DC's Best Options for Comic Movie Blockbusters!

DC's Best Options for Comic Movie Blockbusters!

The battle for comic book movie supremacy continues. What will it take for DC to take the live-action lead over Marvel?

By multipurposeponi - Sep 20, 2009 03:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

I think we can all agree that DC has a hand over Marvel when it comes to animated movies; but Marvel has plans to step up their game in the animated arena. If DC doesn't take the initiative to start churning out quality feature films, who knows how long they will last? We know Green Lantern is in pre-production, Superman might not see his sequel/reboot for years to come and Chris Nolan probably receives thirteen calls a day asking the status of a Batman 3. It's time for DC to expand it's horizons; and maybe, if they wish to succeed, start listening to their fan base.

IGN's very own Jesse Shedeen gives us a fan's perspective on what DC Entertainment needs to put on their production palate:

Gotham Central


TV viewers love police and detective dramas. That much has been true for decades. DC has its own police procedural in the form of Gotham Central. Set in the eponymous town where Batman dwells, this series focuses on the ordinary men and woman of the GCPD as they attempt to deal with super-villains and all the worst Gotham has to offer. It offers a grittier, more realistic counterpoint to the already gritty adventure of Batman.

Given the love for all things detective, we can't imagine why WB hasn't jumped at the chance to get Gotham Central off the ground already. This would be significantly cheaper than a real Batman movie, yet the character would have enough presence to serve as a major draw for moviegoers. There's absolutely no reason why a Gotham Central movie couldn't draw in both Law & Order lovers and comic fans alike.

Justice Society

JSA Memorial Pictures, Images and Photos

Much fuss has been made about the possibility of a Justice League film over the past few years. Before WB decided to concentrate on individual superhero franchises as opposed to an ensemble movie, a JLA film was sounding like a real possibility. While we assume it'll still happen eventually, a good way to fill the interim may instead be to focus on the Justice Society.

The JSA is essentially the precursor to the JLA. The team is made up of many of DC's Golden Age heroes, such as Wildcat and the original Green Lantern and Flash. Joining them in the present are newer generations of heroes like Mister Terrific, Hourman, and Liberty Belle. The JSA series has a strong element of legacy and generational ties. By starting with some of DC's lesser-known but still great heroes, the seeds could be laid for JLA and the torch could be passed from one generation to the next.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Pictures, Images and Photos

This one is a no-brainer. Wonder Woman makes up one third of the DC Trinity alongside Batman and Superman. She's been around since the early '40s and remains the most iconic female hero in comics. And for a long time, we thought we were getting a new Wonder Woman movie. But after numerous false starts and the loss of would-be director Joss Whedon, WB seem to have abandoned plans for a Wonder Woman flick.

That won't do. Both Bats and Supes are well-established in Hollywood by now, and it appears that Green Lantern and Flash will be following within a few years. It's a crime against the fanboy community that Wonder Woman is being left in the dust. Yes, there are aspects of the mythology that don't easily translate to film, and yes, Wonder Woman's Amazon physique makes casting an actress a sticky proposition. But these challenges shouldn't stand in the way of a big-budget Wonder Woman movie. It's time the casual superhero fan had more than the old '70s TV series to judge the character by.


Neil Gailman's Sandman Pictures, Images and Photos

For decades now, many creators have been shattering the false notion that comics books aren't quality literature on the level of the finer novels and poetry of the world. Short of Watchmen, no single series has done more to elevate comics than Neil Gaiman's Sandman. This long series followed Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, in a fantastical tale that was both epic and Shakespearean in is execution.

Sandman is a difficult nugget to tackle, given its complex themes, wide focus, and beautiful, intricate imagery. So far, the closest WB has come to attempting an adaptation is a film version of Death: The High Cost of Living. But even that project seems locked in development hell now. The road may be difficult and the commitment large, but the thought of a film series featuring Morpheus, Death, and the entire Endless family is the stuff dreams are made of.

Superman vs. Brainiac

Superman and Brainiac Pictures, Images and Photos

The Superman films need to give their hero something to punch. Falling planes and giant islands don't cut it. After all these years, the Superman vs. Zod brawl in Superman II is still the highlight of the franchise in terms of combat. And out of all the villains that have yet to transition to the screen, we'd most like to see the cold, diabolical Brainiac make the jump.

