My X-Men Fancast

My X-Men Fancast

A complete overhaul of 30 X-Men characters, to be accompanied soon by my 5 film reboot plan.

By Killik13 - Jan 11, 2010 03:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

First of all, I want to make it clear that I’m a big fan of all three core X-Men films, and I think some of the casting choices were inspired, some dreadful, but most pretty good. My own rules prevent me from keeping on ANYONE from the existing cast, I despise fancasts where half the cast is left unchanged. Patrick Stewart is, and always will be, the ideal Xavier, but alas, rules are rules. Feel free to voice any ideas of your own and give constructive criticism, but please, don’t just troll. I’m not an expert on the X-Men, so I’ve taken some creative license with some of the characters.


First up, the man himself. As I said, Stewart IS Professor X, but I think Malkovich would do well in emulating his commanding presence and has more far more raw talent than most people in the business. Plus, the chrome dome helps boost his suitability!

James McAvoy is one of Hollywood’s rising stars, and I can really see him as Angel, many of his roles have put him in the shoes of the morally sound hero, though obviously not Wanted… In addition to this, he has the look of a leader, which I imagine Angel taking, in the beginning at least.

Too many people know Kiefer Sutherland as the hot-headed Jack Bauer, whereas I could totally believe him as an intellectual such as Beast. And as far as Dark Beast goes, just watch Kiefer in The Lost Boys. Pure unsettling malevolence.

Jared Padalecki is pretty much the unanimous choice on here for Cyclops, and it’s easy to see why. In the first couple of series of Supernatural as Sam Winchester, his most prominent role, he perfectly embodies that restrained, duty conscious persona we all know Scott Summers for.

Iceman has always been the joker of the group, and I think that John Krasinski could bring a fantastic subdued humour to the role. He’s consistently brought one of the main characters of The Office (US) to life with great compassion and a very Bobby Drake-esque attitude.

Again, this is a fan-favourite, but I think Emily Blunt is perfect for Jean. I think Famke Jansen’s portrayal was great, but until the last film she was a bit… boring. I’d like to see a bit of an Alpha-female struggle in the first film between her and Scarlet Witch (Or Charmer. Confused? Check out the reboot article when it’s done).

James Howlett, Wolverine, the crazy Canuck. Most people I know seem to be split about Hugh Jackman taking the role, and while I think he did a good job, he was far tooooo… nice? I’d definitely have slowed down his gradual acclimatisation to the X-Men’s way. Mark Wahlberg, however, has proven himself to have the ability to go from psycho-killer to dramatic gold at the flick of a switch. As a bonus, his height would be far more authentic.

Zoe Saldana has kind of taken Hollywood by storm this year. Get it? By… storm. Anyhow, her portrayal of Uhura in Star Trek was everything I’d want Storm to be: level headed, compassionate, and a little emotionally vulnerable.

This next two I’m expecting some real backlash from, but I stand by my choices. Dakota Fanning has proven herself to be one of the best child actors of the last few decades, and I could really see her and Wahlberg effectively bringing the bond between Kitty and Wolverine onscreen.

Now, let me start by stating that I despise the Twilight films. I watched the first one just so I could credibly criticise it. However, I think Kristen Stewart more than exonerated herself in Adventureland and Into The Wild, and the upcoming Runaways film (One of my most anticipated of 2010, just below Iron Man 2 and The A-Team) looks to showcase even more of her and co-star Fanning’s talent. Besides, her role in Twilight is just a shit, poorly written version of Anna Paquin’s Rogue.

Lots of people are saying James Franco for the Ragin’ Cajun, but I think Lost’s Josh Holloway was born to play him. The charm is abundant, the accent flawless, and it’s easy to believe he’d rob you as soon as look at you. Just watch any Sawyer-centric episode and you’ll get it.

Diane Kruger has an abundance of flawless beauty, and the sinister European twist that I think is essential to bring the White Queen to life. I’m not too sure on her comic book origins, but I’d hate to see an American play Emma. On top of which, I think Kruger would be fantastic at bringing some mental instability to the character.

Nightcrawler was one of the easiest for me to cast, I think Jason Schwartzman’s subtle, dry approach to humour would make the character endearing while simultaneously mysterious and a little dangerous.

Colossus wasn’t so easy, I’d rather cast an authentic Russian or eastern European actor, but in the end I went with the breakout star of 2009. I think he has talent, just not enough right now for the leads he’s getting. A good supporting role like Colossus would be perfect for him.

Havok was another obstacle, the last one I cast in fact. Eventually I thought Elijah Wood could do the character justice, as I think he’s a fantastic actor with not enough opportunities to take part in action films, and I think him and Jared would be believable as brothers.

