SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Star Jake Gyllenhaal Weighs In On The Sequel's Shocking Mid-Credits Scene

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Star Jake Gyllenhaal Weighs In On The Sequel's Shocking Mid-Credits Scene

In a new interview, Spider-Man: Far From Home star Jake Gyllenhaal finally addresses the sequel's mid-credits scene and shares his thoughts on how it changes Peter Parker's status quo moving forward...

By JoshWilding - Jul 24, 2019 01:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Far From Home
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Spider-Man: Far From Home concluded with Mysterio's apparent death, but the villain pulls one final trick on the wall-crawler. In the movie's mid-credits scene, we learn that Quentin Beck not only frames Spidey for his murder, but also outs his secret identity as Peter Parker to the entire world via TheDailyBugle.net. 

Now, Jake Gyllenhaal has reflected on that scene, and shares his thoughts on why he liked the idea of Mysterio having the last laugh and the impact it will have on the young hero moving forward.
"Well, I just love great endings that refer back to other great endings. The first movie [Homecoming] was great like that, too. I also love the end of Prisoners. I love those kind of cliffhanger moments. So often, we’re used to the same structure, particularly in very large movies, and it takes a lot of courage to leave on those kinds of cliffhangers. The way I look at it is twofold: Mysterio exists as someone to teach Peter Parker a lesson. In my opinion, there’s no use for just a straight-up bad guy unless there’s a lesson to be learned. And the lesson, particularly for Peter, is what is growing up for real.

"The truth of it is, if I go back to earlier work that I did, the thing that I love about adolescence — and was terrible about adolescence — is that as you grow up, the world becomes totally unclear. One of the things that I loved about doing Donnie Darko, when I was Tom’s age, was that it portrayed adolescence in a way that I had not experienced through most high school movies. The courage that the filmmakers had in Far From Home to say, “We’re gonna bring in a villain that’s going to turn Peter’s world upside down and force him to be who he actually is to the whole world. Nothing’s a secret anymore,” that was amazing.

"As an audience member, not as the person who played Mysterio, I believe in Peter Parker, and I believe in Spider-Man, his power and how strong he is. What Mysterio reveals will end up helping Peter, somewhere. He’ll learn from it, and those are the best characters. The characters who teach our heroes a lesson don’t always have to be like Obi-Wan."

That's a fascinating take on that scene and one that definitely makes sense. After all, Peter is now going to be forced to be honest with the world about who he is and that could help him in the long run. In the comic books, Spider-Man has always guarded his secret identity with great care, but this status quo shift for his big screen counterpart is going to be an absolute game-changer. 

While Mysterio has tried to convince the world that Peter is a murderer and obsessed with becoming the next Tony Stark, will people really think that badly of a sixteen year old kid? 

Whatever happens, nothing will ever be the same again for the web-slinger now and that third movie can't get here soon enough. Unfortunately, it wasn't revealed as part of Marvel's Phase 4 slate, but that's more than likely because it's a Sony Pictures release as opposed to a Marvel Studios one!

Hit the "View List" button to see where Spidey
could go next in the MCU after Far From Home!

Spider-Man On The Run


The movie kicking off with Peter Parker on the run from the authorities definitely makes sense. and with the world still reeling from the Sokovia Accords and Thanos' attack, something tells me the likes of General Ross won't want to hear the web-slinger's explanation that Mysterio was a fraud.

After all, the evidence is stacked against him and even if he has managed to clear his name, the police probably won't trust the hero and he'll find himself being pursued by them constantly.

Throw in the fact that the media will also be in hot pursuit and there's no way Peter is going to be able to just return to high school and continue as normal. so having him go on the run and essentially be a criminal is an exciting and very different route to take Spider-Man down in future adventures. 

J. Jonah Jameson's Vendetta


It would be a terrible shame for J.K. Simmons' return as J. Jonah Jameson to be a one off, so this new take on the character definitely needs to factor into the third movie in a big way. 

Kevin Feige has said that this version of Jonah exists on the "fringe" of news media so him wanting to validate his claims about Spider-Man seems like an obvious route to head down, and he could decide to hire someone like the Scorpion to unmask the web-slinger or uses some Spider-Slayers!

Seeing Simmons' face on one of those robots would be awesome, and even if he doesn't directly factor into things, he should still be shown tearing into New York's "menace."

