Why Do DC & Marvel Have Similar Characters?

Why Do DC & Marvel Have Similar Characters?

It is more of a conspiracy than you probably think...

Editorial Opinion
By Greenhatter02 - Jun 19, 2009 10:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Other

I know in writing this, that you, the reader, will write the article off immediately. Because you think that DC and Marvel have similar characters just to attract fans of the other side, in turn making more money. Well, I think it is bigger than that. I believe that they do it because of a lack of creativity.

First DC came out with Batman. Than Marvel followed suit with Iron Man. While on the surface the two characters seem very different. However, when you dig just a bit, you find the similarities. Batman was born wealthy, with great intelligence, lost both parents, trained to be a warrior, fights crime and protects those who need it, and lastly leads a life of solitude and self-hatred. Iron Man was born wealthy, with superior intelligence (genius), eventually lost his parents, self-trained to be a hero, fights crime and protects those who need it and lastly leads a life of solitude and self-loathing. Batman has a butler who is his best friend and most helpful alley. Iron Man's closest friend/alley is his assistant. Both are the heads of major corporations and are decadent while not in there true identities. By true identities, I mean when they are Batman and Iron Man. Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are there disguises. There are more characters comparisons that those two. Although, following there movie successes these two are the most popular.

To name just a few:

DC vs. Marvel
Superman/The Sentry
Wonder Woman/Ms. Marvel
Green Arrow/Hawkeye
The Flash/Quicksilver

Long story, short those are just a few names and comparisons between the two major franchises. I just want to highlight that these characters are not to capture money from the other side. I mean The Sentry will never steal any Superman fans. Same for the the other characters. The major companies are just not creative enough. They figure, that if they just tweak the characters enough they will seem different. For example, the Sentry having split-personalities. While a cool change, its not enough to make fans forget they are just ripping off another characters, completely. I am still a fan of both companies, but it is just sometimes hard to swallow when they both can not be creative enough to create new characters. Yes, it is hard. Yes it is time consuming coming up with new characters, but that is why we are fans and buy comics. For the new and different ideas. Why has there not been a DC Marvel crossover. The writers write for both. Why not start crossing characters?

Characters should die and not come back. Because that is what happens in real life. Fans talk about loving Batman, Iron Man and Spider-Man because they are human and dark. So why do they not die, it is more than just money. They are not gutsy enough to do it. They should not just die as a money grab. Marvel should not spend some much time using real life storylines for their comics. Be original, please. I love your comics, but come on. It is hard not to notice the similarities in Dark Reign and real life. I want to believe they will continue to come up with new and different ideas. But with Hollywood, seemingly unable to do it. Why should we expect the big 2 to be new and different. That is why comics like Hellboy, Sin City, Savage Dragon, Wanted, The Suicide Squad, and Preacher do so well. They are unique and different. I will continue to buy comics, but I get a little more disappointed each time. That is also, why it is starting to become fun to root for the villains. It would be awesome if Dark Reign eventually ended with Osborn and the Dark Avengers killing X-Men, Avengers, and other characters. But do not stop with just one or two or three, kill eight, nine or ten. Kill 20, why not? Have balls and be different. Have it become a universe of villains and new heroes have to rise up and attempt to take the world back. Kill Stark, just give me something original. Maybe Osborn finds a way to kill Wolverine or Daken finally does it. Just give me something new. I know that my idea would be coping some of Final Crisis. In all honestly, it would still be awesome. I mean is there anything wrong with change. Have the Marvel Universe start from scratch.

It is not only the labels faults, but ours also. Whenever DC, Marvel, Image, Top Cow, etc. come out with new characters and new ideas, we do not necessarily buy them. We love the things we love. But it stifles innovation. The labels do not want to risk all of the time and money to create new characters, if we do not buy them. That is why Deadpool had is own comic in years past and it was cancelled before it hit 100 issues. But we have always loved him and have always wanted more, just not enough to buy his own comic. Or that is until now. Because Fox has optioned a movie, we are all in. Now Deadpool will be flooding the market. Give me something new. I am tired of Robin, I am tired of Venom, I am tired of Captain America, I am tired of villains always failing at the last possible minute. Heroes are not always right and just. In real life no one is always just and does the right thing. It only matters what side you are on. It has always been that way. The other side is not wrong, they are just different. People have always been afraid of what they do not understand. Why can it not be the same with comics. Spider-Man should not always be the good guy. Why is there no comic, where Batman is the villain. Why is Superman never hated, why is Wolverine not treated like God or better yet the Devil. I just want creativity and innovation. I love comics. I love the storylines, but I am tired of re-hashing ideas. DC, Marvel, please give me something new. Comics, movies and games, do not sell because of the same old adages. If something is good and uniqu e and interesting than it will sell. Despite whether it has a familiar character or face to sell. I am interested in Anti-Venom in the fall. It is something new.