For X-23, I went with Mila Kunis. While she’s mainly known for comedic roles, I think there’s a lot of potential for her in a more action orientated position. I think she would work well onscreen with Dakota Fanning, whose character is closely involved in X-23’s subplot in the fourth film.


I was split when casting Magneto between Malcolm McDowell and Tobin Bell. In the end, I chose McDowell because of the range of roles in his 40-year career. I think he’d be just as convincing as a trusted friend of Xaviers as he would be as a villain.

Across The Universe’s Joe Anderson takes the role of Quicksilver due to the effective confident, even smug demeanour of his character in said film. His character also showed a significant compassionate side, something required of Quicksilver in regards to his relationship with his father and sister.

Summer Glau I chose for Scarlet Witch because of the parallels with her Firefly character River Tam. Both are mentally unstable, possess incredible power and have a protective older brother. Glau is also one of my favourite actresses, couldn’t ignore a role this perfect for her.

Rebecca Romijn gave one of the best performances in the recent trilogy, and one for the most underrated. For her replacement, I’d bring in Milla Jovovich. Do I really need to explain this?

BJ Novak, another veteran of The Office, fits the part of Toad for me due to the seedy, untrustworthy nature he brings out in his best known role. Visually, he doesn’t really match his 616 counterpart, but I think he would look right, kind of like the direction they went with Ray Park in the first film, but further.

Trask wouldn’t have a large role, more of an offscreen menace than an immediate threat. Josh Brolin would fit the role perfectly; firm, abrupt, a little arrogant, all the while clearly very intelligent.

The majority seem to want Jason Isaacs in the role of Mr Sinister, but I think there’s no-one better suited than Jeremy Irons. Suave, quintessentially English, and yet always terrifying when he wants to be. I think he even resembles Sinister more than anyone else. Just don’t try his cereal.

He’s the peoples pick for Kraven, but I think a more animalistic, sociopathic role would suit Gerard Butler better. His best moments for me are those where he really loses it (see “THIS IS SPARTA!” and the part of Phantom where he threatens to kill Raoul in the sewers. Fricking insane).

Scalphunter, a muscular, vicious killer? This has Trejo written all over it.

Ok, I’m going to go through the Morlocks together. Michelle for Callisto because of her Joan Jett, take-no-shit attitude. Buscemi for Caliban because, well, that should be obvious. Ed Harris for Masque due to the cold demeanour he exhibits in some of his best roles. Ron Perlman as Sunder because there’s no-one better for a mountain of brute strength.

And, finally, the greatest threat to the team, and the centrepiece of the whole saga, En Sabah Nur, Apocalypse himself. Everyone seems to be saying Michael Clarke Duncan, and I get that. I mean, the man’s built like a brick shithouse. Still, I’d much rather see the incredible Hugo Weaving take the role. Let’s face it, no-one could capture the destructive fury of Apocalypse – in both voice and mannerism – like the man that brought V, Elrond and Agent Smith to life.

Make sure to check out my reboot synopses when I post them, probably around this time next week.
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LEEE777 - 1/11/2010, 5:19 AM
No you lost me with SUPERNATURAL BOY for CYCLOPS!!!

Thats as bad if not worst than Ackles for [frick]ing WOLVERINE! ; p

[frick]ing hate that JARED for Scott Summers, his acting ain't no better than a cardboard box!!

Other picks except GAMBIT and WOLVERINE pretty darn good!

ZOE pic, great and kudos you got writing up there man!

Ooops forgot [frick]ing amazing part for Danny Trejo dude as FORT's just said.

Its a pity, the JARED for CYCLOPS PIC has let the side down!
FORTAPACHE - 1/11/2010, 5:40 AM
i don't like any of these choices apart from danny trejo.i know you've put a lot of work into it and appreciate that!and you're not just re-hashing what everyone else has done.

@Leee, that's a rather disturbing avatar;)
LEEE777 - 1/11/2010, 5:46 AM
FORT @ Heh heh, yeah cheers man!! ; D

Killik @ Lookin' forward to your reboot synopses next week!!
Superheromoviefan - 1/11/2010, 6:34 AM
I agree with @LEEE777.

I Sam Worthington as Colossus?He is good actor, but he is not that tall.

For Rogue I prefer someone who looks like model.
Ryden - 1/11/2010, 10:03 AM
Don’t like Malkovich for Prof, especially since he’s playing Vulture now

He’d make an alright Angel but he’s better in other roles

Interesting Beast choice

Hate your Cyclops choice, Padelecki can’t lead the X-Men

I’d take or leave your Iceman pick

Great Jean

He might be a good Wolverine, I prefer him for Metallo though. Stephen Moyer ftw.

