SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Star Marisa Tomei Shares Some Unused Alternate Looks For The MCU's Aunt May

SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Star Marisa Tomei Shares Some Unused Alternate Looks For The MCU's Aunt May

Aunt May only has a minor role in Spider-Man: Far From Home, but actress Marisa Tomei has now shared some amazing costume test photos revealing a version of the character much closer to the comics...

By JoshWilding - Jul 10, 2019 02:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Far From Home
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has given us a very different take on Aunt May, as Marisa Tomei is considerably younger than previous versions we've seen on screen and in the comics. That and the fact that she's so attractive has become something of a running joke in movies like Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming, and the actress has now shared some alternate looks.

It's not entirely clear whether these are unused designs from Spider-Man: Homecoming or Spider-Man: Far From Home, but Tomei seemingly identifies them as hailing from the latter. 

If that's the case, it's possible that Marvel Studios was at one point considering having Aunt May survive Thanos' attack, thereby ageing her up to be a little closer to her comic book counterpart. Delving into that may have ultimately been a bit too time-consuming, though, and Spider-Man: Far From Home reveals that May was dusted just like her nephew during The Snap. 

To check out these images (and video explanations from Tomei), you just have to scroll through the gallery in the Instagram post below by clicking on the arrows.

Hit the "View List" button for a spoiler-free look at what
did and didn't work in Spider-Man: Far From Home!

Did Work: More Than A Friendly Neighbourhood Superhero


Spider-Man: Homecoming made it clear that Peter Parker wasn't exactly ready to be a full-fledged superhero, hence why we watched him come to terms with an apparent fear of heights and make some big mistakes. 

Well, after heading into outer space to battle Thanos, this Spider-Man is a lot more confident and doesn't shy away from taking action. He's definitely still learning on the job, but the wall-crawler is doing more than hanging around Queens and is clearly ready to step up in Iron Man's absence. 

Much to the delight of many fans, this includes swinging between skyscrapers in the Big Apple!

Did Work: MJ


At the end of Homecoming, we learned that Michelle likes to be known as "MJ" to her friends and it was a moment which felt more than a bit forced, hence why fans seemed to reject the character.

Well, while she may not be the Mary Jane Watson from the comics, MJ is definitely redeemed in Spider-Man: Far From Home and quite possibly the web-slinger's best love interest to date. Smart, funny, and fun to watch, Zendaya steals the show here and you will definitely fall in love with both her and the budding romance between MJ and Peter Parker. 

Didn't Work: The Second Post-Credits Scene


Don't worry, we're not getting into spoilers! While I'm sure a lot of fans will love this, I personally found that it devalued a lot of what we saw earlier in the movie and, in many ways, it feels like a leftover from another Marvel Studios release. 

I may be making it sound worse than it is, though, because it's played for laughs and legitimately funny. 

However, I wasn't a fan and think it would have been better to leave us with just the mid-credits scene, as that's bound to have a far more memorable and lasting impact on moviegoers. 

Did Work: The First Post-Credits Scene


This really is something else because it's not only a game-changer, but possibly one of the best post-credits scenes Marvel Studios has delivered over the past decade.

Without getting into specifics, you can expect this to not only shake up the status quo of Spider-Man, but the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure, that sounds like hyperbole, but this ballsy decision is going to leave fans talking for a very, very long time to come.

After this, the sequel really can't get here soon enough. Roll on 2021!

Didn't Work: What About The Sinister Six?


As I noted in my interview with Spider-Man: Far From Home director Jon Watts, the Sinister Six (and Norman Osborn) do not appear in the sequel despite rumours claiming otherwise. That means cameos from familiar faces you're expecting to see may not actually happen, and there's really no indication here that Marvel Studios is planning to pit Spidey against that team of villains. 

Needless to say, that's going to disappoint a lot of comic book fans, and while it could still happen somewhere down the line, it doesn't appear as if it's a priority for the time being. 

Personally, I wouldn't get your hopes up about Spider-Man battling the Sinister Six until at least a fourth or fifth movie. Then again, perhaps they'll hold off until the sixth chapter!

Did Work: The New Costumes


In the previous Spider-Man movies, Peter Parker mostly donned the same costume with some minor cosmetic changes from adventure to adventure. Well, he gets two brand new suits in Far From Home and they're both spectacular. 

The Stealth costume is functional in terms of design but also looks very cool in action, and is used in a clever way to hide the wall-crawler's secret identity when he's battling the Elementals overseas. As for the new "Upgraded" suit, that really does result in the best looking Spider-Man on screen to date and I hope that red and black colour scheme sticks around for a long time to come. 

