This is a question I find myself wondering from time to time. Being a big fan, I’ve had numerous conversations and debated with people online and offline about why Superman is still such a great, inspirational character. I mean, he's been around for 75 years now and that has to say something, right?

Editorial Opinion
By subzero1077 - Sep 27, 2013 01:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

Unfortunately, it seems like most people today tend to shrug him off as too lame and boring. A character that’s too powerful, unrelatable and at times poorly written. A character that people seem to be moving on from. Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

How I Became A Superman Fan

Growing up, I actually started out as a huge Spider-Man & X-Men fan. I read the comics, watched the Fox Kids cartoons… those characters were huge in the 90s. However, I also remember enjoying the Donner Superman movies when I was younger. I used to watch Superman II all the time, it was one of favorite CBMs growing up. But, I didn’t actually become a Superman fan until around 2002, when a little show called Smallville caught my attention. Now, say what you will about the show (I know it tends to get a bad rap being a cheesy WB/CW show) but I got sucked in right away. I was the perfect age. I was about 15 years old, which was the same age Clark was in the show. I felt I could really relate to him, and that feeling of being an outsider in High School. My interest with the show really peaked in 2005 when they started tying it more into the Donner movies. Seeing the crystalline Fortress of Solitude, the Kryptonians (Aethyr & Nam-Ek), the mention of General Zod… it made me want to watch the original movies again.

In 2006, while I was in college, Superman Returns was released into theaters. It was, at the time, the Superman movie I really wanted to see. It was a nostalgic throw-back to the original Superman films, all while being a brand new story. Again, at that time, I loved Superman Returns, but in retrospect it really doesn’t hold up very well. It’s very slow, it’s moody and Superman probably has about 5 lines in the whole film. There’s more of course, but that’s not what this article is about.

It was around this time I was becoming a bigger Superman fan, I started getting into some of the current comics (I remember, at that time, Richard Donner was writing some Action Comics issues with Geoff Johns), while also going back to some of the older issues, such as John Bryne’s Man of Steel. Even some pre-Crisis Superman, with Brainiac and the bottled city of Kandor. I loved all of it.

I remember having conversations with numerous people about Superman, but with almost everyone I talked to, Superman was met with reactions ranging from disinterest to distain. It seemed like everyone preferred Batman. He’s darker, edgier, cooler, he wasn’t born with powers, he made himself who he is, he uses fear against fear, etc. I’ve heard it all, and even to this day, I can’t help but feel Superman has been left in the dust lately.

It’s 2013 now, Man of Steel came out to very mixed reviews from critics and moviegoers alike. Personally, I absolutely loved it. I thought it was a great retelling, it had a very ‘Batman Begins’ structure to it, while still feeling like its own film. I’m very happy that the movie was a success financially and won over most people. But, like Superman Returns, I’m worried that it may not have caught on with some audiences. Which may leave Superman in the dust yet again.

Ultimately, it’s a shame because he’s such a great character to look up and aspire to be. He reflects the idea that someone can come from another land and achieve the greatest in human potential.

What makes Superman Great

His Humanity
In Superman/Batman #3, Batman says, "It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god.”

Superman’s personality is one of the most important traits, it defines him. He is one of the most selfless hero’s in comics. He is always looking out for others. He never stops fighting the good fight. It is Superman's upbringing in Kansas that largely contributes to this, as his adoptive parents raised him to do the right thing.

His Ability to Fly
Let’s face it, this is one of the first things that come into all our minds when we think of Superman. His ability to fly. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be able to do that in real life? The feeling of taking to the skies with no worries, nothing to hold you back. We all wish at times we could be able to fly. I feel it’s one of the most engaging aspects of Superman.

His Disguise
Personally, one of my favorite aspects of Superman’s character and one of the main reasons why I find him so unique, is his disguise.

“When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume.”

We all remember David Carradine’s monologue from Kill Bill. I think this line of dialogue really nails it with what makes Superman stand out. While I may not agree with his later comment that “Clark Kent is Superman’s critique of the entire human race”, it’s still a great bit of dialogue none-the-less, and I think it really sums up Superman.

