MADAME WEB: Sony's Sequel/Franchise Hopes Dashed As Movie's ACTUAL Budget Is Revealed

MADAME WEB: Sony's Sequel/Franchise Hopes Dashed As Movie's ACTUAL Budget Is Revealed

Sony Pictures was hoping that Madame Web would kick-start a new franchise, but the movie's underwhelming box office debut, abysmal reviews and actual budget make a sequel highly unlikely.

By MarkCassidy - Feb 19, 2024 11:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Madame Web

Sony Pictures' plan to forge ahead with its own cinematic universe comprised of Spider-Man characters the studio still holds the rights to always seemed like a strange decision, but the SSU (formerly known as SPUMC) did get off to a pretty good start with the Venom movies.

The Tom Hardy-led antihero adventures weren't particularly popular with critics, but they did perform very well at the box office, giving Sony the confidence to move forward with projects such as Morbius, Madame Web, and the upcoming Kraven the Hunter.

Morbius may not have been the hit Sony was hoping for (though it did go on to take in $170M worldwide), but Madame Web is giving the studio major cause for concern.

The movie opened on Valentine's Day to abysmal reviews (it currently sits at 13% on Rotten Tomatoes), and ended up taking in just $26.2M in North America over the course of its first six days in theaters.

“On Wednesday night, you could actually watch advance purchase sales declining in real time as buyers were refunding their tickets,” A theatrical chain insider tells THR. “It really says something when you’d rather have Shazam! 2 numbers.”

Sony was hoping Madame Web would be the start of a new franchise, but the chances of even one sequel being greenlit is somewhere between slim and none (and Slim's left town).

“I don’t know if women are enough to carry the box office here,” another source notes. “We are in transition when it comes to superhero movies. I don’t know how big that transition is or what the other side looks like. It may be fewer movies, but bigger brands. Sony is willing to take some risk but also wants home runs — that’s good. And if [Sony’s upcoming Spider-Man Universe title] Kraven is a gigantic hit, the narrative could be completely different. So it’s too early to know the outcome.”

The current mood on the Sony lot is said to be "gloomy," and with good reason. Despite previous reports placing Madame Web's budget at around $80 million, it's actually believed to be closer to "the low $100 million range."

In addition to Kraven, a third Venom movie slated for Nov. 8, 2024. These movies could well prove to be box office successes and turn things around, but if not, one has to assume that the SSU will be on its last legs.

"'Meanwhile, in another universe...'" reads the official synopsis, "In a switch from the typical genre, Madame Web tells the standalone origin story of one of Marvel publishing's most enigmatic heroines." "The suspense-driven thriller stars Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb, a paramedic in Manhattan who may have clairvoyant abilities. Forced to confront revelations about her past, she forges a relationship with three young women destined for powerful futures...if they can all survive a deadly present."

S.J. Clarkson, who also helmed Marvel’s Jessica Jones and The Defenders, directs from a script by Matt Sazama, Kerem Sazama and Burk Sharpless. Adam Merims executive produced.

Do you plan on seeing Madame Web on the big screen, or at all? Drop us a comment down below.

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Vigor - 2/19/2024, 11:53 AM
I would like there to be a deep editorial into Sony. What are they doing over there
OleBobbyTiger - 2/19/2024, 12:30 PM
@Vigor - Sony simply assumes audiences will eat up anything related to Marvel and Spiderman. Regardless of how bad the story is. They're egos are so inflated they are out of touch with what makes a good story, they don't watch their own movies, and they just simply don't care about the quality of the productions they produce, they simply think producing them alone will print money. If they were an automobile maker, they would be Tesla. Also theey have to produce a movie, good or bad, every 3-ish years or they lose the rights to Spidey.
abd00bie - 2/19/2024, 6:35 PM
@Vigor - Tom Rothman lol the guy who messed up X-Men 3
harryba11zack - 2/19/2024, 11:54 AM
Feralwookiee - 2/19/2024, 12:20 PM
@harryba11zack - Not just the men, but the women, and the children hated this movie!
tylerzero - 2/19/2024, 12:48 PM
@Feralwookiee -

bobevanz - 2/19/2024, 11:57 AM
It's probably more than 100m, they're trying to act like they aren't the dumbest movie studio in Hollywood
SheepishOne - 2/19/2024, 11:58 AM
What are the odds Kraven goes the way of Coyote vs ACME?
santoanderson - 2/19/2024, 11:58 AM
“The low $100 million range."

