REVISED: Ben Affleck's New Batman

REVISED: Ben Affleck's New Batman

Much speculation has gone into how Batfleck's new suit will look in Batman v.s. Superman/future Batman films, I've come up with my own compilation of things that I believe should be included and or considered.

By jacobcherry1993 - Oct 24, 2013 10:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

I've only added a few more point is specific places, and fixed a few grammar errors. Thanks for all the love & support guys, very encouraging!

This is my first article on the site, I've been a fan of the site for the better half of a decade and have finally decided to add my input. Also all the images used in this article are all totally robbed from Google searches. Lastly, YES I am a Ben Affleck supporter, the dude is going to CRUSH the part. That being said, BATMAN.


Many fans of Ben on CBM have pointed out how similar he looks to TAS' Bruce Wayne, and since Batman: The Animated Series is one of the most fan praised adaptations of the entire Bat-Universe why not utilize that? The show for it's day was pretty gritty which tends to be how Batman operates nowadays, and I could totally see a similar tone being emulated in the DC Universe that Zack Snyder is beginning to establish. The character of Batman itself has been reinvented on the big screen and small screen so many times without reason when most fans really want to see something familiar that really FEELS like batman, not another ninja with too much Kevlar, sore throat & pointy ears.


I really loved this version of the cowl for two reasons: First,the length of the ears is substantial, yet at the same time wouldn't be a nuisance or impractical like some versions where Batman can't walk through a doorway due to his foot long ears coming off the top of his head. Second, the accessibility to the removal of the cowl itself. The top portion of the cowl fitting between the ears and coming over the eyes and on the nose, allowing Bruce an easy removal similar to many versions of the cowl that would slide on & off like a hood.


I have always been fond of Batman's more famous color scheme (blue,gray,& yellow/black) I always understood why then went full black on the big screen, but have always hated it. YES, we get it, it's practical for a hero who benefits so much from the shadows to wear all black, it's tactical, but who gives a flying bat turd! Is it practical for a billionaire playboy to run around fighting crime at night in his underwear and a cape?! Since it seems that things are going to be heading more in the direction of The Dark Knight Returns, I think a similar color scheme should be utilized and leave the boring black batsuit behind.


I'm honestly torn between the two circled in the image above. I do, however know that I absolutely hated Christopher Nolan's bat-symbol, it would have been better for a live-action Batman Beyond insignia. I think a more classic approach with a slight modern twist, more of a retro symbol would be sweet!


RANT: As I write this article I see that I tend to rip more and more on Christopher Nolan's Batman, and sadly for all you "Nolanites" out there, it doesn't end here. I always hated the way Batman acquired his suit and gadgets in the Nolan series only because I feel that Bruce Wayne was an idiot who could only mutter "Does it come in black?" whenever a new piece of technology crafted by Lucius Fox came his way. Bruce Wayne is a god damn genius, act like it! He's on par with Tony Stark! Hell, Bruce Wayne is the ORIGINAL Tony Stark! Nolan's Bruce Wayne wore what was handed to him and only made minor alterations such as a helmet with ears and a few batarangs. So essentially Nolan's Batman couldn't even dress himself let alone save his girlfriend.

END OF RANT: In my opinion the Kevlar armor and plated suit has become stale. Something more unified and singular seems right. All the costume designers for previous films have been guilty of over-analyzing the suit and added unnecessary military-grade attire. A more muscled & form fitting body armor would be nice, however covered with a thick outer layer of a sort of rubbery spandex material (Similar to The Amazing Spiderman 1 suit) to give a more iconic spandex superhero look.


Nolan's utility belt was actually the only thing I enjoyed about the batsuit other than the cape's ability to harden for Batman to glide across the sky. My only complaint is that more gadgets weren't added to it. In Nolan's Batman movies it seemed to always be about the big boy toys and not all the cool shit that batman could put in his belt. When it comes down to it Batman is a detective (World's Greatest Detective) with an arsenal or badass gadgets, it's a shame that aspect wasn't more dominant in the series especially with it being more real world based.


The trouble with making a more realistic universe for superheroes is the fact that it can also become more of a possibility that their secret lives can be figured out more easily that ever before, living in a world with advanced technology and facial recognition, ect. I'm still curious to see how Snyder keeps anyone from finding out that Clark Kent is really Superman in the Man of Steel sequel seeing as how a change of hair style and use of glasses wouldn't actually fool anyone, yet I suppose an alien super hero isn't really the most realistic thing either, so I digress.


