Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Looking to revitalize the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, this film follows Raphael and his three brothers as they grow from their humble origins in the sewers to avenge their mentor's caretakers against the leader of the New York City Foot Clan, Oroku Saki.

By AxlKomix - Dec 15, 2014 07:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic


HAYATO RAPHAEL, 18, is an anthropomorphic turtle trained by Splinter to use sai. He wears a red tenugui and is 5’5” in height. His desire is to protect his family and to prove that he’s more than just the runt that he was in his youth.

HAYATO LEONARDO, 18, is an anthropomorphic trained by Splinter to use katana. He is 5’3” and he, too, wears a red tenugui. He wants nothing more than to honor his master and to protect his brothers.


HAYATO MICHELANGELO, 18, is an anthropomorphic turtle trained by Splinter to use nunchaku. He wears a red tenugui and is 5’2” in height. He has a very outspoken, comedic personality. Though he does want to protect his brothers and has a particular interest in martial arts, he primarily just wants to live his life in line with that of an ordinary teenager.

HAYATO DONATELLO, 18, is an anthropomorphic turtle trained by Splinter to use a bo staff. He wears a red tenugui and is 5’3” in height. Compared to the other turtles he is very introverted. However, he does make sarcastic, witty comments because he is more intelligent than his brothers. He is the least inclined of the turtles to train in martial arts.

HAYATO SPLINTER, 28, is an anthropomorphic rat and a veritable master of Ninjutsu. He has brown fur with greying tips and wears a black travel cape pulled together at the waist by a red tenugui. He is the master and guardian of the turtles. Splinter trained himself by mimicking the mastered movements of his now-deceased caretaker, Hayato Yoshi. He gives the four turtles their red tenugui, which are representative of Yoshi’s dojo. Overall, he wants to raise the turtles up as to be honorable, but more immediate is his want for revenge against Yoshi’s killer, Oroku Saki. As he grows older, his desire becomes less for revenge and more to see his sons happy.

OROKU SAKI/SHREDDER, 48, is the leader of the New York City faction of the Japanese Ninja clan The Foot. To the public, though, he is no more than a millionaire Japanese-American businessman. He is 6’3” and leanly cut with black, shoulder-length hair. He usually wears expensive suits, but his combat attire is samurai-like in appearance, made up of kusari (chain armor), karuta (protective plates), and a dark red katabira (jacket); most notable are the blades protruding from his right gauntlet and his helmet. Saki and his faction came to New York 18 years ago to kill Yoshi. Saki has hunted the turtles since the time that Splinter attacked him in his home and he was scarred by Raphael.

HAYATO (Hamato) YOSHI, 35 (deceased), was the caretaker of Splinter. He was killed by Oroku Saki and the Foot Clan.

TANG SHEN, 30 (deceased), was Hayato Yoshi’s lover. She was killed by Oroku Saki and the Foot Clan.

BRUCE LONGER, 30s-40s, is a New York City police officer. He is a sergeant in the region of Hell’s Kitchen. He is 6’2” with a lean build, short, blonde hair, and a handsome face. While on the job he usually wears a cheap suit. He is assigned to investigate the Foot Clan’s activities.

MOIRA JONES, 50s-60s, is an aging artist and the mother of Bruce Longer’s childhood friend. She meets Raphael and becomes friends with him as well.

COMMISSIONER ZULLI, 50s, is the commissioner of police and assigns Longer to investigate the Foot Clan. He is secretly on Saki’s payroll.

KHAN, 30s, is Saki’s personal assistant and advisor.

