod and trying to carry away only to be grabbed by TBK on the leg and then smashed down to the floor then thrown through a nearby building. Faora arrives.
General Zod: Deal with him, I have other matters to attend to.
Faora: Yes sir.
A full on 2 v 1 fight ensues, with Superman constantly on the back foot (due to Faora’s superior fighting skills and TBK brute strength) and trying to lead the fight outside of Smallville but to no avail. The army tries to help, but ends up having to be saved by Superman. He then realises that fighting them with just brute force won’t work, and then remembers to when his extrasensory were developing and the pain and struggle it caused for him as a child. Superman leads them to a nearby train yard. He then uses an oil tanker and throws it directly at Faora and TBK causing them both to be knocked back in separate directions but also creating a large layer of smoke.
Faora: You believed that would kill us, Son of Jor-El.
Superman, using his x-ray vision, manages to sneak up behind Faora and breaks of her helmet. Faora and TBK don’t have X-Ray vision or super hearing due to their suits.
Superman: It wasn’t supposed to ma’am
As Faora starts screaming in pain TBK then comes up behind Superman and slams him to the floor with such force that it causes a shockwave and throws him into another nearby tanker causing it to explode and noise of the explosion causing Faora to faint. TBK then retreats with Faora in his arms.
Superman: (Surrounded in fire, and lying on the floor half conscience lifts his head slightly) Yeah, you better run…(then drops his head to the floor).
Soldiers approach Superman with their gun’s fixed in him. Superman gets up on his knees.
General: This man is not a threat.
6.      Final confrontation
Superman just saved Lois from the wormhole.
Superman: You have a habit of getting into trouble Miss Lane.
Lois: The life of a reporter.
Superman: (chuckles). I need to go, there are people trapped.
Lois: Of course…Superman.
Superman, using his x-ray vision and super hearing in tandem starts rescuing people. You seem him using his strength to move large bits of rubble etc. Superman carrying ant injured people to the nearest paramedics and using his x-ray vision to explain to the paramedics what is wrong with them until…
(An explosion where Zod crash landed. Superman flies over to the explosion and sees Zod emerge from the flames)
Zod: (With a handful of dirt) Look at this. We could have built a New Krypton under all this squalor. But you chose them, over us. Your own people. And now look. We’re the last ones. Because of you.
Superman: Them. Us. Everyone has the right to live. And the cost of the planet and everyone on it for a New Krypton? Killing an entire race for another? It isn’t worth it.
Zod: Isn’t worth it? IT ISN’T WORTH IT! MY EXISTANCE IS BASED ON PROTECTING KRYPTON! OUR PEOPLE! AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME! You exist to help these maggots…I’m going to take that away from you! (Zod sees a group of onlookers and at full speed and rage flies towards)
Superman intercepts Zod and fight begins, with Superman constantly trying to both save the people from Zod and lead the fight away from Metropolis. Superman tries the same tactic with Zod as he did with Faora. He manages to take off the helmet…
As Zod screams in agony…
Superman: You’ve lost Zod, give up!
But the pain of the extrasensory powers only angers Zod further and he charges at Superman and he becomes extremely erratic. Superman still tries to lead the fight outside of Metropolis, but Zod has become too uncontrollable and enraged that he starting to struggle to win against Zod. There are buildings that are getting damaged by the fight, but Superman does try his best to save as many as he can from the destruction. Zod uppercuts Superman with all strength, and as he flies up, Zod charges at him and tackles him into outer space. Superman tries to keep the fight contained in outer space but Zod then tackles him with his feet into a satellite. This causes them to fall with all the satellite debris back to Metropolis. They land right in the main train station. Debris lands that traps the family, and the young boy of the family, has his lower half trapped underneath the rubble. The mother and father try to get him out of it. Zod seeing this goes to attack them, only to be put in a headlock by Superman. Superman can see that Zod is about to use his heat vision as his eyes are glowing red, and just before it fires, Superman covers Zod’s eyes.
Superman: (Superman is beginning to feel the burn on his hand) ZOD! YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!
Zod: Yes I do! You took everything from me!
Superman can begin to feel Zod’s heat vision begin to go through his hands
Superman: (In pain) STOOOOOOOOOOPPPP!!!
Zod: Never.
And just as the heat vision is about to go through his hands, Superman briefly glimpses in the boy’s eye, as sees nothing but fear. Superman reluctantly then snaps Zod’s neck. Superman holds Zod’s dead body in his arms, and you can see from his face that he hates himself for what he did as he looks at Zod’s lifeless face. The army arrives and helps the family out of the rubble. And as soldiers approach Superman…
Superman: Nobody touch him!
7.      Final Scenes
As Clark Kent journeys through Metropolis on his bike he stops to look at Ground Zero. Still distraught over the actions he took for taking Zod’s life, a young boy bumps into him.
Boy: Sorry mister.
Mother: Wally! Watch where you’re going! Sorry about that.
Clark sees that Wally is the same kid that was at the train station, now wearing a red blanket/sheet as a cape and a blue t-shirt with drawn on Superman logo.
Clark: That’s okay.
As the mother and Wally walk away, Clark begins to smile a little, as he realises that he’s becoming a symbol of hope. As Clark continues his journey, he begins to see young kids dressing up like Superman.
Then you have the scene with him starting at the Daily Planet.
The scene involving the drone crashing to the ground, I would change that to Superman just holding it with one hand, with it still intact, and Superman having the same conversation with the General.
Zod’s body has been stored in Superman’s own built Fortress of Solitude.

What do you guys think?


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Utopian8418 - 6/10/2016, 5:42 PM
Good article. I would have loved if Brainiac was the main villain.
Salamalamalama - 6/12/2016, 8:10 PM
@Manman - Thanks. Yeah so would I (maybe in the future?), but like I said, kind of, I wanted to keep the overall story in tact. Most of the changes are the overall characterization of Superman.
bkmeijer2 - 6/18/2016, 4:06 PM
Jonathans death is much better
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