New Disney Honcho Means More Franchises For Marvel?

New Disney Honcho Means More Franchises For Marvel?

With the news that Kevin Feige is among the top candidates to take over at Disney Studios, we'd like to take a look at what that could spell for Marvel Studios and their chances of acquiring and developing more franchises, namely "The Midnight Sons".

Editorial Opinion
By WeaponMental - Apr 26, 2012 05:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

With the news that Kevin Feige is currently among the top candidates to take over for the recently ousted Disney Studio honcho Rich Ross, I’d like to take a look at the various possibilities for Marvel studios that result from this shift at Disney. There are many, like Joss Weiden getting to take Feins spot as Feige becomes new Disney honcho, the success of Marvel movies compelling the Marvel aficionado like Feige to be more aggressive in purchasing Marvel franchises like Punisher, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, to ultimately collecting said franchises and delivering to Marvel Studios the possibility of another super-mega team up like say: “Night-Stalkers”, “Civil War”, etc.

Musical Chairs?

When comic book fanboys read the news that Disney Studios would be looking for a new chairman, imaginations ran amok through cyberspace. Who better than one of their own to sit at the right side of the Big Mouse than Kevin Feige? He’s been instrumental in some of the most successful films in Hollywood history (Spiderman, X-men, Iron-man, Avengers, etc). With him filling in the empty seat, will he use his rich connections and understanding that Hollywood is now tied more than ever to the comic book industry to reign in as many Marvel franchises as possible? Is there anything NOT possible by Disney when they put their Mouseketeer mind to it? Would the fact that him getting the post be that very acknowledgement by Disney? Could they find a way to corner the market on a genre while it’s still in it’s just in its first decade of silver screen dominance?

The second empty seat will then open up, and a fanboy like myself would love to see Joss Whedon take that mantle. If not for just the pure, simple hope that he can use whatever magic he seems to have instilled a balance in his own creations (Firefly/ Serenity, Buffy/Angel and Dr. Horrible) toward the Marvel Universe. If Feige leaves, there needs to be another person to be the protective custodian of the comic silver screen universe that is Marvel. Arad and Feige created a precedent for the silver screen developing multiple interconnected franchises that effectively mimics the original blueprint once found in newsstands across the country. Whedon already has overseen various other movies in the build up to the Avengers, and has managed to balance out a universe that seamlessly connects and compliments each other. Through his experience he’s managed to find that balance for supporting characters. He’s unified them ultimately through common tension and conflict. Not only is he considered a comic fan, but also a unique film maker that fits the mold of what Marvel’s looking for imagination, diversity and cohesion. Would he take a full-time job as an executive producer over being a hands artist in future film projects is another story.

Go Fish

The reason why so many fans are so excited is not just to see their fav film makers make the jump to more influential positions, but the results that they can potentially influence through their newfound roles. For one, a Kevin Feige empowered with the full might and trust of Disney can have the means to decide for himself to go full bore at getting back franchises that Marvel once licensed so liberally in the past. He can make the investment monetarily, or make some sort of trade with other studios to get franchises like Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Ghost Rider and make them a part of the Marvel Staple.

It’s not just the heroes that will be vital to bring back into the Marvel House of Ideas, but the villains themselves. Imagine now a Marvel cinematic universe with the likes of Dr. Doom. He doesn’t have to be tied to Fantastic Four, he’s Marvels greatest villain. The Kingpin is like the Jabba the Hut of the Marvel universe. His villainous mobster deeds were most antagonistic to all the street heroes and heroines namely Daredevil, Spiderman, Black Widow, Silver Sable and the Punisher. Then there’s Ghost Riders nemesis, Mephisto, who’s an arch-enemy to Dr. Strange, Thor, Dr. Doom, Fantastic Four as well as numerous others.

Would Feige be able to reel in the big fish like Spiderman or the X-men? Well, I’m sure Disney has tried their hardest to pry Spidey from Sony, or X-men from 20th Century, but to no avail. Would Feige be creative enough to find a way? Would he push that much harder than the last Studio honcho Rich Ross? Would he invest that much more time, understanding that Spiderman on numerous occasions broke box office records, and would be worth any investment, or that the X-men are the centerpiece of a universe unto themselves. It would take some serious bait for him to reel these in. But fans believe if there is anyone to head Disney Studios and make it happen, it would be Kevin Feige.