  • The film begins in the New York City apartment of Hayato Yoshi and Tang Shen shortly after the two have been murdered.
  • Splinter lies on the chest of his fallen master.
  • After nuzzling Yoshi’s nose in a failed, feeble attempt to revive him, Splinter leaves the apartment, going out into the rain.
  • Splinter then takes shelter in the city’s sewers where he comes upon three baby turtles that have been soaked in glowing, green ooze.
  • At first, Splinter is tempted to leave them to their own fate, but their cries force him to take pity and lead the turtles to safety.
  • Before Splinter can lead the three turtles away he hears the sound of another turtle crying.
  • Rummaging through the garbage that the other turtles had landed in, Splinter finds the fourth turtle lying, helpless, on its back, its shelled cracked from the impact of falling.
  • Splinter helps this turtle to its feet and assists it in walking to safety with the others.
  • Years go by and the turtle with the cracked shell, Raphael, is now an adolescent.
  • The injury sustained in his infancy has slightly stunted his growth, making him shorter and weaker than his brothers.
  • Raphael lies sleeping on his mat in the turtles’ sewer den when he is woken up by Michelangelo and Donatello.
  • His brothers persuade Raphael to go with them to the surface to go exploring, something they have all been forbidden to do.
  • Distracted by a sparring session with Leonardo, Splinter doesn’t see the three other turtles sneak out of the den.
  • The three brothers have a day of fun out on the city’s rooftops and even manage to steal some pizzas from the back of an Italian restaurant.
  • As they are enjoying their lunch, Raphael overhears a mugging.
  • Against his brothers’ pleas, Raphael interferes with the mugging and saves the victim.
  • The muggers run off as Donatello and Michelangelo rush down to retrieve Raphael.
  • A moment later, the muggers return with the full force of their gang and chase the adolescent turtles through the neighborhood.
  • It is only after Splinter and Leonardo intervene that the turtles are able to get away from the gang.
  • Returning to the sewer den, Michelangelo and Donatello are scolded for disobeying Splinter’s orders and risking Raphael’s life.
  • Raphael, angry that Splinter sees him as a runt in need of protection, lashes out and begins to resent his master.
  • Later on, the family listens to the radio together and there is an announcement that Oroku Saki, a millionaire business mogul and, more importantly, the murderer of Hayato Yoshi, has returned to New York City.
  • Splinter quietly excuses himself.
  • Later that night Raphael is woken up by the sounds of Splinter leaving.
  • Splinter, armed to kill, goes to the office of Oroku Saki to enact his revenge.
  • Ambushed by Saki’s men, members of the Foot Clan, Splinter is nearly overwhelmed.
  • Raphael rushes in to save Splinter, cutting Saki’s face with a sai.
  • The two escape with their lives and return to the sewer den.
  • Splinter scolds Raphael, despite the fact that his life was saved from the turtle’s disobedience.
  • This furthers Raphael’s resentment towards Splinter and he decides to leave the family.
  • Leonardo follows Raphael and tries to persuade him to stay, but Raphael has made up his mind and asks his brother to take care of the family.
  • Years go by and the turtles are now in their late teens.
  • The Foot has been searching for Splinter and the turtles for years, which has caused them to move around constantly.
  • In the meantime, Detective Bruce Longer has been investigating the growth of the Foot Clan’s activities.
  • After one of Longer’s shifts he attends a small gallery showing of the art of Moira Jones.
  • Moira is an aging artist and the mother of one of Longer’s childhood friends.
  • As she walks to her car, after leaving the showing, Moira is surrounded by a gang of teenagers.
  • Before this gang can cause her any harm, Raphael, now much larger, drops in and fights them off.
  • Raphael walks Moira home, making sure she gets back to her apartment safely.
  • Moira informs Raphael that he’s welcome to come by the apartment any time he wants; she’s been terribly lonely since her son moved away and she’d like the company.
  • Raphael agrees to return, and Moira’s loneliness convinces him that he should go back home.
  • As Donatello and Michelangelo spar in the new sewer den, they are surprisingly interrupted by Raphael’s return.
  • They both run up and hug him immediately and compliment him on how much he’s grown.
  •  Splinter emerges from his room, tears filling his eyes, and he hugs Raphael, telling him how glad he is that he’s come home; he also apologizes for the things he’d said before.
  • The only person that seems unhappy to see Raphael is Leonardo, who has held some resentment towards his brother for abandoning the family.
  • Days later, Oroku Saki and his assistant Khan walk down the street discussing business.
  • Moira has set up a display along the sidewalk in an attempt to sell her art.
  • A recent painting of Raphael catches Saki’s eye and he asks if he can purchase it.
  • Moira sells him the painting and, at his request, gives Saki a business card in case he should want to make “future purchases.”
  • Saki gives the card to Khan and orders him to “pay the old woman a visit.”
  • Later that night, Moira returns to her apartment and she is ambushed by Foot ninja.
  • Longer is told that Moira has been murdered and that her murder may tie in with his investigation.
  • While Longer grieves over his friend’s dead body, his team investigates the scene.
  • Raphael appears moments later on the rooftop opposite of the apartment, having come to visit Moira.
  • As Longer and his team filter out so that the medical examiners can retrieve Moira’s body, Raphael jumps across and goes inside her apartment, worried about what’s happened.
  • Seeing this, Longer rushes back in.
  • Finding Moira dead, Raphael falls to his knees and hugs her.
  • Raphael then notices a tenugui that’s been pinned to the wall with a shuriken; it is a mark of the Foot Clan.
  • Ripping the tenugui from the wall, Raphael tears it in half and yells out in anger.
  • Longer bursts into the room and fires his gun at Raphael.
  • Raphael escapes out the window, continuing to dodge gunfire as Longer follows him.
