The Hatorade Cooler: The Green Hornet

The Hatorade Cooler: The Green Hornet

Mr. Hatorade dishes out the sauce on Seth Rogen's Green Hornet

Editorial Opinion
By AmericanAmerican - Aug 15, 2010 10:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Green Hornet

*Every week, we gather around the Hatorade Cooler to hear Mr. Hatorade’s thoughts on upcoming films. This week, Mr. Hatorade gives us five reasons why the Green Hornet will prove naysayers wrong….

1. World Class Writing Crew
Rogen was handed the keys to the Green Hornet during the summer of 2007, which was the peak of “Rogen-mania” after the critical and commercial success of Pineapple Express and Superbad. Rogen and longtime buddy Evan Goldberg wrote both films. Since then, Rogen’s star has faded after starring in lackluster films such as Observe And Report and Zach & Miri Make A Porno. However, Rogen or Goldberg did not write either of those films. Rogen and Goldberg’s strength is writing films centered around two friends, a la the “buddy cop” genre. What made Superbad and Pineapple Express such great movies (other than the perfect casting) was the relationship between the protagonists. I expect Rogen and Goldberg to apply that same magic to the Green Hornet and Kato.

2. Refreshing Freshness
From the initial look of the trailer, the Green Hornet promises to bring audiences a superhero film more in the vein of an action/adventure film than the traditional capes-and-tights epics. However, right off the bat, the Green Hornet can look to be a light-hearted spoof on the Batman: both Bruce Wayne and Britt Reid are billionaire playboys, both are inspired to fight crime by the death of their parent(s), and both have an impressive armory of gadgets at their disposal. Luckily, in the hands of director Michael Gondry, the Green Hornet has the potential to be anything but.

Gondry, if one remembers, is the Academy-award winning director of endearingly unique films such as Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and Be Kind, Rewind. Gondry is more than capable of taking this film and injecting it with an artistic feel no one will expect. For example, Gondry has publicly stated when filming fight scenes he will shoot Kato using fast-motion capture and the Green Hornet using slow-motion capture in order to emphasize the physical difference between the two men. It is little nuggets like these that will help separate the Green Hornet from other superhero films.

Another unique aspect of the Green Hornet is that this is the first superhero film since George Clooney’s god-awful Batman & Robin where a hero will have a sidekick. Rogen has revealed the relationship between Green Hornet, the hero, and Kato, the sidekick, will be explored. “The whole notion of these two guys going out and fighting crime together, and then only having one guy take credit for it in the papers and stuff, I think that makes for some good drama,” Rogen revealed at San Diego’s 2010 Comic-Con. “People scoff at the whole sidekick thing, but I think sidekicks can add a lot of new stuff to these characters.”

3. A-list Casting
Even I admit Rogen is wrong for the role of Britt Reid/Green Hornet. I would have loved to see Jesus Christ himself, Jim Caviezel, in this role; but other than Rogen (who is just too much of a nice guy to play a billionaire douche bag), the Green Hornet has stacked an impressive cast.

Bruce Lee made the role of Green Hornet’s valet Kato a household name in the 1960s. Jay Chou, a Taiwanese singer/writer/actor, will be making his American film debut as Kato. My first impressions of the film’s trailer indicate Chou, apparently a megaloid celebrity throughout Asia, will do just fine as the cool-minded ying to Rogen’s goofy yang.

Cameron Diaz will play Lenore Case. Traditionally, Case was simply Reid’s secretary; in the film, Case will be both love-interest and snoopy undercover reporter. Despite what you may think about Diaz, she brings celebrity star power to the film. Plus, Diaz is too old to carry a film on her own but as a complementary character she’ll do fine; but again, can you really believe Seth Rogen could pull off dating her? Me neither.

The Green Hornet never had a traditional arch-nemesis, just a mysterious mob figure known as Mr. X. Originally, Nicholas Cage was signed on to play the villain but was removed when Cage insisted Mr. X have a Jamaican accent (wtf?). High fives to the studio for having the balls to say no to an actor for once, especially as it allowed Mr. Christoph Waltz to play the re-written role of Benny Chudnofsky.
For Waltz to sign on to the Green Hornet indicates there really is something special about this film, especially as Waltz could have signed on to any other project after winning the Oscar. Rogen also has revealed the role of Chudnofsky will not be campy: “We wanted a scary bad guy. The comedy’s not supposed to be coming from the bad guy.”

Christoph Waltz attempts to kill to kill one bird with two bullets

Other actors include the always-dependable Tom Wilkinson as Rogen’s father; Edward James Olmos and David Harbour in unannounced roles, and the super hot Annaleigh Tipton as the character Anna Lee.