Brainiac is a real double threat, as his intelligence is unrivaled in the universe and his physical strength puts him on par with Superman. Last year's "Brainiac" arc in Action Comics stands as one of the finest Superman/Brainiac meetings ever. The story's strong emotional pull and its cinematic action make it perfect for either a big screen adaptation or placement as the next DC animated DVD. Superman Doomsday kicked off the new lineup of DVDs, and Superman vs. Brainiac could take things to the next level.



Here's another potential adaptation we've heard many rumblings about over the years. Almost since it wrapped up in 2000, it seems like various Hollywood players have tried and failed to bring Garth Ennis' Preacher to film or television. It's not a simple prospect, to be sure. Preacher stars Jesse Custer, a preacher who gains the power of the angel/demon hybrid Genesis and embarks on a quest to make God answer for his crimes against humanity. The series is not politically correct in any sense, with plenty of graphic sex, violence, and downright weirdness.

Most recently, we heard that Ghost Rider and Daredevil director Mark Steven Johnston hoped to bring Preacher to HBO, adapting each issue of the comic into an hour-long episode. That sounded like a bad idea for a number of reasons. This may be one case where a series of movies would be better than an extended TV show. Preacher demands the sort of cinematic scope only a big-budget film can provide. The only question is whether the explicit subject matter can make the jump intact.

Identity Crisis

DC Identity Crisis 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Identity Crisis remains an indelible part of the DC Universe even five years after it hit the stands. This mini-series cast our favorite heroes in a less than shining light. Full of secret conspiracies and murder, Identity Crisis proved even great heroes can have a dark side. This mini-series was responsible for bringing many lapsed comic book readers back into the fold thanks to its mature handling and engrossing mystery.

So why not bring that story to film? In this case, an animated DVD is probably a better choice. Identity Crisis features too many characters that have yet to make their live-action debut. DVD fans are already familiar with the bulk of DC's major heroes, though, thanks to projects like New Frontier. Rags Morales' moody, detailed artwork provides a ready-made storyboard for an Identity Crisis feature. And with WB adapting so many classic storylines for their DVDs already, Identity Crisis certainly deserves fair consideration.

Y: The Last Man

Y: The last man Pictures, Images and Photos

Our final pick is one more DC series that seems to have flittered in and out of Hollywood a great deal in recent years. Y: The Last Man is the story of Yorick Brown and his pet monkey Ampersand. These two happen to be the sole survivors of a plague that wiped out every male on Earth. Yorick embarks on a long journey to reunite with his girlfriend Beth, but it goes without saying that he runs into a few complications along the way.

For a long while, it seemed that the entire Disturbia crew – including director D.J. Caruso and star Shia LaBeouf – intended to adapt Y as a series of films. However, LaBeouf's interest in the project seems to have waned, and now Y has joined many other DC properties in development hell. Our first inclination is to imagine Y as a longer TV series rather than movies, but as with Preacher, the scope of the story really demands the film medium. Hopefully, WB will be able to find a new crew and a new Hollywood hotshot to bring Yorrick's story to celluloid. Believe us when we say few comics deserve this treatment more.

Many thanks to Jesse at IGN for taking the time to create another fantastic article!

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tazmaniak - 9/20/2009, 3:46 AM
With DC, Wildstorm and Vertigo, they just have too many properties that need adapting that never will be adapted.

Wonder Woman
Green Arrow
Captain Marvel
Justice League
Teen Titans
Legion of Super-Heroes
Adam Strange
Doctor Fate
Justice Society
Suicide Squad
Swamp Thing
Doom Patrol
Books of Magic
The Authority
100 Bullets
Animal Man
Ex Machina
Tom Strong
Top 10
New Gods
The Golden Age
Challengers of the Unknown
The Question
Tylert80 - 9/20/2009, 4:53 AM
BTW some of those are already films and some are kids tv shows. But I get what your saying.
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 6:48 AM

JSA needs to be a movie done by the WATCHMEN CREW!!

Wheres the DC OUTER LIMITS?? Heh heh.

Different DC character every week will different tv cast???

RAGMAN etc etc.

Damn KENNY @ thats a lot! ANIMAL MAN would be amazing!

LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 7:22 AM
MUTLI @ Wheres SHAZAM and FLASH and DEATH and BATS 3 and SUICIDE SQUAD etc Lol??? ; D

Seriously though, with the last two movies DC is a head, they've done THE DARK KNIGHT and WATCHMEN, MARVELS done IRON MAN & HULK. Both Awesome, but both don't touch them two lol.

Again [frick] GOTHAM central lol, never be made when there's a BAT Franchise like that about, wheres The DC OUTER LIMITS dude, thats gold!! ; )

I just know their gonna [frick] up JSA in SMALLVILLE dammit, it needs to be a MOVIE!! : D

LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 8:58 AM
MULTI @ Bud, im not correcting you lol, i don't really agree with what JESSE is saying, plus they don't seem to know a lot about the DC properties.

I know you didn't write it man, i read the article lol. ; )

Its an interesting article though, ive heard about a GOTHAM series before, it would be cool if they do a sort of CSI type show, keep it as real as poss, in a comic book series! Man, glad WB never made that ROBIN prequel series years ago before he's ROBIN lol, it'll probably doomed all future projects! : D

Right don't know how long i can stay on, friggin' BROADBAND keeps cutting out on me argghhhhh! ; D

Man do you remember WB was gonna make a STARMAN series, now that would've been amazing!!

I think once WB is done on the POTTER franchise, DC Entertainment should do a BOOKS OF MAGIC movie!

Again, soz didn't mean to direct that at you dude, coz i was for the article! ; )

Hey cant wait to see that one your gonna do about MARVEL series!!
lc - 9/20/2009, 9:32 AM
@leee wtf are you doing man leave the man alone he knows what his doing he dont need you saying ****, oh lee bad move for f **king me off,
InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 9:42 AM
Out of these, the ones I most want to see are Superman vs. Brainiac, Identity Crisis, and Justice Society.

The next Superman movie must be Brainiac, since, as you said, he has unrivaled intelligence, and also immense power.

Not only that, but it could make for some emotion as well if Brainiac was the villain, since they could go the Krypton way, and that could mean Supes having to face his past.

It would make for one sweet climax if Superman had to stop Brainiac from infecting and destroying the whole city.
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 10:07 AM

[frick] BRAIN-DRAIN! ; D

I'd rather have DARKSEID than that NOOB!

P.S. by the way TYLER, they cant bring anything up about his past or origin or KRYPTON etc, thats [frick]ed your movie up! : D

JSA, Ive always thought that would be an Awesome movie!!! Never even heard anything on this before today? But great news!!! I doubt that will happen if their in SMALLVILLE somehow? I just know their gonna be as sad as JUSTICE lol! Hopefully im wrong an they wont [frick] 'em up lol, but i doubt it, its SMALLVILLE!

: D

Im really crossing my fingers JSA does get done though, get THE WATCHMEN crew on it, they know how to make that type of movie easy, check out the new NIGHT OWL 1 scene in the directors cut, friggin' Awesome!!

Indentity Crisis @ TYLER will never be done, only in animated form like the article says.

Cant wait for the animated JLA CRISIS though!

InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 10:18 AM
First, I never said they had to go the Krypton way with Brainiac. Read carefully next time. I said it COULD go the Krypton route, not that it would go that way.

Second, I also never said IC had to be in live action. An animated movie still counts as a movie.
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 11:29 AM
TYLER @ You meant Live Action lol, ive even seen ya picks for BRAINIAC! : D

Animated is for sisses!

TEA @ Lmao!!
JoshWilding - 9/20/2009, 11:34 AM
As much as Im enjoying all these great 'editorial' type articles, i really wish there was some actual news to talk about, lol!

Im not a huge DC fan but if they follow Marvel's example and start tying in Green Lantern to Superman, Superman to Batman...then the potential for greatness is unlimited! :)
InstigatorGIRL - 9/20/2009, 11:43 AM
I want a DC Vs. Marvel Animated Movie Damn it!!!!!!!!!
I would also like a Martian Manhunter movie, The Question, and The Blackest Night series as a film that shit would kick all ass.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 12:08 PM
You can't tell someone what they meant, because only they actually know. I never ever said a live action IC movie, I just said I'd like to see one about that story. That includes live action, animation, etc.

Animated is for sissies, huh? Then exactly why did you say you can't wait for the animated JLA Crisis?