Kraven's Last First Hunt


Right now, Kraven the Hunter is the clear fan-favourite choice to battle Spider-Man in the next movie, and while it's been said that Sony Pictures is working on a solo movie that would somehow adapt "Kraven's Last Hunt," it seems highly unlikely that will happen due to the wall-crawler sticking around in the MCU for the foreseeable future. 

Kraven the Hunter arriving in New York to track down the man who murdered Mysterio adds up, and elements of the classic story mentioned above could easily be adapted. 

After all, the deluded Kraven could still try to replace Spider-Man and burying Peter alive would make for a great visual. I wouldn't want to see Kraven end his life by the time all is said and done as he would make a great addition to a certain sinister team, but the potential for an epic movie is still there. 

Mysterio Lives!


Mysterio's plan may have failed, but he still had the last laugh because he outed Spider-Man's secret identity and made the world think that Peter Parker is a villain. It seems crazy that these two wouldn't cross paths again, and while it definitely appears as if Quentin Beck is dead, I'm not convinced.

We know that Kraven uses hallucinogenics on his foes, but how cool would it be for a mid-credits scene to reveal that Beck was pulling the strings and creating those so-called hallucinations?

Making Mysterio one of Spider-Man's main enemies and the possible leader of the Sinister Six instead of Doctor Octopus or the Green Goblin may seem controversial, but the groundwork for that has definitely been laid, and this would make for one heck of a jaw-dropping reveal. 

Oscorp Wants Its "Experiment" Back


We still don't know who the new owner of Avengers Tower is but Marvel Studios is well aware that fans are hoping its Oscorp, and they do seem like the most likely possibility as of right now. 

Yes, Norman Osborn has been seen on screen before, but there's a ton of potential for him in the MCU, especially if we get to see his Dark Reign and the formation of the Dark Avengers. Revealing that the spider that bit Peter came from Oscorp would finally address that big mystery, and Norman targeting Peter because he wants to run tests on his "experiment" seems like a Green Goblin thing to do!

Kevin Feige says that Marvel Studios doesn't really want to go down the route of villains who gained their powers in science experiments gone wrong, but we've seen enough bad guys with ties to Tony Stark and now that Norman knows who Spider-Man is, that would make it even easier for him to track the wall-crawler down (in his Goblin form if he's been experimenting on himself). 

Spider-Man Meets Venom


There have been rumblings for a while now that Venom could be about to make the leap into the MCU, and while that's going to be hard to pull off, there's no better team than Kevin Feige and Jon Watts to find a way. There's definitely a desire among fans for this crossover to happen, and Spidey finally getting his hands on that alien suit would be something else. 

With rumours swirling that this is going to happen, it's hard not to wonder whether there's not some smoke to this particular fire, but it all depends how Venom 2 plays out next year. 

Regardless, it's hard to say how someone like Venom could factor into a story about Spider-Man's identity being outed to the world, but if The Life Foundation is a subsidiary of Oscorp, this could all tie together in a satisfying way that makes fans happy. 

Scorpion Strikes


Spider-Man: Homecoming devoted its mid-credits scene to teasing the Scorpion's arrival in the MCU and, well, he was nowhere to be seen in Spider-Man: Far From Home

That was a shame, but there could be a very good reason for that. In the comic books, J. Jonah Jameson is responsible for the villain's creation and if he wants to be credited as the one who stops the "menace" Spider-Man, then TheDailyBugle.net owner helping turn Mac Gargan into Scorpion obviously makes sense.

Michael Mando is a terrific actor, but Spider-Man: Homecoming really didn't give him chance to shine. By having him suit up and run wild in this movie, he could have a lot of fun, and once again add another possible villain to the Sinister Six's roster! 

Meet The Hobgoblin


If Oscorp is going to be introduced, then why not hold off on going down the Green Goblin route and bring us the Hobgoblin instead? Whether he's linked to Oscorp or not (he really should be), Spidey battling this villain would be something new and a lot of fun to see on screen. 

Roderick Kingsley could try to frame Ned Leeds, or Marvel Studios could head down the Ultimate route by making Hobgoblin a monstrous Harry Osborn who has completely lost control. 

There are a lot of different comic books that Jon Watts can turn to for inspiration and having Hobgoblin come before the Green Goblin really wouldn't be the end of the world (it's definitely better than what The Amazing Spider-Man 2 did by having Harry become a Goblin before his father!). 

