Check out the first in a new storyline from the second shift. Somewhat of a departure as this story gives a little insight into the origins of the members of the Turmoil Team.

By BenjiWest - Sep 06, 2014 05:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

  Hello CBMers!!!
For the uninitiated, Watchtower Tales is a fan fic serial about a group of Justice Leaguers I refer to as the Second Shift. The team consists of Zatanna, Hawkman, Atom, and Black Lightning. Each story often featuring another character joining the group for some general hijinks. Lately the group has put into motion a series of events creating a more detailed narrative now. The team is now relaxing after having stopped the nefarious plot of the Turmoil team. Little do they know however, the Turmoil team has just been employed by an intergalactic threat...
Inside Mongul's large planet-like spacecraft the "Warworld", the Turmoil team stands in line before Kanjor Ro. Kanjor Ro is holding an opened briefcase for the team to view its contents. An assorted group of colored lights shine from five different power rings inside the briefcase. Violet, red, yellow, orange, and black. Each representative of a different emotion.

"Now, it was in fact, incredibly hard to secure each of these power rings. Yet necessary. Necessary for us to come into almost unimaginable power. Galaxies to bend to our will. Thus, we are here at the lowly regarded sector 1408. Life is practically non existent. Even the Oan guardians are dismissive to this sector. Not even a chosen Green Lantern for it. But there are five perfect planets. Perfect to my master plan. Each is home to a resource required to turn Warworld into an unstoppable, juggernaut of a weapon. A weapon to control galaxies. A weapon that everyone will fear. Now, with these rings, each of you will use them to help mine those resources. You will each shape the planets into your own image, using the rings. And if any "heroes" try to get into our way, you'll each be able to properly counter attack as a ruler to an planet."

"Did you used to design video games, Mongul?"

Shakes his head. "I used to be a lumberjack actually. Then I was in a Nickelback tribute band. They're pretty popular throughout the universe."

"You sir, are truly evil."

"Kanjor Ro is here to help identify which ring will be best wielded by each of you. To do this, he will use his Apokoliptic technology there to probe your inner thoughts, desires, memories, and emotions. Don't worry, it's pretty painless. Joker! How about you go first?"

"And here we go. Ok, but you better not look at my hacked nude celebrity photos I keep in my memory spank bank."

Joker approaches Kanjor Ro, who places the opened briefcase onto a table nearby. Kanjor Ro holds up a bronze colored  rod above Joker's head.

"Clear your mind. Let's find what emotion you will be able to weild best and most effective."

"Quick question. Is there a ring for horny? Wonder what color it would be? Wonder if you would wear it on your finger or maybe on your..."

Suddenly Kanjor Ro's rod shines a brilliantly bright white. Joker goes trance-like, his body tenses and he throws his head back as his eyes roll up into his head.

"Let's see...where is your ultimate emotion Joker."

Inside a rundown small apartment with barely any furniture, a young couple sits at a table. They're eating soup, and the young woman is feeding a young infant. The couple is a pre changed Joker, his wife, and their newborn daughter.

"Honey, you're not going to believe it, but I got the gig at the Comedy Underground Club. And it's paying. After months of cleaning toilets for old man Jenkins, he's finally giving me a shot! I think it was the new material I did for him. Thanks to our baby joy! You know, the bit about baby food. Why the hell do babies have so many options? From pears to chicken primavera! Like, your child's going to grow up and say, thanks mom and dad for giving me mixed plums, peaches, and raspberries. You were so thoughtful. Hell, our kid eats better than us!"

Laughs uncontrollably. The baby laughs as well. "This is great honey! I'm so happy for you! When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

Looks confused. "What....what about that thing with Tony? Won't he be upset if you don't do it?"

"Don't worry about it dear. They've got enough men, they don't need me. What's he going to do anyway? Besides, this could be my big opportunity."

Joker kisses his wife and daughter.

"Ok baby. And I know you'll do wonderful."

Joker leaves the comedy club, charged and happy. His show was successful, with multiple big laughs throughout his set. Joker practically skipped on his walk back to his small apartment, a huge grin upon his face. However, his grin starts to shrink as he arrives at his apartment. He notices that the door has been kicked in.


Joker's lightly grinning face promptly transforms to a mix of disgust, sadness, and shock as he enters the apartment. Joker sees his wife and daughter lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His wife holding their daughter, both lifeless. Joker rushes to his wife side, tears pouring down his face.

Crying. ",no,no...NO!! WHY?!!"

