Stop complaining! Why fans should stop nit-picking CBMs

Stop complaining! Why fans should stop nit-picking CBMs

Weak looking Thor! Chris Evans! Deadpool looks like Baraka! We all take drastic changes to our beloved characters a little personal, here's some reasons why we shouldnt.

Editorial Opinion
By d3vine - Apr 04, 2010 08:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Other
Source: d3vine

When it comes to comic books and the characters most especially being translated to the silver screen, we as comic book fans really take changes personally. While some of these changes range anywhere from minor oversights to complete debacles (I’m looking at you Barakapool), we really need to stop taking these changes so personally. Now I know everyone wants to see their favorite comic characters portrayed 100% accurately on film, I’m guilty of it too but after all of this anti-Chris Evans talk I came up with this reasoning.

What is this crazy reasoning, you may be asking yourself? I have two words to sum it up, Alternate Reality.

The comic book world is FILLED to the brim with alternate realities and versions of our favorite heroes. Think I’m exaggerating? There are 67 different Captain America’s spanning the different marvel earths and different forms of media. Does anyone complain about these characters? To some people these alternate versions can become more beloved than the original! But we let it slide and most of all embrace these different characters because they’re acknowledged as alternate realities. So what makes Hollywood movies any different?

So far it seems that most of the more recent Marvel comic book movies, fans have been looking for either Earth-616 accuracy or a balanced mix of Earth-616 and Earth-1610, and some of these expectations have been met (Iron Man). While this is great and makes for a much more enjoyable film from a fan boy stand point, it isn’t really necessary because these characters aren’t in either of those continuities. Like it or not the characters we see on film are in their own different realities.

Believe me; I’m just as guilty of getting in a nerd rage over Hollywood studios and their portrayal of films. I’m still pretty peeved at how Mystique looked in the X-Men films, but we have to start looking at these films as what they are, Alternate Realities. Maybe this way, some of the more unbearable films will become a bit more enjoyable. I guess it all comes down to the fact that we should just be excited that these over the top characters are at least given the silver screen treatment.

Fellow CBM-ers please take care of yourselves, and each other.

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Scarface - 4/4/2010, 8:30 AM
I hear what your saying and agree for the most part.
But some go to far like barakapool this is not deadpool in any way shape or form. would have been better if they just made a new name with the new character it would of made the pill easier to swallow
d3vine - 4/4/2010, 8:38 AM
I agree and I think there also needs to be a proper balance between comic continuity and movie, to a point.

As stoked as I am for a solo Deadpool movie its als a little rediculous that they changed him so much in Wolverine that they now have to make a whole new movie to make him proper.
CorndogBurglar - 4/4/2010, 9:01 AM
@ devine

great article buddy! its a shame that more people don't come to the editorials section on this site, because a lot of people miss out on good articles that can spark very good conversations...believe me, i know, most of the articles i post are editorials. :)

but i think the "alternat reality" argument can only go so far. scarface summed it up pretty well. some of these movies make such drastic changes that the characters stop being the character all together. Deadpool being the number one example.

i don't nit-pick changes in CBM's, as long as they make sense and complement the story. i'll never complain about small costume changes and things like that. but there does come a time when things get changed WAY too much, and thats when i get irritated. X-Men gets a lot of heat, and undeservedly so. too many people complain about the costumes being leather. but is that really important?? (especially when there was a time in comics, when they DID all where similar looking leather costumes!)

The x-men movies did a pretty good job of making the characters feel like their comic counterparts. sure there were changes, but the x-men have been around for almost 50 years. you can't make a 2 hour movie, or 3 2 hour movies for that matter, and expect everything to happen just like the comics. if that were the case, we STILL would not have wolverine in an x-men movie yet. lol

look at iron man. its considered one of, if not THE best CBM to date. but it didn't follow the comics. i'm shocked that more people don't complain about the fact that in the comics, Stark was captured during Vietnam, and not the Gulf War. or how Obediah Stane wasn't his first villain. or the modifications with the Mandarin/Ten Rings organization.

i don't think i even need to point out all the things that were changed in Batman Begins and TDK. (the changes to the joker in particular) My point is, even the BEST CBM's make changes. the important thing should still be the tone and feel of the movies, and how well the actor portrays the characters.
CorndogBurglar - 4/4/2010, 9:14 AM
@ anil