Spider-Man Vs. The Avengers


This could be a tough one, as it seems The Avengers have disassembled for the time being. However, if Marvel Studios reforms the team in the meantime, then they could definitely come after Spidey. 

After all, he's currently in control of E.D.I.T.H. and if they buy into Mysterio's claims that he's lost control and wants to be the next Tony Stark, they'll want to talk to him and possibly take him down. 

If Earth's Mightiest Heroes making a cameo is too ambitious, perhaps the lawyer Aunt May hires for Peter could be Matt Murdock, a character better known to comic book and Netflix fans as Daredevil.

The Sinister Six Assembles


Heading into Spider-Man: Far From Home, rumours were swirling that the mid-credits scene would feature the big screen debut of the Sinister Six. Fans are desperate to see the wall-crawler face a team of his greatest foes, but it looks like Marvel Studios is choosing to take a slow burn approach.

Well, assuming that we get at least another two villains in this sequel, there's really no reason why we can't finally get a hint about the Six coming together to take Spider-Man down once and for all.

The Vulture surely wants revenge, while the aforementioned theory about Mysterio making his return also adds up. Whatever happens, we need to see Spidey taking on this team and while a third movie is a little too soon for this, it's about time the stage was set for it to finally happen. 

Wouldn't People Realise That Elemental Was An Illusion?


During the final battle between Spider-Man and Mysterio, the wall-crawler starts destroying Quentin Beck's drones and reveals that the final Elemental is little more than a hologram/illusion. London is one of the most highly surveilled cities in the world and so some footage of that must have been recorded, thereby debunking Beck's claim that he sent it back through the interdimensional rift. 

Throw in the fact that at least some of the drone's remains must have been found and there's definitely evidence that Mysterio was a fraud. The problem is, people wouldn't necessarily know what an "interdimensional rift" would look like, and it could boil down to some believing Beck's story and others not. That could factor into future stories in a big way, but we'll get to that later in this post...

Does The Multiverse Even Exist?


It doesn't take any time at all for us to learn that Mysterio was lying about the Multiverse, so there go those theories about the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame creating multiple timelines that will be explored in future movies! Does this mean the Multiverse is fake, though? 

Beck is clearly just using it to explain where he's come from to Nick Fury and company, and we highly doubt he's basing his claims on anything concrete. As a result, it really doesn't appear as if the Multiverse is going to be something Marvel seriously explores moving forward, and that's sure to disappoint some.

Will Nick Fury Return To Earth?


Nick Fury allowed Talos to take his place so he could have a "vacation" of sorts in outer space, but it seems like he's in command of that Skrull spaceship and that could mean a lot for the MCU's future.

For starters, there's a very good chance that he's planning to replace S.H.I.E.L.D. with S.W.O.R.D. in order to stop another invasion happening again, and that could easily tie into plans for Captain Marvel. Alternatively, we might just see Fury join Carol Danvers in space in a fun role reversal where he's on her turf this time and coming to grips with protecting a much, much wider universe. 

What Is Spider-Man Going To Do With E.D.I.T.H.?


Spider-Man regains control of E.D.I.T.H. at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home and that means he has access to all of Tony Stark's technology and creations. The question is, what is he going to do with it all? Honestly, the most likely explanation is that he will probably hand it over to Pepper Potts or have it taken away from him once the government tracks the wall-crawler down. 

Alternatively, he could continue using it to his benefit and that has a lot of potential as well. After all, it would make Spidey one of the most formidable heroes in the entire MCU and means that he can access different suits and weapons on a whim. However, just like Karen/"Suit Lady" was abandoned in this sequel, there's a very good chance that Marvel Studios will end up brushing over this.

Is Iron Man The New Uncle Ben?


During that illusion sequence with Mysterio, Peter Parker falls in front of a grave, and I can't have been alone in thinking that would belong to Uncle Ben, right? Instead, it's Iron Man's, and the deceased Avenger rises up from the ground to terrorise the wall-crawler. Yet again, there's no mention of Ben in this movie, so is Iron Man really taking on his role in the hero's story from here?

Spider-Man: Homecoming made it clear that something happened to Peter's uncle, while Captain America: Civil War also alluded to his death. He's clearly dead in the MCU and definitely existed, but we have no idea if Peter was indirectly responsible for what happened to him. Either way, it seems as if the burden of following in Iron Man's footsteps will be a key part of future adventures.

Who Owns Avengers Tower?