A shadowed figure walks out of the corner. He's wearing a trench coat and hat, holding a pistol in his hand. The pistol pointed now at Joker.

Looks at the figure. "Tony?? How? could you do this to me?"

"I warned you! I told you not to take this lightly. That this was not a joke!! You cost us big money! Big money! Boss says, "examples must be made." And here we are. But, luckily for you, the boss has decided to give you another chance funnyman. Tonight we'll be dancing with the devil in the pale moon light. We're going to Ace Chemicals. Put this on."

Tony throws down a cape and red hood at Joker's feet.

As he holds the rod above Joker's head. "Ah. And that night you did dance with a devil. Who dipped you into a vat of mixed chemicals. And from those chemicals the new you emerged. You saw the murder of your wife and daughter and you began to find it funny. You saw the need to make everyone experience this "joke". You found a new passion, a new love. Madness. Yes. You shall weild the violet ring of passion and love. No one can match the love you have for madness."

Kanjor Ro picks up the violet ring and hands it to Joker.

"How convenient...sort of my color. And I like the word violet. Sounds like my favorite word...violin! What? What did you think I would say? Violence? Please...HAHAHA!!!!! The music's in my heart, HAHAHA!!"

"Cheetah! Step on up."

Cheetah walks to Kanjor Ro, as Joker stands to the side while putting on his new ring.

Holds the rod above Cheetah's head. "Now. Clear your mind."

"I can't believe I'm in this position again. An alien holding a rod above my head. I promised myself, never again. Just curious by the way, is there a brown ring? That. That would be weird. Like it's powered by the emotional domain of upset stomachs probably..."

Again the rod glows brightly, and Cheetah enters a similar trance to that of the Joker previously.

"Lets find your top trait, Cheetah."

Inside a dark cave, a couple make their way deeper into the cavern. They're wearing matching outfits and each is wearing a back pack. They help each other up over some of the more difficult terrain. The pair are archeologists in search of a treasure. Priscilla and Daniel Rich, a married field team, commissioned by a museum. They're searching a group of underground caverns in Africa looking for an artifact of the little known Gosmor tribe.

"We're so close honey. I can feel it. Wow, did you ever think, when we met in college that we would be here on the verge of an incredible discovery. We're going to get a lot of recognition and respect baby. All of  the work we've done. The research. We're on the verge of proving once and for all the Gosmer tribe. Our life's work will be validated."

"You were always so great at finding these things. I'm so glad to be here with you on this one Daniel."

The pair kiss, and as they kiss, Priscilla notices a large golden monkey statue atop a rock plateau. She breaks the kiss and rushes over to the artifact.

Lifts the gold statue with both hands. "Daniel! This is it! Ha,ha! I have it! I did it! The Gosmor tribe relic. I can cement their existence. Vindication. Wow, this thing is heavy! It must be worth so much. Hell, I'm rich! So happy."

Discouraged appearance. "Yes. We. WE, Priscilla. We've found it. And WE can introduce this to the archeology community. Who cares about its possible value. WE'RE here on behalf the museum."

Puts the artifact into her back pack. "Of course dear. Exactly. We, you're absolutely right. I just had a slip of the tongue. You know, this is a huge moment for us!"

They pair begins to traverse back to the cave's entrance.

"Uh huh! I do you admire. Your "slip of the tongues"! Now the fun part begins. And not just that! As we get this back to the museum. Analyze it. Theorize about the tribe; their...AHH!!"

Without any sign or warning, the ground abruptly trembles and breaks up. Daniel is able to grab onto Priscilla's hand. Priscilla is lying upon the stable ground, in one of her hands Daniel hangs on for life, dangling before the newly formed abyss. In Priscilla's other hand the back pack with the golden statue hangs above the abyss. Priscilla stares intently at the back pack, as Daniel looks at her with fear.

Slight smile. "So, with your husband's life quite literally in your hand; you had a choice. Your avarice for that treasure allowed you to drop poor Daniel to a dark death in a strange unknown land. But, at least you had the treasure. With your husband gone and treasure in hand, you were shocked to look up and see a cheetah in that cave with you. This cheetah, strangely enough, guided you to the cavern's exit. You became obsessed with it. You used your tranquilizer gun in great excess, killing the creature. Taking its fur for yourself. You were reborn.  And you never even would reveal the newly discovered artifact, the Gosmer tribe remains in great mystery to this day. No, you melted the statue down. Selling the gold and precious stones for a hefty sum. Bought a brand new Ferrari. An orange one. Indeed, the avarice light of the orange power ring will suit you perfectly."

