Star Wars: The Clones Wars Season 2 Trailer

Star Wars: The Clones Wars Season 2 Trailer

New Trailer!

By YohonKalic - Aug 03, 2009 12:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: Star Wars


This new season looks really good. They talked at the Star Wars panel about how the new season would be much more adult with a overall more mature theme. I for one can't wait for this new season. I would like to know what you guys think about the show and what you hope to see in the new season.


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Scorpioxfactor - 7/26/2009, 5:36 AM
#1 with A bullet YEHAAAA!!!!
Scorpioxfactor - 7/26/2009, 5:44 AM
I hope there is more about the plans for the Death Star that end up on into Lei'a hands. Can't they do just "1" Live Action movie?
YohonKalic - 7/26/2009, 5:55 AM

This show is fun, and is great to watch, but I want to see the live action show. I watched G4 and in the two hours it was on they didn't even mention anything about it...

LEEE777 - 7/26/2009, 6:37 AM
Cool! ; )
YohonKalic - 7/26/2009, 9:25 AM

Wow..... How is it there are no Star Wars fans on this site...

Supermike - 7/26/2009, 9:53 AM
These is really sad how far Star War has fallen Im really starting to think it was a mistake for lucus to make these movies
Osiris - 7/26/2009, 1:13 PM
the first season was really damn good, but this looks like it will blow the first away.

@Yohon@ I'm an SW fan....I'm the only person I know that has dedicated a whole day to watching the entire saga. I collect the comics, I play the games, I have read some of the books most are hard to get a hold of.
thwhtGuardian - 7/26/2009, 1:33 PM
This looks amazing. I love that clint eastwood bounty hunter guy.
MisterNiceGuy - 7/26/2009, 2:31 PM
supermike his movies are the reason we have most of the shit you see today. yea some of his stuff now isnt the greatest but star wars was so great that nothing he does will live up to it. have a little respect man
jallanr - 7/26/2009, 2:39 PM
waesome! luv the show, can`t wait for this season!

woo hoo!
oblivenous - 7/27/2009, 12:27 PM
"I actualy liked the first season more than the last 3 films so i hope this hits the same spot"

WTF??? You are clearly as chemically inbalanced and genetically screwed as your avatar if you actually believe that crap you typed!!!

Ep. 1 was better than the crappy new Star Trek movie (that millions of idiots got their soiled Fruit of the Looms hot & bothered over for no good reason!) just in the fact that Darth Maul trumps all that is good in this new Star Trek, which wasn't much. If you can't live up to the Borg, or Patrick Stewart, about 10 or so years ago, then you are simply lacking. Recycling the same 'ol, same 'ol "classic lines" (despite "wasting" a great cast) was as lame as seeing Nimoy was anti-climactic. Based on Romulans and time travel; that doesn't even live up to the Shatner days. Seriously.

Ep. 2 had, overall, more in it that Ep. 1; but ultimately was all to lead up to the best one out of ALL of the movies. And I say this having grown up w/ the origional trilogy:

Revenge of the Sith was the best; slightly better than RotJ & Empire.

RotS is probably THE BEST Sci Fi prequel, and sequel, ever made. That movie could have, and should have, been 4 hours long w/ all that it had; the book is AMAZING.

Having said that, the Clone Wars has been more cool in its' novelty than anything else; seeing this new way to view Star Wars has been great.

EXCEPT FOR ONE MINOR, but now major it seems, PART:

The only "Bane" in the SW Universe is DARTH Bane, not "Cad". Those who have read these deliciously bloody and dark books know how excellent it would be on the big screen. It would be so much different in so many awesome ways and would give an ADULT PERSPECTIVE (as Ep. 3 had more adult themes out of all of the SW movies) to this great franchise. It had success as a kids' story years ago, those kids are all now grown up; it will always BE more tailored and suited for kids (FOREVER), but to have a Darth Bane movie would make it noticeable in ways it perhaps never has been. ...centering on the culture of the Sith, as one major example, has never been done other than a little bit here and there in the movies. It's a young peoples' story; I get it. It's all about a bunch of heroes thwarting the "bad guys". I understand, as I am still a kid, that the themes (if you don't look deep enough) are FOR kids.

But I digress... In the SW Universe there is, and always will be, only one "Bane" and it isn't some blue Bounty Hunter. They could have come up w/ ANY other name for this guy. Perhaps there is a tie-in to the Dark Lord, but that would be a stretch; interesting to see if there IS a tie-in because if there isn't, then we'll just be dissapointed w/ this sudden lack of creativity. A tie-in would be lame, but no tie-in is worse.