Did Work: The Elementals


I've seen some reviews take aim at the CG Elementals and while they may not have personalities, they're definitely more than just forgettable monsters used as an excuse for some big action scenes.

While it's true that they do fill that role in Spider-Man: Far From Home, they're an interesting addition to the proceedings and definitely visually unique enough that you'll enjoy watching them. 

Ultimately, they serve a purpose and are by no means any sort of weak link here. 

Did Work: Mysterio Unleashed


I can't say too much here for fear of spoilers, but rest assured that we do get a proper display of Mysterio's powers in Spider-Man: Far From Home and they do not disappoint. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb by pointing out that this is actually one of the best sequences ever seen in the MCU. 

That may sound like a stretch (especially after that scene with Captain America and Mjolnir), but just wait until you see it because it's one of those moments that will leave your jaws on the floor. 

Didn't Work: Time To Move On From High School?


It's fun spending time with Peter Parker's classmates, especially when they're such a likeable bunch. However, an argument could be made that they receive a little too much screentime and it would be no bad thing for Spider-Man to now graduate from high school.

We've spent a lot of time there both in this franchise and the previous movies, moving him into college or even just the real world would be a nice change of pace and not something that would necessarily mean we'd have to say goodbye to the likes of Ned and Betty. They could also take on different roles, and possibly head down similar routes to their comic book counterparts. 

This really isn't a big deal because the scenes with these kids are great fun, but it might be worth considering as I do think seeing Spidey swinging out of high school will lead to better stories. 

Did Work: Tom Holland IS Spider-Man


Spider-Man: Far From Home's entire cast is excellent, but if you had any doubts about Tom Holland as Peter Parker, prepare to have them completely wiped away by this spectacular sequel.

Whether it's the typical Parker Luck or the inclusion of a certain superpower, this feels like the definitive Spider-Man, and Holland really has grown into the role and is now full inhabiting the character. Needless to say, that should make fans of the comics very happy.

I just can't wait to see where both Holland and Jon Watts take the wall-crawler next. 

Continue reading below to check out a roundup of Spider-Man: Far From Home reviews!

The perfect Spider-Man movie, Far From Home is an adventure for the web-slinger like no other and will leave fans talking for a long time to come. Prepare for your jaw to be left on the floor! [5/5]

SOURCE: ComicBookMovie.com

For everything that the movie had to deal with, it really is as good as fans could have hoped for. That might sound like a slight, but we don't mean it in that sense. It would be easy for the sequel to feel like a letdown after the epic Avengers: Endgame, but Spider-Man: Far From Home is constantly funny, surprising and thrilling. [4/5]

SOURCE: Digital Spy

Spider-Man: Far From Home is way more than an Endgame epilogue or a Phase Three coda, though. Instead, it’s a lively adventure reminiscent of what superhero movies looked like before expanded universes were even a thing. [4/5]

SOURCE: Den of Geek

Far From Home is a looser film than Homecoming, with pacing that occasionally slackens, and a compulsion to give every minor character time to shine. But it’s a light-footed summer blockbuster that faces Endgame’s monolithic legacy head-on, before leaving it behind to embark on its own globetrotting adventure. The MCU doesn’t need a new Iron Man yet — Far From Home proves it’s more than safe in the web-slinging hands of Spider-Man. [4/5]

SOURCE: Empire Online

Far From Home is a movie about attempted escape that carefully reminds us, like a benevolent dictator, that there’s no such thing to be had. Sure, now that we’re post-Avengers we may get smaller, lighter, more personal Marvel movies. But they’ll still all be in rote service to the grand design. Peter Parker might fall in love. He might graduate. He might grow up and leave Queens behind. But he’ll remain trapped in the same simulation. The great treadmill built by Marvel catches all in the end—even those allowed to swing, seemingly free, so high above it.