4. Cooler Than The Other Side Of The Pillow
This film is determined to be cool. The trailer focuses on the arsenal of gadgetry the Green Hornet has at his disposal, from gas guns to the rolling fortress that is the Black Beauty. Also, by creating a world where the Green Hornet, despite heroic intentions, is seen as a bad guy by both the underworld and law enforcement gives Green Hornet and Kato plenty of opportunities to blow things up with awesome weapons and some pretty sweet street cred. Plus, it’s 3D! We all know how much people like 3D!

5. What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
Seriously, even if this movie proves to be a flop, it cannot be worse than The Spirit or Ghostrider. The reported budget of The Green Hornet is $100 million dollars; I don’t think, even if the film is a hit, it will turn a profit on American soil but at the overseas box office I believe Jay Chou’s celebrity status will pull enough seats to make The Green Hornet a solid studio film.

The Green Hornet is doing everything: a unique director at the helm, Oscar winner for the villain, today’s brightest comedic star (for better or worse), major foreign celebrity in a headlining role…and of course, 3D.

I believe this film is going to be the surprise hit of 2011.
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thetrubatman14 - 8/16/2010, 12:43 AM
comicbookjerk - 8/16/2010, 1:01 AM

CorndogBurglar - 8/16/2010, 4:19 AM
I don't get it. No offense, because you're opinion is yours, and you're entitled to it. But this is like the complete opposite of your GL article. No one has a seen a preview for that, but you completely condemned it based on the people involved in it.

With this, you're praising the hell out of it, once again based on who's involved. Its just funny because there IS a trailer for this and it looks completely embarrassing.
iconstatic - 8/16/2010, 5:21 AM
Funny, I thought the trailer looked good. And I admire that Rogen actually got into shape for this role. If he wants it that bad, I'm willing to give it a shot.

That, and well, Jay Chou is one of the sexiest men alive.
Hawksblueyes - 8/16/2010, 5:24 AM
I'm not looking forward to this movie and I damn sure could have been.
marvel72 - 8/16/2010, 5:34 AM
this film looks shit,hope christoph waltz can save it from being a bucket of diarrhoea.
fatcity - 8/16/2010, 6:48 AM
I enjoy reading these comments which reinforce my opinion that no matter what is right, good or best for people is often irrelevant. Many people, young and old, will be against something with a total lack of objectivity. In the case of "The Green Hornet", there is a small group of individuals who are against the movie and there is nothing that can change that. It doesn't matter how good the movie really is, THEY DON'T CARE! They are against it because "its too funny", " "it's not funny enough", "Seth Rogen is in it and it should be George Clooney", or "no one can replace Bruce Lee! Why bother" etc. etc. We've heard the groans from this group before. On Batman with Michael Keaton they groaned - a smash hit, on Spiderman with Tobey Maguire they groaned - a smash, "Replace Jack Nicholson as the Joker!!!! What are you crazy! they groaned, - a smash. I could go on and on, but these groaners who claim, "I'm not going to waste my time going to see THAT movie!" will always be there. I feel sorry for them. Don't go see "The Green Hornet!!" I have a feeling it will do very well without you.
ManThing - 8/16/2010, 6:59 AM
mmmmm hatoraide. My favorite ;)
JohnnyKrypton - 8/16/2010, 7:39 AM
Seth Rogen and Jay Chou are hardly "A-list," and I personally wouldn't call Superbad or Pineapple Express "great" films, but maybe the stars will align. Doubtful, though, IMHO.
CorndogBurglar - 8/16/2010, 7:47 AM
@ fatcity

its pretty funny how you group people together like that. making blanket statements is idiotic. first of all, those other movies that you mentioned...i liked all of them. but by saying i think the preview for Green Hornet looks terrible, all of a sudden i'm grouped in with "haters"? how does that work exactly?

you need to start realizing that people are individuals and are going to like/dislike whatever they want.
flames809 - 8/16/2010, 7:49 AM
movie looks great. can't wait to see it.
KeithM - 8/16/2010, 8:53 AM
@tea: Be fair now - he didn't mention "mom's basement" once. ;)

Personally I'm open minded about it. I like Gondry's work and the writing team and cast so I'll definitely give it a chance. If it sucks, it sucks and so be it, but to condemn it at this stage is a touch premature.

@CB: The man does have a point - all those things he said do occur regularly, even if it is too general to apply to everyone. Just look at Leee. :)
CorndogBurglar - 8/16/2010, 10:19 AM
@ keith

HA! good point
SHHH - 8/16/2010, 11:15 AM
A list actor's not exactly....
TheAdvocate - 8/16/2010, 11:50 AM
I could be wrong, dead wrong...but for some reason those Hollywood makeover movies based on old television shows have a knack for driving away from the intended tone of television shows such as Starsky and Hutch or the Dukes of Hazard. (Have not seen the A-Team yet).. The tone of the show during the original airing is different from the new comical relief. Or maybe thats just me...