Let me know what you think.

- Aaron
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Tobuttica - 6/19/2009, 10:51 AM
It's actually Deathstroke, who I think is more badass than Deadpool, but doesn't have the comedy in his bag. Plus we aren't going to buy new characters if they are crappy.
AshleyWilliams - 6/19/2009, 11:11 AM
that pic of the avengers and the JLA fighting is sweet!!!!
CaptAwesome - 6/19/2009, 11:16 AM
I agree, I mean... c'mon! Wade Wilson aka Deadpool (MARVEL, and Slade Wilson is aka Deathstroke (DC). I mean whoa, the creativity there! There's a huge stretch! Whew!
ThisFan - 6/19/2009, 5:01 PM
in the early years everyone was friends though they bounced ideas and what not off each other
LEEE777 - 6/19/2009, 5:59 PM
Green @ Um well most of MARVEL characters are Dc like! You gotta remember, Dc came out like 25, 30 years before MARVEL??? ; )
musicbuzz - 6/19/2009, 6:00 PM
No sense looking at the similarities between the heroes of the Marvel and DC universes...go deeper and look at the similarities between modern day mythological (super)heroes, and those of the ancient world. Notice how the Romans developed several gods similiar to the Greeks, now notice how several modern day heroes resemble them. Case in point...since they were brought up, how about Flash & Quicksilver - Hermes & Mercury. Carl Jung came up with categories of archetypes, and the heroes fall into various categories. For more on this consult the work of Joseph Campbell. Until then, just enjoy.
EvilEd2000 - 6/19/2009, 7:45 PM
only half read this article, quite drunk need to sleep working 2moro any mention of teenage mutant ninja turtles and daredevil. Stick, splinter. The hand, foot clan. Never actually noticed it myself read it on wikiped thing
alten2345 - 6/19/2009, 9:38 PM
The Sentry really wasn't created to compete with Superman. He didn't appear until 2000 and was created as a joke more than anything. I mean obviously there are similarities between the characters but the thought process wasn't "hey let's create this character that's similar to Superman." It was more akin to "hey wouldn't it be funny if we create this hoax about Stan Lee creating a Superman like character back in the sixties" because Stan was opposed to creating these "all powerful" characters.

The main idea that Stan had, and why Marvel comics was successful, was for the reader to care more about the person who was the super hero, than the actual super hero. That's the difference between Marvel and DC or at least it used to be before DC started emulating the Marvel formula. Of course the characters are going to be similar. I mean there are only so many diff kinds of powers to go around. But the thing that made the Marvel characters unique was the everyday challenges they faced. Whether it was the high school trials and tribulations of Peter Parker, the eventual alcoholism of Tony Stark, or the "family dynamic" of the Fantastic Four, the Marvel characters connected to the reader on a diff level than the DC characters did.
theFACE - 6/20/2009, 4:46 AM
i have a question, in your article you wrote this sentence -"Fans talk about loving Batman, Iron Man and Spider-Man because they are human and dark." - Spiderman is neither dark nor is he human in the same respect as Batman or iron man, he has powers (super agility, enhanced strength) he is a super human, and he isn't remotely dark when compared to batman. Just thought it was it little strange when you made that comparison.