Good storm

I think Dakota’s a bit young for Kitty

NONONONONO to T-why-light girl as Rouge, she can’t act to save herself, she shouldn’t be in any cbm ever

Good Gambit

Worthington isn’t right for Colossus, for starters Worthington is pretty short and Colossus’ isn’t and I can’t see him pulling off a decent Russian accent

Wood is a good actor but he’s not right for Havoc

Butler wouldn’t be a good Sabretooth, SEAN BEAN IS PERFECT

The rest are alright.
rsalas - 1/11/2010, 11:12 AM
I liked your Wolverine pick but that's about it.
MisterFixit - 1/11/2010, 11:36 AM
Dakota *.*
MisterFixit - 1/11/2010, 11:39 AM
Oh,and Jeremy Irons would be a great magneto
TheMyth - 1/11/2010, 12:19 PM
While admittedly there are some picks here that make me want to wretch and vomit, I must also applaud you on the testicular fortitude demonstrated in a few picks. Likewise there are also some really killer ideas here. Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stuart, Summer Glau, James McAvoy, Elijah Wood, and Mila Kunis are all wretch-worthy, not that some of them aren't acceptable thespians, but just not at all appropriate for the roles you chose. Actually, I would be happier if Glau and Kunis were switched up. Jason Schwartzman, Mark Wahlberg, and Hugo Weaving are the ballsiest, while Zoe Saldana, Milla Jovovich, and Steve Buscemi are my outright favorites.
LEEE777 - 1/11/2010, 12:52 PM
P.S. Love all your MORLOCK picks!!
AshleyWilliams - 1/11/2010, 1:36 PM
Great Cast! Truly Awesome!
Great Cyclops,Wolverine,etc!
1chris2 - 1/11/2010, 2:07 PM
you started out with john malcovich and ruin the whole thing for me.
LEEE777 - 1/11/2010, 7:01 PM
NIGHTAVENGER @ You truly are LOST!!!!
Killik13 - 1/12/2010, 4:16 AM
Haha, I was expecting some resistance...

@LEEE Jared seems to have split people down the middle in the past, kind of like the Sam for Cap suggestions XD

@Ryden In my continuum, Vulture is played by someone else entirely.
Kitty Pryde was 14 when she joined, Dakota's 16 soon.
Kristen Stewart is actually far more talented than she seems in the godawful Twilight series, what else have you seen her in?
Sam was pretty much my last resort, couldn't think of anyone else that would fit the role, the only other option would be some wrestler with dubbed dialogue.

@Night THANK you, haha. Finally :P
LEEE777 - 1/12/2010, 3:09 PM
: D
Krauser199 - 2/5/2010, 5:25 PM
NONONONO to John Malkovich as Prof

James McAvory would be okay as Angel

Kiefer Sutherland fine Beast

I'm [frick]in tired of people casting Jared Padalecki as Cyclops

John Krasinski would be a good Iceman

Emily Blunt nice Jean

Mark Wahlberg Excellent Logan

Zoe Saldana great Storm

Dakota Fanning would be an okay Kitty

Kristen Stewart is an okay actress Twilght just sucks she'd be a fine Rogue

josh Holloway perfect Gambit my choice as well

Diane Kruger would be a great Emma

Jason Schwartzman would be okay as Nightcrawler

Sam Worthington would be a great Collossus

Elijah Wood would be fine but is suited to something else

Mila Kunis would be a great X-23

Malcolm McDowell would be Fine as Mags

Joe Anderson nice Quicksilver choice

Summer Glau okay as Wanda

Mila Jovovich would be excellent as Mystique

BJ Novak would be an okay Toad choice

Josh Brolin as Trask would be great

Jeremy Irons would be great as Sinister

Gerard Butler not right for Sabretooth

Trejo perfect as Scalphunter

Michelle Rodriguez perfect Callisto, Steve Buscemi excellent as Caliban, Ed Harris fine Masque, and Ron Perlman great as Sunder

Hugo Weaving okay Apocalypse
MikeZ - 11/21/2011, 11:33 PM
I know this is a year away, but I'm gonna critique this anyway. Because I have plans to do an X-Men fancast myself.