"so they should try to dedicate a decent portion of loyalty to the comics, not fully, but majorly..."

my point exactly! changes are fine, but the movie should still have the same tone and feel of the comics. look at ghost rider. Ghost Rider comics are very dark, violent, and serious. the movie was a mockery, it was so kiddied up and dumbed down, that it didn't even feel like a Ghost Rider movie, even if he did LOOK exactly like he does in the comics...
LEEE777 - 4/4/2010, 9:31 AM
Yeah lets all hope for BORIGINS THE SEQUEL, us fans have a RIGHT to moan at [frick]ing HOLLYWOOD! ; P

antonio - 4/4/2010, 9:42 AM
Priest - 4/4/2010, 9:45 AM
All within the bounds of reason.

Tweaks to the costume to make the character more believable (imagine Hugh Jackman wearing brown and yellow spandex) or changing the origin story in order to update it to modern times and a wider audience is ok and it shouldn't be a big deal.

Making Batman have nipples in his costume or carry a bat-credit card or making Deadpool into a completely different character = Epic Fail = DO NOT WANT.

Also, I recommend keeping the criticism of the casting of a movie down until you see the movie. An actor could have a string of awful performances but suddenly surprise everyone with a good one.

Again I say, All within the bounds of reason.
sketchmasterskillz - 4/4/2010, 9:50 AM
I thought it was already established that hollywood cbms were alternate realities.

But X-men Origins Wolverine I just didnt go see because I felt it was stupid as a movie on its own. "But don't take my word for it!"
Scarface - 4/4/2010, 9:57 AM
Nobody complained about Iron Man and the Dark Knight because they are both well made movies,plot,script and casting everything was great despite any changes making the changes much easier to handle if they were even noticable to the general audience at all.
And then Borigins where do you start casting jackman and reynolds are great but they also let their beloved characters get butchered Deadpool the main one.
I,m all for change and evolution but you have to leave the core to the characters alone
Whargoul - 4/4/2010, 10:00 AM
something we agree on the one thng i never hear people complain about is whistler in blade give them a break they just want more than just us to watch these movies but i do agree deadpool looked pretty dumb and not intimidating at all
peterparker420 - 4/4/2010, 10:06 AM

I am one of those people who complain about COSTUMES
as much as STORY!..Sure the costume don't make the story any better..BUT..what happened to SECRET IDENTITIES? expecially in the X-MEN movies..Would it be so bad to have WOLVERINE wear his mask WHILE fighting?
and NOT wear it while he is out on the town or in the mansion. And don't even get me started about the
PLEATHER costumes! I know they used to wear leather during GRANT MORRISON's run on X-MEN, but that is not the point, I ask all of you this: if COSTUME aren't important, then you guys WON'T be MAD if DEADPOOL
doesn't wear his red and black costume in the upcoming movie..right? or what if he does NOT waer his MASK!?
that my friends is UNEXCEPTABLE! cause deadpool DOES wear a mask and COSTUME!..what.. you want a LEATHER costume for him to wear? and what if CAPTAIN AMERICA
doesn't have a SHEILD in the new movie..will you guys be happy about that?..NO.. COSTUMES are just as important as the story in my book and will always be...Sure there going to UPDATED the GREEN LANTERN costume..but he will STILL be wearing a GREEN and BLACK costume and I'm sure it won't be LEATHER! It will be some kind of form fitting materail as MOST costumes should be...and he better wear a MASK! My point is
costume are just as important as the story, sure make them look updated..but would THOR be THOR without
his HAMMER?, and would superman be superman without his CAPE..the answer is simple NO!
DeathWalker - 4/4/2010, 10:12 AM
i am sick and tired of all the whining on here lately, that is why I haven't been on as much as I use to. I understand the love for these characters, trust me my favorite guy is The Punisher ( I have 2 tattoos of the guy) but you dont see me complain about the movie or who played him every freakin post I put up. All I am saying is it takes out the fun this place use to be for me.
Priest - 4/4/2010, 10:16 AM
Peterparker420, all within the bounds of reason.

Personally, I think that it depends on the character.

Bear in mind that the movies are made for a wide audience and not just comic book geeks like us. I think it would be difficult to sell Wolverine as a badass to the audience if he is wearing a colorful tight-fitting costume with a mask that a Mexican wrestler would love.

