SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Director Teases Possible Return For The Vulture's Daughter - SPOILERS

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Director Teases Possible Return For The Vulture's Daughter - SPOILERS

Liz Toomes was Peter Parker's main love interest in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and based on comments from director Jon Watts, it sounds like there could be a future for The Vulture's daughter in the MCU...

By JoshWilding - Jul 12, 2019 02:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Far From Home
Source: ComicBook.com
At the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Liz Allen Toomes left New York City with her mother after Spidey outed her father as The Vulture. There was no sign of the family in Spider-Man: Far From Home but you have to believe Liz will have something to say now that Peter Parker has been exposed as the wall-crawler and the man who put her dad behind bars.

"Oh yeah. I mean like, yeah, we talked about it a little bit," director Jon Watts said when asked if ever considered bringing her back for the sequel. "I mean, that's something that I would love to explore more future films."

While Watts wasn't willing to reveal whether Liz was among those who were dusted by Thanos' attack on Earth in Avengers: Infinity War, it sounds like something the filmmaker has definitely considered. "She was [five years older than everyone] when we shot the movie, so now she can just actually play her," Watts laughed. "Now she can just play her actual age."

It's possible Liz could become a villain, but whatever happens with that character, The Vulture is bound to return somewhere down the line in order to get his revenge against Peter Parker.

Would you like to see more from Liz in a future Spider-Man movie? 

Hit the "View List" button to see 10 supporting characters
we want to see in the Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel!

Harry Osborn


One of Peter Parker's best friends, we've seen two versions of this character on the big screen already so is it too soon for a third? Peter and Harry have always had a complicated relationship, and the fact that Norman showed so much admiration for the former is what ultimately sent his son down a path that saw him become addicted to drugs and adopt the Green Goblin mantle. 

We've seen that story play out twice (both with and without Norman), so Marvel Studios will have to take the character down a very different path in this movie in order to make him feel fresh. 

There's no real need for him to immediately have a friendship with Peter, and seeing as it's hard to imagine the wall-crawler returning to high school after his secret identity was outed, perhaps it's best if he's just Norman's emotionally abused son and someone who chooses to turn on his father to help Spider-Man. Alternatively, Norman could be experimenting on him!

Miles Morales


Miles was first alluded to in Spider-Man: Homecoming, so he could have easily grown to the right age to become a hero - assuming he wasn't dusted alongside half the planet in Avengers: Infinity War.

Sony Pictures introduced Miles in an animated setting in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and fans are desperate to see him in live-action now, which is something Marvel Studios could definitely pull off. Like our next suggestion on this list, Miles' introduction could shed some light on the spider that bit Peter and give Sony a new character they could then take control of in his own franchise. 

Seeing Spidey and Miles side by side would be nothing short of spectacular, and while the latter wouldn't necessarily have to suit up just yet, there's an awful lot of potential for a meeting between them.

Cindy Moon/Silk


Cindy Moon was bitten by the same radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker, and rumour has it that Sony Pictures may have plans for the character. Time will tell whether that happens, of course.

Peter never knew about Cindy as she was hidden away by a mysterious man known as Ezekiel Sims (more on him later) after her powers emerged and spent years locked away from the world. That was to stop a vampiric-like being known as Morlun from tracking her down, and some time after Spidey defeated him, she was finally freed.
It was then that Cindy became Silk, embarking an a relationship of sorts with Peter (their connection through that spider means they find each other overwhelmingly attractive). Introducing her into the wall-crawler's world would be much more interesting than a solo film and would finally shed some light on that mysterious radioactive spider.

The Punisher


Frank Castle was a military veteran who returned home from service only to see his family gunned down in front of him by the mob during a shootout in Central Park. This led to him becoming The Punisher, a merciless vigilante who takes down criminals with extreme prejudice.

The Punisher entered the MCU (well, sort of) during the second season of Daredevil, and then received his own series which was ultimately cancelled by the online streaming service. 

Well, his first comic book appearance came in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man, and seeing as the wall-crawler has been blamed for murdering the world's "greatest hero" Mysterio, it would definitely make sense for Frank Castle to try to hunt down Peter Parker. Sadly, it seems unlikely all things considered, but these two sharing the screen somewhere down the line would be amazing.

