Man Of Steel: A World Where Everyone Knows Superman's Identity?!?

Man Of Steel: A World Where Everyone Knows Superman's Identity?!?

"Man of Steel" was a fresh retelling of the Superman origin story, but what happens in a Superman Universe where your identity is already known? Did the director consider Social Media and Smart Phones?

Editorial Opinion
By TyrantBossMedia - Jul 05, 2013 10:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

In "Man Of Steel", totally breaking the canon from the DC Comics, Lois finds out the "secret" identity of Clark Kent rather easily. That creates a pretty big problem in a modern day Metropolis ripe with Smart Phones and Social Networking....Everyone will know who Superman is.

Lois Lane interviewed everyone that Clark Kent grew up/came in contact. And they ALL know who he is. So once Superman gets plastered all over the internet/news, all those people are going to say, "Hey that's, the weird kid Clark Kent, from when I grew up."

Then all of those people are going to be paid fat money by the tabloids and new programs to tell their story. They will write books and every time Clark Kent -REPORTER tries to interview somebody they will say, "Wait, Aren't you that guy from the tabloids? Clark Kent?"

It's not like his name changed as he got older. It's not like he looks so different with glasses. They will know who he is and then they will Google him and see his face on the internet on their smart phone right in front of them while they are talking to him.
And then take pictures of him as a reporter, or video and do comparisons in Photoshop.

And everyone will know who Clark Kent is.

So why even wear the glasses and try to blend in? Just Tony Stark them in the reboot and be a super strong mystery man.

I mean...he has a job, as he explains, to get closer to the action, the hot stories, so he can be in the thick of it and know what is going on...BUT...

1) He has super hearing, sight, etc so he doesn't need to do that.

2) What if there is a big emergency around the world and he is covering a coming tornado in podunk Kansas? Everyone will know that Clark Kent-Reporter/Superman is on the scene and can save the day.....but then....with his super hearing he hears a typhoon happening in India and has to fly off to save people. Well then the people in Tennessee...will say "What a Dick!" as he flies off to save India and abandons Kansas.

3) Another question....Reporters don't normally report crimes, disasters, etc BEFORE they happen...they report them as they happen or most likely AFTER they happen. So if Clark Kent is a reporter so he can be in the "thick of things" then how is he going to stop those things from happening since he is only going to be on the scene mainly after it happens?

Sure he could fly down and scoop up the white ford bronco in the OJ car chase...but he couldn't stop OJ from killing his wife.
Yeah, I know....Superman can hear the stuff happening before it happens...BUT we are hinging this on his comment that he was taking the news job to he could be in the thick of things.

WHILE I THINK OF IT....If Clark Kent can hear things happen before they happen, how could he not hear the tornado and warn his uncle to get out of the area before it hit? (Curious?)...I know..I know....for the script.

4) Clark Kent does not need the money so he didn't take the job for the cash. He has a fortress of solitude, can pretty much take anything he wants, and can't die for the most part so...why work?
If he needs money that's an easy pick up as well.

Forget the Reporter Angle.
Just make Superman a hero, like Thor, who disappears and only reappears when he is needed. The world knows his identity but if they can't find him then he is safe. And since everyone knows who he is...he is jeopardizing everyone he gets close to.

Okay--Back to Work.

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Knightrider - 7/5/2013, 11:39 PM
Those people didn't know his real name, and as for the kids in Smallville only a couple saw him do stuff, and even if Pete realised who he was at the diner, then he is probably keeping quiet after being saved.

As for people thinking Clark was weird, well that's school. Kids get bullied for being quiet, different all the time, and seeing as he got bullied when he was older, stops a lot of talk like that.

Also, remember this is a world where the concept of secret identities may not exist so people wouldn't think: Hey that super powered who can fly around the world and do all sorts of crazy things, probably holds a steady job and walks among us.

Lastly, those who aren't aware of his past probably think he came with the others.
superherofan21 - 7/6/2013, 6:57 AM
Hardly anyone knows who Superman really is in the movie. Currently, it's just Lois Lane and Martha Kent. Sure, someone else could probably figure it out at one point, and that could be something the sequel deals with. But the whole world? Nah, the world will never know who Superman is.
Transforminator - 7/6/2013, 8:24 AM
Yeah I don't think anyone's going to find out. Besides, he chose to work at the Daily Planet because it was a place "where no one would look twice" as he states.
Odin - 7/6/2013, 9:00 AM
It's absurd to think that there would one town knowing his identity and it wouldn't spread in modern day world.
ShadowlordSavage - 7/6/2013, 10:11 AM
If Lois was clever enough to track him all the way to Smallville based on rumors and stories, so could a very skilled central intelligence agent. Not to mention he pretty much gave away to a General that he was from Kansas, unless they already knew or suspected that that's the place where he was living at, he gave them an excellent place to look and they don't need a predator to do that.

