Ultimate Bad Ass Challenge

Ultimate Bad Ass Challenge

Hey guys with the release of The Wolverine tomorrow, I had an idea for what I'm hoping to be a fun article! Enter to find out if he really is the best there is at what he does!

Feature Opinion
By WYLEEJAY - Jul 25, 2013 05:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

So with the release of The Wolverine I figured it would be a great time to try something fun with the character. If this does well I would like to continue doing articles like this in the future. I would like you all to play a little game with me and Wolverine.

First lets get a little more comfortable with the character. Some of you may be experts, but remember, some are not. So be patient if you will so I can lay down some info. In the comics, Wolverine is known as being one of Marvels best fighters. Unfortunately the writers usually use the character as the whipping boy for the villains to show their power. Now the fans that know the character really well, know him to be more than just a whipping boy. Hes over a hundred years old, possibly closer to two hundred. Hes been fighting in wars his entire life. Thats a lot of experience. He was a trained Samurai, and hes trained in several other Martial Arts as well. According to Marvel, hes one of their best fighters all together. His biggest advantage in combat is his Mutant Power, his healing factor. Its the reason hes so old. It also causes him to heal remarkably fast from even the deadliest of wounds. Possibly the only thing that could really kill him would be to remove his head. Thats a little hard to do when you have a skeleton thats coated in the unbreakable metal called Adamantium.

The metal was fused to his skeleton by the Weapon X program, and it also covers another one of his mutations. His claws. Wolverine has three foot long claws that extend from his knuckles on each hand. So even though hes only 5'3", he has considerable reach in combat. The skeleton also adds over a hundred pounds to his weight, and his healing factor compensates for this. It makes him stronger. He also has enhanced senses, sight, hearing, smell. You get the point. Wolverine is also known for his temper. When he gets mad, he loses it. Really. They call him a Berserker.

I will get into more detail further into the article, and let you know what this guy is really capable of. Lets get to the fun part. The little game I wanted you guys to play.

First, let me lay down the rules. Not many, I dont even care if you stay on topic in my articles. I'm not one for deleting comments. What I'm gonna do is lay out Wolverines fighting abilities for you all to see. Then I want you guys to bring someone, anyone, from ANY COMPANY! If your a Spawn expert, bring it. Hellboy, lets see what ya got! Lets just, try to have fun with it. If you could though, present an argument that really points out why your champion can beat Wolverine in an all out brawl. I'm not looking for, "Batman wins cause hes Batman", or,"Hulk would just through him off the planet. Thats BORING! No, do it a little more like this......

Multiple martial artist
Claws that can cut through almost anything
Unbreakable skeleton
Enhanced senses
Extensive military training
His strength level is at the most just under the two ton limit, yes, hes stronger than most people think
Superhuman stamina
Enhanced agility, even with the extra weight
And his reflexes are on par with Captain America

Now I'm not expecting anyone to lay it out like that, but please use examples to really get your point across. Whoever gives me the best debate, or whichever character gets picked the most by majority, I would love to do another article depicting an actual battle played out by the two characters. I'm gonna be paying close attention through the weekend. Lets have some fun! BRING IT, BUB!

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WYLEEJAY - 7/25/2013, 5:52 PM
And sorry about the pics. This is the first time I have ever embed a pic in anything, ever.
Dumegg - 7/25/2013, 7:09 PM
THOR... He would destroy wolverine.
Hes much stronger.
Much faster.
Much more fighting experience
And a continuous bolt of his lightning
Would melt off his skin. It would certainly
Liquify the adamantium and it would melt
Right off his bones and lastly his skeloton
Would turn to ash.
Good bye Wolverine.

However wolverine did cut off thors arm in
THOR the Reigning.
Dumegg - 7/25/2013, 7:11 PM
And dont say lightning wouldnt melt adamantium.
The doctors had to liquify to apply it to his bones
To begin with.
Dumegg - 7/25/2013, 7:18 PM
Lightning can reach a temp of 54,000 degrees.
Thats 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.
WYLEEJAY - 7/25/2013, 7:38 PM
@Dumegg. True, he is older. Dude fought with Vikings. Like you said though, he doesn't have much defense from getting cut up. Could he incinerate adamantium before Wolverine got up close? The real question in this bout, is, can his claws cut through Uru? Cause hand to hand, Wolverines got an advantage. He can take serious blows to his noggin. He fought the Hulk several times.
Dumegg - 7/25/2013, 7:51 PM
Is flight a good defence for wolverine getting to close?
Can the claws cut Uru, Good question, I dont know.
Also a slash from those claws WOULD take a limb off.
I admit trying to beat wolverine to a pulp wouldnt work.
I figure intense heat or magnatism is the best way to
Remove the adamantium from his bones and thats
What you got to target if you wanna take out
Mr. Howlett.
WYLEEJAY - 7/25/2013, 8:19 PM
Yes but then if we say Thor just flies over him and melts him, we get into that boring area I want to avoid. I know there are characters that could just destroy him without any effort, but what's the fun in that? Will have to look at Thor more closely and see what other people have to say.
WYLEEJAY - 7/25/2013, 9:38 PM
Wolverine wouldn't kill Spider man. He likes him. Lol. Spider man would hit him a couple hundred times and get bored.
WYLEEJAY - 7/25/2013, 10:01 PM
And I like the Ryu one. Give me some more like that! That would be interesting. I don't know that much about him, so HOW would he beat Wolverine?
VesperTheVanquisher - 7/25/2013, 11:02 PM
I choose Drax The Destroyer as my champion:

1:He was created to kill something way stronger than Wolverine (Thanos)

2:He has the ability to produce cosmic energy blasts from his palms which could stun Wolverine at least

3:His ability to fly helps him in battle

4:He has a love for knives which when backed up with his super strength is deadly to anybody

So In Conclusion i believe Wolverine would have a hard time with Drax
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 3:44 AM
@skeeman. I really believe the Hulk fight would be inconclusive. They would both go on forever.

Spider mans afraid of Wolverine. And Wolverine likes Spider man. So this probably wouldn't be very exciting.

Ryu isn't superhuman as far as I know. So the fight would play out similar to his fight with Cyclops in Schism. Except Wolverine doesn't know Ryu. What would stop him from killing Ryu?
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 3:45 AM
Drax is a great one! But what if Wolverine gets up close? What's to stop him from losing his head?
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 3:47 AM
@jollem. What era Rogue? This important since her powers are always changing. Vesper is obviously going with old school Drax, so do you mean Rogue in the nineties? Or more modern?
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 7:20 AM
You see I'm looking for an argument, that's not so simple. To say Thor could just fly over him and incinerate him, or Superman would just throw him across the country, I can still say what if Logan got the first hit in? Thor can get his head cut off. So I can still debate the fight. Come on guys! Get some more interesting characters in here!
Dumegg - 7/26/2013, 10:26 AM
Wyleejay- did a little research on uru/ adamantium question. Found out
Mjolnir was forged in the heart of a star. So only something that can
Generate that much heat will make uru metal soft enough to hammer,
since lightning burns at 54,000 degree and is channeled throught
That hammer without melting it, i would say it is a harder metal
Than adamantium. The weapon x program didnt need to heat
Adamantium to the temerature of the sun to liquify it, making it
The softer of the two metals. That means Thor would be able to block
Logans claws with his hammer.
Also his claws are sharp as can be and mostly unbreakable, that i
Admit. I sure that they can cut through any matrial softer than
Adamantium. However, Wolverine can only generate as much
Force as his physical body will alow. So if he physicaly cant
Generate enough pounds per square inch, those claws wont
Cut through the matrial. In x- men origins when he escapes
And cuts a triangular hole in 12in thick steel, Thats bullshit!
It would take some kind of hydrolic press to push those
Claws through the steel.
So, Thor ultimatly would win. He can block the claws, he's
Much faster, much stronger, he can fly. He can through that
Hammer into logan so hard, it would embed wolverine into
The ground. Then hit him with the lightning til he is ash.
Dumegg - 7/26/2013, 10:47 AM
I will toss a few other dudes into the ring.
Silver Surfer - power cosmic
Magnito - magnatism
Dr. Strange - magic
Johnny Storm - intense heat
Professor X - mind control
Beta Ray Bill - thor-ish powers
Odin - odinforce
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 11:08 AM
Ok. So with Thors God blast, we know that he could incinerate everything off Wolverines bones. We have seen it happen to Wolverine in The days of Future past comic when the Sentinel blasted him and killed him.

Thor has died before too. From less damage than Wolverine would inflict.

We will have to look at Thors personality too. I brought up Wolverines temper in the article. Thor is well known for being a brawler. He ALWAYS uses his God Blast as a last resort. It takes a lot out of him. He has a huge ego, thinks he is the best, and likes to get up close and personal.

