JUSTICE LEAGUE Actor Ray Fisher Still Wants That Apology From Warner Bros.' Walter Hamada

JUSTICE LEAGUE Actor Ray Fisher Still Wants That Apology From Warner Bros.' Walter Hamada

Actor Ray Fisher still hasn't received an apology from Walter Hamada or anyone else at Warner Bros. over the studio's handling of the recent investigation into the allegations made against Joss Whedon.

By MarkCassidy - Aug 17, 2021 09:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Justice League

After a few months of radio silence, Ray Fisher recently vowed never to let the situation with WarnerMedia "blow over," and the Zack Snyder's Justice League star once again made it very clear that his feelings on the matter have not changed during an appearance at MEGACON in Orlando, Florida.

During a Q&A, Fisher was asked about a potential return to the DCEU as Cyborg, and said that while he still loves the character and would be happy to reprise the role under the right circumstances, he still hasn't received an apology from Walter Hamada or any of the other higher-up at Warner Bros. over what Fisher deems to be a mishandling of the investigation into the claims of inappropriate on-set behaviour made against Joss Whedon and his "enablers."

You can check out the actor's response (via ComicBook.com) below.

"That's a complicated question. I think, ultimately, how people spend their money determines what happens and what does not happen in this business, and particularly in comic books and DC. For me, there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes. Obviously, I've not been shy about talking about all of the things that have occurred over the last year, the back and forth that I've had personally and publicly with Warner Bros. Pictures, Walter Hamada, and the rest of the crew over there. For me, I think it all starts with an apology coming from the Warner Bros. side of things. There's a lot of really gnarly stuff that has gone down, especially publicly. What Walter Hamada and Warner Bros. Pictures attempted to do, professionally and personally, during one of the most crucial years for Black people in the history of really humanity, is just unacceptable."

"So until such time an apology is issued, I definitely will not be supporting any Walter Hamada productions, period. And it's a tough thing because I'm a DC fan through and through. I love these characters, but sometimes you gotta give up what you love to do what’s right."

To be perfectly honest, we wouldn't be holding our breaths for that apology if we were Fisher. At this point, Warners are more likely to wait and hope that this entire situation is swept under the rug than admit to any more wrongdoing. The chances of Whedon working with the studio (or any other one, for that matter) are somewhere between slim and none, and Hamada and co. probably feel that should be the end of it.

Whatever side of the debate you happen to land on, there's no denying that Fisher is a man who sticks to his guns!

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PicolasCage - 8/17/2021, 9:13 AM
I don't want to see anymore goddamn articles about anything Justice League related. Let that movie die for [frick]'s sake, it's 4 years old.
SpideyQuad - 8/17/2021, 12:07 PM
@PicolasCage -
Yep, I totally agree. I wince every time I see one of these articles popping up. This guy needs to hire a new agent or listen to the one he has right now. In any event he's only digging himself a deeper hole. I get it, the second producer was rude and the jerk, I've not heard anyone deny that. Be the bigger man and just let it go.
dragon316 - 8/17/2021, 1:03 PM
@SpideyQuad - same with avengers end game , iron man movies , Thor hulk those movies still being talked about when possible infinty war as well spiderman
SpideyQuad - 8/17/2021, 4:33 PM
@dragon316 - yes, but those are not the ugly sore subject like this post hovers over.
bcom - 8/17/2021, 6:19 PM
@PicolasCage - Yep. We've had TWO versions of the movie released and both were terrible. It's time to move on.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:01 AM
@bcom - yeah no. only josstice league was terrible
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:02 AM
@PicolasCage - then don't click on them cause you're making sure they keep making more of the articles.
GhostDog - 8/17/2021, 9:15 AM
Walter Hamada:
Origame - 8/17/2021, 9:49 AM
@BlackBeltJones -
GhostDog - 8/17/2021, 10:07 AM
@Origame - LOL!
Origame - 8/17/2021, 10:20 AM
@BlackBeltJones - ray fisher needs to be reminded of the pecking order.
rkshuttleworth - 8/17/2021, 2:58 PM
@Origame - You need to be reminded that leaders can be brought down.
Origame - 8/17/2021, 5:55 PM
@rkshuttleworth - obviously you don't get the reference

RegularPoochie - 8/18/2021, 12:20 PM
@rkshuttleworth - 🤦‍♂️
TheClungerine - 8/17/2021, 9:15 AM
He deserves one...but he ain't gonna get it lol
ShimmyShimmyYA - 8/17/2021, 9:17 AM
Low move by Fisher bringing up the police brutality stuff from last year as a comp to his situation
Origame - 8/17/2021, 9:51 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - yeah. Apparently he thinks anything he's been complaining about all this time is in anyway comparable or relevant to people being strangled by police on the streets.
ShimmyShimmyYA - 8/17/2021, 9:59 AM
@Origame - the one time we agree. That whole situation with him was a little [frick]ed up but that’s nowhere close to what happened last summer . your role got cut because studio execs did stupid studio exec stuff, he wasn’t some victim of a great atrocity, did more damage to his career with that weird ass campaign than the movie did and I was one of the people who partially stood by him, I just hated how vague and unclear he was about anything . If it was that bad idgaf about any investigation I’m telling everyone what happened
Origame - 8/17/2021, 10:05 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - yeah and it's completely understandable from a business to do that without even thinking about race. He's easily the least known of the cast members playing the least known justice league member here, where we also have wonder woman, superman and batman. Personally I'm surprised they allowed his role to be as big as it was in the first place. But shortening it had nothing to do with race, and as a black man he should be ashamed for even hinting at this being comparable to something like George Floyd.
Battabing - 8/17/2021, 10:42 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA -
That's what he does: rides other people's coattails for his pettiness.
JonC - 8/17/2021, 11:19 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - "during one of the most crucial years for Black people in the history of really humanity"... except that whole slavery thing that happened.
SpideyQuad - 8/17/2021, 12:09 PM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - yeah, my mother would tell me I would be better served by going into the backyard and yelling at the moon
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:04 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - not really. last year generated the biggest conversation about racism and the treatment of black people in the us in years. wb decided instead of improving themselves. they'd rather lie and gaslight ray rather than take accountability for their actions.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:05 AM
@Origame - nope. nowhere did he say that.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:06 AM
@Battabing - nope. thats not what he did. stop lying.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:07 AM
@Origame - except what happened with ray was about race and he never once stated it was the same as the george floyd tragedy.
Origame - 8/18/2021, 3:28 AM
@firebreather117 - 1) quote from him right here, "what Walter Hamada and Warner Brothers pictures attempted to do, professionally and personally, during one of the most crucial years for black people in the history of humanity" now what made this such a crucial year for black people?

