Who ripped off who? Part 3

Who ripped off who? Part 3

A further look at borrowed ideas in the comic industry.

Editorial Opinion
By CorndogBurglar - Aug 25, 2011 08:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

Welcome to the third part of "Who ripped off who?" I'm really pleased with all the positive feedback and just wanted to thank everyone for reading these. I'm very glad so many people enjoy them, because I certainly enjoy doing them. As usual, for anyone that may be reading this part before the others, I just wanted to go over the premise again. This is not a Marvel Vs. DC debate. The purpose here is to show as many of the similar character creations and stories between Marvel and DC as possible. It is to show that BOTH companies are guilty of "sharing ideas". After doing parts one and two, I have learned that this list really is endless. At some point down the road I would like to involve Image and some of the other smaller companies, but for now, Marvel and DC have provided me with more than enough examples to keep me busy for a while! So again, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy Part 3 of "Who ripped off who?"

Superman (June 1938) / Sentry (Sept 2000)

Robert Reynolds. The Sentry. The man with the power of a million exploding suns. What that means exactly is unknown, as the true limit to his power has never been shown. He has been known as Marvel's attempt at creating Superman in their universe. It is very hard to discount that claim. Superman has been known as being the ultimate superhero. Fans and haters alike can not argue the fact that the guy seems to have all the powers. He has been called the Eric Cartman of superheroes. "My power is to have all powers." Its easy to see that Sentry may have been an attempt to parody Superman, although this has never been admitted by his creators. Marvel has a tendancy to give even their most powerful characters some kind of serious flaw that makes them more grounded, and with the Sentry, its his mind. When the Sentry loses control, he transforms into the Void, an evil version of himself that wants only to take the same amount of lives that the Sentry has saved. Due to this violent, uncontrollable transformation, Sentry rarely lets loose and shows his true power.

Robert Reynolds became the Sentry after being injected by a serum that moves his molecules an instant ahead of the current timeline. This serum was a derivative of the super soldier serum used on Captain America, only this one was designed to be one hundred thousand times stronger, and was also modified by Weapon X. He has displayed total invulnerability. Nick Fury, SHIELD, and even Iron Man's scanners were unable to find any physical weakness to him. He has displayed other-wordly strength, even lifting a helicarrier with one hand. He also exhibits super speed which allows him to travel between Earth and the Sun in a matter of minutes. The feats that Sentry has accomplished are among some of the most unbelievable ever witnessed in the MU. Reynolds has fought the Hulk to a stand still, and once, the Void broke every bone in the Hulk's body. Sentry has even been shown to go toe to toe with Galactus all by himself. The Sentry may not be an alien like Superman, and his origin is very different, but again, he is clearly Marvel's answer to Superman.

War Machine (Jan 1979) / Steel (June 1993)

It is quite easy to see the resemblance between these two characters. War Machine is an African American male who is friends with Tony Stark. Stark built him his own Stark-Tech suit and dubbed it War Machine. It is a suit that was originally designed to take on enemies that were immune to Iron Man's repulsor and uni-beams. The War Machine armor was designed to be able to carry all different forms of practical, laser guided munitions that are more appropriately used by the U.S. Military. It has been outfitted with all forms of projectile weapons such as wrist mounted machine guns, a shoulder mounted mini-gun, and also shoulder mounted rockets. War Machine also has rocket powered boots that allow him to fly. War Machine took Iron Man's place at a time when Iron Man was battling alcoholism and was unable to carry on as the Armored Avenger. Like Tony Stark, John Henry Irons is a weapons designer. During the Death of Superman storyline, Irons created himself a powered suit that heavily resembles the War Machine armor. Irons dubbed himself Steel and set out to become a true Man of Steel during Superman's absence. The Steel armor is equipped with rocket powered boots which enable flight, much like War Machine. It is also outfitted with numerous conventional weapons. John Henry is also apt to use a run of the mill sledge hammer while in battle.