SOURCE: Vanity Fair

One of Homecoming's biggest strengths was being able to balance a character-focused story that acknowledges the larger universe in which it's set, and Far From Home again nails that balance. Still, while Spider-Man: Far From Home is a great superhero movie on its own, viewers may be more excited by what comes next - both for Peter Parker and the larger MCU. [3.5/5]

SOURCE: Screen Rant

The young cast, led by Tom Holland as the bashful web-slinger and Zendaya as a shy girl slow to lose her inhibitions, is plenty appealing as well as funny. But without a proper, full-on villain, as well as an adequate substitute for Robert Downey Jr.'s late, oft-mentioned Tony Stark, this comes off as a less-than-glittering star in the Marvel firmament. It pales even more when compared to Sony's wildly imaginative animated feature of last year, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter

What’s most satisfying about Far From Home, though, is that by the end, you have a very solid sense of where things are going for Peter and the gang, and it all feels very right. Just don’t forget to stay for the movie’s two post-credits stingers. It feels like the first step towards something bigger. Kevin Feige has insisted that Far From Home is the end of Marvel’s Phase Three, and while that may technically be true, it’s also more. It’s a big, bold leap for Spider-Man into the future of Marvel’s films, and it’s got a strong upward swing that easily makes it one of the better Spider-Man movies in the character’s history.


he teen characters really are a blast, even if one key person skips a whole movie of development between scenes. Some digital effects look good in a boring way, and then some digital effects look bad in a perfect way. “Is this real?” asks Spider-Man. In the end, I really didn’t know. Far From Home succeeds with an unusual, troubling virtue: The best parts are the most fake. [B]

SOURCE: Entertainment Weekly

“Far From Home” gets closer, in spirit, to the good Tobey Maguire films. (It has a kiss worthy of “Spider-Man 2.”) By the end, this Spider-Man really does find his tingle, yet coming after “Into the Spider-Verse,” with its swirling psychedelic imagery and identity games and trap doors of perception, “Spider-Man: Far From Home” touches all the bases of a conventional Marvel movie. It doesn’t take you out of this world. But it’s good enough to summon the kick — or maybe just the illusion — of consequence.

SOURCE: Variety

Ultimately, “Spider-Man Far From Home” turns all its intelligent themes into a triumphant story of self-belief for Peter Parker. Fed up with the lies, Spider-Man finally makes the important choices he’s avoided, and it culminates in a rousing third act that is thrilling, full of stakes and emotionally resonant. Be cynical about Marvel’s formula all you want, it’s still very much present, but the web of deceit they weave here, and the manner of which Peter Parker creatively spins out of it, is some top-notch summer moviegoing that shows their dominion is not about to end any time soon. [B+]

SOURCE: The Playlist

Spider-Man: Far From Home is a grandly entertaining culmination of the MCU wall-crawler’s journey so far. Thanks to its sweet humor, clever commentary, and deft action set-pieces, Far From Home continues the journey of Peter Parker from kid hero to Tony Stark’s successor. The movie sets the table for some exciting new adventures ahead for Spider-Man and his place in the MCU, pitting him against an antagonist who preys on Peter Parker’s fears and insecurities in ways no other villain quite has yet. Far From Home ends Marvel's Phase Three with a hell of a bang, thrusting its young wallcrawler into a treacherous but hugely exciting new era. [8.8/10]'


Throw in some fun flirtation between Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) and Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), stakes that are about personal growth rather than intergalactic Armageddon, and some satisfying hero-on-villain throwdowns, and “Spider-Man: Far From Home” becomes an entertaining example of what we used to call “a summer movie.” You know, back before they started giving us a bright, loud comic-book adaptation like this (but rarely this good) on a weekly basis.

SOURCE: The Wrap

Spider-Man: Far From Home is the perfect way to end the third phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it reminds us that the world can be happy after all of this devastation. It gives us an idea of what the world post-Infintiy War and Endgame is like while not dwelling on it too much. The third Marvel movie of 2019 is another strong contender that could easily hit the top ten of this entire franchise of movies so far.

SOURCE: Bleeding Cool

With the burden of dealing with some heavy MCU continuity, Far From Home isn't quite as refreshing as Homecoming, and its lively tone sometimes feels off for a movie that essentially takes place in the aftermath of the end of the world. But it also provides an effective epilogue and new beginning for the ongoing cinematic universe, looking ahead to the future without discounting the consequences of what came before. Along the way, it works as a warm and funny high-school dramedy, an exciting action-adventure, and an old-fashioned superhero/supervillain battle. Who needs to save the universe when you can accomplish all of that?