Often referred to as "The windows to the soul" the eyes can be a dead giveaway to someone finding out that Batman is really billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, especially when I'm sure that Bruce finds it hard to stay out of the Gotham City Tabloids, not to mention Batman coming face-to-face with someone he is close to. In light of these points I found it best to disguise his eyes, whether it be a full blown white tint similar to what is used in The Amazing Spider-man 2, or a sort of lit up lens similar to something Iron Man like or even Nolan's bat sonar lenses. This would also give the designers a chance to work with the iconic white eyes that many suPer heroes have in the comic books. Lastly, YES, I do think it appropriate for batman to have a in-eye interface similar to Iron Man, however I expect Alfred or even Oracle to be on the other end instead of a crafty A.I. system. There are multiple times where Batman has had to call Alfred to send the batwing (or whatever you'd like to call it) or even send the batsuit like he did in the opening sequence to Batman: Arkham City.


With the monstrosity that was Christian Bale's Batman voice I have discovered something more practical and far more pleasing in my opinion. If you were to look at my user avatar you would be able to tell that I am a fan of The CW's Arrow. Say what you will, but I enjoy the show. On the show whenever Oliver Queen (The Green Arrow) is in a situation where he is talking to someone that would recognize his voice, he uses a voice changer. In the clip above Olive Queen in full Green Arrow garb busts in on his own mother Moira Queen. I expect to get a bit of hate for this idea but at the same time if someone Bruce knows were to hear him speak while in costume, his cover is immediately blown. In addition I FULLY SUPPORT The CW's Arrow joining the DCCU, it's a fantastic show and I think is given such a bad reputation due to the network it's on and people who dislike the show not giving it the proper chance. As a huge fan of the show I do admit the parts of the beginning of the first season was not nearly as good as the has come to be and I encourage you all to give it a second chance.

And the best for last...


I actually didn't hate the idea of the Tumbler in Nolan's Batman films, it was a great idea! Batman needs something fast, durable, and LOADED with toys, and the Tumbler absolutely delivered in all three categories. When I was doing my research however I stumble across this concept art that somebody was kind enough to make up, and I think it is absolutely beautiful and could fit in with the Animated Series kind of feel to the batmobile, as well as Snyder's very specific artistic view.

Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my article, and please leave a comment in the box below!
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Mrcool210 - 10/24/2013, 10:27 PM
that voice in arrow just sounds silly, and tbh, i don't think it would work for batman
Moohika - 10/24/2013, 10:28 PM
That Batmobile looks so sick!
jacobcherry1993 - 10/24/2013, 10:31 PM
I don't even know if I would want THAT voice for Batman either, I was just more or less talking about the idea of some type of voice changer.
jacobcherry1993 - 10/24/2013, 10:37 PM
Lol, I could see that a little bit, thanks for readin'!
GoldenAge88 - 10/25/2013, 12:03 AM
Great article, well written and extremely valid points to be made, do not let anybody tell you otherwise.

"Get out of my head Charles!" Is what I thought while reading and agreed wholeheartedly. A suit that resembles Bats from say, the Hush series would work perfect and is basically the whole you described. Hell, I will settle for the Arkham games version which is basically Hush but tactical and reasonable.