And yes, Hugo Weaving is Brainiac. And a lot of people here think that it's a great idea.
PopeBadass - 9/20/2009, 12:08 PM
Preacher would make a perfect HBO series. Each issue reads like a film script. That is the treatment that the greatest of all comics deserves. A movie would only dilute the source material and diminish the epic scope of the tail.
Minotauro - 9/20/2009, 12:10 PM
DC hasn't nothing to worry about when it comes to options for Comic book movies!!! Marvel is the one that needs the best option cause lately they failed to produce good stories and movies!!!! XD
Fortress - 9/20/2009, 12:32 PM
MultiPurposePoni: very interesting article!

I am a DC Fan, but its time that DC/WB step up to the plate! And match Marvel, by pumping out some BIG DC Characters into film!

Such as: Superman Reboot! A Flash film, and a Wonder Woman film!
InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 12:37 PM
BigNick: I completely agree. They need to shift into high gear and get the Superman reboot running ASAP (that's the most important one IMO), and I would love to see a Flash movie. And give us either Supermax or a GA origin!
Phinehas - 9/20/2009, 12:50 PM
MultiPurposePoni: Great article! One of the best that I've read in awhile.

Flash and Wonder Woman are definitely priorities!
Imran - 9/20/2009, 1:24 PM
I agree completely Phinehas.. The Flash and Wonder Woman are definitely priorities..

Only then can a Justice League film be made..
AvengingAngel1022 - 9/20/2009, 1:35 PM
Joe6Pack74 - 9/20/2009, 1:55 PM
Why not do 52? One 90 minute movie every week for 52 weeks. Expensive, yes. Will it ever happen, no.
Misterfan - 9/20/2009, 1:55 PM
If there is gonna be a "Gotham Central" it better be a t.v series like Law and order, but not dull like Smallville.
Misterfan - 9/20/2009, 1:55 PM
If there is gonna be a "Gotham Central" it better be a t.v series like Law and order, but not dull like Smallville.
Fortress - 9/20/2009, 2:03 PM
InTylerWeTrust82: Supermax would be cool, good shout!

For me Superman is the biggest DC Character, with Batman a close second!

And For the olddest and greatest superhero, not to have a film coming out soon, that is worrying!

Superman Reboot with the rest of them to follow!
SHAZAM171 - 9/20/2009, 2:03 PM
GOTHAM CENTRAL should be like Fringe. Strange cases involving weird and very strange occurrences of criminal activity. Involving the birth of Gothams legendary villians. This would be before Batman, but some cases would be helped by a stranger that no one knows who it is. Batman will eventually come to pass in the 3rd or 4rth season, as The Bat...and when the series would come to an end, There would be sightings of The Batman. Like Bigfoot Sightings. Shazam!!!!
Phil - 9/20/2009, 2:40 PM
This was a fun article, but i liked it better when IGN did it a week ago...
Phinehas - 9/20/2009, 2:51 PM
Hush: I was disappointed in the execution of the WW animated feature. I read the book and it was far more interesting and explanatory of things that didn't make sense in the film (where her invisible jet came from, her interest in Steve Trevor who's shady character made him uninteresting and nonredeemable...), unless of course you're a fan that is familiar with these unknowns. It was rushed. No, I think something on a more epic scale that really develops her Amazonian life first including the epic 300-like battles, what cause the women to invert, her desires to see "man's world". The animated feature was less than 90 minutes and barely scratched the surface of these things.
HeyVanity - 9/20/2009, 3:06 PM
I agree with Misterfan. I think GC would do much better as a T.V. series than a feature film.
LEEE777 - 9/20/2009, 3:40 PM
It's coming @ TEA!! ; D

MULTI @ MARVEL's been saying they've got a MOON KNIGHT tv series for years an years an still nothing! It would be extremely cool, but i wont hold my breath with MARVEL lol.

That's why i like DC atleast they make the stuff an not just talk about it.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 3:48 PM
Gotham Central would actually make for a great tv show. I love that idea.
InTylerWeTrust - 9/20/2009, 3:53 PM
Man, I wish DC would make more tv shows, like with JL and Batman Beyond. I miss those shows :_(
YorickBrown355 - 9/20/2009, 4:13 PM
GUNSMITH - 9/20/2009, 4:16 PM
Phinehas - 9/20/2009, 4:17 PM
I'm glad Shia isn't Y. A little too much exposure for him. In fact, I wouldn't mind if he did more supporting roles.
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