I liked your article though, i think its cool. i do think that some characters are kinda weak (hawkeye, green arrow, pyro, aquaman...to name a few).
Greenhatter02 - 6/20/2009, 7:21 AM
That is a good point, @Face. I guess, I just figured that Spider-man does face everyday human problems. Like in Kraven's Last Hunt. The whole he can not get back to his wife thing. That is a problem many adults face. But as a whole he is not like the other two. I tried a little too hard to squeeze that in.
maxcarnage - 6/21/2009, 1:13 PM
the reason they dont make it like real life is to let you remember that its not REAL, they are works of pure FANTASY. they dont want dumbasses trying to jump from rooftop to rooftop like daredevil and batman do in their comics. it should seem obvious but look at how many people injure or even themselves and others trying to imitate pro wrestling. they need to keep their original characters because thats what fans have grown up on for the past 75 years or so. those comics are just as popular now, if not more so, than they were then. killing them off just kills off the fans of that comic. yes the characters are similar, but the basic stories are different, and its the story that makes the character. perhaps if they introduced new characters as surpassers or villains against the heroes (i.e. venom and deadpool) the newer characters would be more attractive to the fans of the older heroes. but hey i like venom and i like deadpool. what i would like to see is the super villains win, sometimes beating or even outsmarting the heroes. but not killing them... i saw 4 different comics depicting the death of wolverine the other day and was utterly lost.
Greenhatter02 - 6/21/2009, 1:30 PM
I think you missed the point I was trying to make. To start I am not sure why you are writing about people in real life jumping off rooftops. I only said that characters should die like in real life. Not that they should lead realistic lives. Characters in all mediums tend to mirror each other. Like the other poster, mentioned about the gods from different cultures. The point I was trying to get across was that the writers are not creative anymore. They just copy something and claim its new. The writers are no longer creative because, people only want to read Captain America beat whoever he is up against, Superman to never do the wrong thing. The fans do not want change, because that is not what they like, so they are happy to shell out money for the same rehashed ideas. I mean why has Batman never snapped and become a villain? Batman is battling sociopaths on an issue basis and always ends up doing the right thing, come on. I think you missed the point of what I was trying to say, and are focusing on the wrong parts of the article.
ORION - 6/21/2009, 5:04 PM
JoshWilding - 6/21/2009, 6:22 PM
i hate DC: all the various universes and timelines are way too confusing! marvel all the way for me! the marvel characters are all much better in my opinion anyway!
Radiate - 6/21/2009, 6:45 PM
Aaron, while an interesting and well written article I have a few problems with it and will hopefully spark debate rather than any arguments or negativity with you. I'll list my problems with your article that I personally found:

1) While you can make comparisons with Batman and Iron Man, I find the comparisons to be very superficial. I respectfully disagree that Iron Man is the true identity whereas Tony Stark is the disguise; I believe Tony is the actual identity. It is the man of Tony Stark that is the most compelling about the character, rather than the "Iron Man" aspect of him. I think the movie showed how true that was; the film could've not had Iron Man in it at all and just RDJ as Tony and we'd still have a captivating and compelling character. Whereas with Batman, I agree with you; he is the true persona whereas Bruce Wayne is just a foil. Without the Batman identity (in the comics and films) there wouldn't be anything interesting. But I believe that if the Iron Man film and comics didn't have the actual armoured Iron Man identity appear it wouldn't be such a bad thing like with Batman.

2) The similarities between the other characters you listed are clear; I recognise them too but again they're superficial. Yes, Quicksilver and Flash have the same powers, same goes for Green Arrow and Hawkeye but their differences outnumber the similarities SO much. As characters, fully realised characters, Quicksilver and Flash couldn't be any more different; same goes for the other characters especially Wonder Woman and Ms. Marvel!!

3) I'm sorry to disappint you Aaron, but as time progresses the very idea of "Creativity" and "Originality" becomes very very limited and rare. Why? Because of time itself. As one person comes up with an original idea, it's impossible to come up with a new one afterwards. With billions of people living on earth throughout history you will consequently have an even greater number of original ideas and concepts produced from those billions of people. But soon there comes a time when all original thoughts and ideas have been thought-up and then you inevitably have to rely on either rehashing those former original ideas or just tweaking original ideas to make it seem original when in fact it's just an old idea dressed up in new clothes!

So as time progresses it becomes harder for later generations of writers and creators to come up with new and original ideas because all the original ideas have been taken! It's no fault of the writers, it's no fault of the companies like Marvel and DC - they're trying their best so we can't criticise their efforts or lack of creativity...It's just the way things are tbh and you or anyone else can't change it.

Originality and new, different ideas are hard to come by these days. I even suggest you try coming up with at least 5 new and original ideas that have never been done before. You'll soon recognise it's a near impossible task. I say "near" because sometimes there are rare moments where true originality is created; but it's rare. I thought that The Authority's Jack Hawksmoor had the most original power in recent years but i even found out the other day that it had been done before! It's impossible for writers to keep track of all ideas that've been done and to try and steer clear of them and try to come up with something different. You come up with what you think is a new idea and then you realise that it's been done before, either in a different part of the world or in a different time. This is like when I first saw the Matrix and thought "whoa...that is SO original and different". But when I realised how similar it was to Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles" i realised that being lucky and hitting new and different ideas is extremely difficult!

