Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Part II

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Part II

In this continuation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles story, the turtles face off against the daughter of their nemesis to prevent The Foot from acquiring the key element that made them what they are.

By AxlKomix - Dec 17, 2014 07:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Part One:




ARNOLD “CASEY” JONES, 30s-40s, is the son of Moira Jones and an old friend of Bruce Longer. He is 6’1” with an athletic build and straight, shoulder-length, black hair. He usually wears tank tops and jeans; his “gear” is the same, but with a hockey mask over his face and his hands wrapped, using a variety of sports items (i.e. bats, hockey sticks, etc.) as weapons. He comes back to New York City to get revenge on the turtles, thinking that they are the ones who killed his mother.

*Images do not imply casting decisions; they are to act as posibilities/visual aids.

APRIL O’NEIL, 30s-40s, is a research assistant who works with Baxter Stockman at T.C.R.I. She is an attractive 5’7” woman with shoulder-length, wavy, brown hair. She is in a complicated relationship with Bruce Longer.


OROKU KARAI, 20s-30s, is the daughter of Oroku Saki and the new leader of New York’s Foot Clan. She is an attractive 5’10” Japanese woman with shoulder-length, black hair which she most often keeps down. Her day-to-day attire varies in exact style, but in combat she wears a dark red katabira (jacket) with a black, hooded cloak; she dresses much like her father did sans armor and helmet. She’s comes to New York to steal the DNA-altering blood of an alien specimen being held at T.C.R.I. After discovering that the alien’s blood will do her goals no good, she turns her eyes on the turtles, whose blood is equally mutative.

BAXTER STOCKMAN, 50, is the head scientist at T.C.R.I., responsible for overseeing all experiments and inventions. He is a 5’9” African American with black, cropped hair and a mustache. His garb is that of a usual scientist: glasses, a white, button-up shirt, and dark slacks. He is primarily a biologist and geneticist, but as head scientist at this company he takes interest in all day-to-day projects, specifically in the new Mouser prototypes that he commissioned himself. April O’Neil is his personal assistant. He pledges his loyalty to Karai’s Foot Clan for financial gain.

COMMISSIONER ZULLI, 50s, is the commissioner of police. He is secretly on the Foot’s payroll.


  • The film begins in the New York Harbor, 1985.
  • A ship is randomly hit by what seems to be lightning as it moves through the harbor.
  • The ship is mildly damaged and in the middle of the wreckage lays the dead body of a small, alien creature.

