Reilly’s Word: The Spider-Man Movie Reboot

Reilly’s Word: The Spider-Man Movie Reboot

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Clone is here with his word on the Spider-Man Reboot. Topics I’m discussing: “Will this be a TwiSchool Musical 90210 Flick?” “Is Webb really the right guy for this movie?” “Why Ultimate Spider-man?”

Editorial Opinion
By ReillyParker - May 15, 2010 03:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

So Sony's rebooting the Spider-Man movie franchise. This has caused some alarm amongst the Spidey fans, some good and some bad. To make matters worse is Sony's announcement that it's taking the Spider-Man franchise in a different direction in favor of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. This too has been met with mixed reactions. So I went on to reading the first few arcs of Ultimate Spider-Man as to gauge the possibilities this film has to offer and I'm writing this article to break down, analyze, and find out what it takes to translate the comic into a good movie. But first a few words before I break-down of the first issues of Ultimate Spider-Man.

First I want to address one rumor floating around. "This is going to turn into a 90210, Gossip Girl, Twilight knockoff starring our oh so likable, lovable, and now homosexual Spider-Man!" Sony's press release stated "The touchstone for the new movie […] the "Ultimate Spider-Man" comics by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley where the villain-fighting took a back seat to the high school angst." This somehow was translated into “We want the high school musical they couldn’t get on Broadway” to most fans. Sony is talking about high school angst. High school angst that has much more relevance in a Super-Hero flick then it ever had in movies like Twilight and the CW dramas. Those shows were never even about teenage angst to begin with, they were shows about groups of spoiled, whiny, bratty teenagers making the worst possible choices a teenager can make just for the sake of drama. Real teenage angst, when done right, had made for excellent movies (Donnie Darko, Dazed and Confused, Rushmore, need I continue?). Also angst, in and of itself, exists in every good superhero movie, there's no getting around it. Being a superhero is tough and showing that angst reveals a sense of humanity and depth to the character that allows audiences to open up and to connect with those characters. Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Watchmen, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and even Raimi's original Spider-Man movies had angst (which was in excess in the 3rd movie, but most here know that). Like I said it can work once it’s done right.

There’s some concerns out there with Marc Webb directing the Spider-Man reboot. He only has one movie under his belt and it was neither an action nor an effects-driven film. Many people think “what does the guy who made “500 Days of Summer” possibly know about Spider-Man?” Honestly I wouldn’t know. But let’s look at what we (or at least I) do know. I’ve seen “500 Days of Summer” (which I recommend all of you, both Spidey reboot haters and non-haters, to go see) and the best way I can describe it is as a coming of age story. It’s a movie about how this one guy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) has this ideal with this whole fantasy surrounding it and he continues to build it up until, all in one instant, it comes crashing down. He gets a serious wake-up call. He sees the divide between fantasy and reality, and he grasps it. He learns from this whole experience and he grows from it. Is JGL’s character really that different from Peter Parker? Isn’t that what Spider-Man’s learning curve is all about? Isn’t that what most superheroes go through? The whole movie was about character development and growth. The whole movie not only played off of angst but did it beautifully. It’s wasn’t some cheesy chick flick, it wasn’t some lame CW drama, and it wasn’t –ahem- Twilight. This guy knows his stuff and he wants to get somewhere. He’s serious. He’s not looking to make crap movies. He knows how important this franchise is to its fans. He knows how great Raimi’s adaptation and interpretation was. He’s not looking to fill Raimi’s shoes. He’s not looking to exceed him. He just wants to make his own vision of Spider-Man and bring it to the big screen. He certainly has my full faith.

I went on to read the first 39 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man. While I can’t say that I’m in love with the series, I do understand and respect why so many others do. Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good:

(1) Greater depth and insight behind the establishment and development (not origin) of Peter Parker as Spider-Man
(2) Great balance of High School and Spidey-time. I don’t think there was more of High School life then Super Hero life in the comics or vice versa.
(3) An excellent portrayal behind the struggles and strains of leading a double life. If any comic fails to accomplish this, I feel that the comic has failed altogether.
(4) Storylines brilliantly layered and melded into each other, the way each storyline sets up the not only the next storyline but also future storylines.