Another example is that popular thought is that Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is original because it's a literary classic and a timeless master-piece that transcends time and cultural boundaries. But then again, Shakespeare re-hashed that play from another play written before it. Shakespeare "borrowed" a lot of ideas from other writers and pieces of literature, yet popular opinion still hails him as being "original". This is just an example to show that "originality" (even from revered and respected writers like Shakespeare) really is truly difficult to come by and isn't just a problem of Marvel and DC writers

I remember fearing how mass audiences would think the ending of Watchmen would be cliched; the idea that a good man like Rorschach would kill and sacrifice a few people to save the entire world. The very concept of that has been hammered to death - most recent example I can think of is in Heroes Season 1 with Linderman's desire to blow up NY in order to have the world rally together and create peace. I know Heroes was created after the graphic novel of Watchmen, but Heroes reached a greater mass audience before Watchmen the film did so I feared that people would deem Watchmen as unoriginal despite Watchmen preceding it. The same goes for it's dark and philosophical content. Watchmen revolutionised comics because it showed that comics could be more than what they were. That's why it is hailed as such a "Bible" in the comicbook industry. But to the normal person on the street who watched both the Dark Knight and Watchmen, they'd probably think Dark Knight was the first comic book film to make comic books "dark and philosophical" and that Watchmen was just copying it a year later. We comicbook fans know that's crap, but the uninformed don't.

These examples are just to demonstrate that originality is a complex mix of time and perception. What is perceived as original may in fact not be and vice versa!

So when you suggest that Spider-Man should not always be the good guy well...that's a matter of perception again, especially during Civil War. He sided with Tony, he registered. Now depending on your perception - whether Tony or Cap was morally right - then whether Spidey is good or bad depends on that perception. You may've thought that having Spider-Man not being good is different but Civil War shows that that idea has been done already.

4)You said you'd like something new to be done with the Marvel Universe and suggested that with this Dark Reign Marvel should do something ballsy and have the villains win or the Marvel U become a universe of villains - well, you've already got that with Mark Millar's "Old Man Logan"; you even have it with "Wanted". And your suggestion that why doesn't Marvel do something bold and kill everyone - well...they are doing that with the Ultimate Universe. So you can't fault Marvel's attempts at being new and different like you want. But look at the backlash Ultimatum's got for being bold and killing off characters; unfortunately the majority of comicdom just doesn't take lightly change and difference on such a large scale. Remember the rumour that the Ultimate Universe was gonna take over 616 as the official, canon Marvel Universe and the backlash from that?

What I love about comics as a medium compared to others such as TV or literature is that it is truly a medium that has a geater potential for creating originality and creativity. But as I mentioned before: originality and new ideas are rare. Grant Morrison's "New X-Men" run had some great original and different ideas but that was almost 10 years ago! And Wildstorm's "Planetary", "Authority" and "WildCats 3.0" also had amazing originality but again that was almost more than 10 years ago and with the "Planetar" it was riffing off pre-established ideas!

So new, different and originality in comics, especially from Marvel and DC is and forever will be a rarity that cannot be blamed on lack of creativity on the writer's part.

Mankind - 6/21/2009, 7:22 PM
10THTIGER - 6/21/2009, 7:48 PM
Godl1ng - 6/21/2009, 8:38 PM
this is stupid, and if you think this is a conspiracy of nonn creativity, you are stupid. a hate people who post stuff like this... why is ironman kind of like batman? cause having a rich guy who can buy his "powers" is everyones dream, and just because there are similarities doesn't denote the creativity of the comicbook writers. why is aquaman like namor, cause neithers powers are very unique, being the king of atlantis... that seems pretty straight forward. now i'm not saying that there aren't characters that are inspired by rival characters... fantastic four, by Justice league, noova by green lantern, but thats bound to happen, like the blackberry storm to the iphone. and radiate's mini article is genius.
Godl1ng - 6/21/2009, 8:43 PM
part three of radiate's mini article
Curios Case of Benjamin Button-Forest Gump
transformers (film)-Men in Black (still love transformers)
every adam sandler movie-every other adam sandler movie
Greenhatter02 - 6/21/2009, 8:50 PM
Good point Radiate. I like what you have said. I think the biggest issue I faced, is that being 25, I have so little knowledge about comics compared to the rest of you. That I get things wrong sometimes. On a more personal note, at least you thought my article was interesting and well written. Also thank you for your post.
twiztidone - 6/21/2009, 10:46 PM
there has been cross overs
selinakyle - 6/22/2009, 7:23 AM
My first response to the article title was because they lack creativity. I still believe xmen is a rip off of Doom Patrol.
Radiate - 6/22/2009, 8:04 AM
MsKyle08 - that's an old argument and completely understandable, but X-Men came out 3 months after Doom Patrol first appeared and because of publishing times etc. it would've been virtually impossible for Stan Lee to have ripped-off Doom Patrol; that is unless Stan Lee somehow knew Doom Patrol's concept waaaaay in advance of Doom Patrol actually being published. Anyways, you could even argue that the original Doom Patrol was a rip off of the Fantastic Four. Even then, the X-Men became so much more than what the Doom Patrol was/is so while similarities are abound when they were created, their differences now really are too big to be ignored that it's impossible to say Doom Patrol and X-Men are rip offs of the other.