  • Years later, Dr. Baxter Stockman, the head scientist at the T.C.R.I. lab, is overseeing a test of the company’s latest “Mouser” engineering project.
  • After the prototypes are tested, Stockman judges that the machines are now ready for release.
  • Stockman then sends his employees home.
  • As Stockman is preparing to leave, the lights in the lab go out and he finds himself surrounded by members of the Foot Clan.
  • The Foot demand that Stockman give them the “alien specimen,” but he pretends to have no idea to what they’re eluding.
  • The Foot ninja rummage through the lab until they find the frozen body of the alien creature.
  • The Foot leave with the alien and Stockman tries to pursue them.
  • Once outside of the building, Stockman’s path is cut off by the turtles and they pursue the Foot ninja.
  • The Foot ninja are able to escape the turtles and get away with their prize.
  • The next day, April O’Neil arrives to work at T.C.R.I. and finds that the police are investigating the break-in.
  • Detective Longer is on the scene already, questioning Stockman about what he saw.
  • April and Longer, being romantically involved, share an awkward moment, as, apparently, their relationship has been rough lately with the detective’s late work nights.
  • Commissioner Zulli arrives on the scene and informs Longer that he has been removed from the Foot investigation.
  • Longer argues with the commissioner, but his retaliation loses him his job.
  • “Frankly, Longer, I don’t like that you covered for your little, green friends. Now, give me your badge and get back to your office and clean out your desk.”
  • Longer, angry, drops his badge on the ground and walks away.
  • April tries to follow him, but he shrugs her off and drives away.
  • Meanwhile, Arnold “Casey” Jones, the son of Moira Jones, arrives at his mother’s apartment.
  • The apartment is still a mess from the night that his mother was killed.
  • Going into the bedroom, Casey unpacks his things, removing a hockey mask and a variety of sports weapons from his bag along with a newspaper, which headlines the turtles as his mother’s killers.
  • Meanwhile, the turtles are in the sewer den recovering from their last fight with the Foot.
  • After listening to a news report that also incriminates the turtles in the T.C.R.I. break-in, Donatello decides to investigate what exactly the Foot stole.
  • Discovering little more than the actual report of the alien creature’s arrival, Donatello suggests that they go and talk to Stockman to get answers.
  • The next morning, Oroku Karai, the daughter of Oroku Saki, arrives via helicopter at her father’s old office.
  • There, Khan presents her with the frozen body of the alien.
  • Khan insures Karai that the DNA extracted from this alien “will work.”
  • Karai picks up the case containing the frozen alien and carries it into the other room.
  • A man lies, heavily bandaged, on a bed in the center of the room, and his body is hooked up to several machines.
  • Karai sets the alien on a table near the man’s bed and puts her hand on his chest.
  • “Soon, father. Soon.”
  • That night Stockman is visited in his home by the turtles.
  • After he is questioned, Stockman reveals that the alien had been studied and its cells were found to possess altering qualities that could both mutate and replicate DNA.
  • Though he isn’t sure why the Foot would want the alien for these reasons, he ensures the turtles that the alien’s cells are likely too damaged to be of any use by now.
  • The turtles leave with this information, not any more sure about the Foot Clan’s intentions than when they arrived.
  • The next day, Casey Jones arrives at Longer’s apartment.
  • April answers the door and she tells him to come back later, as Longer is still in bed.
  • Casey insists on seeing Longer and April decides to invite him in for coffee, saying that he’ll likely be up soon anyway.
  • While they drink coffee, Casey recounts what he’s been doing with his life for the last few years.
  • Casey had gotten into some trouble in Los Angeles, which made it hard for him to get home when he’d heard that his mother was killed.
  • Their conversation turns to April, and she reveals that she works at T.C.R.I. just as Longer steps out of his bedroom.
  • Longer looks unkempt and hung-over.
  • Casey says hello to Longer, who replies with a simple “Hey, Case,” after which he drags himself into the kitchen and pours himself a drink.
  • April tells Casey that he’d better come back later, and Casey tells her that he really needs to talk to Longer whenever he has the chance, leaving her with a number to call.
  • April also gives Casey Longer’s number and gives him a business card with her address if he “can’t reach Bruce.”
  • Meanwhile, Khan returns to his apartment to find Karai and the Foot waiting on him.
  • Karai is angry that the alien’s cells failed to heal her father.
  • After she kills Khan for his failure, Karai instructs the Foot ninja to bring Stockman to her.
  • Later that evening, Raphael goes to visit Moira’s grave.
  • Talking to her headstone, Raphael apologizes, feeling responsible for getting her involved with the Foot and not being there that night to save her.
  • Casey finds Raphael at his mother’s grave and attacks him.
  • The two fight for a while before Raphael manages to get away.
  • Casey shouts after him, threatening to kill him if he ever sees him again.
  • Stockman is brought to Karai and she asks how to make the alien’s cells work, offering to pay him handsomely if he has an answer.
  • Stockman explains, again, that the alien’s cells are far too damaged to achieve any effect.
  • However, he explains that, given their mutated state, the turtles might have the cells necessary to generate a similar effect.
  • “And how am I to get these cells? The turtles have eluded the Foot for years.”
  • Stockman explains that his company’s Mousers are designed to hunt and kill specific animal breeds, their primary function to destroy rats, mice, and other pests; the machines could be reprogrammed to find the turtles and bring one of them back to his lab for testing.
  • Karai approves this plan, but informs Stockman of the cost he’ll face should he fail.
  • Back in the sewer den, the turtles are still trying to figure out what the Foot has planned.
  • Splinter speaks up, offering some insight.
  • “Perhaps,” he suggests, “if the police are covering for the Foot, then the police might know why the alien was stolen.”
  • Commissioner Zulli sits in his office.
  • The lights in the office go out and the turtles appear.
  • At the same time, Stockman’s Mousers are making their way into the sewers.
  • The turtles question Zulli about the Foot, but he plays stupid at first, buying himself time to silently alert his men.