The Bad:

(1) Huge divergences from the original comics, though I do realize there’s no getting around that. Divergences I’m talking about in particular is how they made MJ’s character closer to Gwen Stacy, and Gwen Stacy just some poor, misunderstood, knife wielding, rebel. I’m also not a fan of the stricter, bitchier, hard-ass Aunt May.
(2) Weak supporting characters (outside of Aunt May, MJ, and Gwen), there’s no character development and they’re not too involved in Peter’s life. More or less they’re all just there. (Although I hear these characters are further developed later on down the line)
(3) Mutant/racial hate: I understand it’s an important topic and a good way to relate to racism, but just seems out of place in Spider-Man Comics. We have Ultimate X-Men for that
(4) Constant name-dropping of current celebrities... We get it. It’s new, it’s current, it’s with the times. No need to constantly shove it in our faces. This just really annoyed me.
(5) Uhh isn't it a Secret Identity supposed to be... well a SECRET?! Just about everyone, or at least everyone who matters in the Ultimate universe knows who Spider-Man is and I mean heroes and villains alike.

The Ugly:
Spider-Man will never leave High School, and though the comics are about him establishing himself as the Superhero we all know and love he never really gets there. Reason I put this outside of “The Bad” is because, like it or not that’s how the comics are and that’s how the movies are going to be. Regardless the point I’m trying to make is that a good story can still be told while he's in high school.

All in all I have to say I’m still not a fan of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics but I can certainly see it being made into a great set of movies just as long as it doesn’t follow the comics bit by bit, which let’s face it, no comic book movie has ever done. The direction the movies supposedly will take are about how Spider-Man establishes himself as a superhero in the world, similarly to the way Batman does in Nolan’s take on the character. Meaning the movies tell more than just an origin. They follow the character’s growth and acceptance into the role that’s been given to them. I believe the Ultimate Spider-Man comics are the best source material they can get for that story. They went into the major issues of what the superhero life entails and it shows how Peter Parker grows into the role.

If they were to adapt the comics into a trilogy of movies (more or less than a trilogy depending on its success) from what I read I say go with these storylines:

(A) Taking on the Kingpin/Ultimate Electro (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #8-13)
Great story, nay, amazing story… Spider-man realizes how futile his efforts are when the big fish are still out there untouched. Also realizes from his fights with Electro and Kingpin, not every fight can be won by simply battering the bad guy, brains before brawn. Spidey wises up and starts his smart-mouthing (I laughed so hard when he did the “Kingpin, you are so fat” jokes). The storyline shows how resourceful he is both as Peter Parker and as Spider-Man.

(B) Ultimate Doctor Octopus (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #14-21)
Doc Ock gets push to the brink of insanity, then is pushed further. Shows how suits like Justin Hammer can manipulate men like Otto Octavius and the public image of a guy like Spider-Man (Marvel please make Sony cast Sam Rockwell for Justin Hammer again, excellent crossover opportunity). Spider-man for the first time rises up from public enemy to hero of the people. This was a wonderful story that shows us what the public think of Spider-man, how this affects him, how easily their opinions can be swayed, and how he deals with the dilemma of doing the right thing by defending men like Justin Hammer. I know Doctor Octopus was already used in the movies, if they really want they can swap him out for another villain but please, PLEASE use this storyline. It really was a great one.

(C) Ultimate Green Goblin (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #1-7 & #22-27)
Yes, I honestly think they should use him, just not all hulked out. The way Osborn finds out Spider-Man’s identity and how it affects his (Spider-Man’s) battles was played greatly. The random battle in the school with Spider-Man and the Green Goblin was great, another good way of showing how Peter’s life as Spider-Man affects his personal life, and what impact Spider-Man has on the kids there (If they have a battle like that before having the Green Goblin as a central villain in the first movie and another one in the second movie, though not in the school, that would be so awesome, and yet so very unlikely). The second part of the storyline shows how Spidey deals with villains who know his secret identity (which happens fairly often in these comics), along with the strain of his relationships when they become jeopardized, especially between him and Mary Jane who knows he’s Spider-Man. Also it was a nice run-in with S.H.I.E.L.D. (Again great crossover opportunity. Marvel get Samuel L. Jackson to reprise his role, I mean the movies currently do use the Ultimate version of Nick Fury). If they must have the formula change Osborn, at least have him look like the original goblin (honestly can’t see this storyline working without Norman transforming at all).