Greenhatter02/Aaron (sorry, dunno which one to call you lol) - thanks for your kind words. Although, I do have to reveal that I'm 21 myself lol. But the only reason that it may seem I know a lot about creativity, especially in comics, is because I study an English degree. As an English student you read so much literature and theory about literature that you tend to realise patterns etc. and I've learnt that the very idea of "originality" in literature is very rare nowadays because it's all been done before or because someone unfortunately just pipped you to the post and came up with the idea before you. Another great example is "Harry Potter" - while mass readership may think it's original, in fact there has been one accusation of plagarism from Nancy Stouffer who wrote "Larry Potter and His Best Friend Lilly" and "The Legend of Rah and the Muggles" in 1984, which obviously predates "Harry Potter"! Even some people see comparisons between "Harry Potter" and Neil Gaiman's "The Books of Magic"!

Anyways, to go back to my point; my English studies has allowed me to apply theories etc. to comic books - comic book literature isn't that far removed from novels etc. - so I've had a chance to see comics in a different light. So where there is a problem of a lack of originality and creativity in comics, rest assured that it's not just a problem inherent to comics but to all facets of literature.

That's why I love it so much when I do come across something truly unique and different in comics. As I mentioned before, I really believe comics is the only medium where originality, uniqueness and newness can really flourish. I dunno what it is about the comicbook medium that lends itself to innovativeness and high octane originality but it does!

That's also why I love exploring new and different comics. I love my Marvel (not so much mainstream DC, always been more of a Marvel man since birth lol) but I love exploring non-mainstream comics e.g. Wildstorm titles, "Wanted", "League of Extraorindary Gentlemen", "The Invisibles", "Black Summer", "The Surrogates", "Whiteout", "30 Days of Night" etc. etc.

I just think if you want originality and creativity in comics you just need to go a little deeper into the comic book industry and really keep your ear open for any non-Marvel/DC titles. That's not to say Marvel and DC lack creativity, but naturally they won't have as much as other non-big two comics. Creativity is naturally related to freedom; with Marvel and DC obviously having strict policies and mandates that hinder creative freedom, you won't have much creativity. That's why it's awesome when Marvel/DC take a chance e.g. Grant Morrison's "New X-Men", Brian K. Vaughn's "Runaways", The Ultimate Universe etc.

Shaman - 6/22/2009, 9:04 AM
See now, noticing that an editorial made it's way to the front page i naturally figured that it's purpose would be fresh, original and meaningful. Instead, i'm sitting here reading a 25 year old's rant on how unoriginal the comic book industry is, comparing insignificant details like "wealth" and "super speed" and then calling it a [frick]ing conspiracy!!! I CALL SHINANIGANS!!! Superman and Sentry both have [frick]ING CAPES!!! Are you kidding me??? This is beyond pathetic!!! There is more to a comic book than the bright colors and the cool effects they put on the page to show off the hero's powers. How about exploring the character's origin? How about exploring they're love life? How about comparing their villains and looking at how differently they affect the individual hero? Oh but you're right, both Tony and Bruce are rich, then they must be the same. But what makes it a REAL conspiracy has to be because Bruce has a [frick]ing butler and Tony has [frick]ing associates!!! Have you ever taken a stroll down a rich part of town, knocking on every door to let them know just how unoriginal they are by having butlers and associates??? Had i not have a confrontational personality i'd be [frick]ing speechless!!! This is a brand new low that was reached for a front page editorial.