  • The Mousers break into the sewer den and, finding only the rat, they attack Splinter.
  • Eventually, the turtles are able to get some information out of Zulli, as he explains that the Foot has a new leader and that she is going to kill them.
  • Splinter holds his own against the Mousers for a while, destroying a good deal of them.
  • Meanwhile, the police burst into Zulli’s office, ensuing a chase as the turtles run away.
  • Splinter is eventually overwhelmed by the Mousers and taken away to the T.C.R.I. lab.
  • The turtles escape the police and make their way back down into the sewers.
  • Meanwhile, Longer stumbles out of a liquor store and immediately cracks open a bottle of whiskey.
  • Walking by a store window, Longer sees another news report about the turtles.
  • He watches with intensity, growing more angry.
  • Eventually, Longer yells out in rage and throws the whiskey bottle through the store window.
  • The turtles arrive back at the sewer den and find that Splinter is gone.
  • Finding the scraps of the Mousers that Splinter destroyed, the turtles know that he’s been taken to T.C.R.I.
  • While turtles are on their way to the lab they are attacked by Casey Jones, who is now wearing his hockey mask and wielding his sports weapons.
  • After a brief skirmish, Raphael pins Casey down.
  • Casey writhes in anger as Raphael tries to figure out what he wants.
  • Casey accuses the turtles of killing his mother.
  • Raphael is able to talk him down, explaining that the Foot were responsible for killing Moira, even going so far as to recount the whole story, though briefly.
  • Raphael then apologizes, as he did before, for not saving Casey’s mother.
  • Extending his hand, Raphael helps Casey to his feet.
  • “We’re going after the Foot now. You can either help us, or you can go on hating us.”
  • Casey nods, explaining that he might not be much help, and follows them to T.C.R.I.
  • Meanwhile, Stockman has Splinter strapped to a table and converses with him as he extracts blood.
  • “Yep, you’re going to be a big paycheck for me, rat.”
  • The turtles arrive outside the lab and find that the building has been surrounded by Foot ninja.
  • There is no possible way that they can fight their way through.
  • Casey speaks up, saying “I may be able to help you after all.”
  • April is relaxing in her over-store apartment when there is a knock on her door.
  • She answers the door and finds Casey standing there.
  • She is surprised to see him so late and is a bit embarrassed to not be fully dressed.
  • “Yeah, you said you work at that T.C.R.I. place, right?”
  • April nods slowly, still confused as to why Casey is at her apartment.
  • There is a knock at the window and April turns around to see the turtles standing on her fire escape.
  • She quickly turns back to Casey.
  • “Yeah, well, we could use your help.”
  • Back at the lab, Stockman has finished analyzing Splinter’s blood.
  • The results of his analysis are remarkable and he finds that the cells could be used not only as well as the alien’s cells, but the cells could better mutate and regenerate DNA.
  • April and Casey arrive back at the lab wearing T.C.R.I. uniforms and carting four crates behind them.
  • The Foot ninja are hesitant to let them in at first, but the commanding Foot officer clears the entry.
  • “Let them in. We don’t anyone getting suspicious. I’ll inform Stockman.”
  • April and Casey go inside, the turtles hidden inside the crates, and Stockman is informed.
  • Looking at the lab’s security monitors, Stockman doesn’t see them as a threat at first, but he quickly notices the four crates and deduces that the turtles are inside.
  • Stockman quickly injects himself with one of the vials of Splinter’s cells.
  • April and Casey let the turtles out and the six of them go searching for Splinter, silently taking down any Foot ninja that they come across.
  • When the turtles get to Splinter they find that he is unconscious but okay and the lab has been destroyed.
  • Just as the turtles are about to leave they are attacked by a hulking, mutated form of Stockman.
  • The turtles manage to fight their way through Stockman, Raphael having to stab him in the throat to get by, and escape the lab with Splinter.
  • The Foot tries to follow the turtles, but Stockman, having injected himself with the last of Splinter’s cells, goes on a rampage and takes out most of the ninja.
  • The turtles and Casey get back to April’s apartment with Splinter, where Longer has been waiting.
  • Longer sees Casey and drunkenly assumes that he’s going for April.
  • Casey tries to explain otherwise, but Longer punches him in the mouth.
  • Embarrassed, Longer apologizes and leaves.
  • Meanwhile, the Foot ninja return to Karai with the dead body of Stockman.
  • The leading Foot officer informs Karai that Stockman has used all of the cells.
  • Karai, after asking how the turtles got into the lab, orders an attack on April’s apartment.
  • April, Casey, and the three other turtles get better acquainted while Raphael sits with Splinter.
  • “To think,” Splinter remarks, “that I had the four of you hide yourselves from the world for all of those years, and all because I thought that we could not trust the humans.”
  • Splinter nods to April and Casey: “I feel, though, that these two will be our friends for a long time.”
  • Raphael nods in agreement.
  • The rest of the film consists of the Foot arriving with Karai at April’s apartment to kill the turtles.
  • The turtles are unable to defend themselves against the massive onslaught of the Foot ninja and are forced to flee the apartment with April, Casey, and Splinter.
  • April’s building is destroyed in the fight, leaving her homeless.
  • Karai leaves victorious, believing that the turtles were killed in the building’s destruction and having collected the blood she needs from the turtles.
  • As the group drives away in April’s van, Casey volunteers to house everyone at his grandmother’s farmhouse in Northampton, where the Foot won’t look for them.
  • The very last scene is Karai and the rest of the Foot Clan welcoming Oroku Saki back to the land of the living after he has been injected with the turtles’ cells.
  • END.
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TheHero - 12/17/2014, 8:02 AM
Okay, I like it.
Just curious, but what happened to Det. Longer? Did he die in the fire?
AxlKomix - 12/17/2014, 8:14 AM
@TheHero- His last appearance is after he punches Casey. We don't see him after that (in this film) because he's pretty much reached his low and he's ashamed of what he's become. We'll see if he gets his redemption in part three.
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