Storylines to stay away from

(A) Ultimate Kraven (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #16-21)
Oh god, this went as wrong as it possibly could. Character-wise it was the same guy but with such a weak back-story. Kraven here was a –shudders- reality TV-show host. Something like the Crocodile Hunter of the Spider-Man world, yeah he was even Australian. I mean seriously? You had to change it that much just to “contemporize” him? The original Kraven was a badass and this story just wrecked all that, but I was like fine, whatever, when it came time for his fight literally right after Spidey took down Doc Ock. I was like great! Spidey’s winded and Kraven’s on the up and up. This should turn out to be pretty interesting, man how wrong I was. Spidey took him out in a single punch, like it was a joke. I don’t know if they expand on his character later and actually come a little closer to the original but from what I saw I was sorely disappointed. Please, please, please stay away from this character. Do us all a favor just use the original Kraven we all know and love.

(B) Death of Captain Stacy (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #29-32)
Captain Stacy’s role was never as big in the Ultimate Comics as it was in the 616 comics, hence there wasn’t as big of an impact when he died (It did make an impact, just not a big one). Worst of all it wasn’t a super-villain fight that got him killed, hell it wasn’t even a fight involving Spider-Man (well it did but indirectly). He was killed by some punk who dressed up as Spider-Man just because it would be cool. Yeah I at first I thought Chameleon? But in the end it was just some Joe Schmo, never even explaining how he got Spidey’s web shooters. It was a good story showing us Spidey’s life as Peter Parker with him dealing with an imposter smearing his good name and reputation and how both Gwen and he dealt with the death of George Stacy, but outside that I thought the overall plot was weak. It felt lazy and uninspired, like it was just meant to be a segue into the next storyline, and speaking of which…

Storyline I’m not sure of…

Ultimate Venom (Ultimate Spider-Man Issues #32-39)
I’m not sure where to categorize this one. There were some things I liked and some things I didn’t. First I’ll start with the good. I like how there was already a friendship between Eddie and Peter. It was good because there really wasn’t much of a friendship between Peter and Harry. They were friends but not much like the original comic. The strain his friendship with Eddie puts on Spider-Man once they fight. In the outcome nearly quits because of this. It was a much darker take on the story then the original. If the movies want to play off angst I say this storyline fits beautifully with that. The one thing I didn’t like about this storyline is the short amount of time that Spidey had the Black Suit on for. He had it on for all of one night in the comic. I know in the original storyline he also didn’t have it too long either but it did last for more than a night. I think the black suit would have been a great storyline in and of itself. I did however like when Spidey lost his temper the suit reacted and changed with his rage. Even though I like how they gave Eddie a pretty solid backstory, I don’t know if I like him that much in this story. He wasn’t very much like the original Eddie Brock but I’m guessing that was the point. Don’t really know what to say about him. Like I said I’m not all that sure about this storyline, there were things that worked for me and others that didn’t. I liked the original Venom story more, but this wasn’t bad either. It was just different, and it certainly was interesting take on the character. I'm just not all that sure how I feel about the storyline altogether.

Honestly I'm not for or against the reboot. The whole reason I wrote this article was just to gauge and point out the possibilities this film has to offer. Yeah it's true that without it even going into production it already has several strikes against it, but the movie hasn't even been filmed yet. We don't have a cast. We have no idea what direction the story or the characters will take. This can be good or bad. Really, no one should be getting overly excited or critical for the movie. I say wait for some news see how production goes and wait for a trailer. Mind you I'm not trying to tell any of you what you should be think or what your opinion should be, I'm just asking politely to keep an open mind. This movie can go either ways and if we do get a good movie, it will be one of the greatest Comic Book Movies upsets of all time. It will have been well worth the wait.