Lex Luthor
A hero is only as good as his villain right? One of the most interesting aspects about Superman is that his greatest enemy… is a mere mortal. Instead of relying on physical prowess, Luthor has to conjure up ways to outsmart his opponent. From his point of view he’s not trying to simply take over the world, but save it from an alien he deems a threat to humanity.

Addressing Issues with the Character

He’s Too Powerful
This is a common complaint that comes up way too often. It seems as if everyone still remembers Superman at his pre-Crisis days, when he could practically juggle planets. HE’S NO LONGER THAT POWERFUL. It has been decades since then, Superman has been revamped quite a few times and now he has trouble trying to rescue an airplane. If Batman can shake the Adam West years, Shumacher’s Batman & Robin and still be taken seriously as a dark character, why can’t Superman be universally accepted as someone who’s not overly powerful?

Another problem I constantly hear is that, since he’s too powerful, writers can’t come up with any interesting stories. I don’t buy that! That’s the writers fault. Superman is different, he should be approached from a different aspect since he’s oh so powerful. There are plenty of interesting Superman stories out there, some of them without even using Kryptonite as a plot device (ex. All-Star Superman).

All Brawn and No Brains
Another complaint I’ve heard far too often, that Superman is an unthinking moron. I was very happy to see a scene in Man of Steel address this issue, where Superman used a bit of strategy to take down the world engine. I’ve seen him use his brains before in the comics and cartoons, but unfortunately a lot of writers reduce him to punch first, ask later.

Truth, Justice & the American Way
What’s so funny about Truth, Justice and the American Way? It’s a value that Superman once held and is now viewed as outdated. To me, Superman has always been more of a hero of Earth, not just America. Some people were objecting to the fact that Superman Returns changed the phrase. But originally the phrase was ‘fighting a never-ending battle for truth and justice.’

Idea for a potential Superman reboot

Just a quick idea I want to share that I’ve had for a while. I always thought it would be a great idea – further down the road, if and when they reboot Superman again – to set the story in the 1930s. Similar to the book It’s Superman by Tom De Haven. I think it’s an idea that could actually work pretty well. The reason I think this is a good idea for a Superman movie is because – like Captain America - he really works great in the era he came from. Which leads me back to why I created this article in the first place. Maybe Superman has no place today. Maybe a Superman movie would be more successful when set in the era he was created. The only problem with this idea, is that it would be hard for the studios to build a Justice League movie off of, unless they reboot all their characters in the same era. But again, I’m just talking about Superman here, not the whole DC Universe.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this article inspires people that maybe weren’t interested in Superman to either pick up an issue or go watch the movies/shows. This is my first article so please go easy on me, I’m sure there’s some things I’ve left out and I’ll get a lambasting in the comments. Either way, I really enjoyed writing this, hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

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GinjaNinja - 9/27/2013, 2:12 PM
so the answer? No.
GinjaNinja - 9/27/2013, 2:15 PM
Superman had all the potential in the world. but one thing has killed him.... He is not complex, and nobody knows how to make a good movie with him. He is just straight up. "I can kill you unless you have kryptonite" Seriously he doesn't have anything else. Its not like Iron Man who has had to use his brain to beat his villains. Captain America who uses his will. Batman who uses... everything. He is like Hulk. They either are better than the villain, or they have no power at all in which there is only one story arc to make. "Superman lost his powers, somehow he gets rid of the stone, saves the day"
Rokyn - 9/27/2013, 2:53 PM
Great article man
subzero1077 - 9/27/2013, 3:00 PM
@dougieisrollingthejays - I'm not sure if you got the point to my article. I'm not trying to answer the question myself. It's mainly up to good writers to make him relevant.
jimdotbeep - 9/27/2013, 4:45 PM
I notice your trying to sell many of Superman's weaknesses as strengths. Like for instance his "personality" Him always doing the right thing isn't really a personality. In fact he's not really much of a Hero when you think about it. When your as powerful as him protecting people is a moral obligation not much of sacrifice or an achievement. The only thing superman is morally commendable for is not being corrupted by his own power.