What I can tell you is that there’s no drop off in quality between Homecoming and Far From Home. They’re both a lot of fun, Holland continues to kill it as Spider-Man, and Marvel Studios knows how to make the Spider-Man mythos feel original and distinct. Like the adoring crowds in Far From Home, I too hope Spider-Man is the new Iron Man. It means we’ll get over a decade’s worth of movies with him. [B+]

SOURCE: Collider

Jackson, as ever, puts the ballast of maturity into the movie, needed more than ever now that Robert Downey Jr is now not in the picture. Holland is very good but he needs someone to play against, someone with Downey’s heft. That someone could well be Zendaya, as MJ, the great love of Peter Parker’s life. We shall have to see how the Marvel franchise plays this romance in forthcoming episodes. [3/5]

SOURCE: Guardian


Having spent the last decade building up to the second most successful film ever made, it’s only natural that Marvel Studios would want to take a gap year. Spider-Man: Far From Home offers a breezy, Europe-set intermezzo between Avengers: Endgame and whatever is coming next – a kind of sorbet in blockbuster form to punctuate the binge. [3/5]

SOURCE: The Telegraph

Spider-Man: Far From Home manages to act as a sequel to both Homecoming and Endgame, giving us a superior followup to the former and a wonderful epilogue to the latter -- reminding us that MCU goes on in a joyous ride. Let's hope Phase 4 gives us plenty more Peter Parker.


It’s the warmth that drives the film, and hammers down just how nice this film is. It’s a pleasant and lovely coming-of-age story first, a wild, funny, and cleverly executed comic book story second. While it’s not as much of a success as Homecoming at capturing that grounded teenage spirit, in the blending of Peter Parker’s internal and external conflicts, it’s a home run. [7.5/10]

SOURCE: Slash Film

For all the good the Russo Brothers brought to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, getting Sony to give back Spider-Man (even temporarily) was without a doubt their greatest contribution. Now that we’ve seen him both at home and abroad — and in space! — the only question left to ask is what Peter Parker can do next. Thankfully, it looks like the minds behind Far From Home already have some big ideas, and if the movie’s post-credits scenes are any indication, the next movie may be even better than the last two.

SOURCE: Inverse

Watts... smoothly steers some of that heavy MCU world-building back into goofy high-school comedy, and his cast is so winning that the movie's interpersonal surprises are often more exciting than its big plot twists. [B-]


An entertaining segue into the post-Avengers era. [3/4]

SOURCE: Newsday

Another home run for the MCU that puts Pete’s responsibilities in a post-Iron Man world front and centre during a rib-tickling summer romance. Whatever you do, don’t skip the credits. [4/5]

SOURCE: Total Film

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and it might just be my favorite live-action Spider-Man film to-date. For those nervous about the future of the MCU because of the events that occurred in Endgame, don’t worry. This film is proof that the MCU has more stories to tell, and although we don’t have the heroes we grew up with, it’s comforting to know our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man will be there to lead the way into this new phase of the MCU.

SOURCE: Geeks of Color

“Far From Home” has a lot more boxes to check than “Homecoming” in terms of storytelling, and while it’s always enjoyable, the film feels unfocused in parts. Everything changes when a major turn happens – of the story-exploding, can’t-talk-about-it-at-all variety – and the last half takes on a very meta vibe with some of the craziest visuals Marvel has unleashed in a while and a stellar understanding of what Gyllenhaal can do so well on screen. [3/4]

Throw in the earnest sweetness of Peter and MJ’s growing friendship, and Far From Home leaves us on as strong of a high as the low that its first act takes us to. That warm and fuzzy feeling makes it impossible not to think of how great a movie Far From Home could’ve been had it not tripped over its own feet in setting the stage, or unspooled itself from that tangled-up beginning. Because when the movie is at its best, it is so effortlessly engaging. It’s such a shame, then, that so much of the movie feels like (home)work.


As Sam Raimi proved with his millennial Spider-Man outings (still the best ones), this is a franchise that works best when you bring out the playfulness. On those grounds, the emotionally exhausted Marvel faithful can treat Far from Home like the selfie-laden escape it wants to be—and sometimes is.

SOURCE: Time Out

So, yes, Spider-Man: Far From Home is funny and clever – in the end, Peter just wants to enjoy his class trip to Europe with the hopes of growing closer to MJ (Zendaya) – but it’s also a movie about both mourning and deception. Peter is still reeling from the loss of Tony Stark, who remains a specter wherever Peter turns. Peter’s emotions are raw, which also leaves him more susceptible to forces preying on his emotional state. It’s a movie filled with surprises (I don’t say that lightly) that leaves Peter, and a viewer, wondering who is real and who can be trusted. Yet it never feels like a movie filled with dread. It’s a hopeful tone, which, after the last two Avengers movies, is very welcome.