Thor wins in strength. Speed. Energy projection.
Wolverine wins in durability. Fighting skills. And agility.
Both of their weapons are very effective.
Thor does have more experience, but Wolverine is better trained.
Thor takes the stand toe to toe and slug it out approach usually.
That's not a good thing to do with someone who can cut your arms off then beat you with them. So far, you present the best debate. Will have to wait and see if someone can top you.
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 11:31 AM
And I know I said there weren't really any rules, but naming off every character you can think of doesn't count. Lol
Dumegg - 7/26/2013, 11:32 AM
Im not sure you can give wolverine better fighting skills
And training. thor is at least a few thousand years old.
He was trained by the best in Asguard. Which is been
Around technologicly longer than Midguard. Martial
Arts are more advance there. thor has been in a few
Thousand battles.
Wolverine is probably more agile, but over all he slower
Reflexes than Thor.
Yes, Thor has died in the comics, but that was from
The Midguard surpent ( both versions, the god and
The snake). Thats worse than wolverine claws.
He died destroying the great loom that cycles the
Ages of ragnarok. Thats some serious deaths.
Dumegg - 7/26/2013, 11:33 AM
Hahahaha. Yeah, i was just tossing names out that might pop up.
I dont plan on debating all those.
Dumegg - 7/26/2013, 11:35 AM
You should read Thor: the Reigning. Wolverine
Cuts off Thors arm. Thats probably why in marvel
Now, future thor has only one arm and he wears
The destroyer arm.
VesperTheVanquisher - 7/26/2013, 2:02 PM
@WYLEEJAY: I believe in a close combat fight Drax would still be able to hold his own giving how much stronger than Wolverine he is. Plus he was created to fight Thanos which is stronger than Wolverine
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 7:33 PM
@Vesper. Yeah. Drax ripped Thanos heart out. That won't work on Wolverine. What happens up close and personal? Last I checked, Drax can't grow his hands back. And you were talking Drax with energy blasts, that was his previous incarnation. The new Drax has knives and no energy manipulation. So the version you broight up, would die. Wolverine doesn't know him well, so therefore Wolverine won't hold back.
VesperTheVanquisher - 7/26/2013, 9:24 PM
In that case if were talking in current times then Drax would be dead lol
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 9:44 PM
No. You name the character. Whoever, whenever, whatever company. I don't care if its Barney. Or He man. You get to pick what versions or era. I assumed since you were talking about energy blasts, you meant old school Drax. Thor has his hammer. That version of Drax doesn't have an advantage that Wolverine or Thor have.
ScottMontgomery - 7/26/2013, 10:47 PM
-Super Strength and durability
-The Necroplasm that makes up his body increases his speed, stamina and healing abilities
-Weighs over 400lbs.
-Is extremely agile
-Has a bunch of powers like teleportation, energy blasts, resurrection, phasing, shapeshifting
-His magic is limited though on a meter that started at 9,999 and is drained each time he uses his powers when it runs out he is dead
-He wears a symbiotic costume that is alive, and he can control it
-He also has extensive military knowledge and training
-Is also an expert with firearms
WYLEEJAY - 7/26/2013, 11:17 PM
@Moviemaster. Aha! Here we go. This will be interesting. Questions.
How strong is he exactly?
How durable is the metal constructs he can make?
Have they ever been broken by conventional weapons?
We need to know if Wolverine can cut through them easily.
I know if he loses his head, he dies. And he can't fight forever, cause he will run out of energy and die. I need more info.
SwingsetKnight - 7/27/2013, 1:09 AM
Spawn is pretty much immortal, so unless Wolverine's claws have become heavenforged weapons since the last time I checked, Logan can't do much to stop him short of tossing a merchandising deal at Todd MacFarlane's nose.

That might get him at least a multi-issue recurring fight to sell some more toys.

WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 7:28 AM
The main problem with Spawn, is the fact that the writers take liberties with his powers. Whatever works for the story, and is the most convenient at the time. He has every Super power there is! So, like I said before, the version he wants to use, how strong? What powers has he used at the time of the version he's using? Are his chains capable of being broken by something that's just as unbreakable? You have to keep in mind, yes, Spawns immortal, and it would take a lot to kill him, but what could Spawn do in a fight to kill Wolverine? The power he would have to use to keep Wolverine down, he would likely kill himself by draining his power.
jojofmd - 7/27/2013, 12:03 PM
I'll mix it up a bit. Jedi, specifically Mace Windu
-Master of the Force with abilities that include but are not limited to:
-Enhanced agility/speed/control
-Force push which is basically telekinesis.
-Mind control
-Wields a light-saber that is basically a blade made of plasma.
-Can be used to burn through durasteel so could/could not cut through adamantium.
-Can block/control lightning.
-Created and uses multiple forms of martial arts.
-Can move fast enough to block/deflect laser bolts with light-saber.

WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 2:06 PM
Love it! Mace Windu. Here we go.

There are metals that exist that lightsabers can't cut through. So the marvel equivalent would have to be Adamantium. Mace also would have a hard time reading Logans mind cause of the things Weapon x did to him make it difficult for psychics. We know the force can be used to make a jedi stronger, but I'm not aware of any examples being made as far as how strong. Ex...eight hundred pound max.

So the question is......What can Mace do to keep Wolverine from giving him the Jango Fett?
WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 2:45 PM
So we are halfway there. I'm gonna keep debating it till tomorrow night.

So far we have a good one with Thor.

Spawn possibly if I can get someone to give me more details.

