Avatar Breaks a Dark Knight Record

Avatar Breaks a Dark Knight Record

...and other "significant" news.

By WelcomeMat - Dec 28, 2009 10:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: Box Office Mojo / In Contention

Santa slid down FOX’s chimney this year delivering a record breaking second weekend for Avatar. The James Cameron fantasy flick took in $75.6 million, edging past The Dark Knight, which previously held the second weekend record at $75.2 million.

In other news (I’ve always wanted to say that), the American Film Institute released its 8 Moments of Significance for 2009 and Avatar made the cut. The criteria is apparently “accomplishments of considerable merit; influences with either a positive or negative impression; trends, either new or re-emerging; anniversaries or memorials of special note; and/or movements in new technologies, education, preservation, government or other areas that impact the art film, television and digital media.”

This is what the AFI had to say about the titanic (pun intended) film:

James Cameron’s pioneering effort to unleash the human imagination was fully realized in 2009 with the release of AVATAR, a film that firmly established itself as a landmark in the way stories are told.
With an army of technological wizards at his side, writer/director/producer/co-editor Cameron called upon the forces of art and technology to create new tools for storytelling that are groundbreaking in both scope and scale.
The magic of the motion picture – and the transfer of its power to television and now video games – has always found its truest power in its immersive qualities, and with Cameron’s advances in CGI (computer-generated images) and 3-D, AVATAR enters AFI’s almanac as an achievement that will have profound effects on the future of the art form.

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CRITIC17 - 12/28/2009, 10:54 PM
Well... I'm not surprised at all...
luffycapri - 12/28/2009, 11:23 PM
wow thats goods news just glad new moon didn't beat dark knight lol
JesuCrisco - 12/28/2009, 11:25 PM
Avatar is a true work of art.
LEEE777 - 12/28/2009, 11:28 PM

and a HELL YEAH!!!!
LEEE777 - 12/28/2009, 11:29 PM
AVATAR is cinema history in the making!!!
WelcomeMat - 12/28/2009, 11:33 PM
@LEEE hahaha. It was so good! I had a smile on my face the whole time...behind my 3D glasses of course! I'd been gung-ho about it since the trailers and had mine and my friend's tickets bought for the first saturday a week prior to opening day :P
LEEE777 - 12/28/2009, 11:40 PM
Good stuff @ MATT!! : D

Hey i wonder where all them AVATAR h8rs are now, that b1tched on this movie for months?? Lol!
KeepItReal - 12/28/2009, 11:52 PM
We're dying to see it but I dont think I can take my 4 year old. =( will have to wait for the dvd.
LEEE777 - 12/29/2009, 12:05 AM
KEEP @ ive got an idea! Get some fake ID!

; D

Logan-X @ Great stuff man!!
theothegreat - 12/29/2009, 12:40 AM
Man that is awesome news, though I loved the Dark Knight, Avatar was phenomenal. Thank you for this Holiday delivery Mr. Cameron.
WelcomeMat - 12/29/2009, 12:49 AM
Damn, I took too long making my image and can't put it in my article anymore. lol Oh well...comment it is:

Superheromoviefan - 12/29/2009, 12:52 AM
I like Avatar, but beat The Dark Knight?
Avatar is very good, but The Dark Knight is a masterpiece.
MisterFixit - 12/29/2009, 1:50 AM
Not suprised,with 150m. in promotions
LEEE777 - 12/29/2009, 1:58 AM
superheromoviefan @ No,,, WATCHMEN is a masterpiece!!! ; D

MAT @ Great PIC you did there man!
Macksimus - 12/29/2009, 2:27 AM
Yeah, TDK was much better than Avatar IMO.

...btw, anyone else getting their lady a blue latex suit to wear this Valentines day, also?

Just wondering.
shibazz - 12/29/2009, 3:39 AM
KeepItReal!!!!!!! yer back :)
GUNSMITH - 12/29/2009, 4:10 AM

MisterFixit - 12/29/2009, 5:29 AM
StephenStrange - 12/29/2009, 7:51 AM
@WelcomeMat: that's awesome! Great pic... sacrilege... but great
InFamouslyCool - 12/29/2009, 8:02 AM
..ahahahaha.. the dark knight's so much better.
Roscoe182 - 12/29/2009, 8:27 AM
im so so sick of hearing about avatar it wasnt even that good a film the effects were cool but thats all the film has goin 4 ut the plot is crap.. please put actual news on this website not this sh*t
TheNameIsBetty - 12/29/2009, 8:35 AM
"Santa slid down FOX's chimney...."

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
BillyBlack - 12/29/2009, 8:41 AM
In more AVATAR related news...