On the other hand, a character that is iconic and "family-oriented" like Spider-Man can get away with that.

Denn1s - 4/4/2010, 10:23 AM
i ain't complaining. i am easily impressed and try to enjoy the movie as it is and not thinking what it could have been...
CorndogBurglar - 4/4/2010, 10:30 AM
@ peterparker

well, the x-men don't have secret identities. a lot of the x-men aren't very well known to the world in which they live, but for the most part, its no secret that Scott Summers is Cyclops, the leader of the x-men. or that Professor Xavier is a mutant and founded the school/x-men. secret identities aren't important to the x-men.

now characters like Spidey or Daredevil, yeah, its part of what makes their characters, they would definately need masks.

deadpool wears a mask to cover his disfigured face, so yeah, he needs a mask. i don't think anyone is saying that they should do away with costumes, but i'm not going to get pissed if Green Lantern wears a green and black leather costume, rather than spandex.

i don't agree that costumes are AS important as the tone, feel, and characterizations though. again, look at ghost rider, he looked exactly like he does in comics, and the movie is one of the worst CBM's ever made. if he looked a little different, but the story and tone were dead on, then it would have still been a good movie. Batman Begins and TDK. Batman's costume in those movies looks NOTHING like it does in the comics, yet they're considered some of the BEST CBM's. so, no, costumes authenticity is NOT as important as the story, tone, and characterizations. in my opinion of course.

also, you can't compare Cap's shield, or Thor's hammer to costume changes. they aren't part of their costumes. Thor would be nothing without Mjolnir. so of course it needs to be there...
StephenStrange - 4/4/2010, 10:31 AM

This is essentially saying that we should just shut up and be happy with whatever swill they put out because "it's an interpretation". Well sorry, Ror. If I don't like something about a movie that is my right to do so FOR ANY REASON.

I don't give shit how many different versions there are. I probably don't read any "alternate reality" comics except "What If" lol

But that doesn't matter at all. As usual your just trying to tell everybody that they should all be like you and look at things the same as you do and feel like you do about movies, because of course you believe your point of view is superior to everybody elses point of view. naturally your superior to everyone who disagrees with you. Naturally. Well I am sorry.... I guess us sodding low intellect little ants that you judge in your all important godly way are just too stupid for that.

I can judge a movie on any basis I see fit, and I couldn't possibly care less what you think about it.
peterparker420 - 4/4/2010, 10:33 AM
Priest- I understand what you are saying about wolverine
but wolverine without the just LOGAN.
They should just call the new movie
"Logan goes to Japan" instead of wolverine.
He could wear his X-FORCE (black and grey)
costume instead of the bright colors.

of course they can do it with spider man because
like I pointed out before..spider man
WITHOUT his costume or mask is just

CDB- REALLY? you wouldn't mind if GL costume is LEATHER!?

I see what you are saying about how some characters
like DD and SM need secret identities..but come on
in every X-MEN comic, cartoon animated movie..
MOVIES? I'm not saying he should wear it 24/7 but
look at Wolverine and the X men cartoon for an example
just ONE episode of that cartoon..are more accurate
than any x-men movie out out there..Is that right?
The movie should try to be as accurate as possable
Fine update the costume..but I say STILL HAVE ONE!
and if you wear a mask in comics..wear a mask in the
MOVIE!.. about thor's hammer..of course thor would
be nothing without his hammer that is my point.
That is apart of THOR, just like some characters
costumes and MASKS.

tazmaniak - 4/4/2010, 10:35 AM
As comic book fans, we tend to get annoyed when they drastically change things about a character when they are adapted to film.At first, people complained about Spider-Man having organic webbing.Yeah, it works for the comics, because it tends to become a plot device that they've used for 40 years.How many times has Peter ran out of fluid while fighting a villain?Well, that's really not necessary in a two hour film.How many times can you do that?Probably once.

Another point is the X-Men costumes.I think leather was just a practical choice.In your mind, the comic uniforms would look good, but a group of adults standing around in brightly colored spandex would probably look ridiculous.Wolverine's uniform has underwear on the outside, for God sakes.And it's yellow.