And "JUST SAY NO" to Anime! It SUUUUUUUUCKS and is THE reason, helped w/ a couple other minor ones (like the writing), that ruined the new Transformers cartoon. Anime just sucks. Cartooning went from black and white to Tom and Jerry to Japanimation... to a step below Tom and Jerry. WTF?!?! Anime is fine for those who want absolutely no ties w/ the real world, but other than that it is worthless; if Anime is supposed to be the "future of cartooning", then cartoons have no future. ...and having a tiny bit of an interesting plot, minus actual interaction & dialogue worth a crap to make it BREATHE LIFE, doesn't make up for it. At all.

"Super"mike... Seriously? You are THAT stupid as to say something THAT dumb in public? As a fan of SW who has gotten his wife to know about Sci Fi (SW in particular) in recent years than noob tools like you, who can say that "Clone Wars was a step down from the movies, but it is meant to be a new way for the kids to dig the GREAT SW Universe; and, really, pretty dman entertaining", I can say that nothing that George Lucas could EVER, EVER do (even what all happened in the last Indiana Jones movie!!!) could take away from what he has done.

Hell; even IF Star Wars was as lame as Star Trek, but still had the advancements in technology we see everywhere today, it would still be the shit JUST for that reason. Thank God Lucas gave us more reason than just the technology to forever love Star Wars.

He could make E.T. 2 starring Britney Spears & Paris Hilton w/ the title character looking exactly like freakin' Jar Jar (who, just like in Transformers 2, people made waaaaaayyyyy too big a damn deal out of something that only exists in the "fanatics'" little minds!!) and would still be THE MAN. Despite this new "Bane" crap going on, I don't think he'd ever be THAT lame, or senile. lol

So, kiddos, the lessons today were: SW is killer, there is only ONE Bane and he is a baaaaad man and NOT blue, Star Trek is (as it always has been) overrated, ANIME SUUUUUCKS... Oh; and you all have got to find something better to do w/ your lives than pick and bitch and point and whine at spoilers; whether they are fakes or not. Keep your panties on and BE ENTERTAINED.

Personally speaking, as much as we would have loved to be at Comic-Con, those who were there should be the only ones who are allowed to see those previews and trailers; the rest of us simply missed out, no big deal. COOL to see the new Tron, but I would've been fine waiting; it's not like we aren't gonna see previews once a day every day for months before it's even released. lol

TheGambitFreak - 7/28/2009, 12:55 PM
GO REX!!!!!!

YOHON it's cause episode 3 sucked!
TheGambitFreak - 7/28/2009, 12:59 PM
wait i'm confused jedi aren't suppose to fall in love!
Osiris - 7/28/2009, 1:39 PM
@gambitfreak@ actually in the old Republic days it was not frowned upon for Jedi to be in relationships/fall in love, it wasn't until later that the rules were changed because the Jedi began to fear the dark side greatly and believed that, that was one of the things that could lead a Jedi down that path.
TheGambitFreak - 7/29/2009, 3:08 AM
thanks OSIRIS
YOHON when the new season start?
Inohaku - 7/29/2009, 11:02 PM
OMG, Mandalorians!! Cool, so cool!!

And I think I saw Sam Wessell in there, the changeling bounty hunter?
TheGambitFreak - 7/29/2009, 11:33 PM
hey anime is the future anime is like the first spiderman cartoon in the 60's it doesn't move really at all so true bout that! oblevious@
YohonKalic - 7/30/2009, 7:36 PM

@Gambit Freak

I checked it out and its said to start sometime this fall. From what I know, there is no exact date yet.