2) ray claimed it was about race. But anyone with half a brain can tell you what happened was done to simplify the plot and focus on the bigger stars/characters.
ShimmyShimmyYA - 8/18/2021, 3:34 AM
@firebreather117 - Ray’s situation was messy yes. But based what came out even though he refused to cooperate for the most part and just tweeted A>E for months was that Geoff Johns said some trash shit who isn’t there anymore, Hamada guilt was doing nothing and Ray got upset cause part got cut and because they asked him to say cyborgs catchphrase while Whedon was an asshole everyone. That’s not same or in the same boat. WB were dickheads not racist
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:52 AM
@Origame - 1) again show me where in that quote he compared it to george floyd.

2)except what you're claiming is false. it was always about race. you have a powerful white exec threatening the career of a young black actor all because he took his complaints about his mistreatments up the proper chain of command. there is no way any sane human being would look at that and not see its about race.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 3:59 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - he did co operate with them but he was working his hardest to protect the people who were testifying and to try to make sure the investigation was as fair as possible. geoff johns also threatened his career cause he took his complaints about whedon up the proper chain. they never made any of the other actors say their catchphrases and didn't put any ounce of the incredible pressure they put him through all while cutting his story reducing him to a side character instead of an important character just to prop up the white leads. and hamada tried to throw whedon under the bus to get ray to stop going after johns. his hands are not clean. so yeah wb are racists.
Origame - 8/18/2021, 4:02 AM
@firebreather117 - 1) I just did. Again, what happened this year that's so crucial to black history?

2) that doesn't make it about race dude. Yes, they are the races you're saying. But this exact story could still happen if everyone involved was the same race.

What happened is the executives didn't see any real issue (seriously whedon had no reason to listen to Ray in terms of creative input) and Ray continued to complain about it. Any reasonable person would be reminding said person they can go elsewhere for this role.
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 4:08 AM
@Origame - 1) you didn't. you repeated his quote which didn't compare his issue with george floyd.

2) no it wouldn't. they felt emboldened to act the way they did cause ray was a young unknown black actor.
this is not about creative input. this was mistreatmant by whedon and all of them trying to cover each other to hide the crappy things they did.
ShimmyShimmyYA - 8/18/2021, 4:16 AM
@firebreather117 - what other character has a catchphrase? There’s no Superman Wonder Woman flash aquaman or Batman catchphrase. Not mention gal gadot filed a claim herself that she was also mistreated. That’s the key they were mistreated not discriminated. And to your comment yes they took advantage because he’s unknown actor not because of unknown black actor movie philes outside of Broadway didn’t really know who he and audiences surely didn’t
firebreather117 - 8/18/2021, 4:24 AM
@ShimmyShimmyYA - there is certainly a catchphrase for superman, wonder woman and batman. cyborgs catchphrase wasn't part of the characters creation. it was added in the animated series. they were all mistreated but he also got discriminated against. theyre not mutually exclusive. none of them got the same amount of pressure he did. none of them got their complaints turned away. gal took her complaints up the chain and they immediately helped her out. ray makes the same complaint and does the same complaint, he gets his career threatened by johns. thats clearly racist.
Origame - 8/18/2021, 4:52 AM
@firebreather117 - 1) again, what about that year made it such a historic year for black people? You can't just ignore context.

2) correction. They felt emboldened to act the way they did because he was a young unknown actor. It being about race is a huge assumption on yours and rays part. And mistreatment? What mistreatment?
ShimmyShimmyYA - 8/18/2021, 6:18 AM
@firebreather117 - what are the catchphrases? Also Harley Quinn was added in a show and is now part of Batman lore that happens from time to time. I’m not even disagreeing that he was slighted but it wasn’t a racial basis for the slight it was just WB mismanagement and being idiots / assholes
Battabing - 8/18/2021, 10:20 AM
@firebreather117 -
It's exactly what he did. Stop lying.
RegularPoochie - 8/18/2021, 12:26 PM
@firebreather117 - just stop dude🤡
Mugens - 8/17/2021, 9:17 AM
Well at least he didn't initiate the conversation this time. Just was answering a question put to him. But yeah, an apology warranted or not will never be given. Never forget but time to move on.
regularmovieguy - 8/17/2021, 9:19 AM
Peace out ✌🏻
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