Gwen Stacy


There were rumours that Gwen Stacy would make an appearance in Spider-Man: Far From Home as a foreign exchange student, but that never happened and Jon Watts said it was never the plan when we spoke to him about the sequel. It would be good to see a fresh take on the character, however, and Gwen could be reinvented just like MJ.

That would be controversial among some fans, of course, but MJ has arguably become one of Peter's best big screen love interests, so there's really no reason why a new Gwen would be a bad thing.

At this point, making her one of the wall-crawler's friends might be the best move, while she could just as easily be a police officer (like her father) or even someone who works at Oscorp if that company is finally going to be introduced in the third instalment. The point is, having her around in time for the Green Goblin's silver screen return would be no bad thing.



Another victim of Netflix's decision to cancel its Marvel TV shows thanks to the arrival of Disney+, the Man Without Fear deserves to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hopefully with Charlie Cox back beneath the mask. The next Spider-Man movie seems like the best possible place for that to happen, especially after that mid-credits scene. 

After all, with his identity exposed to the world, Peter Parker is going to need some legal representation and there's really no better lawyer for the job than Hell's Kitchen's Matt Murdock! 

In the comics, Spider-Man and Daredevil are close allies and good friends. They’ve worked together on a number of occasions over the years, and their team-ups are a real fan-favourite occurrence. Charlie Cox has even talked about wanting to stand alongside Spider-Man as Daredevil, while Vincent D'Onofrio is also keen to return as The Kingpin.

Jean DeWolff


Despite the fact that they initially had something of a hostile relationship (mostly thanks to J. Jonah Jameson’s anti-Spider-Man stories in The Daily Bugle), Spider-Man and NYPD police captain Jean DeWolff would later become close allies. She was tragically murdered by the Sin-Eater, and when Peter visited her apartment for clues, he discovered that she had romantic feelings for him.

The previous Spider-Man movies never really touched on the wall-crawler’s relationship with the police. Having an authority figure of sorts in the NYPD for Spidey to both clash and work with would be something new to this franchise, and Jean is a fantastic character who could easily come into the web-slinger's orbit now he's being hunted by the police after being framed for murder.

Ezekiel Sims


One day out of the blue, Spider-Man was confronted by a mysterious older man who somehow had the same powers as him and knew his secret identity. Ezekiel revealed to Peter that his powers weren’t scientific in nature at all; they had a basis in magic. Despite being sceptical, Spidey found himself up against all sorts of mystical threats, and Ezekiel became a good friend…

...until it was revealed that he meant to sacrifice Spider-Man in order to save himself!
Taking the franchise in this direction and throwing a mentor character like Ezekiel into the mix would be something new for this franchise, and would work very well when this Peter Parker is so much younger. The best part about this, however, would undoubtedly be the fact that Ezekiel’s introduction would lead to Spider-Man facing off with the deadly Morlun. 

John Jameson


J.K. Simmons reprised the role of J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man: Far From Home's mid-credits scene, and it's impossible to imagine him not returning in the next instalment after being the one to reveal the web-slinger's secret identity and branding him a menace to the public.

We very briefly met John Jameson in Spider-Man 2, but how great would it be for him to return here and adopt his Man-Wolf persona? That would be batsh*t crazy, but something really fun to see the hero tackle, especially if he ultimately saves the day and proves to Jonah that he is a hero. 

Now The Daily Bugle is no longer a newspaper, it would be great to delve a little deeper into Jonah's world and what makes him tick, and having him resent the world's heroes because his son doesn't get the recognition he deserves would certainly go some way in explaining his motivations.

Uncle Ben


Uncle Ben's existence has been alluded to a number of times in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Marvel Studios' desire to avoid retreading old ground means that we've yet to learn more about the man who presumably set him on the path to becoming a superhero. 

If the media starts digging into who Peter Parker is, we'll surely learn more about Ben's death and whether Peter or Spider-Man played some sort of role in that (letting the burglar go who was responsible for gunning him down because he was too busy having fun with his powers or trying to profit from them). With any luck, that would lead to some long overdue flashbacks. 

Assuming we get those, I can't think of anyone better to play Ben than Tobey Maguire!

Continue reading below to see which villains we're
hoping to see in the Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel!



