Am I The Only One Who Saw The Kryptonite In MAN OF STEEL?

Am I The Only One Who Saw The Kryptonite In MAN OF STEEL?

Has no one mentioned this yet? Or at least put it together? There's a giant easter egg in Man of Steel that seems to have both kryptonite and a possible lead towards Batman vs. Superman.

Editorial Opinion
By InvertedSpidey444 - Sep 25, 2013 04:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

What's up, CBM-ers? Inverted Spidey here, with my newest and very first article here on I'm here today to share with you why I think there is definitely kryptonite in Man of Steel and how it is most likely an easter egg for the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie. I'll just jump off into it and you guys can decide for yourselves.

We all know that there wasn't any kryptonite used in Man of Steel. But what doesn't seem to be getting any attention is the fact that there was a giant ship-sized piece of it floating in space that no one's seemed to have noticed. What am I talking about? It's simple: When Zod's ship first arrived to Earth in orbit around the moon, it brought a lot of rocks with it. What kind of rocks? I would guess the irradiated-by-getting-dragged-through-the-universe kind. I.E. Kryptonite.

I mean ... after all:

Everyone can agree that there wasn't any kryptonite used in the movie, but that doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't there. If you don't remember it, watch the movie again. A miner's dream pulled through that wormhole when Zod and his crew first arrived to earth. It's there and it seems to be entirely unnoticed.

Phantom drive + ripping holes in the universe + dragging chunks of your home planet through space = "giant irradiated pieces of your home world."
(Ugh ... Superman Returns.)

When Zod finally did move his ship and started his world-ending scheme, those rocks had to move somewhere, and they are probably what's going to be falling out of the sky in 2015's Batman vs. Superman.

What do you think?

Leave your comments below and let me know what your take is on the possible Man of Steel kryptonite easter egg and Batman/Superman spoilers.

UPDATE: I didn't think about it when I wrote the article but some fellow CBM-ers asked me to clarify where and when in the movie you can see Zod's ship surrounded by kryptonite. The scene took place during Clark and Zod's conversation of how Zod got to earth in which a scene flashes to Zod's ship entering Earth's solar system and you can clearly see a large quantity of rocks following behind it. There you go CBM-ers. Kryptonite in Man of Steel.

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MrCBM56 - 9/25/2013, 5:07 PM
Hmmm, interesting. I'll have to re-watch. WELCOME TO CBM!
Minato - 9/25/2013, 5:33 PM
Im looking for the part that you are talking about now. What I am seeing is the military first seeing the shadows of the ship on the moon and then the message from Zod to the world. I don’t see where the came thru a worm hole to come to earth. Can you specify what part of the movie it is maybe I can make a screenshot for you?
HulkbusterNYC - 9/25/2013, 6:02 PM
Im not seeing it either
Moohika - 9/25/2013, 6:13 PM
I'm gonna analyze every frame of MOS and look for more Easter eggs as soon as the blu-ray comes out.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/25/2013, 7:14 PM
@2Challa, yes, thank you. I believe it was shown during the scene where Zod is describing to Clark why and how he managed to find his way to Earth. I'm certain of it. (Sorry, I haven't seen the movie since it was in theaters so it was from memory.) It was during the flashback when Zod tells Clark he received his emergency beacon, then when the camera jumps to Zod and his crew arriving, BOOM, chunks of rock hurdling around his ship.
gmoney0505 - 9/25/2013, 8:35 PM
My theory is the World Engine created kryptonite on Earth since it never fully completed the terraforming process. Some of the rocks created in the Earth will probably be found by Luthor or Batman. I perfer Batman to find it and deduce that Krypton rocks affect Supes from studying and analyzing footage from his fight with the World Engine from his satellite.
BANE5000 - 9/25/2013, 8:36 PM
My theory about how Kryptonite will be featured in upcoming MOS sequels is from the World Engine scene.

Seeing as how Zod was using the machine to terra form Earth into Krypton, that would include its landscape and natural minerals found withing the planet, including Kryptonite

Though Supes destroyed the machine, still a small part of the Earth was terra formed into Krypton, so that means there is Kryptonite in our Earth now...and only a matter of time till it is shown being found one way or another
BANE5000 - 9/25/2013, 8:38 PM

I see great minds theorize alike :D
Minato - 9/25/2013, 10:42 PM
There weren’t any large rocks that traveled with them during their escape from Krypton only small ones. If you remember Zod also explains that they traveled to many lost civilizations gathering the World Engine and other supplies surviving on scraps until Kal activated the homing beacon in the fortress of solitude.

Pre teleportation

Post teleportation

Minato - 9/25/2013, 10:51 PM

for the video
cybo47 - 9/26/2013, 2:25 AM
Nah, I disagree. The rocks around Zod's ship only appear when it travels from Krypton to the outposts, not when it arrives into our solar system, and we never see those rocks again.
But I do believe the Kryptonite might be something Batman or Lex find out near the destroyed world engine. It might not be just another rock, but something Lex or Bruce will use to re create the kryptonian atmosphere to a smaller extent. Just my theory.
CorndogBurglar - 9/26/2013, 3:26 AM
Were these rocks green?