It seemed as if Spider-Man: Far From Home would provide some answers in this respect, but they never come and it instead looks like Avengers Tower is still undergoing re-construction (to be fair, if Norman Osborn and most of Oscorp's executives were dusted, work on it was more than likely halted). 

Of course, there's nothing to say it is owned by Osborn and this reveal we're waiting for might never come. The Fantastic Four are another likely candidate for who could have bought the building from Tony Stark. Either way, it now appears as if we'll have to wait for a future MCU movie before getting answers, and Spider-Man 3 seems a strong contender. 

Is Mysterio Really Dead?


Mysterio takes a bullet from one of his drones and E.D.I.T.H. later confirms that he's died. However, is it not possible that this Master of Illusion could have faked his own death? It's been known to happen in the comics and he had so many tricks up his sleeve, I find it hard to believe there isn't one more!

For the purpose of that mid-credits scene, it's important that the world believe Mysterio is dead, but I can easily imagine him making a return in a future instalment, something that would come as a huge surprise to fans at that point - especially if Marvel Studios manages to keep it fully under wraps. 

Will The World Believe That Peter Parker Is Spider-Man?


Thanks to Mysterio and TheDailyBugle.net, the world now knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. The question is, will anyone believe that the high school student is a superhero? Well, Mysterio has fooled them into thinking that he sacrificed himself to save the planet from the Elementals so there's really no reason to believe that they won't buy into the villain's "dying" words. 

Even if Peter/Spidey denies it, the press are bound to be on his tail as are the authorities! The best thing Marvel Studios can do is embrace this plot thread rather than backing out in a third instalment, because this opens the door to a lot of huge stories and seeing people's reactions (like Flash Thompson) promises to be priceless. It was a bold move, but the pay off needs to be huge!

Where Are The Avengers?


Talos mentions in the post-credits scene that he didn't know what to say when he was asked about the whereabouts of The Avengers, so what has become of the team since Endgame

Well, the Avengers Compound has been destroyed and the man who bankrolled the team - Tony Stark - is dead. Captain America, meanwhile, is M.I.A. so it's going to be up to someone else to assemble the team. That could be a hero like Black Panther (he certainly has the wealth) or even the new Captain America, Sam Wilson, albeit on a smaller scale as a team of "New Avengers."

Is Spider-Man A Criminal Now?


Well, it's hard to imagine that not being the case! As I said at the start of this post, I believe that some people will view Spider-Man as a hero, while others are sure to brand him a menace. Sound familiar? That's something that has plagued the web-slinger for decades in the comics, and it feels like Marvel Studios just moved him one step closer to being like his comic book counterpart.

After all, Peter Parker isn't a superhero for the adulation and attention; he does it because he's a good person and has a responsibility, something which means he's willing to be chased down by the police so long as he can still do the right thing. It will be tough for Peter to adjust to that status quo, and I wouldn't be surprised if the next movie kicks off with him actually on the run! 

Continue reading below for an in-depth explanation of
Spider-Man: Far From Home's post-credits scenes!
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Has Lowest Opening Of Re-Releases; Includes Deleted Scene

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Has Lowest Opening Of Re-Releases; Includes Deleted Scene

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME's Disney+ Premiere Date In The U.S. Has Been Revealed
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SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME's Disney+ Premiere Date In The U.S. Has Been Revealed

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Murdock857859 - 7/24/2019, 1:52 AM
[frick]! That's an amazing perspective actually. Never thought about it that way. A villain who actually teaches the hero a lesson through suffering.
Matador - 7/24/2019, 5:35 AM
@Murdock857859 -

mastakilla39 - 7/24/2019, 6:45 AM
@Murdock857859 - All the Sam Rami films did that.

SM1 - Responsibility
SM2 - Sacrifice
SM3 - Forgiveness

Rami's original plan was to make 6 films using 1 of the Sinister 6 per film to teach Peter the struggles and joy of being a superhero. Sony is still using Rami's "formula" even today, cant blame them. Don't fix what aint broken I guess. If Marvel had Spider-Man at the start of the MCU, he probably would've just had a polar opposite villain like all phase 1 heroes.
IKidYouNotMan - 7/24/2019, 2:05 AM
That’s something I would expect Jake Gyllenhaal to say and he’s right.
AdmShran - 7/24/2019, 2:05 AM
Does nobody remember that the Dr. Strange's movie was ABOUT the multiverse?

It was shown in Dr. Strange. Ant-Man 1 & 2.