Galactus (March 1966) / Imperiex (Feb 2000)

Galactus has actually made an appearance in the DC Universe during a crossover story. In that story, Galactus attacked Darkseid's planet Apokolips. Galactus ceased his attempt when he realized that the planet is lifeless. DC saw the opportunity presented by a character like Galactus, so the character Imperiex was created. Imperiex is a massive cosmic being, much like Galactus. Also like Galactus, Imperiex is a survivor of the universe before our own present one. He gained his powers from our universe's Big Bang. In an attempt to one up Marvel's Galactus, DC created Imperiex to be able to not only consume/destroy planets, but he is also capable of destroying entire universes. The only thing Galactus has done that Imperiex can not, is create a website about comic book movies where people of Earth can talk about such things. (See what I did there?)

Elongated Man (May 1960) / Mr. Fantastic (Nov 1961)

Elongated Man, also known as Ralph Dibney and Mr. Fantastic, known as Reed Richards, are obviously characters from the same vein. About the only difference in these two characters is how they got their powers. Elongated Man admired contortionists as a teenager. He learned that most contortionists drank a popular soda called Gingold. Elongated Man was also an expert chemist, so he created a highly concentrated form of Gingold. This gave him his powers of elasticity. While Elongated Man created a soda, Mr. Fantastic was bombarded by cosmic rays while he and his family were on a mission in space. Their origin is about the only difference presented between these two characters. Both characters exhibit the powers of elasticity. They have rubbery skin that allows them to stretch their bodies, and also shape shift to a certain degree. Both characters are brilliant scientists and they have each been shown to actually "stretch" their brains and make them bigger in order to figure out solutions to highly difficult problems. Among their physical similarities, both characters are some of the earliest to reveal their secret identities to the public. They are also some of the earliest examples in the comic industry to marry the love of their lives, Sue Dibney and Sue Storm, respectively.

Catwoman (1940) / Black Cat (1979)

These two are a very interesting pair. I was actually very surprised at what I learned from this. Black Cat and Catwoman, it would seem, have everything in common. Being that Catwoman's first appearance predates Black Cat by almost forty years, and they are virtually the same character by today's standards, by proxy you would think that Black Cat is a complete rip off of Catwoman. This is actually a HUGE misconception. Let me explain. Back in 1979, Marv Wolfman was looking for a new villain for Spider-Man. He decided to base his creation off of an old Tex Avery cartoon called "Bad Luck Blackie". Bad Luck Blackie was a black cat that brought misfortune to anyone that was close in proximity. Black Cat is a cat burglar in the Marvel universe. She wears very low cut, tight leather costumes, a mask, and has claws at the tips of her fingers on her gloves. She is very nimble and agile, which helps her in her cat burglaries. She also has a love interest in Spider-Man.

At first glance, this sounds almost exactly like Selina Kyle's Catwoman. However, at that time in Batman comics, Catwoman was only known as "The Cat" and she was nothing more than a pickpocket in a green dress with no mask. It was not until 1987 in Frank Miller's Batman: Year One, almost a decade AFTER Black Cat's appearance in comics, that Catwoman became the tight leather and mask wearing, clawed cat burglar that we know her as today. So if either of these characters are guilty of copying the other, one would have to say its Catwoman that is the copy-CAT. (See what I did there, again? I'm on a roll!) Mostly because at the time that Black Cat was created, she had almost no resemblance to the Catwoman in comics at that time. Presently both characters are identical. They are both high profile cat burglars that operate in tight leather, are extremely agile, and they are both love interests in their respective do-gooders lives. Pretty interesting, would you not agree?

A hero's death

Anyone who has even a slight interest in comics knows that death is something that happens far too often. This was not always the case, however. Sure, characters have been killed off throughout the history of comics, but rarely did it involve fan favorite characters or mainstays. It was not until the Death of Superman story in 1992 that the revovling door of death came into full swing. In 1992, Superman's sales were down and plummeting. Not only was the industry in a rough place at the time, but there was a huge influx in the Wolverine/Punisher style anti-heroes. Quite frankly, Superman was losing his cool factor. DC, in the first big bamboozling in the modern comic book era, tricked fans and non-fans alike into thinking that Superman really was buying the farm for good. Everyone and their brother's goldfish rushed to comic retailers to buy up every issue they could get their grubby little hands on that would show the day a Man of Steel would fall. (Me included, woe is me.) The problem was that DC made so many copies and variant editions of the comic that it will never be worth anything of importance. We will all be long dead before that issue is worth what everyone thought it would be.