SOURCE: Uproxx

From dealing with the fallout of Endgame to deciphering what Marvel has in store for Spider-man, there's a lot to uncover in this, and one of the best secrets is kept until after the credits, so make sure you stay until the absolute end. [4/5]

SOURCE: Mirror Online

Spider-Man: Far From Home is about a kid with great power who is struggling with the whole great responsibility thing, so it serves as a satisfying second chapter in Peter Parker’s march towards adulthood and heroism. As the last movie in Phase 3 of the MCU, it works hard towards tying up the loose threads of the previous 21 films while looking optimistically forward to the twists to come. To that end, its mid and post credits scenes are some of the most gratifying since The Avengers. 
SOURCE: Mashable

The whole “Peter Parker’s Wacky Summer Vacation” stuff is mostly a lot more fun than the whole “Spider-Man teams with Nick Fury and Mysterio to save the world” stuff, but there’s plenty of the former to tide you over during the latter. Spider-Man: Far From Home is a step up from Spider-Man: Homecoming and a decent epilogue for Marvel’s “Infinity Saga.”

SOURCE: Forbes

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Saintsinnister - 7/10/2019, 2:50 AM
I love that woman! Way more fun than an ole bitty.
mastakilla39 - 7/10/2019, 6:40 AM
@Saintsinnister -

Iono not Tomei's fault but aunt may is mostly absent in the films compared to Rami's. In Rami's she provided Peter with emotional support and is sort of his guide when he is lost. MCU's Aunt May has just been a target of milf jokes and comedy. Bring back the the old granny figure!!
ImmovableForce - 7/10/2019, 10:27 AM
@Saintsinnister - I love her too, but Aunt May she isn't.
Whiteharted - 7/10/2019, 3:00 AM
Right Aunt May absolutely should've been older. There reasoning was ridiculous. Theres a simple way to explain her oldness (being older) and thats Peter was a late baby and his parents had him when they were older too. Thats really that that uncommon.

Saying that I FINALLY know who Marisa Tomei reminds me of: Shania Twain! Finally! Its been bugging me for 3 years! It the 1st and 3rd especially.
connorblaze - 7/10/2019, 3:21 AM
@Whiteharted - they did the really old wise Aunt that’s pretty much grandma in the raimi movies. The Webb films had the doting, worrisome Aunt, and it was Sally Field, you can’t get much better than her in the ‘nice older lady’ category of actors. Arguably they were both the comic character faithfully adapted. Did you find either of them interesting or fun to watch? I found them both painfully dull, even though the writing and stories were often on par (Spiderman 2). Hell even the Spiderman PS4 adaptation of her that was perfectly adapted and gave her a big important arc where she died didn’t connect with me.

Tomei actually fits in with what most aunts are like, is fun to watch, in her 50s, still full of sage advice but delivered in a fun way, and she can be given interesting stories because she’s not a boring grandma figure we’ve seen 5 times.

I like it. Tom Holland interacting with a dull old granny full of wisdom would be wierd and boring.

She does look like Shania Twain! And has a similar presence
Whiteharted - 7/10/2019, 3:34 AM
@connorblaze - yes Harris is fun to watch especially in Spider Man 2 that hero in all of us speech was perfect and has more heart then all of Homecoming. Oh and who can forget the funny scene when she grabs that Angel staute?

Sally Field was fun too like when she got annoyed at Ben about her meatloaf and the chimney thing in the 2nd was great. Both were good at speeches sound natural too
TheMaster2011 - 7/10/2019, 3:51 AM
@connorblaze - and yet, Tomei has been the least memorable or engaging incarnation of that character.
mastakilla39 - 7/10/2019, 6:45 AM
@connorblaze - I disagree, her being old and wise is the reason why aunt may is beloved. She and uncle ben always guides Peter back to the righteous path when he is lost. Yet he could not see them as his parents either due to their age.

This new Shania Twain look-alike Aunt May has been nothing but a comedy skit. MCU's Aunt May has been nothing but a target of Milf jokes and random dude's eyeballing her. Kinda creepy if you really think about it.
defenderofthefaith - 7/10/2019, 8:12 AM
@mastakilla39 - I disagree with all you guys. Having a aunt who is 50- 60 years older than the teen is not realistic. Anyone here have an aunt that much older than themselves? That is grandmother age difference. Plus Marisa is hot.
YonnyLayna - 7/10/2019, 11:55 AM
@connorblaze - That´s the problem with some suport female characters in modern cmbs they can't have a normal woman that is not a scentist, superhot, sassy a warrior etc and still be importan to the plot, she is just an old lady that really cares about Peter and that is fine.
Kurne - 7/10/2019, 3:03 AM
Although they could have taken advantage of the Snap and just aged her up, it would have been way too big of a thing to address in Far From Home (in terms of Peter suddenly being back in May's life).
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