Some people would say its just keeping up with the times..but geez There were plenty of comedy shows in the 70s and 80s, or in this case the 60s that were either comedies, drama, or action which they could draw from and make entirely different movie about instead of changing an action show into a comedy or vice a versa. Its like making a movie about hmm lets say Archie Bunker or lets say Mash and then revamping it today by making it into some serious war story with barely if any comedy or gilligan island gets a "Cast away makeover"

They should do an Alf movie and make it dramatic and serious with a lack of comedy based off of the E.T paradigm. Or a Bonanza show with a Old Spice meets the Gong Show twist.

I have a question, maybe some of you might like to give your thoughts on it....

If you have a television show and you change the personalities of the characters, you change the tone of the television show, will it still the same show? You may have the name but is that what makes the show the show? What are you guys thoughts on that?
KeithM - 8/16/2010, 12:29 PM

1960s Batman show vs Nolan's Batman. Modern 'remake' wins.

Original Battlestar Galactica vs modern remake (they even changed Starbuck's gender...) Modern remake wins.

BBC's modern update of Sherlock Holmes vs pretty much any of the 'traditional' versions. Modern remake wins.

Modern A-Team version vs original. Modern remake wins hands down.

Handle it badly and it will be shit - Avengers remake (the John Steed version), Thunderbirds, Dukes of Hazzard, Starsky & Hutch and many more. Handle them well and it can be good, as illustrated above.

It all depends on how it's handled. Period. There's no 'rule' which says it can't be done, for sure.

PS. The original Green Hornet series would have been absolutely rubbish if not for Bruce Lee, and wasn't much cop anyway, so they don't have to go far to be better...
GLFanboy - 8/16/2010, 1:10 PM
Here's a quick remake analogy.
Someone invented the wheel.
People liked the wheel. It made a lot of people happy.
After a few years someone comes along and says "you guys remember the wheel? The wheel was awesome"! He says, "I bet I can make the wheel even better" and he figures out how to make a cart by using the wheel and improving upon the design. Fans of the wheel, who were once skeptical of anyone trying to improve on their beloved wheel, are impressed and in fact concede that yes, the cart is so much better than just the wheel!

Then someone comes along and says "f#$% the cart. I know how to make the wheel better" and he proceeds to take a wheel and shave the edges down to 90-degree angles, effectively taking a once great idea and turning into a useless slab of rock that doesn't go anywhere.

Point is, a remake can be great if you respect an existing design and simply build onto the concept. But if you're out to reinvent the wheel you're bound to fail.
(The ONLY exception is BSG which took a square wheel and rounded the edges).
kickass2193 - 8/16/2010, 1:47 PM
I think this movie will be terrific. Rogen and Goldberg are grade-A writers, i still watch Superbad and laugh my ass of every time. And plus its Gondry, he is an AMAZING director, and he wouldnt sign on to the film if he didnt like the script. This film has so many good attributes, that i dont even notice the faults.

Oh yeah, its got mothaf****** CHRISTOPH WALTZ in it!
kickass2193 - 8/16/2010, 1:50 PM
I think this movie will be terrific. Rogen and Goldberg are grade-A writers, i still watch Superbad and laugh my ass of every time. And plus its Gondry, he is an AMAZING director, and he wouldnt sign on to the film if he didnt like the script. This film has so many good attributes, that i dont even notice the faults.

Oh yeah, its got mothaf****** CHRISTOPH WALTZ in it!
Sunfire - 8/16/2010, 9:02 PM
This movie is going to be AWESOME!!! Can't wait. Regardless of the Asian dude who can't speak English. Seriously Seth? You can't find someone who is an Asian American to play the part? Come on Dude. Yeah I'm still disappointed by that.
UncleDrew - 8/16/2010, 9:52 PM
We'll see he is a funny guy and yes Superbad and Pineapple Express were funny but I still don't know if this will work. In my opinion Jensen Ackles would be perfect for the role.
Sunfire - 8/17/2010, 4:59 AM
This movie is going to be AWESOME!!! Can't wait. Regardless of the Asian dude who can't speak English. Seriously Seth? You can't find someone who is an Asian American to play the part? Come on Dude. Yeah I'm still disappointed by that.
KeithM - 8/17/2010, 6:25 AM
@AsianAvenger: Jensen Ackles? Wow. That came out of left field. Crushing much? :)
selinakyle - 8/17/2010, 11:13 AM
Ok. i saw the trailer for this when i went to go see Salt and i was impressed. I dunno if im so impressed that i would go watch it tho.
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