- I find John Malkovich to be the ideal J. Jonah Jameson after watching Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
- Obviously you cast MacAvoy before he was cast as Xavier in X-Men: First Class. Neverthless, a pretty decent choice, I guess.
- That is a great choice for Beast. Even though it may not look like it, I think Kiefer can play a caring, intelligent, and sometimes tragic character like Hank McCoy. And, like you said, his work in The Lost Boys would just fit for when he becomes Dark Beast. A+.
- I somehow think Jared Padalecki would make a faithful Cyclops. He's almost playing him in Supernatural, and caught some shades in Friday the 13th
- Of course Iceman is an older kid along with the rest of the X-Men, but he's meant to be younger than the rest of the gang. And John Krasinski I don't see playing Iceman.
- Emily Blunt would also make a great Scarlet Witch, seeing as she's not from the U.S. Believe me, Mistress Kizuna let me know after I cast Rosie Huntington-Whitely too many times (well, it was the fact that Rosie was too sunny for the role). But she'd be great as Jean Grey, seeing as she's nearly the same age as your choice for Cyke.
- I can't tell if Mark would be open to play a comic book superhero. But c'mon, you're not in Hollywood until you tested the waters. Wolverine would be a good role, fits well with his low-key persona.
- I can't argue with Zoe Saldana. She did an African-ish accent in Avatar, something that would be ideal for playing Storm.
- Interesting choice for Kitty Pryde. She's a favorite for Colossus's sister.
- Wouldn't it be great to see Kristen Stewart go back to basics and get down and fun like she did before Twilight. But she'd snugly fit into X-23's shoes, seeing as it's a really dark character. Rogue deserves a hotter, fiery actress like Amber Heard or Vanessa Ferlito (she's done a southern accent in Man of the House).
- You need an actor who's close to your Rogue choice's age. Josh is old enough to be Kristen's father for God's sake.
- I don't know if Diane K has big enough boobies (Emma Frost is known for possessing Christina Hendricks-level boobs), but she has a class that would make her an interesting and original choice for Miss Frost. Sure, why not?
- Picking the staple of Wes Anderson films for Nightcrawler, huh? I gotta say, a VERY original idea. Even if it's a Jewish actor playing a character of a race that persecuted his people (irony!). And Jason did play a somewhat eccentric, shy type of character in Rushmore. I'll give you a toast.
- Your casting for Colossus is just like Gambit. Even worse, he's not even legal enough! Dakota is 17, and Sam is 35. You don't want the dude to get arrested for pedophilia, do you?
- I don't care about Sin City, Elijah's just too sweet and caring a guy to play someone like Havoc. At least you didn't go for Garrett Hedlund like every thousand other fancaster did.
- Since this idea, Mila got a Golden Globe Nomination for "Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture". Plus, at this time, she was in The Book of Eli, clearly not acting like Meg Griffin. But after visiting Mistress Kizuna's Deadpool/Wolverine fancasts, I'm a staunch supporter of Nina Dobrev. Because X-23 is supposed to be a teenager.
- I just cast Malcolm McDowell as Quincy Harker in my Blade fancast this summer. I dunno, he's probably too brittle at this point to play Magneto. We gotta have some dude in his late 50's as Mags.
- I never heard of this dude, nor did I see Across the Universe. But he does look like a punk-ass mother[frick]er that Pietro is at certain points in his life.
- Okay, here's what I read from Mistress Kizuna's editorial about Scarlet Witch: "Not to mention Wanda's ethnicity - she's European (raised in Romania and Magneto lived in Nazi-occupied Europe), so we should at least get an actress with European-looking features, or better yet, an actual European actress!" Even if Summer Glau displayed some signs of Scarlet Witch in Serenity, I've gotta side with MK. Besides, you already know who I've got as Wanda.
- You know, I wouldn't mind seeing Milla play Jean Grey. In all Resident Evil films, she played a character who tried to fight to control her growing powers, VERY MUCH LIKE JEAN!
- Nice to meet an Office fan. And you found someone who's young, and hopefully light on his toes for the role you given him, because Toad is acrobatic.
- Good choice for Brolin as Bolivar Trask. He's great at playing power-obsessed characters.
- I LOVE Jeremy Irons, baby! He just oozes evil. I'll never forget him from The Lion King.
- Interestingly enough, Gerard was slated to play Sabretooth in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Maybe lightning will strike twice?
- From what I know, Scalphunter is a native Indian who stands at 7' tall. Danny Trejo might work, but he'd need to sound more Indian than Mexican.
- You've got some good choice for the Morlocks, but Ed Harris might be too famous for a barely-known character like Healer Steve Buscemi might not be the right age (isn't the guy young?) or personality (he normally plays sleazebags) for Caliban, and Ron Perlman is a littler old and doesn't seem like the guy who plays giants with retard strength like Sunder (not counting Looney Tunes: Back in Action).
- Well, Hugo Weaving is playing Red Skull (this was a year ago) now, so there goes that pipe dream.
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