As far as being too powerful I don't think you've read some of the more recent comics. In DeathBattle they talked about how writers have recently given him the ability to go multiple times the speed of light and the strength to pull the Planet Earth out of the way of Danger. It's even been established that in the distant future Superman will spend `5 minutes inside the sun giving him the power of a monotheistic god.

and His "disguise" and I use the term VERY loosely. is the most idiotic thing you will ever see in a comic. I'd say it's too silver age but they actually had superman doing that before the threat of government censorship caused the silver age.

Superman is simply a half backed concept that only got worse as lazy writers kept having to come up with ways around the obvious flaws of the franchise. Did you know that he only got the ability to fly because the animators didn't want to draw him crouching several times when he needed to JUMP over buildings? Kyptonite was only created to give a radio actor a vacation so his stand in could just moan for a few episodes
redson - 9/27/2013, 5:24 PM
I don't post comments often, but I did enjoy the article. You obviously spent a great deal of time thinking it through. Thanks for doing what I often find lacking in articles or posts. What I appreciated the most was the absence of bashing other heroes or their fans in the process.

I'm a huge fan of any character that makes for a good read. In any universe.

Personally though, come what may - Superman will always be the "Grandaddy" in comic history. He may not be the most popular or everyone's choice, but it'll be foolish to say he's not the most iconic. He owns the top spot, not because he was the first or the most powerful - but because after 75 years no other character has come close to touching or taking his place as the Greatest Known and Inspiring Hero of all time.

And any half-sensible person will admit that inspiration is relevant in any generation past, present or future.

I look forward to reading more from you, if you decide to take on other characters that is.
SnapperCarr - 9/27/2013, 5:56 PM
I agree with what MAC said.
TheWolverine08 - 9/27/2013, 6:17 PM
@MAC Sweet pics.
subzero1077 - 9/27/2013, 9:12 PM
@RedSon - Thanks so much for the comment man. I really appreciate that.

This article was kind of a last minute idea, I don't even care about whether I win the contest, I'm sure that I'm too late for that. This was more of getting this debate off my chest, because I'm sick of hearing that Superman is a terrible character.
jimdotbeep - 9/27/2013, 11:30 PM
Batman may not be the most relate able character in the world but we actually feel for him when things go bad for him. He's lived a life of tragedy even having to hold his dying children in his arms.

Batman has had to fight on a playing field that is extremely uneven had had to become far greater than he was to overcome great obstacles. All the while carrying his emotional pain with him.(something that particularly resonates with me)

Superman on the other hand has nothing to be afraid of. He's nigh indestructible, Everyone loves him and nothing ever goes wrong for him. He's a character with no conflict and very little potential for conflict.
Majestik - 9/27/2013, 11:56 PM
Ahh Ye of little faith. Superman is relevant. As long as there is a demand for him in comics, TV and movies he always be around.
Frogman - 9/28/2013, 1:16 AM
@sintzu :

and why he had a live-action TV series that ran for 10 years...
aresww3 - 9/28/2013, 7:04 AM
the mos basically killed superman
JorEllinator - 9/28/2013, 7:19 AM
I'm willing to bet you don't read comics.
subzero1077 - 9/28/2013, 7:20 AM
@aresww3 - How? I know alot of people (my girlfriend included) who aren't Superman fans and really enjoyed the movie.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/28/2013, 8:02 AM
The other day I saw a child walk up to a life size Superman statue and hug it. Just yesterday I saw another kid go up to the same statue and make a "Superman hip pose."