TheGambitFreak - 7/31/2009, 1:51 AM
yeahhhhhhh!!!!! u da man YOHON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scorpioxfactor - 7/31/2009, 2:20 AM
in star wars, you don't need permission from the federation to blow up a planet.
JD22 - 7/31/2009, 3:17 PM
@oblivenous wow i think i have just seen the most retarded StarWars fanboy ever, really? does Jar Jar Binks mean nothing to you? the prequels sucked and only Revenge of the Sith is kinda good. but none of them NONE of them stand up to the original trilogy. Especially not to Empire.

also you talk about star trek recycling lines? every single piece of dialogue in the prequel trilogy is recycle and over used.

i feel kind of insulted at your stupidity.
Inohaku - 7/31/2009, 4:01 PM
AND, only one Bane in the SW universe? hahaha, so stupid!!
YohonKalic - 8/3/2009, 3:43 PM

I like all the Star Wars movies, except the Star Wars Christmas Special, oh god was that bad.....

oblivenous - 12/14/2009, 12:27 AM
sorry, children, i was busy having a life...

if Jar Jar is your only response, then that's laughable. at best. EVERYONE and their KID knows Jar Jar was used merely and solely for whimsical & comedic moments and any claim to put any more weight into it other than a "humorous plot vehicle" just shows boredom by reading WAY far into what isn't even worth having a conversation about. if that's all the case you have, then you have no case.

Ep. I & II still had some VERY interesting parts about them (seeing an army of Jedi to kick off the Clone Wars, why Boba became what he was; Darth Maul, which is, in the one movie he is in w/ minimal lines, EASILY cooler than all of the "cool" that Star Trek has to offer... and etc...) and were the set-up to Ep. III which can be argued, even by YOUR DUMB A$$ SELF (DENNIS), to be the best of all 6 of the movies. Ep. III could have been 4 hours long and still been action-packed and absolutely AMAZING w/ all that went on to tie up the movie series that "started it all".

"kinda good" to someone w/ no taste who has no idea wtf they are talking about to support their little "opinion" is more than enough; trust me. you can half-convince yourself to hate a great thing all you want, but it won't change reality. read the book (if you ever do so) and let's hear your opinion. that's ok; we have a year to do wtf ever while you sloooowly trudge along the pages. ;-p

aaaaaaaaand you're done. come w/ MORE next time, after you research your material past what gets your panties wet; please. lol

INOHAKU... idk what i typed, but it should be EASY to see what i MEANT by saying "there is only ONE Bane in the SW Universe", and his name is DARTH BANE. a.k.a. "Dessel". SPEAKING OF BOOKS; if you don't know the first 2 Bane books, then i suggest you try to Fast-Forward a little bit and read them because they totally kick a$$ (and not to just "fanMEN" like me, but to EVERYBODY i've let borrow the first one... as they then begged to let me borrow the 2nd one), and are so loved that the author is now releasing the 3rd of his story (was JUST released on 12-08-09).

he is the one who STARTED the "Rule of Two", as is the name of the 2nd book coincidentally, and... well; look it up on (YOUR WELCOME for the link if you don't know it already) or just go read the books already and FIND OUT why this bounty hunter should've been named anything else but Cad Bane. ...unless he's, like, the reincarnation of THE Darth Bane.

anyway; i'm going to get "Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil" and the rest of you "fanb***hes" can catch the hell up ALREADY. well; at least to this.

...but using DARTH Bane's name again is like having some other guy in the SW Universe called "Robert SOLO" and not be related to Han's family. ...or at least REFERENCED like he is a relative. ...or someone named "Lando" or "Leia" and just ignore the "coincidence". it's ridiculous. granted; people unfortunately don't know the name "Bane" like they should, despite his character actually being quite pivotal to the movies, but what SUCKS is that the only "Bane" that people know is some blue d**k of a sissy that nobody cares about in a cartoon that is "kinda good", who will, subsequently, get his head cut off by a Jedi sooner or later. ...may have already happened for all i know.

but, as we are talking about REALITY; about the SW Christmas Special... yeah; that was pretty bad. lol

speaking of bad; GAMBITFREAK... Anime is CRAP no matter how you slice it to make it look like pizza. to think that cartooning went from the old black and white, to Tom & Jerry, to Japanimation, to TAKING A STEP DOWN and being LAUGHABLY UNREALISTIC IN EVERY WAY is "cool" is ludicrous. Anime is just dumb to look at, despite the storylines not being totally devoid. ...even though the storyline does get LAME as it is played out by the dramatic "blowing in the wind" dramatic crap that is rampant through pretty much ALL Anime.

things such as the Clone Wars, Beowulf, or even Fist of the North Star (as it is now "older") completely blow the best of Anime today has to offer away. i love Gambit, not the movie one in particular (WHERE DID THE ACCENT GO; for ONE?!!?), but you are wrong. Anime is for Asian girls who can't seem to seperate fantasy from reality. i may be a "fan" of cool stuff, but i can easily seperate real life from that cool stuff.

PEACE x II! ;-p
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