Does Marvel really want to go back down the Goblin route? The Green Goblin’s story was covered in-depth in all three of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies and even factored into The Amazing Spider-Man before Harry Osborn took up the mantle in the sequel.
However, despite the similar look and name, the Hobgoblin is a very different kind of bad guy. A number of men have held the mantle, while the initial mystery of who was beneath the mask could make for very entertaining viewing on the big screen.
A successful fashion designer, Roderick Kingsley became the Hobgoblin when he discovered one of Norman Osborn’s caches of weapons, and managed to alter the Goblin formula to avoid going insane. Those ties with the Green Goblin mean that his origin story would have to be greatly retooled, but he’s worthy of a movie appearance.



J. Jonah Jameson has revealed Spider-Man's secret identity to the world, and seeing as he's now an Alex Jones-type personality on the fringes of the mainstream media, how better to prove that the wall-crawler is a "menace" than to attempt to take him out with some killer robots? 

He gave it a good go in the comic books, and while Aleister Smythe may not be as exciting on the surface as some of the other villains listed here, the Spider-Slayers would make a good secondary villain if nothing else. 

Jameson trying to take the glory for stopping Spider-Man makes perfect sense, and considering the fact that both The Vulture and Mysterio have had ties to Stark Industries, Smythe could also have history there (perhaps he was instrumental in creating the Iron Legion?). Regardless, seeing Simmons' face on one of these robots chasing after Spidey would be beyond awesome. 



We got to see Electro in action in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the results were...disastrous? The villain still has a lot of potential, though, and a comic accurate take on him would be a lot of fun.

Due to the amount of the spotlight he's received in the past, Electro would have to be a secondary bad guy on the same level as someone like Shocker, and Marvel Studios should be able to do justice to his classic yellow and green costume (and not the awful blue skin/black rubber suit combination we got back in 2014). 

Kevin Feige has said that Marvel Studios wants to move away from bad guys who got their powers in scientific accidents, but there are always ways around that, and they could even use the female Electro!



Is it too soon for The Clone Saga? One of the coolest pieces of imagery in Spider-Man: Far From Home was the wall-crawler fighting off duplicates of himself during Mysterio's illusion attack, and there's a lot Marvel Studios could do with both The Jackal and Ben Reilly. The problem is, this would be a lot to tackle in just the one movie so perhaps the slow burn approach would be best.

Miles Warren could be introduced as an ally of sorts to the wall-crawler who has an unusual fascination with his powers, and a pretty perfect mid-credits scene would be us seeing a duplicate of Peter in a containment tube. 

Then, a fourth movie could really delve into what it means for there to be "another" Spidey and even Kaine could be brought into the fold. Ultimately, Ben would die or disappear and the stage would be set for us to learn that the man funding The Jackal's operation was actually Norman Osborn!



Scorpion is one of Spider-Man’s classic enemies, but perhaps not as A-List as the likes of Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. Even so, his story is perfectly suited for the big screen, especially after he made an appearance in Spider-Man: Homecoming and The Daily Bugle has been re-introduced with J.K Simmons back in the role of J. Jonah Jameson.
In the comics, Jonah hires private detective Mac Gargan to find out Spidey’s secret identity. When he fails, he agrees to be bonded to a suit which will grant him the abilities to take the hero down and unmask him. Unfortunately, it also drives him insane, and a vengeful Scorpion ends up targeting both Spider-Man and Jameson thanks to his newfound powers.
That origin would need to undergo some changes on the big screen, of course, but Jameson hiring an ex-con with a grudge against Spider-Man so he can confirm that he and Peter Parker are one and the same definitely makes sense, and would be a fun story to see play out.

Kraven The Hunter


A fan-favourite choice (even with director Jon Watts), Kraven the Hunter is in desperate need of a big screen appearance. Marvel could head down any number of routes, but should go with exactly what the name implies – a hunter. He originally arrived in New the US with the goal to take out New York’s newest hero, but no doubt the best story for Marvel to adapt would be Kraven’s Last Hunt.
The leaked emails from the Sony Hack revealed that it is a story Sony are interested in, and we've since heard that they might be thinking about adapting it for a solo movie featuring the villain.

That tale is both critically acclaimed and loved by comic book fans, and, as we're sure you know, it takes the wall-crawler to some very dark places. With Spider-Man at his lowest ebb now that he's perceived as a villain and his identity has been outed, someone like Kraven coming along to make his life a living hell definitely seems pretty fitting!

Green Goblin


We mentioned Norman Osborn earlier in this post, and while the Green Goblin has been done to death on the big screen, there are still a lot of stories that haven't been told. Marvel Studios has the opportunity to not only give the wall-crawler a powerful new enemy, but to create a "Dark Reign" over the Marvel Cinematic Universe and build to the formation of the Dark Avengers. 