Sony out here just stepping on a field full of rakes.
OmegaDaGrodd - 2/19/2024, 12:00 PM
"The current mood on the Sony lot is said to be "gloomy,"

Sony put virtually zero effort into making movies that are clearly horrible at a conceptual level, and then they get sad when no one watches them? How Sway?
EskimoJ - 2/19/2024, 12:11 PM
@OmegaDaGrodd - Similar delusion / arrogance that (per rumors) had Disney internally believing Quantumania would be beloved and insanely popular.
elcapitan - 2/20/2024, 9:43 PM
@EskimoJ - same delusion that came over James Gunn when he called The Flash the best superhero movie ever.
BeNice123 - 2/19/2024, 12:00 PM
They got money to spend. Let them continue down this path of stupidity and hopefully somewhere down the line they change for the good of mankind and comics.
MCUKnight11 - 2/19/2024, 12:02 PM
Imagine wishing you did as well as Shazam fury of the gods.
Th3Batman - 2/19/2024, 12:02 PM
“I don’t know if women are enough to carry the box office here”

This is not a women issue, it's a bad movie issue. You put out a bad movie, you're not going to make money. It doesn't matter if the lead is a man, a woman, a namakian, etc...
MarkCassidy - 2/19/2024, 12:06 PM
@Th3Batman - I think he meant women as the target audience Sony was relying on.
Th3Batman - 2/19/2024, 12:08 PM
@MarkCassidy - Women are like men, they don't have unlimited time and money to spend on garbage. No matter who your target audience is, they're not going to show up if your product is bad.
marvel72 - 2/19/2024, 12:11 PM
@Th3Batman -

Birds Of Prey
The Marvels
Madame Web

All bad movies and women led.
MarkCassidy - 2/19/2024, 12:11 PM
@Th3Batman - I agree... I was just noting that the guy was referring to the target audience, nit the fact that all the leads were female, which is what I thought you were driving at.
Th3Batman - 2/19/2024, 12:16 PM
@marvel72 - These are all bad movies. Wonder Woman 2017 and the first Captain Marvel were women led and made $800 million and $1 billion respectively. The difference ? They were good.
Vigor - 2/19/2024, 12:19 PM
@Th3Batman - ehhh. The marvels was better than captain marvel though

At least more entertaining and better acting. Better more memorable characters. And better plot. And better effects. Ok in short, better overall lol
DarkeyeZ - 2/19/2024, 2:14 PM
@Th3Batman - The hate that some people on here have for women is insane. I don't get it. as a straight man, I'd rather see a hot female on screen than a buff male, ANY day. But, the story still needs to be good. The sad thing is, the comic book movie market is so sexist, that a female lead movie needs to be AMAZING just to be considered good. The multitude of crappy male lead comic book movies never seems to come up on this website.
DarkeyeZ - 2/19/2024, 2:14 PM
@marvel72 - The Marvels was actually entertaining though.
marvel72 - 2/19/2024, 4:43 PM
@Th3Batman - Wonder Woman yes, Captain Marvel made money because it was wedged between Infinity War and Endgame, so people went to see it because they didn't want to miss a thing.

Charlie's Angels
Ghostbusters (with Women)

All bad comic book or female led movies.
Batmangina - 2/19/2024, 6:12 PM
@DarkeyeZ - You're mistaking the hate for shitty female led content for hating women in general.

We hate shitty male led content equally.