There is one thing that I've never heard fans complain about.The Blade movie.They completely changed that character for the movie.Other than Blade being black and a vampire hunter, there was little resemblance between the two characters.They moved his birth from London to Detroit.They changed his personality from a cocky braggart to the strong stoic character from the films.Hell, they gave him new powers!He was just a regular guy who was immune to vampire bites and they changed him into a vampire-human hybrid with powers.Now, was it because very little people knew anything about Blade to complain?Was it because the changes made the character better?Was it because Spider-Man TAS used that version of the character before the film came out, so that's what most people were expecting?

I think people will be okay with changes as long as they are necessary to the film, and not just something a filmmaker just personally wants to change.
StephenStrange - 4/4/2010, 10:37 AM
If some detail that happens to matter to me is left out, and I am unhappy about it, who the [frick] are to come along tell me I am "wrong" anyway?

huh. Internet mind cops. They come in all shapes and sizes
CorndogBurglar - 4/4/2010, 10:39 AM
@ kenny

awesome points about Blade!!!! also, in the comics, Blade's sword used to be a handle that emitted solar energy for the blade, so it was like the blade of his sword was concentrated sunlight. thats how he was able to kill Vamps with it. in the movie it was acid etched titanium. so, how should that be able to kill vamps unless he stabs them in the heart or decapitates them? yet, people still love it!

thats why i stand by the fact that changes are fine, as long as the movie itself is good! :)
marvel72 - 4/4/2010, 10:43 AM
i want my comic book movies to be excact to the source material that they are based on.
i want the x-men to be in their proper costumes,same as ironman,thor,captain america,fantastic four,spider-man,the watchmen,dareddevil,bullseye,the kingpin(to be white.)dr doom,the green goblin & the many more f*** ups they've done.
batman i forgive but i'm not a big fan of the body armour,i would prefer a more thinner costume & have him leap & dodge bullet fire.
deadpool i'm a bit worried for with fox making it i dread to think what thats gonna look like.
JoshWilding - 4/4/2010, 10:44 AM
Good article man but I'm not just going to accept any old crap thrown at me! I can accept changes because sometimes they're necessary and other times they actually improve on the comic books. However, the day I, or any other comic book fan, stops complaining about shitty movies like Fantastic Four and Elektra will be a sad one indeed.

Guys, check out my DAREDEVIL Fan Cast!!! Just click the link!!!
CorndogBurglar - 4/4/2010, 10:49 AM
@ anil

"by highlighting this and showing all origins, and making him the shiny posterboy, they took away from the true essence of what makes him wolverine...just my opinion"

yeah, but they did that to wolverine in comics before the movies came out. ever since wolvie's past has been known, he's declined as an interesting character. it wasn't just the movies, but the comics did it as well. he's just not the character he used to be, in either forms of media.
Ranger14 - 4/4/2010, 10:56 AM
I can somewhat agree with you, but there is a line that can be crossed. There very well may be 67 versions of Captain America, but I still think you will find them to be fairly consistent as far as the core character goes. If they were to have a black haired skinny Captain America, the Alternate Reality theory doesn't really hold up for me. I am for some concessions as long as the fundamental character and universe aren't overly screwed with.
SauronCorps - 4/4/2010, 11:00 AM
lovely article
Priest - 4/4/2010, 11:13 AM
Perhaps complaining is part of what makes us comic book geeks such special people.
comicguy - 4/4/2010, 11:19 AM
Am I disappointed with every comic movie I've seen so far, to a certain extent yes. X-Men wasn't a good interpretation of the 616, ulimate or combination of the two. The team wasn't the right team, the costumes were terrible and the movies all seemed to center around Wolverine instead of the X-Men. There were bright spots though- Xavier and Magneto were almost exact duplicates of the comics. Would I have rather seen Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel, and Beast (without the fur) as the orginal team from teh beginning? Yes Would I have rather they waited till the second to bring in charcters like Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Colossus, Mystique, and others? Yes. Would I have prefered the classic X-Men school uniforms (the yellow and blue ones for those that don't know)? Definatly. Can I accept the changes they've made in the movies? Yes. And I say that because there are many different realities ones in the comics themselves. This is the only reason I can accept Peter's first love being MJ in the movies, Galactus being a formless cloud, and even Barakapool, which I'd like to point out is not necessarily Deadpool he was known as Weapon XI in the movie and Wade Wilson was a different character completely, though it was implied that they were the same it is never actually confirmed by anyone, that I can recall. Been awhile since I've seen the movie so my memories a bit fuzzy.