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ReillyParker - 5/15/2010, 3:49 PM
Ok this is my first editorial and I know it’s a bit long so try not to jump all over me about it. This is simply my opinion and I would be more than glad to hear all other opinions, good or bad. I will say this much. I will respond as respectfully as I can towards anyone with a different opinion, and I will not force my opinion onto them. I expect the same treatment from all of you and hope you will all treat each other the same way. If you have a reason for liking or hating the whole idea behind the reboot I want to hear it as long as it is well thought out, reasonable, and logical. More or less we all know whether you love the reboot or hate it. I wrote this article to ask you “why?”
InTylerWeTrust - 5/15/2010, 4:45 PM
ReillyParker - 5/15/2010, 9:00 PM
@Tyler: LoL So am I supposed to be Bob?

@Anil: Personally I also would have preferred a reboot that took place outside of high school without an origin story, so pretty much a continuation with a new cast, new director. But the fact is we're getting Spidey in high school, so we'll see where it goes.
InTylerWeTrust - 5/15/2010, 9:39 PM
Reilly: Not really, just thought that a slow clap was appropriate for this article. Well thought out, non-biased, and intelligent. It gets irritatingly annoying seeing the same people over and over again on every reboot article just shitting on the movie when he have no cast, no story, no villains, no nothing. Hey, I was all for an SM 4 featuring Lizard and Kraven, but it's out of my control. I understand why people dislike the idea of a reboot. I really do. But the way that some people (you, me, and they know who they are) go about expressing their dislike by forcing it down all our throats on every single article, claiming that they know everything about it when they know no more than we do, treating the opinions of thos who arent writing the film of as stupid and being unable to accept said opinions without tearing them apart, and generally just putting themselves above the rest of us by claiming that we accept all the shit that's thrown at us is what gets to me. I'm not about to completely write off a movie as shit when I don't know shit about it other than the director and the setting, which, like it or not, IS faithful to the comics. Until I see a cast and story announced, I'm remaining on a wait-and-see stance.
ReillyParker - 5/16/2010, 7:01 AM
Yeah thanks Tyler. I'm getting kinda tired of all the reboot hate when there doesn't seem to be any sort of logic or reasoning behind it. Like I said I wrote the article to ask why.

Oh and Cheers to both you guys :D
LEEE777 - 5/16/2010, 1:56 PM
TYLER @ It get annoying when people BITCH about the same actors over and over and over again!!!

: D

Ultimate SPIDEY will suck, lets hope it don't turn [frick]ing ULTIMATE!

Reilly @ Give me a sec, gotta read it b4 i comment! : P
InTylerWeTrust - 5/16/2010, 2:07 PM
Lee: Is there supposed to be some kind of point hidden in that comment? Unless your purpose was to yet again be an impossibly gigantic hypocrite, I can't detect any point.
Ranger14 - 5/16/2010, 3:13 PM
Count me in as a reboot hater. Should come as no suprise. :P Logic? Who wants to see an iconic superhero started over and over again? A character develops and we get new villains and then it is back to starting over again. That is not logical to me. Groundhog Day all over again. Add in the fact they want to focus on the high school angst and less villain-fighting...ummm...I want villain fighting! Developing the character is all fine and dandy with me, but have him fighting villains while dealing with that human angst. :-D Are we ever going to see true development and introducing new and exciting villains if they go want to go back and reboot every 5 years? I am very thankful with the Avengers and the heroes involved with that are signed to multi-deal movies so there is some continuity to the story.
ReillyParker - 5/16/2010, 3:42 PM
@Ranger14: Hmm I do see where you're coming from, however in the reboot's defense it's not as if it's already been rebooted several times. Also let's not forget the biggest reason for this reboot outside the fact that Raimi literally just walked off the project. Sony already had a script for this movie as a back-up plan. What exactly does this mean? It means that they realize that Spider-Man 3 was a failure. There is some comfort knowing that. While there is a legitimate fear that if the movie tanks they may just keep rebooting it until it succeeds (at which point it will probably lose it's appeal and they'll sell the rights back to Marvel), the good news is that Sony at least realizes that there was something terribly wrong with the last movie. Anyways the point is that while they may keep rebooting the movie, at least they're trying to fix their mistakes and at least that action is a step in the direction.