Kanjor Ro picks the orange power ring out the briefcase, and drops it into Cheetah's open palm.

"Reliving that story again, I can't help but think about how damn much I much I miss... that Ferrari. Freaking Wonder Woman and her rodeo rope."

"Excellent!  Ok, Who's next?"
Inside the Watchtower interstellar vehicle named the "Javelin", Black Lightning pilots with Hawkman and Stargirl seated as passengers. The trio is on their way to meet Green Lantern Hal Jordan on Oa.

"Must be exciting for you Stargirl. Your first mission with the Second Shift. Plus, you get to work with the one great Hawkman." Winks.

"Yes. I was very excited to get the call from Cyborg."

"Hey Cawkman, you see that new Nicki Manaj video, for that terrible song "Anaconda". Terrible song, outstanding video. Whew. I watched it for the first time the other day, I swear, discharged enough electricity to power Metropolis for two days off the grid."

"Haha. I know what you mean. Saw it as well, don't think I'll ever lose my mace again."

"You guys see the new Taylor Swift one?"

Black Lightning and Hawkman look at Stargirl with slight bemusement and confusion.

"What? She's awesome. So, Hawkman, what's up with you and Hawkgirl? She is definitely one of my idols. Always been curious as to what happened between you two?"

"We met many. Many, years ago on Thanagar. I was a young police officer at the time. The boys at the precinct decided to have a little fun with me, you know, mess with the rookie. They sent me to the armory to retrieve K9P. Dog piss basically. I didn't know that at the time. But the women working the armory found it so damn funny. All but one. Shayra. She seem to almost, I want to say, feel sorry for me. She gave me her number there, and from there we started a torrid hot and cold love affair. It's cold now, as she seems to think she needs to try different things. But I'll be waiting. I truly do love that woman.

"Aww!! That is so sweet! I have a boy at school that I am majorly crushing on."

"Is his name Justin Beiber? Whatever you do, don't date anyone named Chris Brown."

"As if! Eww!"

"When I first came to Earth, I had the biggest crush on Cleopatra. Even dated her a little during one of the breakups with Hawkgirl. Ah, Cleopatra was like a sweet winter's morning."

"What, you mean she was frigid?"

"A little. But man, she knew how to handle a..." Looks at Stargirl. "Mace. She was quite the mace handler."

"Alright people. Strap in. We're approaching Oan airspace."

Dr. Psycho was now standing before Kanjor Ro, who held the Apokoliptan rod above the doctor's head.

"Just like others, Dr. Psycho. Relax."

Again the rod glows bright and Dr. Psycho enters a trance.

"Yes! Lets find your state, your guiding emotion."

Inside a small dilapidated shack of a home, Dr. Psycho adjusts a flower on the lapel of his diminutive black suit. He looks into a small mirror, adjusting and making sure his hair is perfect. Dr. Psycho's mom walks in, with joy painted upon her face.

"Son, I am so, so happy for you! I can't believe Diane actually asked you to the prom. Of course though, I always knew you were special."

"Mom...c'mon now. Don't embarrass me too much. Believe me, I know how lucky I am that Diane, a gorgeous woman asked me to the prom."

There is a car honk from outside their small shabby home. A limo sits in the street. Dr. Psycho's mom opens the door.

"Ohhh, wow, a limo!"

"Yeah mom, we're going as a big group. Me and Diane and three other couples."

"Ok. You be safe tonight dear. And have the time of your life sweetie."

"Bye mom."

Dr. Psycho kisses his mother as he jaunts down the sidewalk to the limo. The limo door opens and Dr. Psycho climbs inside.

"Hey there stud."

"I got you this."

Dr. Psycho pins a flower to Diane's dress. The limo takes off. After awhile, Dr. Psycho notices that they are getting nowhere near the school, but rather a wooded area.

"What's going on? Where are you taking me? This isn't right, NO!"

The window to the limo's driver slowly rolls down. The drivers are revealed to be football captain Claude and his girlfriend Misty.

"You honestly didn't think someone like Diane would go to prom with a freak such as you! The lollipop guild captain!"

The group breaks out into loud laughter. The limo stops near an isolated tree. The group get out and duck tape Dr. Psycho to the tree.


"Don't be a baby, I told you, you were going to have an unforgettable experience for prom. Don't worry. Someone will come get you tomorrow. Well you know....hopefully."

The group laughs once more as they re enter the limo and speed away, kicking up dirt into Dr. Psycho's face.