Relevant? Hell yes. An icon for centuries to come.
subzero1077 - 9/28/2013, 8:04 AM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - That's awesome!
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/28/2013, 8:04 AM

Just the fact that you think Superman can only be killed by Kryptonite shows that you don't know shit about him.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/28/2013, 8:05 AM

Yeah it was. Put a huge smile on my face : D
Folchibas - 9/28/2013, 8:57 AM
Who cares if he's still relevant? He's still awesome and people want to see more of him. Case closed.
king666 - 9/28/2013, 9:03 AM
The top five best-selling comics of August 2013 are:
1. Infinity #1 (Marvel)
2. Superman Unchained #3 (DC)
3. Batman #23 (DC)
4. Justice League #23 (DC)
5. Justice League of America #7 (DC)

Majestik - 9/28/2013, 10:12 AM

Completely forgotten Smallville's 10 yr run didn't you? I don't blame you. lol
JorL5150 - 9/28/2013, 10:55 AM
superman is 665 million times more relevent than this cbm editorial.
AnthonyLantern - 9/28/2013, 11:14 AM
Superman will always be one of my favorite characters
ChrisEl - 9/28/2013, 11:16 AM
I'm really just sick of the anti-Superman Kool-Aide drinkers, and their worn out complaints. Let's list them shall we?

1. Superman is too powerful... Response: This is just a stupid complaint. First, marvel and DC have plenty of characters who are more powerful than Superman. Additionally, Superman regularly faces dangers that pose real threats to his safety, such as Doomsday, Darksied, Metallo, etc. Also, the fact that Superman is so powerful doesn't make him a boring character, but a more interesting and complex one. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders; yet, it would be wrong for him to solve all of humanity's problems. He can lift islands over his head, but he can't be everywhere at once, nor save everyone who needs saving.
2. Superman is too much of a goody goody. Response: Anyone who says this is an idiot. I'm sorry that you are too lazy to try to be a virtuous person, but that doesn't make Superman uninteresting. If anything, he is an inspiring symbol of the kind of person I want to be: honest, self-sacrificing, virtuous. Somewhere along the line, members of our society got it in their little pin heads that its good to identify with the lowest common denominator rather than aspire to be great, to be a good man or woman. I'm sorry, I don't relate to that point of view. My heroes are people like Mother Theresa, individuals who aspire to be shining beacons of virtues, images of what we can hope to become. That's why heroes like Superman and Captain America are important. Maybe we stumble and fall; maybe we don't always live up to these ideals, but these kinds of examples give us something to aspire to. Without such ideals, we are no better than animals; we lose our humanity.
3. Superman had a good childhood with good parents, so he is not complex. Response: . Look, Superman had to come to terms with the fact that he was not like anyone else, and he had to hide a lot of what makes him special. We have all had the struggle of not being able to expose ourselves for one reason or another, but Superman had to experience that to an even greater degree. Just because he had a good childhood it does not follow that there is no complexity in his personality. I mean, his home planet was destroyed for goodness sake, and as far as he knows, he is the last of his kind.

So is Superman interesting? Yes! Is he relevant? Absolutely. But what is more, heroes like Superman are necessary because they give us hope and an image of what we should all strive towards.
ChrisEl - 9/28/2013, 11:19 AM
I agree. I would be very pleased if Superman and Captain America could team up.
Ship - 9/28/2013, 11:27 AM

Is SUPERMAN important? Man if you see the way He's constantly [frick]ed up (even looks like "humiliated" the character)for many user over here the answer Right and Straight is a big YES. Some People over here attack him over and over again and is just because they can't stop loving him and they can't answer or explain to themselves why they can't get over him. You say something which is an inequivocal FACT in the psiquis of every comic book fan, his hability to Fly, is the First superhero image of every kid, IN THE WORLD, everyone want this power, not his invulnerability or another power but his hability to Fly Thats why non of the hater critique goes on that MOS scene beyond "the shaky cam", is a Dream come true for Everyone. I guess some of our folks over here want to love other superheroes but Supes will be always the best Acept that and live a good comicbookfan life well :P with your Batman's, Wolverine's, Spyderman's, or whoever you want,:p just remember the king is the king, non copycat beat the original, all the other superheroes are a response to Superman since Batman or even Captain America. note that I say Superheroes not heroes like The Phantom, Zorro, Tarzan, Doc "The man of bronze" Savage they were at that time in other league.

BTW where is Nomis, He was mocking at me in other treat, tell him "HE IS NOT SAVE, I WILL FIND HIM, I WILL FIND HIM". ;P

Good editorial Subz
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