As for the batmobile, that is the ultimate make or break point for me. As much as I hated the Nolan suits, I hated the tumbler even more. Great article, I look forward to reading future ones.
PenditaMarah - 10/25/2013, 8:55 AM
I like the tumbler.
The nolan batman for is the best.
You can't say something bad about nolan,because nolan gaves us the new set of cbm.
Cool down and chill down bro.
No need to spread your hatred of nolan's batman.
Nolan batman is the best.
You want to [frick] and hate me?
Go ahead,kid.
PenditaMarah - 10/25/2013, 8:56 AM
Batsuit from batman begins is the best.
jacobcherry1993 - 10/25/2013, 9:13 AM
I don't hate people who like Nolan's Batman, I appreciate Nolan's Batman. Yes, his Batman may have been the best YET to be on screen, but that won't last long. Nolan did great things, but he still had many large faults in his vision and collaboration with Christian Bale, so where the god-like praise is coming from is something that I've never understood. This article was never intended to be a constraint rip on Nolan's imagine, it IS however the closest thing to compare and contrast to, though I can easily see how you took the article the way you did. Agree to disagree my friend, thanks for reading.
Rokyn - 10/25/2013, 9:59 AM
What works in the comics doesn't always translate well to film. Sorry tough love. And that's the reason why they don't give creative liberty to fans because they don't understand what works and what doesn't, and fans are uncreative and unimaginative. They always copy what's been done before. But I'm just generalizing..
jacobcherry1993 - 10/25/2013, 10:36 AM
Are you anymore a fan than I am? With that one statement you contridicted everything you just said. You opinion means no more than mine, I just chose to express my thoughts. I'm not quite sure you fully understood my points either due to the fact that my vision and what I attempted to describe is not even REMOTELY similar to Batman Forecer or Batman & Robin, there is actually no mention of leather in my article, so where you got that I am completely baffled. Also I never said that the batsuit wouldn't have armor, quite the opposite actually, it's more of a bio or nano tech armor concealed under an exterior spandex type material. Truth is I could go on forever arguing my points as I'm sure you could, however that argument would fall on deaf ears on both sides. Like I said in previous comments agree to disagree and thanks for reading.
Rokyn - 10/25/2013, 11:10 AM
Watch! You're going to hate the film if doesn't meet these expectations you've posted! It's fans like you that ruin the experience because you want stuff to go your way or least be similar to your version! Sorry buddy doesn't work like that. Hey what if we get a steampunk batman rather than "Arkham Batman"? What are you going to do? Hate on them right? Lol pathetic. My favorite Batman is the Conroy Batman and I recognize we will never get a version like that ever again. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate Keaton Batman and Bale Batman.
Rokyn - 10/25/2013, 11:17 AM
I actually rather have a Batman with substance, character development, and with emotional weight rather than a stylish BATGOD. A combination of both would be ideal.
jacobcherry1993 - 10/25/2013, 11:40 AM
You can troll all day, but I've not taken anything you've said into context nor affense. Your comments are just as useless as my article. I encourage you to make you own article and to see where your points are different than mine rather than attempting to bastardized and spray negativity upon my thread.
Rokyn - 10/25/2013, 11:56 AM
Sorry if I sound too harsh it's just that this is how fans get false for expectations and I hate it. You have "great" ideas but don't expect them to come to fruition. If you can recognize that, than I'm all for this!
jacobcherry1993 - 10/25/2013, 12:58 PM
I understand these ideas will not come to light, that's why this article is in the "Fac Fic" section. At the beginning of the article it say "...I've come up with my own compilation of things that I believe should be included and or considered..." I won't be broken hearted if someone else entirely ends up on the big screen, it's just how I envision the character turning out. Thank you for your expression for not wanting fans to get their hopes up, I have a better understanding of where you were coming from.
GuardianAngel - 10/25/2013, 2:18 PM
You think like a fan, therefore your creativity is limited to that of a fan. You want bat-god. The Batman that can save everyone and beat everyone. What good does that do the story.

What you want is The Animated Series. We already got that Batman... in the Animated Series.

I'm getting tired of a plot driven Batman movie. Batman needs to be more than a tough guy who never smiles. I want a Batman who's emotionally conflicted. A Batman who sometimes can't control his anger. With a man that paranoid, he'd end up becoming a villain, a tragic hero. A tragic hero becomes darker over time, therefore his suit should reflect that.

That's just my version of Batman. I criticized your version, but that doesn't make either of us right or wrong. There will always be someone who disagrees.

What we got was Nolan's version. Most people enjoyed it for more than how the suit looked.

My point is that there's no point on trying to make a "definitive" take on Batman. Being restricted by the comics only limits creativity. How he looks and sounds needs to be based on the story you have, not the fanboy urge to copy the page.
jacobcherry1993 - 10/25/2013, 2:43 PM
I feel that not all of this is directed towards me and my article? I can't tell. However this is my article, therefore my opinion, just as your comment is your opinion, I'm not here to bash anyone's ideas or opinion, just as I don't expect other to do to my work. I'm however thrilled that my article has cause such discussion, it's encouraging, I think Fan Fiction is meant to spark conversation and debate, just try to keep your negativaty on another page, thanks to all who've contributed.
PenditaMarah - 10/26/2013, 12:55 AM
Don't get mad,jacob.
What's rokyn said is true and I do agreed his point.

I think,batsuit from arkham origin is the best to translate to the live action batman,just what the design from batman begins suit.the batman begins suit was the best translation from games/cartoon to real live action,but in the dark knight,it was explained by chris nolan why batman needs to twist his head so that he can look around and being flexible to fight.but,I do agreed your batmobile,batman needs a batmobile just like you posted.

And..I still think that the tumbler is the best was beast and mean.just like batmobile in the dark knight returns.
PenditaMarah - 10/26/2013, 12:58 AM
Oh ya,I do and fully support your idea that Arrow needs to join dccu,which is for me,it is damn brilliant.
PenditaMarah - 10/26/2013, 1:09 AM
What I need is,I want batman mix from burton + nolan style.I wishing that the batsuit are mixing from burton's batman + nolan will be for the color,I think it is better batsuit was colored in matte dark grey.

Well,your vision is a bit off for me.the batman movie that you imagined,will go me,the general audience mostly will hate it and think that batman is for,I disagree your vision and imagination.

What's have done in batman animated series,just let it be.we need a dark,gritty,detective and genius and a great super-ninja,with a feeling from burton and nolan style.
GuardianAngel - 10/26/2013, 7:53 PM
No, that wasn't directed specifically at your article. It was a directed at the majority opinions of fans who want just another adaption of the Animated Series. I understand that you have an opinion, and I respect that, but bashing other people's interpretation, such as Nolan's, doesn't make yours any more valid.
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