"Oh but you got vengeance on them. When your powers developed, those prom goers suffered mysterious deaths. But you'll forever remember the fear you suffered that night. And the way it instilled a newfound fear of women in general for you. They would always be out to get you. They must suffer. For this, the yellow light of fear is your ideal ring."

Kanjor Ro hands the yellow ring to Dr. Psycho, who retreats to stand in line with Cheetah and Joker.

"Bane! Step on up, my friend."

Bane walks over to Kanjor Ro and proceeds to go through the same process as those before him, rod shining, Bane enters the trance-like state.

"Not many rings left. Lets see which is best for you."

Bane is a young man and prisoner, contained inside an ancient jail known as the "Pit". In fact, Bane is serving out a sentence for his father. His father had attempted to assassinate the dictator in charge of their country. For the crimes of the father it was determined that his only child would also serve out a penalty. Raised in a dark confined prison, surrounded by men; killers, thieves, rapists, and unscrupulous individuals. The boy becomes fueled by rage and anger. Anger at his father. Anger toward the fellow inmates, who would raise him to be as unscrupulous as any man to walk amongst that prison. Anger for the abusive guards. Then one day the pregnant wife of a mercenary who crossed the dictator was interred to the prison. She gave birth quickly, a daughter, a daughter that would give Bane's life purpose. After seeing how the inmates treated the woman after she gave birth, Bane knew he had to protect her. As she grew into a teenager, Bane battled anyone who attempted to mess with the young woman. But the attacks began to become more frequent. Bane devised an escape plan for her, in return she promised to return and free him. Free her love. On the night of her escape, Bane would battle a seemingly impossible number of inmates. The inmates eventually beat down Bane, severely injuring him. Injuries that would require him to wear a mask that feeds him powerful anesthesia just to cope with the pain. The daughter would return with her father the mercenary. They liberated the prison, and found Bane in his new disfigured form.

Looking into Bane's eyes. "My beloved love. What have they done to you?"

"The cost to get you to freedom was great, yet worth it my love. Now we can be together."

Looks away and begins to tear up. "Darling, I've been reconnected with my father. He has found me an appropriate suitor. And....and I love him my dear. I am carrying his child, in fact. But will forever be my private guardian,  my protector."

"Oh yes, spurned love. Stolen love. Filled you with insurmountable levels of rage and anger. Anger that was still fueled by the hatred of your father, your life imprisoned, and the thing you were beaten into. A figure of constant pain and fury. The rage of the red power ring belongs to you."

Kanjor Ro grabs the red ring with his spindly fingers and drops it into Bane's palm. Bane then goes to stand beside the others who already have rings.

"Just one left. Come forward Black Manta."
In another Watchtower interstellar "Javelin" vehicle, the team of Atom, Zatanna, and Vibe are traveling to the planet Rann. Atom is piloting the ship. They are to meet up Superman and Rannian scientist Dewfarth. Dewfarth has something to report about the little regarded sector 1408.

"So Vibe, how do feel about working with the Second Shift? Dream come true?"

"It has been an honor, really man. I've dreamed about working with the Watchtower."

"Wow, that's some high praise. Atom always just dreamed about being a member of *NSYNC."

"Still better than dreaming about being Tom Cruise's wife."

"Why you little...that's low. Your just mad because their actually making an "Antman" film. Vibe, why did you become a hero?"

"Oh, well after Darkseid's first invasion, me and my brother were caught in this boom tube blast. I got these powers, but I lost my brother. For weeks, I was just so angry. Filled with rage. And I would see crimes committed right in front me. So I decided to use these powers for good."

"Well, here we are. Approaching Rann."

Back on the Watchtower, Cyborg monitors the teams arrival to their respective locations. Plastic Man enters the monitor room.

"How's it going Cy?"

"The teams are making excellent time. We should soon be finding out what the enemy is up to."

"Wicked. Wicked. Listen, could you remove the NSFW blocks? I heard there are a lot of great new nude celebrity photos out there."

Cyborg states at Plastic Man incredulously.

"Fine! I guess I'll go look for that magazine and hang out in my room."

"Doing what?"

Can only hear his voice as he walks away. "Whaddya think!!!??"

Black Manta approaches Kanjor Ro.

"Alas, there is only one ring left. The black ring of death."

Holds the rod above Black Manta's head.

"Perhaps the most fitting of all though. You even got great excitement over the deaths that occurred in the others profiles. Lets see..."