Not only that, but Superman was brought back to life a year later. The amount of money that DC raked in due to this tomfoolery is unfathomable. I can just picture the DC execs swimming in their vault of money, Scrooge McDuck style. This opened the flood gates for the revolving door of death that we see in both Marvel and DC. Ever since the Death of Superman, Marvel as well as DC has made it a point to kill off important characters on a regular basis. These days, it seems like you can not read a major story arc without a major character dying, only to be brought back shortly thereafter. The deaths no longer mean anything, unless of course you are talking about everyone's favorite Ted "Blue Beetle" Kord. Go figure, the one character everyone wants back, and they won't give him to us. Anyway, did DC create death in comics? Of Course not. But in my opinion, they did create the revolving door of death, something that both companies have come to use a little too much.

Part 1: http://comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Corndogburglar/news/?a=45016

Part 2: http://comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Corndogburglar/news/?a=45086

Thank you for reading once again!

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m1312020 - 8/25/2011, 9:19 AM
@CorndogBurglar Love these articles.When you do get past
the two major companies you should check out all the
patriotic heroes that came after the shield.I've been
looking it up there's a lot.
ThreeBigTacos - 8/25/2011, 9:21 AM
I'd like yo comment, but some perfect cartoon tits are distracting me
ThreeBigTacos - 8/25/2011, 9:21 AM
To* comment
incrediblesuperbatspider - 8/25/2011, 9:26 AM
Not sure how accurate you are about catwoman's suit and mask not being used until "DKR". The Adam west Batman show had catwoman wear a cat cowl/ mask and black suit.
marvel72 - 8/25/2011, 9:36 AM
another fantastic article as good as the previous,should be considered for article of the year.

i didn't think war machine came out in 1979,i thought his armour first came out in the 90s.
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 9:39 AM
@ dromeo

right, the show did show her in a mask, but the comics did not.

also, I didn't say it was in DKR, i said batman: year one.
m1312020 - 8/25/2011, 9:39 AM
70's Catwoman

m1312020 - 8/25/2011, 9:40 AM
Sorry CorndogBurglar but she was in her mask sense the 50's.
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 9:41 AM
@ teabag

thanks man!

@ m13

yeah, there are tons of patriotic heroes. I could probably do a whole article on just them.

@ marvel

Thanks man! yeah, i don't believe he actually took Iron Man's place until later, but he first appeared in 79.
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 9:42 AM
@ m13 / dromeo

let me check, the source i got that from might be wrong, then
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 9:48 AM
@ m13 / dromeo

okay yeah, she wore a mask, but her actual costume was a dress, then in the 60's it got tighter and green in color. it wasn't actually until '87 that she wore the costume that she began wearing the costume that we all know her in.

good catch guys!

CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 9:48 AM
Black Cat's costume was still not derived from Catwoman's though, which is still the big point.
m1312020 - 8/25/2011, 9:52 AM
Agreed just trying to point out the mask.
Fastestmanalive - 8/25/2011, 9:55 AM
Great stuff as usuall.

As far as Catwoman goes, ur right when she first appeared she was known as the Cat and wore a green dress but that dident last too long, she actually went thru many changes thru the years folowing but by at least the early seventies Catwoman had already been established as a cat burgular rather then just a pick pocket, had the purple dress thing goin on and was already a love intereest for Bats.

So not exactly what she is today but not that far off either.

And as DROMEO pointed out above she already had many of these aspects in the Adam West show, being a cat burgular, the tight black leather and being a love interest, or at least playing around with, Batman.

But anyways great stuff, keep em comin.
Fastestmanalive - 8/25/2011, 9:57 AM
Oh wooops I see u guys already went thru this, never mind lol.
kriswone - 8/25/2011, 10:28 AM
I beg of you kind sir, more please.

Great article!

Keep it up. (that's what she said.)
MovieMaster - 8/25/2011, 12:23 PM
wow, the catwoman/black cat thing is quite interesting! keep em coming!
ScionStorm - 8/25/2011, 2:36 PM
Marvel's The Thin Man(1940)
gamecreatorjj - 8/25/2011, 4:40 PM
you need to mention that mr fantastic is a rip off on plastic man
LP4 - 8/25/2011, 6:27 PM
Deadpool also ripped off Deathstroke.