As for your point on angst, I hope you don't mind me reposting a part of the article to make my point: "Also angst, in and of itself, exists in every good superhero movie, there's no getting around it. Being a superhero is tough and showing that angst reveals a sense of humanity and depth to the character that allows audiences to open up and to connect with those characters. Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Watchmen, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and even Raimi's original Spider-Man movies had angst (which was in excess in the 3rd movie, but most here know that). Like I said it can work once it’s done right."

What I was trying to say here is that angst exists and has relevance in every superhero movie, and it can work when it's properly utilized. There is more to each and every superhero movie they just an epic clash between hero and villain. We all know that the hero is gonna win, it's not whether he wins or loses that we care about. What most audiences look forward to in any movie, CBMs included, is seeing the hero get tested by, struggling with, and eventually rise above the conflict. That element of angst is important because the conflict is that much bigger when you have other responsibilities and it weighs as a heavy burden. That is what made Spider-Man so great because in every incarnation of the character he shows how heavy that burden really is through his angst and it's awe inspiring the way he, the superhero everyman, dealt with those problems and overcame the conflict with his strong sense of responsibility.

Anyways like I said I see where you're coming from the fact that Sony thinks rebooting is the answer to a terrible movie is scary, but the steps they are taking shows they are concerned for the franchise and I personally am ok with the direction they want these movie to go. If Sony wants to delve deep within the establishment (not origin) and development of Spider-Man, I believe the Ultimate Spider-Man series is the best source material they can go with.

I appreciate the feedback Ranger, thanks ^_^

EDIT: By the way if you're wondering how I knew that the scripts for the reboot and it's sequel have already been written, while Sony and Raimi were working on Spider-Man 4 it was posted by Variety, which I would consider a dependable source.
AshleyWilliams - 5/16/2010, 7:03 PM
Cool article! #4 on the bad doesn't really matter,though.
Great,This is going to turn into another Tyler VS LEEE fight. You know the fight where Tyler has the upper hand the entire time. Because what he types actually makes sense. Duck and cover!!!!!
AshleyWilliams - 5/16/2010, 7:11 PM
I agree on the stories too. The Ultimate Kraven was awful. NOTHING like the original. Which makes me mad because Kraven is one of my favorite Spider-Man villains.
They should do the Kingpin/Electro story first. The Green Goblin/Doc Ock story second.They could have Osborn be the cause for Ock instead of Justin Hammer. OR they or could crossover with the regular Marvel movie universe and cast Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer. For the third....I really Don't know. Maybe the regular Kraven and Lizard?
ReillyParker - 5/16/2010, 8:35 PM
@NightAvenger: I think I'm gonna have to disagree with the Green Goblin/Doc Ock point. Honestly Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus are way too big villains to be mashed into one movie like that and even if they did, I just feel that Hammer is the only one wormy enough to hide behind his reputation, letting Spidey do the dirty work for him. If they didn't want to do Justin Hammer I say link the storyline with Kingpin's. It would be an interesting twist if he's the villain of the first movie and Spidey is forced to protect him in the second movie. I don't think the Kingpin's a coward, but it is very characteristic of him to test Spidey in that way. Sad fact is I don't think (I could be wrong)that Sony has the rights to Daredevil and therefore rights to Kingpin so I don't think we'll be getting the Kingpin arc anytime soon. Maybe they'll use Silvermane instead? Who knows? From the little news we've gotten, all I know is that the first two movies are interconnected. All I can speculate is that the Goblin will probably become a recurring villain in both the movies which would be great to see. If this is the case I really hope the villain in the first movie isn't Doc Ock. Like most of the fans have already said, they wanna see some new villains, and I'm 100% on that. I could probably write a whole other article on what storylines they should use for both movies and how, but again it would be speculation and at this point I don't think it's the right time to do that. The fans are rabid and I don't wanna fan that flame... er no pun intended...

Anyways like Ranger I appreciate the feedback NightAvenger ^_^
InstigatorGIRL - 5/16/2010, 11:50 PM
I agree 500 Days of Summer was an excellent movie and I, therefore, have confidence in Marc Webb.

I have never read the Ultimate Spiderman (I am more of a DC chick lol) But from everything you have stated it would be great to see those storylines played out like that. I think cool action scenes and special effects are awesome but I love when they do stories that have a hero realize what their flaws are and how they grow to be a better hero and the hero we all love.