And you're tired of the hero always prevailing? You're tired of heroes coming back from the dead? You'd want a whole [frick]ing comic book company to litterally kill they're only source of revenue that they've worked almost a century on, just to please little ol' you??? Are you even serious??? Can i ask you a question? Who do you think buys comics? FANS!!! What do you think they are a fan of??? THE [frick]ING HEROES!!! And what do you think those fans will buy if those companies kill off their heroes and don't even bring them back on account of originality??? NOTHING!!! That, for any retard who didn't pay attention in economy class means= No product, no money, NO [frick]ING COMPANY!!! And you think a whole villain universe would sell... on a monthly basis... for nearly a century... ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?! The villains were meant to be hated. The fans of the heroes LOVE to hate the villains. They buy the [frick]ing comic to see their favorite hero defeat their favorite villain!!! Or else, if they were all like you, tired of the heroes, they wouldn't even buy the comics!!! They would spend their money elsewhere. Do you think it's in the comic industry's best interest to do this??? Is common sense giving you that much of a hard time trying to grasp reality here???

And if you like the pretty colors that comics have to offer but to quote you: "I am tired of Robin, I am tired of Venom, I am tired of Captain America, I am tired of villains always failing at the last possible minute", here's a news flash: There are majorly different comic books out there than whatever your mom buys you at the corner store for being a good little boy. Ask her to buy you a bus pass, i'm sure you're old enough now to travel around town on you're own, and go blow your mind in an actual comic book store. You'll see that there are "villan" comics that you can buy that won't have anything to do with Captain America. That way you can make believe in your little world that Cap is truly dead and wont ever come back so that you can enjoy a Cap-free comic. Oh and saying that there aren't any crossovers is the stupidest thing you've written! You litterally posted up a pic from a crossover story in your own article!!! Last time i checked, talking out of your ass is not nor has ever been a quality when writing an article, especially an editorial. Cause then, look at what it makes you look like.
Verdugo - 6/22/2009, 9:57 AM
I agree with some of your comments, but I actually think Marvel is starting to improve on the originallity, I think Civil War its a great example, the main antagonist were all heroes, world War Hulk had a promesing start even when the end was not all that great, Secret Invasion is an intresting take on the skrulls and the new Dark Reing is an improvement over the Thunderbolt concept. Actually I think Drak Reing is a story where the villians have already won.
So yea, they could still take new hights, but Marvel is getting there. Im not really sure about DC scince I dont read their comics, but I bet they must be doing something to compete against Marvel.
Greenhatter02 - 6/22/2009, 10:01 AM
Radiate. To go back to your point, I can see what you are talking about. Especially, since you are an english major and why you love comics. As I read marvel and dc comics, I also tend to buy the other brands too. I have Wanted, Watchmen, I like frank miller's batman, which I think is pretty unique. Maybe not. I just read the Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite. I like to branch out, I do not just buy marvel and dc, so I can "rant". I think you have a better grasp than I do, about the originality in comics. Thanks for the post, I think it helps the discussion. Maybe more, so than others.
Greenhatter02 - 6/22/2009, 10:02 AM
Also Radiate, I agree with you about the non-main streamish DC. I like Vertigo alot, especially Hellblazer.
Greenhatter02 - 6/22/2009, 10:15 AM
I forgot to mention for everything reading this post. What I meant by the characters should stay dead. That is within whatever storyline they die in. So, if Wolveirne were to die in Dark Reign, he should stay dead in dark reign. I have no problem with him being in other storylines. Also, the comparison between the characters was just to highlight what I was talking about. That sometimes it does not seem that the two major companies are being creative enough. It was not to bash Iron Man and Batman. Obviously, all "rich" characters will have similarities.
selinakyle - 6/22/2009, 10:54 AM
I loveee Hell Blazer!!!!!!!!
SirJediFrank - 6/22/2009, 11:46 AM
RADIATE: "These examples are just to demonstrate that originality is a complex mix of time and perception. What is perceived as original may in fact not be and vice versa! " good point, especially in the time general people get to see the final product and THEN compare it to a previous published or screened work.

Greenhatter02: With due respect, Radiate´s posts would have been a better source for an editorial and article, i mean it could have been called " ORIGINALITY IS A COMPLEX MIX OF TIME AND PERCEPTION"

But since you opened the pandora box and since CBM decided to pu it upfront in Main, the credit for posting goes to you.