And people are now saying that the multiverse doesn't exist because this Mysterio 'lied' about being from another Earth....I mean...seriously?

Origame - 7/24/2019, 2:08 AM
@AdmShran - even the people behind the scenes seem to think this way. They're asked about the multiverse and these guys are like "well mysterio lied so its hard to tell if the multiverse exists". It's ridiculous
Flurb - 7/24/2019, 4:04 AM
@Origame - I think the question that remains to be seen is less that it exists but in what capacity it exists. And I wonder if they are playing coy specifically because there's the question floating in the air about whether this Spider-man could eventually connect to the next Spider-verse movie.
Origame - 7/24/2019, 4:36 AM
@Flurb - but dr strange has visited other dimensions. And endgame dealt with direct travel to alternate realities as well. Not to mention the announcements from comic con shows more and more stories about the multiverse.

Also, considering the people behind this franchise haven't seen a spiderman movie before, its clear this is just because they also haven't seen dr strange.
Origame - 7/24/2019, 2:06 AM
No don't bring up the ending to homecoming. It just reminds us that this cliffhanger can be abandoned with throwaway jokes like aunt may learning Peter's identity.
AbidNaga - 7/24/2019, 2:27 AM
@Origame - I was hoping we'd get some form of "the conversation" or "the talk" from Ultimate, but I get that with the whole infinity war/endgame stuff it made it kind of difficult and the whole europe story. With all the advantages of a cinematic universe, it sort of gets some of the cons of a comic book universe where a big event breaks up a story. I do hope, and believe sort of, that with Peters life possibly going to shit with the whole "framed as a villain" thing in the next one, we might get some post variance of it.
Origame - 7/24/2019, 2:30 AM
@AbidNaga - i don't know what they can do with it at this point. Being labeled a villain seems like what may should've been warning peter about with this.
Chewtoy - 7/24/2019, 6:56 AM
@Origame - Aunt May finding out that Peter is Spider-man wasn’t a “cliffhanger” ending. Neither, for instance, was Tony telling the press “I am Iron Man”. Last minute surprises? Yes, definitely... but neither were incredibly bad situations that the character absolutely had to find his way out of... as opposed to being unmasked and framed as a villain before the world.

There was always 2 ways the Aunt May thing could have gone... she could be supportive or disapproving. That’s pretty much it. I suppose I can understand some people being disappointing that they went with supportive (Although many, many versions go this way, including Raimi’s and the Spider-Verse’s), but that’s your issue, not the film’s. I can also understand being disappointed that you didn’t get to see the drama of ensuing conversation, but Infinity War and Endgame happened inbetween Spidey films, so they couldn’t pick up exactly where they left off, and doing a flashback to that conversation wouldn’t really add anything to Far From Home’s plotline.

But nothing was abandoned... they followed up Aunt May knowing his secret with her being supportive. It might not be what some wanted, but it’s clearly a valid choice.
Origame - 7/24/2019, 10:36 AM
@Chewtoy - ...yes they were. They were designed to make you wonder what would happen next. Thats how cliffhangers work.
RamonSuarez - 7/24/2019, 2:19 AM
What a very thoughtful take on the Far Away From Home ending. He's spot on right about Mysterio being a character who aids in Peter's maturation into a moral adult. If you look at the past two Spiderman villains they work because those characters serve as adult mirror images to Peter's youthful adolescence who've been corrupted by dealing with the difficult life choices that dealing with adulthood force people to make. Adrian Toomes becomes the Vulture because he realizes the world isn't fair, the little guy gets squashed by the uncaring and powerful, and decides that playing by society's rules put him at a disadvantage in providing for his family. Quentin Beck, a driven scientist, becomes Mysterio because to take a shortcut towards being a hero after his life's work is disregarded by his disinterested boss in a quest for respect and admiration at all costs. Both characters are forcing Peter to stake a moral position in his coming of age story that will instruct him in becoming a better person.
MyCoolYoung - 7/24/2019, 6:44 AM
@RamonSuarez - dope take
FilmStudent - 7/24/2019, 3:12 AM
Really thoughtful insight from Gyllenhaal, obviously a lot of it is down to how the next film handles it.

His comments about Mysterio potentially forcing Peter to change for the better and how not how everyone who has to teach their hero a lesson has to be good guy actually reminds me of Killmonger.