I agree I don't understand the fear or hate for the reboot. I am all for it. Nothing really against the original movies, I guess, but I hate when the storylines are the same and in all of them it seemed like they were more about his dilemma with MJ and not his powers. Does that make sense?? They even sat there and made it seem like MJ's love is what made his powers tick, which was stupid...

Great Article Reilly! Agree with Tyler on it deserves the 70's Show clip. ^_^
ReillyParker - 5/17/2010, 12:02 AM
@Igirl: Yeah it makes sense! You're actually dead on. Don't get me wrong I loved the first two Spider-Man movies, but the only flaws I saw as far as the first two movies went was that it re-hashed the same stuff over again. MJ was a big part of Peter's life but she wasn't the only thing in his life. In the second movie it really did seem like his powers were fading because he wasn't with MJ, I mean it obviously wasn't the only reason, but it was the biggest struggle he had to face, which like you said was stupid. Villain finds out Parker's secret identity, the final climatic battle in every movie involved MJ getting kidnapped, and the villains ('cept for Sandman) always wound up killing themselves. Different stories, same formula. I know I'm gonna get so much hate for saying all that LoL, but yeah I do agree with what you're saying. Thanks for actually sticking through the whole article I know it wound up being waaaaay too long. Glad you enjoyed it! :D

@LEE: Are you still reading this? Where'd you go? LoL
ReillyParker - 5/17/2010, 1:19 AM
@tea: thanks. "Tho i have to say [frick] a reboot lol :D" I already know that but why????????????? LoL I wrote the article to ask why.
JoshWilding - 5/17/2010, 5:52 AM
Great article REILLY! :)

You make some really interesting points here, especially about Ultimate Spider-Man, and there are some things from that series I hope they do take some inspiration from but for the most part I'd prefer to see a movie that's inspired more by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko!
McLovin - 5/17/2010, 8:26 AM
RP - Great article dude! I looked at it at 1st and thought: Does he really expect me to read all of this?
But the more I read, the more I wanted to keep reading it. Great Job! Tyler was right on!
I happen to agree with almost every point you made. I enjoyed Ultimate Spidey all along and thought it was a great way to revisit why we all loved Spidey in the first place. Bendis' ability to deliver dialog is nothing short of amazing and Spidey's humor has never been better delivered (unlike in the movies). Do I love the fact that they changed so much of what we knew of the Marvel U.? NO! Was I able to look past it and enjoy the good parts? Definitely!

So what it's being rebooted? If Spider-man 3 had delivered along the lines of the 1st two, then I would be screaming bloody murder. But it didn't and that is why it's being rebooted. So what do I hope for (being optimistic here guys)? I hope they take the best elements of the Ultimate Spidey (as very well illustrated by RP) and meld it with the parts of the original in order to deliver a great movie. I also enjoyed 500 days and have faith that this can work.

@ Teabag - I hear what you're saying man, but if we follow that thought process, comics will suck when we are on retirement age. Do you really expect our heroes to keep aging? So 30 yrs from now, they will be talking about prescription drugs and how their children never visit and don't call? Going back to high school is what makes sense for Spidey. They tried it with Batman (going back to the training) when it was rebooted and it sure as fcuk worked!

IGirl - "I have never read the Ultimate Spiderman (I am more of a DC chick lol)" I'm sorry ... if you're not giving Marvel a fair shot, you're missing out. Not saying who is better, but there is some great stories being told in Marvel. Not to mention some of the best character development ever done in comics.

@ LEEE - For real dude, where did you go?
McLovin - 5/17/2010, 10:12 AM
tea - that isn't even fair. There is nothing I can take exception to that involves 18 yrs old Swedish girls. I could be in the ER waiting to have open heart surgery and be like: "No, not the old dude in the lab coat. I want the the tall blond with big tits and high heels to perform the operation!".

But seriously, lets wait and see. Give this reboot the benefit of the doubt and it may very well surprise us all...