Wade Wilson= Slade Wilson

Their basic overall suits are kinda similar too and the fact they are mercs for hire and both started out in comics battling teenage superhero teams- Deathstroke against the Teen Titans and I believe Deadpool against X-Force...?

Thanos also ripped off Darkseid big time.

golden123 - 8/25/2011, 6:44 PM
Elongatedman is really a Detective. Mr Fantastic is primarily a scientist. Those are too different ways to use the brain.

@gamecreatorjj: All they have in common are powers. that doesn't make it a rip-off.

@LP4: Deathstroke is basically a rip-off of Bullseye, though. Not to the degree thet Deadpool is a rip-off if Deathstroke but still. Death and Bull both have the gimmick of being a master asassin that can turn anything into a weapon. Their both like the best asassins in their universes.
CorndogBurglar - 8/25/2011, 7:16 PM
@ LP4

go read parts one and two of this article. I've already done Deathstroke and Deadpool as well as Thanos and Darkseid.
HaroldOfGalactus - 8/26/2011, 2:30 AM
ScionStorm is right. The thin Man came way before elongated man, plastic man, mr fantastic, or elastigirl. In Fact, it is safe to assume that the only original powers of the fantastic 4 belong to ben grimm(and all it is is dense rock like skin and super strength), and maybe Sue's forcefields.....
HaroldOfGalactus - 8/26/2011, 2:30 AM
Jefferys - 8/26/2011, 3:13 AM
So Cornie is there gonna be a part 4?

I love these things. I learnt so many new things. Oh it's just like school, even though I'm still in it but who gives a damn about that.

Nice work Cornie! Hoping to see that Part 4 coming in a weeks or so time. I sure you have sooo much material to use!
CorndogBurglar - 8/26/2011, 5:19 AM
@ herald and scion

You can't just take characters with similar powers and say they are rip offs. Thin Man might be stretchy like Elongated Man and Reed, but thats where the similarities end. Look at how alike Reed and Elongated man are in EVERY SINGLE WAY. not just powers. I can sit here and say that Cyclops is a rip off of Superman because they both fire energy beams from their eyes, but that doesn't make them rip offs.

@ Jefferys

yepper, i'm starting a part 4 right now. :)
ScionStorm - 8/26/2011, 11:13 PM
I never said Thin Man was a ripoff. But his powerd predate the others. I think he was the first strechy superhero.
ScionStorm - 8/26/2011, 11:14 PM
I never said Thin Man was ripped off. But his powers predate the others. I think he was the first strechy superhero.

bigshow2312 - 8/26/2011, 11:54 PM

I was just about to say, but somebody already mentioned this

marvelguy - 8/27/2011, 12:17 PM
This is good. Any time you create the ultimate or the most super character in a universe, you can compare him to Superman. The Sentry is not that character. You were correct in your comparisons of Guardian and Hyperion.

Steel vs. War Machine: I don't think that W.M. appeared that early. They do not resemble each other in costume. Other than being supporting black characters suiting up to be heroes that is all.

All right, going to read your next part. Still like your work.
CorndogBurglar - 8/30/2011, 7:53 AM
@ marvelguy

The War Machine armor appeared that early. and how can you say War Machine and Steel don't resemble each other? They are both men who use silver ARMORED suits loaded down with weapons. They aren't just suiting up to be heroes, they use the same gimmick.
AC1 - 8/31/2011, 2:49 PM
Great article, I always thought Mr Fantastic came before Elastic Man!

Also, mannn.... that Black Cat pic is so... wow. If she were a real person and not painted, I wouldnt feel so weird about finding her so hot.
OptimusPool - 1/25/2012, 8:57 AM
Slapstick / Beast Boy? Impossible Man / Beast Boy?
jumpingJellybeans - 5/28/2012, 5:16 PM
@LP4 Deadpool was a parody of Deathstroke. Not a rip-off. Jesus, you should see the crossover where they meet, it's hilarious. Deathstroke is running away while Deadpool is yelling "BUT WAIT, I'M YOU!"
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