Roscoe182 had this to say

gorgeousgeeks - 12/29/2009, 9:06 AM
So what if Avatar beat Dark Knight's two week record? Dark Knight actually had a good plot. The only applause Avatar should receive is for the special effects. Otherwise, it was a waste and it's overly blown out of proportion.
Roscoe182 - 12/29/2009, 9:09 AM
im sorry i just dont think avatar was as good as its made out to be yes the effects were pretty dam good but again thats it thair was no real plot i just cant understand why every 1 thinks its the best film ever made

ha thanx gorgeousgeeks glad sum 1 els has a brain
gorgeousgeeks - 12/29/2009, 9:12 AM
But you know Avatar is probably going to make a ridiculous amount of money. Cameron is going to keep that movie in theaters until he's satisfied with the result. Remember how much money Titanic made? It was a slow and steady wins the race type of deal.
TheBat - 12/29/2009, 9:16 AM
@ gorgeousgeeks - I couldn't agree more. Avatar is completely overrated. I saw it, and it wasn't that great. It definitely wasn't a masterpiece, The Dark Knight was. Sherlock Holmes is the one people should be seeing, it also much better.
MarkCassidy - 12/29/2009, 9:22 AM
It wasn't a masterpiece to me..but i spose thats all down to personal opinion. It was a great movie experience though. Not a patch on the over all quality of TDK.
Roscoe182 - 12/29/2009, 9:30 AM
@ ror yer thats how i feel i think it was an ok film but its all in the effects thair was no plot i no this film will m,ake a lot of money an it should the erffects were awesome but a good film shoud have a solid story and good acting 1 of tyhe above is missing from avatar
LEEE777 - 12/29/2009, 9:35 AM

The TDK ain't all that, WATCHMEN was a better movie, get pretty sick of everything being compared to the TDK all the time!

Hell half you lot on here b1tch about BALE being a crap BATMAN lol! Which he's not by the way, i love the TDK (ALOT) but if your gonna compare a movie, compare WATCHMEN to AVATAR!!! ; )

Saying that, all three are in the top 5 of best movies in the last 10 years!!!

Cant wait for the next BATMAN sequel, an AVATAR! (Hell NOLAN better do the thirds BATS).
Roscoe182 - 12/29/2009, 9:37 AM
i dont think watchmen is better but its a better film to compare it 2 ..

an d yes bats 3 needs to be made
supermarioworldE - 12/29/2009, 9:38 AM
What films of lesser quality than The Dark Knight, aren't beating The Dark Knight's records these days? Avatar? Transformers?! Goddamn Twilight?!?!
LEEE777 - 12/29/2009, 9:44 AM
Roscoe182 @ WATCHMEN is better than both man?? Though i suppose different strokes lol!

MARIO @ Arghhhh [frick]ing TWILIGHT! & HARRY CRAPPER too!!
JoshWilding - 12/29/2009, 9:56 AM
Im amazed that Fox was behind Avatar, yet every single CBM they've made has been crap..!

It was an excellent movie but Star Trek remains my top movie of the year (followed closely by Watchmen!)
flames809 - 12/29/2009, 10:05 AM
watchmen wasn't that good i would just read the comic than watch the movie again. its the same as the comic nothing different so y bother watch the movie. in my opinion tdk was way better watchmen was just the same as the comic nothing different just the ending
BillyBlack - 12/29/2009, 10:05 AM
One man's trash... blah blah blah

A lot of crying over nothing if you ask me, which you didn't. But that didn't stop anyone else.

I guess all the people complaining about the story weren't fans of Dances with Wolves? Since it's basically a rehashing of that story, and many others. You can say the story is unoriginal, sure, but Star Wars and many other "classics" stole their stories from previous tales. I really didn't care for Dances with Wolves, never saw the whole thing. I think Kevin Cosner sucks. He can suck a fart outta my ass. Avatar was a lot of fun. If you didn't have a good time seeing the movie, you were probably focusing on the wrong thing.

So don't buy into the hype, just enjoy it for what it is. A great movie going experience. If that means I don't have a "brain" that's fine. I'll just have to make do with my enormous penis.

To all the cheese eaters, one more question...

ScottScottScott - 12/29/2009, 10:09 AM
@Roscoe Avatar had a predictable story but at the same time it was a timeless and enjoyable one.There was definitely a plot, just because you didn't have to look for twists does not mean there was no plot. Which causes me to call into play do you even really know what a plot is? I don't think ya do.

The effects were breathtaking in Avatar, I can understand gtrman is saying but you can't live in the past man, No movies will ever be made like that again and have a huge premier past the Sci-Fi Channel. You have to get with the times. I know the past is hard to let go of.

As to everyone hailing TDK as a masterpiece, That movie had tons of flaws from bad acting to an over hyped performance by Heath Ledger. Was it good, yes it was. Was it a masterpiece not at all. My number 1 biggest pet peeve with TDK is Aaron Eckharts inability to transform from Harvey Dent into Twoface. He was much like George Clooney in Batman forever and stayed the same Character through out the entire movie.

@Lee yeah i agree Watchmen was a Masterpiece of Comic to Film Cinema. Still waiting on a true Batman Movie. Here's Hoping Snyder actually does The Dark Knight Returns. :)

@flames the fact that the Movie(Watchmen.) was so dead onto the Comic is what made it a masterpiece. I mean yeah they had some small changes but over all it's the closest Comic to Screen Adaption we've ever had. (well 300 and Sin City were pretty spot on too. But that wasn't Superheroes.)
LEEE777 - 12/29/2009, 10:20 AM

Skot888 @ Thats a great idea man Snyder would make a [frick]ing fantastic BATMAN movie!!!

JOSH @ FOX done STAR WARS, ALIENS etc etc???? They do great sci-fi, its only Cbm's they [frick] up lol! ; D

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