Anyway, I agree that we shouldn't complain about our CBM's not being 100% accurate to the comics but if us comic purist don't speak up the studios will continue to give us crap like Barakapool, X-Men movies that aren't about the X-Men, jellybean eating Ghost Riders, or any number of other poorly done concepts based (loosly) on comics.
IronMarvel - 4/4/2010, 11:40 AM
Not sure about this alternate universe thing ur talking about but I agree that people are too harsh most of the time. It seems like theres only been two movies (TDK and IM) more or less that most CBM users have been happy with. Im a fanbboy so I recognize where things go wrong but fro the most part Im just happy to see my favorite heroes on screen rather than 100 percent faithful or not at all. But yea I wasnt happy with Barakapool either. More CBMs the Merrier!!!!!!!!!!
Colton - 4/4/2010, 11:41 AM
i think we've every right in the world to bitch/complain as much as we want. if it wasnt for us the fans, we wouldnt have ed norton more or less leaving it up to us (in a way) to decide whether he shud reprise his role as b banner/hulk. the complaining and giving out is totally acceptable and worth it when you here a guy like that, whos in it for the fans and passion for the genre, connect so well with us. guys keep complaining when its called for.
SHHH - 4/4/2010, 11:44 AM

Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon..Rorschach

But Baraka Aka Deadpool was awful...
InTylerWeTrust - 4/4/2010, 11:55 AM
I agree that it's annoying as hell to listen to the bitching and moaning around here lately. "But wah! My lame ass pick wasn't chosen, that ruins the whole movie for me now! Wah! Wah! This movie's going to be shit! If only they got my lame ass pick, it would have been great! But nope, now all hope's lost! Wah! Wah!" Just shut. The f*ck. Up.

But, I don't think we should have to compromise our standards in order to accept everything that's thrown at us. We shouldn't have to accept shit like Catwoman, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, etc. What gets to me is the endless bitching and whining about crap that isn't in our control and that hasn't come out yet, mainly casting. How many times have fans been wrong about actors in certain roles? Yeah, there's a limit, as in a wrestler or a bodybuilder, but the way people just give up and refuse to give actors a chance just pisses me off. This whole Evans debacle is yet another example. If it was up to fans, we would have gotten Crispin Glover as Joker instead of Heath. Sure, he would have done a pretty good job, but nowhere near as good as Heath.

My point is, stop your bitching about something that hasn't come out yet. And stop complaining that a little detail here and there was left out, or the character's costume isn't taken directly off the page of the comics. Simple as that.

But, if a movie is shit after it comes out, by all means, express your opinion, but nitpicking details and whining about casting choices before you've seen the actual film is bullshit IMO.
Simonsonrules - 4/4/2010, 11:57 AM
@Darth: who posted this editorial? I don't understand why your comments are directed to Ror.
80sFace - 4/4/2010, 12:16 PM
I like what Joe Quesada had to say about this: the Marvel Movies are being made by Marvel guys, not studio execs, who are (mostly) paranoid morons.

IM and TIH are terrific films. It's hard to argue with the look & feel, tone of the films, how faithful they are and the deviations they made from the source material. There's always something they could do better, but on whole, the films rocked.

Even if Cap or Thor or the Avengers don't get it completely right, it's not for a lack of trying - these guys WANT to make the best superhero films.

And now that Warners has created DC Entertainment and has a good creative group in charge, they're in a good position to make rocking movies as well.

The REAL problem is films made outside of Marvel & DC Entertainment. Fox & Sony are short sighted & don't understand what they've got. For example, the Fantastic Four has some of the best stories out there and to royally screw the pooch on those films is, for us fans especially, incredibly unfortunate.

The anger should be directed at Fox, Sony, and any studio that makes a superhero film and doesn't understand the characters and/or the genre.

Scarface - 4/4/2010, 12:28 PM
@ Teabag LOL
KeithM - 4/4/2010, 12:32 PM
I agree that complaining about things like minor (or even major) changes to a character's costume or their looks or physique not being a carbon copy of how it is in the comics is often just nitpicking, but complaining about completely bastardising what makes a character popular in the first place is absolutely justified.