End Results

Let’s say the most unlikely happens. What if the planets align and all the pieces fall into place. What if Feige not only gets the job, but is successful at unifying the franchises under one umbrella. Imagine now if the Avengers movie is a total success (which it seems to be already), it’s plausible that it creates buzz about other possible Marvel franchise team ups. Now, I for one can see a great concept, which is far fetched even for fanboy standards, but humor me here. Let’s just dream because dreaming is fun. And that’s what it’s all about. Picture this:

Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch), Blade, Hannibal King, Moribus, Johnny Blaze and throw in Dr. Strange, all together for the Midnight Sons movie. This is the supernatural version of the Avengers- kicking ass and taking ghoulish names. Even if each of these characters on their own would make modest returns at the box office. Together, they can make for an extremely interesting movie, and I for one will reserve tickets to see that on the spot. Now imagine further, what if you see the return of Wesley Snipes, Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, (Whoever plays Dr. Strange in the upcoming movie), all recognizable faces uniting for the big screen, fighting some strange, great supernatural threat to the planet or dimension.

Also consider, Marvel: Civil War. What would you say to an Infinity Gauntlet where all the Marvel heroes face off against the dreaded might of Thanos the herald of death itself. The foundation has been laid with the appearance of the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor. Not every superhero needs to appear in such a movie, but if you have various Avengers, Fantastic Four and X-men, it’d make it pretty cool. What about a movie version of the Marvel comics event of 2012: Avengers vs Xmen. This would not only bring together two great teams that moviegoers worldwide are already familiar with, but would also provide Marvel comics with the opportunity to revisit the Phoenix saga and hopefully undo the damage to that epic clumsily caused by the X-men 3 film.

This my friends is what’s possible and if the potential for something like that is raised by this shift at Disney and Marvel, then I’m all for it. What say you? Do you think this is possible? Would the idea of a Midnight Sons or Civil War movie tantalize the fanboy in you? Even if you’re not a comic book fan, do you think this sounds enticing at all?

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DukeAcureds - 4/26/2012, 6:04 PM
Fiege getting the top spot would be like Elektra becoming The Hand's top assasin. He could lose himself.
AlSimmons - 4/26/2012, 6:28 PM
More like Daredevil becoming head of Hand... or Kingpin... Matt really doesn't learn does he?
Ashdm - 4/26/2012, 6:46 PM
I honestly don't think Marvel has been trying to get back the other characters... the contracts are all very solid and Feige himself said recently that they still own over 200 characters, they don't need to get the other ones back. Not just yet anyway.

I'd like to see them work on superheroes that haven't been done yet anyway, I can't wait to see how Phase 2 of the MCU shapes up :)
AUSSYACE - 4/26/2012, 7:14 PM
AUSSYACE - 4/26/2012, 7:31 PM
BigHec - 4/26/2012, 8:11 PM
It could he a blessing or a curse...he could take over and push for more marvel marvel /pixar collabos... now ill just be worried about who would take his place..please dont let it be Loeb...but i think after Avengers success...disney will concentrate on just expanding the avengers titles til Fox and Sony rights are that those [frick]in companies will bleed superhero movies dry and when there depleted give them back to Marvel
Pheezmatic - 4/26/2012, 10:56 PM
All i want is the FF to come back to marvel...xmen nd spidey can stay where they are..their universes are so saturated and convuluted as it is to mix them up in the whole avengers franchise..with FF u get DOOM and the SURFER.. how can u do a proper infinity gaunlet tale without surfer and warlock?...nuff said
EdgyOutsider - 4/27/2012, 5:38 AM
I still say that although Rise of the Midnight Sons was great in the comics. It just wouldn't work on the big screen.
CorndogBurglar - 4/27/2012, 7:26 AM
@ ghostriderfan

I don't see why not. Blade, Morbius, Ghost Rider, and a couple others. Maybe Dr. Strange. You don't need many more than that. The Darkhold Redeemers are cool, but not needed.

Anyway, establishing Strange is all that would be needed. Everyone already knows and loves Blade. Ghost Rider is a well known, even though his movies were garbage, and introduce Morbius. Hell, Marvel could even introduce him in a Blade movie.

Insert supernatural threat, like a proper Blackheart, and you have your movie. There's no reason it COULDN'T work.
WeaponMental - 4/28/2012, 5:45 AM
Marvel has been planning on doing a Morbius movie for the longest. It never came to fruition though. With all the supernatural vampire and wolf movies, with resident evil, underworld, etc etc doing so well, imagine the best of both worlds superheroes and ghouls and goblins etc, all mixed into one movie! It'd have a great chance of working. I think Marvel and Disney would love to get the franchises back because they would maximize the profits, control, and be able to distribute it the way they want. Just they have an agreement with these other studios. They can't just pull them. Those studios have been given the rights, they are legally entitled to them..
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