T'challa changes based on what he learns from Killmonger (such as the murder of his Uncle) but also from what Killmonger has become because of how he was raised. T'challa goes against his tradition and his fathers way of doing things because of Killmonger.

It would great if the next Spider-Man goes in a direction that allows Peter to grow in a similar way.
WeaponXCII - 7/24/2019, 3:39 AM
Something I’ve never seen asked yet is this: how do we know the whole scene wasn’t an illusion?
Demba - 7/24/2019, 4:33 AM
@WeaponXCII - I mean the implication is that EDITH cleared that up. But Beck has her for a while so who knows
Chewtoy - 7/24/2019, 7:01 AM
@WeaponXCII - Which scene do you mean? The end credit scene itself, or the video that JJJ played?
Chewtoy - 7/24/2019, 7:05 AM
@Demba - Well, Beck and his team were faking the Elemental attacks before they had access to EDITH. I think that EDITH just allowed for greater scale and flexibility.
WeaponXCII - 7/25/2019, 8:25 AM
@Demba - Exactly: implication. We don't know if all illusions were really disabled or if Beck truly died.
WeaponXCII - 7/25/2019, 8:28 AM
@Chewtoy - See, this is where it gets tough for overthinkers like me. Maybe it was the whole scene. Maybe it was just the screen. Or maybe Beck is the MCU's Tommy Westphall and the past 11 years were all an illusion. There's really no limit to how deep the rabbit hole can go.
MartinTanley - 7/24/2019, 5:11 AM
I really hoped he faked his death
Twenty23Three - 7/24/2019, 6:42 AM
The second he brought up Donnie Darko I half expected him to say ‘the great thing with films about growing up is they can be total nonsense and they’ll always be some idiot who thinks it’s deep’
Super12 - 7/24/2019, 6:46 AM
I mean I get what he's saying, but I was still really disappointed they did that. He was one of the few heroes whose identity wasn't known to the public, which made him special and is a big part of Spidey's story. Now that effects every story with Spider-man in the MCU from now on.

LOVED Mysterio, but was not a fan of that decision.
Chewtoy - 7/24/2019, 7:26 AM
@Super12 - I agree that there is a lot of value in Spider-man having a secret identity, largely because unlike most other heroes he really benefits from storylines with civilians. I think that you do lose something when superheroes only interact with each other.

That said, there’s no room in an “Avengers” style team-up for civilian subplots that would require a secret identity, and “Into the Spider-verse” has proven that you can tell an engaging Spidey story with very little reliance on that aspect as well. I’m willing to wait and see what they do, because it’s become clear to me that none of these franchises will last long enough in the MCU to really bother with a status quo. (For instance, people were upset that the Red Skull and Crossbones were “wasted” in single appearances, but Chris Evans did 7 major appearances as Cap before he was ready to move on and they didn’t hurt for adversaries in those appearances so there really was no need for a second round with those two.). The MCU is actively working to avoid going stale by constantly changing their heroes’ situations. Maybe Peter Parker is thought dead by the end of this next film, and maybe he comes back in the following one living under the name Ben Reilly. Throw in a couple of Avengers style team up films released by Marvel in there and that’s 4 more Holland Spidey appearances, bringing him to 8 major ones. Maybe they do one more to hand things off to an MCU Miles Morales or another Spider Legacy character and you’re at 9 at least (assuming no other big cross-overs), and realistically Holland is going to want to do something else eventually.

So basically while I agree that the secret identity is a valuable part of the set up, I’m willing to go along for the ride and see what happens knowing that there’s no time to let his story settle.
CassianAndor - 7/24/2019, 8:26 AM
Finally got around to seeing this the other day. I’m shocked the movie’s been received so well. Never was it more apparent to me that they make these movies for children. I also saw Toy Story 4 and THAT movie was less juvenile. It reminded me so much of Ant-Man and the Wasp which had very similar problems, but at least that one had Paul Rudd in it and jokes that actually landed (the theater was dead silent after almost every joke in this. It was awkward). The only time I really enjoyed myself was when they let Jake Gyllenhall chew the scenery. I never expected Sony would make one of the best Spider-Man movies with Spider-Verse and then Marvel would make one of the worst here. I’m very disappointed.

But I learned my lesson. I’m staying away from the smaller scale generic Marvel movies they clearly don’t put much thought or effort into writing. Just give me more Waititi and Gunn.
Toonstrack - 7/24/2019, 9:24 AM
I wish more MCU Peter naysayers would realize this
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