Here's what's left to assumption though, Superman must've quickly fixed the Kent farm and made sure that the destruction in Smallville didn't lead back all the way to the starting point of that conflict (which is "oh that's right" the Kent Farm).
kong - 7/6/2013, 11:19 AM
Due to Zod the public knows Superman as Kal-El and like how @KnightRider said, in this world no one thinks of secret identities. People think that Superman is Superman all the time. Also when Clark went back to Smallville no one that saw him use his powers as a kid saw him, so they wouldn't know exactly how Clark would look as an adult. Only 2 of the people who Lois interviewed knew Clark's name. Lana and Peter. Lana keeps his secret in the comics why can't Pete too.

When would people have taken pictures. They were running away.
fishybashi - 7/6/2013, 1:02 PM
At this point post-MOS, no "secret identity" truly exists, because Kal El hasn't used the name "Clark Kent" for over 10 years as a wanderer. "Clark Kent" essentially is the disguise for Kal El because like he said, "No one would think twice to ask." He is viewed as a super powered being who had been a wanderer. It's not like he is some high profile guy like Wayne or Stark. Yes, the identity of Clark Kent would likely pop up in real life, but since the US Gov't is now involved, they have motivation to keep his identity hush hush so that enemies of the US won't manipulate his identity to their end. In other words, keeping the USA in line with his identity insures us that it will be in the best interest of the United States to keep Kal El's human identity a secret.
Knightrider - 7/6/2013, 5:34 PM
The drones are looking for where he goes, but they don't suspect he just becomes a normal guy.

Secondly, as for Lois finding him, that is a little different as that was pre-invasion, after the invasion...well firstly people who perhaps knew something are dead, others may have a new sense of loyalty and thus keep mouth closed, and also they could just flood the news...which means you cover you tracks by creating leads, stories etc that hide the real story within.

As for social media, smart phones etc...who said anyone ever got a clear picture?

Lastly, even if you suspected Clatk was Superman it would have been reported he killed Zod, and that he has these great powers...unsure of this what this powerful person can do, would you attempt to antagonise him by trying to 'out' him? The military try to as they are scared and don't trust him, which is the same reason many probably won't try and find him either...assuming if they thought he'd be walking among us in the first place.
Knightrider - 7/6/2013, 5:38 PM
And as for just seeing his face...well eyewitness accounts are extremely unreliable even in non-stressed situations let alone panic, fear, adrenaline, fast moving situations. These people would probably be thinking they're seeing the guy everyday.
Volthoom - 7/6/2013, 5:42 PM
Umm his uncle?
PiereDevon - 7/6/2013, 6:07 PM
The way I see it, Superman was moving to fast for anyone other than the Military & Lois to see his face anyway.
AmazingFantasy - 7/6/2013, 8:55 PM
I think him becoming a reporter was done just to be faithful.
Great film.
KidLantern003 - 7/7/2013, 6:29 AM
I believe they only did the whole clark kent glasses thing so they could have a little nod to the Reeves film that everybody kept complaining this movie needed to be like. I persoanlly agree it would have been a cool change to have Everyone know. But it doesnt hurt anything to pay respect to the old film and continue that way
breakUbatman - 7/7/2013, 6:38 AM
You guys are over thinking this. No one needs to track Clark down. Everybody knows that Lois knows who he is - just water-board her crying out loud. That's the real problem

Clark can hide his identity in Smallville by wearing his hair in his face and the specs, remember he'd been away for a while, so adult Clark isn't something they've seen up close in recent years.

Lois and clark photo superman_man_of_steel_lois_clark.jpg
Tainted87 - 7/7/2013, 7:07 AM
I'm constantly told that I look like Clark Kent.

Then I take off my glasses, grow some stubble, and people assume I'm actually my age.

There's this guy I work with who's always told he looks like Vince Vaughn (he does).

People look like other people.
But even that point doesn't matter, considering the only people who know he's Clark Kent are either dead, not telling, or in the Phantom Zone - presumed dead. Except Pete Ross - there's no telling with that douche.
GenerationX - 7/8/2013, 3:44 AM
What a stupid pointless article. Learn to write before posting another one of these. Since it is painfully obvious you didn't pay attention in the movie Clark used fake names at all he jobs he held. Nobody but Lois and Pete and his mom know that Clark is Superman. The guys on the oil rig don't know Clark Kent. The people that worked with him at Arctic Cargo know him as Joe. We don't know what name he used at the bar he worked at but Lois mentioned thst he used false names and work records. Pay attention before you write stupid articles
GenerationX - 7/8/2013, 3:47 AM
Oh and KingTrav, please tell me you're joking...a Kryptonian disguising device?!?!?! Hahaha....funny stuff. Stupid, but funny
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