Nobody hates Ripley or Sarah Conner. Nobody.

Your conflating things and seeing 'sexism' where there is none. If you'd rather see a shitty Marvels movie than Captain America Winter Soldier when he takes his shirt off, so be it.

Ironically, the idea of a 'hot female' on screen for the reasons you describe is INCREDIBLY sexist.

But hey, WALDT.
Matador - 2/20/2024, 8:05 AM
@MarkCassidy - So,

TheOtherOn - 2/20/2024, 10:22 AM
@Th3Batman - CRaptain Marvel was actually the shittiest of not only those two but the shittiest one in the entire MCU at that point. The ONLY reason it made into Billion Dollars Club is because of it's release timing being sandwitched between Infinity War and End Game with the obvious cliffhanger ending of Infinity War.
Th3Batman - 2/20/2024, 11:37 AM
@TheOtherOn - Ant-Man 2 was also released between the two Avengers movies, yet only managed to make around $650 million.
TheOtherOn - 2/20/2024, 6:21 PM
@Th3Batman - As I mentioned, Infinity War ended on a major cliffhanger that lured audience into CRaptain Marvel. A character that was so powerful, she could have a fistfight with Thanos and presumably win without much efforts. It didn't promote Ant-Man at all or heck even gave a slightest hint of he could do anything about what happened.

Ant-Man's biggest "power" was joked around as being so tiny he could defeat Thanos by entering him from "down under".

Of course people have their own opinions about both movies, but to me, Ant-Man 2 was actually miles better than CRaptain Marvel.
PapaSpank54 - 2/19/2024, 12:04 PM
Venom was lukewarm lightning in a bottle. Neither were great but they were competent, entertaining (not sure how much of that entertainment factor was intentional but hey) and had enough of the Venom sauce to please me as a Venom fan. I wouldn't hate Sony doing solo movies for Spidey villains and characters, but like, competently? Hopefully this failure makes them either rethink their approach or just give up the ghost.
Th3Batman - 2/19/2024, 12:07 PM
@PapaSpank54 - "Hopefully this failure makes them either rethink their approach or just give up the ghost."

Neither will happen. No matter how much $$$ they lose and how bad they damage their brand, they'll still continue down the same road, believing they're right and everyone else is wrong.
PapaSpank54 - 2/19/2024, 12:21 PM
@Th3Batman - I dunno, it's still a business. TASM 2 didn't lose this much money and it made em desperate enough to make the Marvel deal. I bet if Kraven doesn't do numbers and gets ravaged like this has something is gonna change.
Th3Batman - 2/19/2024, 12:42 PM
@PapaSpank54 - Here's the issue with The Amazing Spider-Man franchise and why it wasn't just the second movie's box office that resulted in Sony working with Marvel. Sony didn't sign up Marc Webb (the director) and Andrew Garfield (the lead) to multi-deal pictures, they were signing them up one movie at a time. Sony was very keen on moving forward with TASM3, TASM4, Sinister Six, and an Aunt May prequel. The problem ? Webb and Garfield BOTH wanted out of the franchise following the reception of TASM2. Sony had the choice of either moving ahead without both (Batman Forever situation) or rebooting for a third time. They decided to reboot AGAIN, but this time they made the decision to sign up with Marvel and see how things would play out. Things played out very well, with Far From Home being the first Spider-Man movie to cross a billion $$$. What did Sony do with this newfound success ? Refuse to renew their deal with Marvel and instead make a THIRD origin movie, this time for Tom Holland's version. Thankfully common sense prevailed and they renewed their deal, but this should tell you how bad Sony is at making business decisions. Instead of getting the nearly $2 billion No Way Home, we could've gotten another origin story...yay.
dracula - 2/19/2024, 12:04 PM
Assuming it has the usual around 50% drop from week to week, it wont even make a hundred mill for over a month

Considering nobody knows these characters and the bad word of mouth, im betting it will drop worst then 50% and will eventually be pulled from theaters
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