ReillyParker - 5/17/2010, 10:27 AM
Wow I'm really glad you all are enjoying this. Hope you all can see this pretty much I'm not trying to view the glass as half empty or half full. To me it's just an effing glass of water LoL

@Tea: Actually it's not selfish at all, and if it is there's actually a lot of people who feel that same way. It should be one of the things a movie accomplishes, to allow audiences to open up and connect to the character, to place themselves in the shoes of the character. Whenever I see a Spider-Man movie I like leaving with a feeling of imagining myself in that role. I know that's somewhat childish but I've been reading the comics, watch the shows, and watching superheros as a child and I love that feeling. I love anything that touches my imagination like that (don't get too excited Tea, I don't need you touching me there :P) Point is, you're not the only one to feel that way and movie now has to work harder to have the audiences connect with a high school teenager, but it has been done before and can still be done. Still I totally get it.

@JoshW: I'm glad you enjoyed it! I saw your comments on the other two recent reboot articles, and I knew you weren't for it, so I was interested in the words on the article. Like I said wasn't trying to change your opinion or anything just wanted to understand you didn't like it and I wanted you understand I could be for it. Like I said no comic book movie is ever 100% faithful to one source material. And personally I think they'll have to take some things from the Ditko/Lee run. I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. I'm glad you liked the article and understood what I was trying to say. I really appreciate it.

@McLovin: I'm really glad you felt that way about the article. I was that since it was so long, people would eventually lose interest while reading it but I'm happy to see it has the opposite effect. I also happy to see the mindset you have and it's honestly one we all should have. To be able to look past the bad and enjoy the good. And Like you said if Spidey 3 would of delivered we wouldn't be in this mess in the first. Most fans are still willing to give Raimi (and therefore have to also give the Sony/Raimi team) a second chance. I just wish more people gave the reboot the same treatment. I do disagree with your point with Igirl. I don't think there are many fans out there who don't have any bias between Marvel and DC and it's ok to. That doesn't necessarily mean they won't give the other company a fair shot. I'm a Marvel boy myself but Bat's is like second favorite superhero (you guys should be able to guess my favorite at this point) In any case I give DC it's fair shot but I can't keep up with everything going on there and at Marvel, I can't even keep up with Marvel. Don't Forget I JUST picked up the ultimate spider-man series and as good as it may be (and make no mistake it IS good), it doesn't appeal to me and I won't be keeping up with it (mostly since I don't have the time too with classes and work and all). Despite this Igirl is still keeping an open mind and that's all I'm asking for.

"No, not the old dude in the lab coat. I want the the tall blond with big tits and high heels to perform the operation!" - To be fair who wouldn't ask for that LoL
McLovin - 5/17/2010, 11:44 AM
RP - I don't get the people who are scared of a High School Musical re-boot, but want Raimi to come back. As far as I can tell, the only one to have ever given us a Spidey musical WAS Raimi!!!!!

I say no thank you. Not after the musical sequences, the EMO look or the rape of Venom. He gave us his best in SM2. Give someone else a shot and go back to working on convincing Bruce Campbell on Evil Dead 3 instead.
ReillyParker - 5/17/2010, 2:40 PM
@Anil: Weren't you like one of the first people to comment? LoL and dude your Fan fic is huuuuge, I'll read it but I may not get to comment on it till tommorow ^^; Dude banter away, but I warn you, I am quite the raconteur ;)
AshleyWilliams - 5/17/2010, 3:40 PM
@ReillyParker-You're probably right.
AshleyWilliams - 5/17/2010, 3:41 PM
P.S-They could POSSIBLY use Tombstone.
EddieOsborn - 5/19/2010, 7:42 PM
Great article Reilly. Webb should definitely have Spiderman leave high school according the ulimate series when he's in high school like forever. It'll be tricky to see if Webb can stay away from the bad storylines, choose a the classic venom approach, develop solid character backgrounds so they don't feel weak and blant, and have a success crossover with S.H.I.E.L.D. which would be interesting to see if he will consider to do it
LEEE777 - 5/27/2010, 5:41 AM
REILLY @ Dude i did read this man!!!

You did bring up some huge valid points!

Thumbs up man, i think we'll just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best!

Cool article!
yungtay4 - 5/29/2010, 10:12 PM
great article...and im super ready for the reboot, i just felt that raimi's movies didnt satisfy me enough, and didnt fully grasp peter parker. Sure they got the nerdy side down, but they didnt get the wise-cracking parker down that everbody loves
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