A young Black Manta is laying on the beach with a young beautiful woman. The night air is humid and a full moon reflects of the surface of the ocean.

"Lets go for a swim girl."


The two stand up and remove their clothes as they run toward the water. They laugh and splash each other jovially in the ocean. Black Manta indicates to the woman to come close to him. As she nears, Black Manta fiercely grabs her and holds her under the water as she frantically splashes. Soon her splashes fade to non existent. Her life less nude body floating in the dark waters. Black Manta rolls her body over, stares into her eyes and brushes her hair around her face. Black Manta throws his head back and inhales deeply.

"Yes. You have a fascination with death. This black ring of death will be very copasetic for you Black Manta."

"Excellent. Now you have the power to shape these planets into your own twisted images. Plus mining said planets for the resources required to truly power Warworld. Now, your planets."

Mongul turns on a device on a nearby table that projects a 3D image of five planets floating in space.

"This will be yours Joker. Joke Land. Cheetah, this one is yours. Cheetah Nation. Dr. Psycho, yours is over here. Psycho Power. Bane, this is yours. Bane's World. And finally, Black Manta, this one is yours. The Dark World. No wait! Don't want to get sued, lets call it The Graveyard. NOW! Put on your rings, go to your planets. Create your own worlds. We'll be sending the machines to help mine those resources we need."

"Do we get theme songs? Cause it seems like Bane's already got a great one. Bane's World, Bane's World! Party time, excellent. Do da dooo!"

The Turmoil team put their rings on in unison. They each transform, gaining new armour-like attire. Each unique and different to each member. They each power up and fly off toward their respective new planets.

"Rann knows what we're up to. They've reached out to Earth's Justice League. Plus Sinestro is going to run his mouth about the rings."

"Who cares? By the time they put it all together, we will have what we need. The league can deal with these rejects, as we conquer the cosmos. Bane's World, Bane's World! Party time! Excellent! Damn that Joker. That's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week."
Thanks for the read everyone!!! Greatly appreciated! And sorry about the long wait, had a lot of work related issues. And special thanks to @DCGuy for the art!!
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BenjiWest - 9/6/2014, 6:02 PM
Perhaps far to long, and not as many jokes. But I wanted to get the setup done and tell a little insight into the villains past. And yes, the plot is inspired by video games as each villain world will be different with sort of a cool boss battle. But I promise, the next will be a return to more of the old form. Thanks for the reads though.
alamborn19 - 9/6/2014, 6:57 PM
pretty good nice job!
NovaCorpsFan - 9/7/2014, 4:18 AM
There's no such thing as too long when it comes to storytelling, man. If you needed this much to tell a part of the story, that's just the way it is.
DCGuy - 9/7/2014, 9:21 AM
@BenjiWest this was great bro, thanks for the shout out! I love to help out man, I enjoyed the long read and the more serious for the sake of story telling, it is an acceptable change and I enjoyed it as it served the story very well. just [frick]ing epic man I loved it, you really have a nack for drawing people in, I literally imagined the armors each one of the turmoil team got. keep going bro, you're the best storyteller on this site hands down.
BenjiWest - 9/7/2014, 4:14 PM
@alamborn19 - thanks so much man, greatly appreciate the read

@NovaCorpsFan - you're absolutely right man. I'm kinda mad at myself for omitting somethings.

@Doopie - thanks man! I hope you liked this one,
as I kind of took a departure from the big jokes .style. Wantd to flesh out some characters. The next chapter should be more in line with the others
BenjiWest - 9/7/2014, 4:17 PM
@DCGuy - I wouldn't go that far, but thanks so much. I'm really happy you liled it. It was going to be longer as I wanted to contrast the villains emotion to the heroes, as in which hero would wear those ring best. That's why the part with Hawkman finding love story. But I was a little worried by a lack of jokes though. Again thanks so much!!!
DCGuy - 9/9/2014, 4:21 AM
no problem @BenjiWest
cipher - 9/9/2014, 8:34 AM

Nova's right, man. Write what you need to write, and don't worry about the length. It just is what it is, y'know?

I can't tell you how many times I've looked at a book pushing a 1000 pages, and thought "well, that's a bit long, innit?", but, no.. more often than not, when I actually finish the thing.. I find that every word was essential.

Every single one of 'em.

It just wouldn't have been the same if even a few hundred pages were cut. Like I said, it just is what it is.

Good work as usual, bud. Sorry I'm late.

cipher - 9/9/2014, 8:34 AM
Ha, I really like that touch, too..

"Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight". Very nice.
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