Mace Windu could use the force to keep Wolverine at bay, but what about offensively? If he can't cut him down what else can he do.

These are the best picks so far, keep em comin!

On a side note, I WAS a little bummed that this different kind of article didn't hit main, but now I can see it would be really hard for me to take on dozens of people all by myself. Possibly in the future I may need a partner if I keep it up and you guys still like it.
VesperTheVanquisher - 7/27/2013, 9:00 PM
im talking specifically the older version of Drax. The newer version is semi weaker i believe
WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 9:30 PM
Both versions are still stronger than Wolverine. The newer version at least has his knives. The older version is more like a Hulk that can fly and shoot energy blasts. Have you seen Hulk fight Wolverine? Wolvie always digs his claws into Hulk. The problem with Drax, is that he doesn't heal like Hulk does. The version you picked has no defense from Wolvies claws. You can't just say Drax would keep flying around blasting Wolvie. Thats not in his nature. He has an ego like Thor, he likes to get up close. Thats were Thor has an advantage Drax doesn't. Thats why I have picked Thor over Drax so far. Its not over yet.
jojofmd - 7/27/2013, 10:44 PM

So Mace Windu is not only a Jedi Master but the only person who is a master in all seven forms of lightsaber combat. He is considered one of the greatest swordsman the order has ever produced. He even created the seventh form called Vaapad. He is the only person who has mastered this style. This style is described according to wookieepedia as "Vaapad is as aggressive and powerful as its namesake, but its power comes at great risk: immersion in Vaapad opens the gates that restrain one's inner darkness. To use Vaapad, a Jedi must allow himself to enjoy the fight; he must give himself over to the thrill of battle. The rush of winning. Vaapad is a path that leads through the penumbra of the dark side…This was Vaapad's ultimate test."
He basically channeled his inner darkness to adding more power to himself without giving in to the dark side. He is the only person to have beaten Darth Sidious in combat. One of his unique force abilities is called shatter points, where Shatterpoints were a complex Force phenomenon, perceivable only by an unknown innate talent or immense focus and concentration on the part of the Force-user. Shatterpoints were akin to fault lines; similar to different pathways of actions. Adept Force-users were able to perceive these faults through the Force, and influence them. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shatterpoint So he would conceivably see a weakness in wolverine to exploit.
Since he could "safely" channel his inner darkness to serve the light side. One of the abilities that he could use was the Force Crush.- One of the most violent Force ability known to the Sith and the Jedi, this deadly technique lifted the opponent into the air and, as they were floating, their body would implode as it was crushed by the Force. He could also use the "force Grip" So basically he could lift and move Wolverine with great strength. Crushing him if he so choose. If Wolverine got within distance to cut him, he would do damage, but that is considering he would be able to do so.
jojofmd - 7/27/2013, 10:47 PM
To show is raw strength and power, On Haruun Kal, he went toe-to-toe with Kar Vastor , and demonstrated incredible Force enhanced speed by landing six blows to the man's body before he could blink. On Dantooine, having lost his lightsaber, Windu took to tearing super battle droids apart with his bare hands, showing incredible Force strength and resilience as he crushed armor and tore out circuitry with his fingers -http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mace_Windu So while there isn't a clear measurement, empirically speaking he is strong enough and powerful enough to do damage to Wolverine.
WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 11:28 PM
But he can't damage Wolverines skeleton. Adamantium is molecularly bonded. When its created its in liquid form. Once it solidifies, it can't be broken, or melted. Magneto could alter its molecular structure with magnetic fields. Mace can't do that with telekinesis. I'm familiar with shatterpoints. I read that book. I would be an amazing fight. Just drawn out for a long time until Logan lands a blow. Mace gets tired. Wolverine won't. Certain Jedi are capable of using their bodies as conduits of the force, so well that they become so powerful, that the force itself destroys their bodies. Thats what you see happen to Sidious. The same happens to Jacen Skywalker when he becomes Darth Caedus. My source? My brain. I read most of the expanded universe books. Especially the New Jedi Order. Fact is, we never have seen Mace generate that kind of power before he died. I thought of a similar battle before. I just can't think of how he could do any real damage, and not get worse in return. He would walk away once he realized his attempts were futile, to avoid frustration and anger, cause tthat's the path to the dark side.
WYLEEJAY - 7/27/2013, 11:30 PM
Jacen Solo. Sorry.
jojofmd - 7/28/2013, 5:36 AM
I use a source because when trying to set an empirical dataset, and it provides a clear measure of whats already considered cannon. Wolverine is tough, but he's been overpowered before.
The whole reason Mace created the Vaapad style was using that inner darkness without it destroying him. He was the only one who could do it and he was the Jedi Sidious most feared. My point being he has used his shatterpoint and force crush to crush Grevious lungs. He could do that to wolverine.
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