So it seems you have a broader catalog of comic titles and not just DC/Marvel, but i have to agree with Shaman:

If it were not for the posts, your editorial itself was more of a rant than an actual original essay.. like RADIATE´s post have been on the matter.

Greenhatter02 - 6/22/2009, 11:56 AM
Radiate's point was much more well thought out. I just posted something on my fansite. I did not expect or assume they would put it on the front page. I was just posting my thoughts.
Radiate - 6/22/2009, 12:44 PM
No worries Greenhatter02 - I suspect it must be a mistake somewhere down the line. Heck, if I hadn't of seen your article on the front page I wouldn't have posted. I'm a long time reader/visiter of CBN but only when seeing your article did I think it worthy for me to register and put in my 2 cents!

I've been meaning to read Umbrella Academy, I've heard great things about it! And I do like Vertigo, but not as much as I loved old school Wildstorm; shame Wildstorm isn't what it used to be.

What I also find interesting is that I attribute high originality/creativity in comic books with only a few writers. Namely Joss Whedon, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis. Ellis' specifically is quite prolific I believe (maybe equal or second to Grant Morrison) and his concepts are amazingly unique and actually led me to do some research behind his inspirations e.g. transhumanist movement. If you see Ellis' comicbook works you realise that he is a pioneer in comicbooks. He created the cinematic, widescreen visual method in comics with "Authority" and gave us "Global Frequency" which is an awesomely creative and unique idea on the "saving the world trope". Although, at times I do question whether Ellis (and Morrison) are deliberately talking weird pseudo-scientific/spiritual/philosophical stuff to appear creative when in fact they're not lol.

Other unique ideas from writers is Joss Whedon's "bullet" in Astonishing X-Men. You all know what I'm talking about lol. I don't think many readers appreciate just how creative that idea was!!

What other creators do people attribute creativity and originality with?

Greenhatter02 - 6/22/2009, 1:28 PM
Umbrella Academy is really pretty good. I read the first graphic novel and it was full of holes. Which were not really important to the main story. I was frustrated until I realized it was not just one book,but it is a series. The second full book comes out on October 29th. While it is extremely creative, I was not blown away by it. I did think it was very good though. I like the artistic style it has, as well. You should absolutely check it out.
SirJediFrank - 6/22/2009, 2:17 PM
It is also like with The Beatles, their last album was Abbey Road (recorded and published in late 1969 i think) but LET IT BE was recorded way earlier BUT came out AFTER AR beacause of the many inner and creative conflics that the band had, SO almost the whole planet think of LIB as their last recorded album, but it wasn´t.
A few crossovers already published:

Marvel Vs DC.
Green Lantern(Kyle) - Silver Surfer
Batman-Captain America
Batman-Spider Man
Superman-Silver Surfer (i think)
i am sure there are a lot more.
Do you mean croossovers in the regular series? That would be the aftermath of DCvsMarvel: ACCESS or unlimited Access..
Character that were killed:
Wonder Man( has returned to life and killed again like 3 times so far).

Mocking Bird in Avengers 300 i think.
Jack of Blades, Thunderstrike, a few else i suppose.
Superman (1992 for real but relived)
Captain America( The coming soon Rebirth series)
Blue beetle in Infinite Crisis.

Professor X shot in the head by Bishop, right?
Batman in Final Crisis
Jason Todd in A Death in the Family but i think he is back from the Hush series right?

Dealing with Batman´s death is the nee Battle for the Cowl, right?

SO, there you have it (all the "right?"s is because i haven´t read those myself, but i know they happened)
Anyway, you are correct. It is a free site and it is good you had the guts to speak up your mind.

Radiate great you decided to hop in the threads!

SirJediFrank - 6/22/2009, 2:39 PM
Well seems like I AM more of an only DC-Marvel kind of guy.. the weird thing Greenhatter is that both YOUR comments in this article and Radiate´s ones ARE WAY more informative and constructive than the Text you wrote for the headline and the editorial itself, doyouknowwhatimean?

Too bad that Shaman didn´t get to see your comments and radiate´s comments on those titles you talk about, i am sure he would have contribuited with something.. but it seems he got the hell out of this Internet-Window after rading your Rant!! LOL!! ;-]
turmoil23 - 9/3/2012, 9:13 PM
For RPG purposes, im looking for a way to combine both universes and somewhat coexist, cant seem to find links about this, anyone have any info or ideas to share? THANKS
write me at [email protected]
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