Having said that, some costumes are almost so iconic that you just can't change them significantly - Spider-Man and Superman being the two main examples. The likes of the X-Men, however, who have had radical changes of costume throughout their history, are absolutely fair game. So is almost everyone else (there's an article to be written - which costumes can NEVER be significantly changed and which ones can be for live-action and to what degree).

More important than costumes or look however, is the character or personality of the character. You can change Punisher's costume (doesn't matter how good his movies could have been, if he'd worn white boots and gloves it would have been an Epic Fail regardless), but you just can't change WHO he is. This was my problem with Superman in Superman Returns - that was a weak, shallow, self-centred mockery of who Superman 'really' is - a strong, moral, responsible Man of Steel, who could be looked up to by anyone. I wouldn't have had a problem with his look (which I did hate), if he'd have behaved like Superman, but he didn't. And the story was also crap... therefore, Epic Fail. TDK worked because, as much as they changed things around, it was still recognisably Batman. Deadpool was the absolute worst example of this utter bastardisation of a character to the point where it was simply unrecognisable as Deadpool. As someone else said, why not just invent a new character if you're going to change them to the point where they're not them any more? Oh, right - then you don't get to market the film as having Deadpool in it - even if he isn't, really.

Most important of all, as we've seen with examples like Ghost Rider (where the look, if nothing else, was absolutely spot on), or the FF (again, looks-wise, pretty accurate - although I personally think they should have gone with a CGI enhanced Thing), if you don't tell a good story, you're [frick]ed. And it is, in that case, absolutely right and proper that we should moan about them. If it looks, smells and tastes like shit, then it's probably shit.

We may be hard to please, but if you really make an effort and show that you actually understand why these characters and their stories are so loved and have been popular with generations of readers, then we're quite happy to show some leeway - again see TDK, IM, TIH, Blade, even Spidey 1 & 2. The trick for Hollywood is to get people on board who both understand the characters AND who can make a damn good film. That's not easy, for sure, but now that comics, artists and writers are only really now getting respect from the movie world - and that companies like Marvel can actually control the movies made about their characters - that balance is starting to shift.

For all the bitching about the Captain America film so far, you can bet that come opening day, if it's a great story and the character is recognisably Cap/Steve (regardless of any minor costume changes), then all this whining will be forgotten. If the story sucks, however, and the character acts, well, out of character at any point... then watch the backlash.

This is as it should be. Hysteria is bad, no argument, but justifiably bitching when things are crap only leads to better films for everyone, comic-fans and general movie-goer alike. Would we have had Batman Begins if we'd just accepted Batman & Robin (which did ok at the box office, let's not forget) as an 'alernative' take? No. Bitching works, when justified.
d3vine - 4/4/2010, 12:35 PM
A lot of good points brought up. A lot I wanted to address but didn't want to sound long winded.

Basically the biggest problem I have is when 1) people complain about casting choices before a movie comes out 2) small details "ruining" the movie for them 3) changes to a characters origins to translate it better to film

However there are some things that just can't be forgiven no matter how positive I'm trying to be lol bat-nipples, barakapool...well thats really about all, I generally like all comic book movies that I've seen.

Another major part of CBMs that really kind of sucks is somethings we just cant have our way because they're also making these movies so that "normal" movie goers will also want to see it.

That's sometimes why a lot of changes are made because apparently Hollywood thinks that average movie goers wont be able to comprehend fantasy. Yeah...because you know Star Wars flops everytime its in theaters...
MKGOD - 4/4/2010, 12:53 PM
Okay I want to settle This whole Barakapool thing and you may disagree with me, so what. I think That that wasn't the deadpool we all knew and loved obviously, because he didn't become deadpool yet, still confused, hold with me here, if you remember in the comics he was experimented on then he became deadpool, so to me the film version was just an alternate way of him getting horribly disfigured and messed up, leading to the spin off film, where now he has a bunch of surgical scars, etc. So in the end he still gets messed up like the comics, different interpretation, still is a smart ass, and kills without a second thought, and broke the fourth wall, The was I see the deadpool film, would have him cutting the Blades out of his arm, and cussing out Stryker, on causing his ugliness, and by the way if you listned in the film the whole ademantium process for him was never completed, and the cyclops thing could only be controlled by stryker, so we would not see that in the spin-off, nuff said, happy Easter!!!
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