  • Yelling down from the apartment window, Longer orders his team to follow Raphael.
  • Raphael is chased by the police and eventually escapes into the sewer.
  • Returning to the sewer den, Raphael finds Leonardo to be the only one awake and asks him to help go after Saki.
  • Leonardo says that he will not help Raphael to endanger their family.
  • Raphael tries to wake Splinter, but Leonardo stands in his way.
  • “You asked me, once, to protect this family. That’s what I’m doing.”
  • This leads to Leonardo and Raphael fighting each other, which wakes up Donatello and Michelangelo.
  • The two are separated and Raphael storms out of the den.
  • When asked where Raphael is going, Leonardo responds “To get himself killed.”
  • Raphael confronts Saki in his office, just as Splinter did years ago.
  • Recognizing Raphael as the one who scarred his face, Saki decides to delight himself by destroying the turtle.
  • The full force of the present Foot ninja is unleashed on Raphael and he holds his own for a while.
  • However, the odds are stacked too highly against him and Raphael is eventually taken down.
  • Saki walks over to the injured turtle and is about to kill him before Splinter intervenes.
  • Splinter gets Raphael to safety, taking him back to the sewer den.
  • The fight leaves Splinter exhausted and he orders that all of the turtles rest, quieting Leonardo’s complaints so that they can be addressed when things have calmed down.
  • Leonardo kneels next to Raphael’s unconscious body and realizes that he could have prevented this if he had stayed true to the promise he made to his brother.
  • Nights later, news of the fight at Saki’s office gets back to Detective Longer.
  • Reviewing security footage from the building’s cameras Longer sees that Saki is the leader of the Foot Clan and that he is the one who is responsible for Moira’s death.
  • Longer presents the footage to Police Commissioner Zulli and informs him that he is going after Saki.
  • After Longer leaves Zulli’s office, the commissioner deletes the footage, clearing the evidence of Saki’s guilt.
  • The turtles finally decide to work together as a team, a family, Leonardo and Raphael shaking hands in peace.
  • Michelangelo and Donatello pay Khan a special visit, beating him up and leaving a message for Saki.
  • The turtles wait atop the rooftop of Yoshi’s old, now abandoned, apartment building, preparing to end things where they began.
  • Saki meets them there, decked out in full Shredder gear.
  • The fight begins and a video of the confrontation begins to circulate on the internet.
  • Longer, wanting to catch Saki, rushes to the scene before there is any police interference.
  • The turtles fight for their lives as Saki dominates the scuffle.
  • Longer orders down a group of officers who are about to interfere in the fight and goes up to the rooftop himself.
  • The momentum of the fight shifts after Saki follies in a moment of arrogance.
  • The turtles push Saki to the edge of the rooftop and Raphael puts a sai to his throat.
  • Longer appears on the rooftop just in time to witness this.
  • There is a tense moment while Raphael waits to see what Longer does, staring down the barrel of the detective’s pistol.
  • Longer gives a quick nod.
  • Instead of slicing Saki’s throat, Raphael pulls away and growls: “Do you know how much it hurts to have your back broken?”
  • Saki quickly pulls out a shuriken, but Raphael is faster and kicks him over the edge of the roof.
  • Saki falls and lands, dead, on his back on the hood of a police cruiser.
  • The turtles turn back to Longer, waiting to see what he will do.
  • Longer points his pistol down and fires every single round into the rooftop.
  • “Go.”
  • The turtles run off and Longer drops his gun, going back down to the street.
  • The next morning, Longer watches the news as he drinks his coffee.
  • The reports, using a blurred still from the fight footage, incriminate Raphael and the turtles in the murders of both Moira Jones and Oroku Saki, making no mention of the Foot Clan.
  • Longer shakes his head and turns off his television.
  • Meanwhile, the turtles and Splinter return to their original sewer den, finally feeling that it’s safe to go home.
  • Raphael finds his old pillow and picks it up, commenting: “I never should have left this place.”
  • Splinter puts a hand on his shoulder and tells Raphael that, regardless of his choices, he is still proud of him.
  • Nights later, the turtles sit on a rooftop eating pizza and listening to a police scanner.
  • A call concerning the Foot comes over the scanner and Raphael wraps his tenugui around his eyes.
  • “Let’s go.”
  • END.
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TheHero - 12/15/2014, 5:02 PM
Hmmmm........I like the idea.
kong - 12/15/2014, 5:53 PM
Yeah! 5'10 Jeremy Renner playing 6'2 guy I forge the name of....
MightyZeus - 12/15/2014, 11:55 PM
I like it, it's very interesting.
AxlKomix - 12/16/2014, 4:25 AM
@RedRobinDC- I can't tell if you're being sarcastic.

@RedNTheHood- Perhaps not Jeremy Renner, but a Jeremy Renner type. I tried not to "cast" anyone, but, more or less, I wanted to provide some visuals with the character descriptions to aid you with the story.

There's one thing I forgot to mention, which didn't translate over from my personal documet: Bruce Longer (the guy who RedNTheHood can't remember the name of) is in a relationship with April O'Neil, which would be addressed in a sequel; as for this one, their relationship is just a little easter egg or throwaway line.
AxlKomix - 12/16/2014, 4:28 AM
Also, Longer is based on a cop from the '80s comic books. He was more popularly known as "Nobody" and he never had a first name. Nobody is a Batman-esque character, so that's why his name is Bruce. If any interest seems to be generated from this article, the next two parts will be posted and you'll see the character evolve into something similar to what he was in the comics.
AxlKomix - 12/16/2014, 6:36 AM
@RedRobinDC- Well, I've yet to see the new TMNT, so my judgment's still out on that one; hopefully, I'll be able to watch it soon, now that it's out on DVD and Blu-Ray. I'm not saying we need another reboot (although, that might change after I see the new movie); this idea has been sitting in limbo on my laptop for over a year, so I figured it was time to post it somewhere.
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