We could see a monstrous version of the Goblin similar to the one in the Ultimate line of comic books, or a version who looks exactly like his comic book counterpart; either option would be something new.

The previous movies got a lot right about the Osborn family, but failed to nail every aspect of the characters, and if Marvel reveals that the spider that bit Peter was an Oscorp creation, that would immediately explain why the Green Goblin is looking to take the web-slinger down. Honestly, there's a lot that could be done with this villain that would make him feel fresh. 

Doctor Octopus


He may be another bad guy we've seen before, but it's been over 15 years since Doctor Octopus made his big screen debut and after his impressive turn in the Spider-Man video game, it's clear that there's still more that could be done with Otto Octavius. 

The difficulty here is that the 2004 version was so perfect, it's hard to imagine what Marvel Studios could bring to the table that's new, so a complete reinvention of the character could be in order.

With something of an overhaul, the new Doctor Octopus could be Spidey's best big bad yet and seeing as the last version very nearly destroyed New York City, a more personal tale might be for the best. Either way, Doc Ock deserves another shot, and the Sinister Six would suffer without him. 



Morlun is not one of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko’s original creations and is a fairly new villain (he was introduced in the early 2000s when J. Michael Straczynski took over writing duties on The Amazing Spider-Man). However, despite not having decades worth of history, he’s still one of the Spidey's most powerful foes, and Peter Parker very nearly failed to survive their first encounter.
Mystical in nature, Morlun arrived on the scene at the time Peter discovered that his powers may be more magic than science based. He relentlessly tracked Spider-Man through New York and started murdering civilians whenever the hero managed to hide to take a rest.

With so much focus on Peter’s parents and science in The Amazing Spider-Man movies and technology being such a huge part of his MCU adventures, delving into another side of the hero's powers could be truly fascinating, and bringing in Ezekiel (who had identical abilities to Peter) would definitely open the door to some unique new storytelling possibilities. 

Black Cat


Black Cat has flirted with being good and bad over the years, so bringing her in as an enemy of Spider-Man’s who eventually becomes one of his closes allies (and lover in the comic books) could definitely work. She’s a strong female character – something that's now a priority for superhero movies – and could be introduced in a number of ways.

One possibility is Felicia Hardy being Peter’s classmate in order to avoid the awkward age difference between them if Marvel ends up exploring their romantic feelings for each other. But now that his identity has been outed, it's just as likely that they could meet out in the world. 

Spider-Man and Black Cat have clashed many times, though he often comes out on the losing end thanks to her ability to project bad luck onto others, and while Sony is reportedly considering a spinoff movie for the character, she's arguably an individual who would benefit greatly from some more direct links to the web-slinger. 
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Repian - 7/12/2019, 3:07 AM
dracula - 7/12/2019, 3:31 AM
Wonder if Peter will ever be a photographer again, seriously neither Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland had anything to do with newspapers
four20smoke - 7/12/2019, 3:55 AM
@PeterCipher - naked photos of himself doing the spidey pose...😳
MexCowboyNation - 7/12/2019, 4:26 AM
@PeterCipher - wtf? haha
Jaspion - 7/12/2019, 5:55 AM
@dracula - well it makes no sense for Peter to send Spider-Man pictures to the newspaper now.
SuperbatSpider1003 - 7/12/2019, 7:17 AM
@dracula - personally I agree! I wish they still gave peter the Photography as a hobby. they tried it in TASM and didn’t bother furthering it. A lot of teens now a days try having a hobby in photography.
RivalSpy - 7/12/2019, 3:49 AM
This was published by ComicBook.com on July 4th. Wilding is struggling for stories today and puling articles out his ass. If you are not going to cover something within a few days, just don't bother.
LittleSween - 7/12/2019, 3:58 AM
A love interest for Spidey that is also the daughter of a crime boss...
Could be a good angle for a Black Cat introduction if they didn’t wanna go the whole Felicia route. Seemed to have worked for MJ
regularmovieguy - 7/12/2019, 4:12 AM
Is anyone else really curious to see how Tom Holland ages as Spider-Man? He’s not gonna grow anymore

MexCowboyNation - 7/12/2019, 4:28 AM
@regularmovieguy - He is a good choice for teenage Parker but not college-age Parker.
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