Then it wasn't Kryptonite.

This seems like a huge stretch.
CorndogBurglar - 9/26/2013, 3:30 AM
Also, your title says it all.

"Am I the only one who saw Kryptonite is MoS?"

If you are the only person that thinks he saw it, then that means one of two things. Either you are stretching extremely far to grasp at straws, or this os the absolute worst easter egg ever created and placed in any type of media. You know, because only one person out of god only knows how many millions saw it.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/26/2013, 6:47 AM
Good point @CorndogBurglar and @2Challa. It had been a while since I saw the movie and I completely forgot that Zod traveled to many outpost before coming to Earth. Meaning that any chunks of Krypton that would have been following him would have been lost. Dang. And here I thought I had stumbled onto something. Although, I don't think that they have to be green/glowing-green to be labeled kryptonite since the green mineral itself can be encased in regular stone. But yeah, sadly, I think you two are right. @Gmoney0505 and @Bane5000, you two have some really good ideas and I think that's a viable way kryptonite can be introduced into the DCCU.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/26/2013, 6:51 AM
Maybe one chunk of Krypton survived the trip ... ? :( Ha. Doubtful. This article is bunk. But a fun idea. @gmoney0505 and @Bane5000, that actually makes a huge amount of sense and I wish I had thought of it. Someone else had written an article too on how kryptonite made an appearance in "spirit" with Earth being turned into Krypton. I just didn't catch that.
monsterswin - 9/26/2013, 8:47 AM
IF the movie had actually been entertaining then I would have returned to see it again and THEN maybe I would have noticed it.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/26/2013, 9:19 AM
Credit to @cybo47 also for catching the world engine concept in MOS. I think I'm going to delete this after everyone has had their chance to share their thoughts on this. It was a good idea but the evidence was lacking. Thanks, guys.
MisterMagurlypse - 9/26/2013, 9:27 AM
I too think Kryptonite will come from the world engine somehow. Your idea isn't totally out of the realm of possiblity though. There may be small pieces of it stuck on Zods ship or maybe he even had some with him on the ship. Not likely though.
Brainiac13 - 9/26/2013, 10:21 AM
You may be right!


Great idea.
thatcoldblackcloud - 9/26/2013, 10:35 AM
Umm.... DUH... debris from Kryptons explosion IS know, the fragments from the planet... T_T
SADVIPER - 9/26/2013, 11:30 AM
not green? not intrested.
kryptonite will show up dont worry bats is around the conrner
gmoney0505 - 9/26/2013, 11:49 AM
First time I watched the movie and Hamilton explained the terraforming process, it instantly clicked that is how krytonite is going to come about in future movies. Hope that is the idea.

ablee337 - 9/26/2013, 3:39 PM
I don't think the World Engine created Kryptonite on Earth from the terraforming process. Supes and Zod was standing at ground zero and they didn't seem to feel sick at all.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/26/2013, 6:23 PM
So I just realized that kryptonite may have still made an appearance in the movie, what with Krypton exploding and there being definite chunks of it shown floating in its former orbit. I mean, it wasn't in Earth's solar system, but it was still sort of there.
InvertedSpidey444 - 9/26/2013, 6:28 PM
@grifdeadpoolteabag, thanks for the support! (And technically, by being the first it is also the newest. Techncially.)
bs77 - 10/1/2013, 8:07 AM

I remember the debris, and I felt the same way initially, but then it was never mentioned and never developed.

I know this is Snyder's film, but with Nolan and Goyer in the background, I don't hold my breathe for easter eggs. Nolan's easter eggs are usually more front and center ie. joker card. The Wayne logo on the satellite was an easy visual to add by Snyder, and at almost no cost. The Lexcorp sign was hardly an easter egg since Lexcorp should exist in Metroplis. Even if Lex never makes an appearance in MOS, we should still assume he's a person and owns half the city. I don't think there were hidden elements written into the story itself; debris being dragged along with Black Zero would fall in that category. I really think WB/DC and Nolan/Goyer/Snyder are trying to find a different formula from Marvel and not lace their movies with easter eggs just for the sake of giddy fanboys.

The one thing I've learned from Nolan's films is that he takes it one film at a time, and rarely thinks ahead to a potential sequel. I think Man of Steel was made to stand alone, but open-ended enough to add-on direct sequels. I'm sure they had some ideas of what direction a followup would take, but you never know until you start to write it down. If they tease something, that kinda of locks them in to using it, and that may not be the best story they can tell once they really sit down to hash it out.

Of course you could be right, and if they decide to introduce Kryptonite, they may have inserted the debris in MOS specifiically because they could use that to explain it away. As far as MOS goes, I don't think it was meant to be interpreted that way, but it's a nice little detail they can fall back on if they go that route.

I'd prefer it comes to Earth some other way, because a lot of Kryptonians died in MOS and to think the green stuff was there all along floating in orbit kinda makes the finale feel unecessary.

And something I just thought of... the world machine was turning Earth into "Krypton", so it may be possible that some of the debris was changed on a molecular level to essentially mirror Krypton's makeup, and the the krypton debris's exposure to radiation from a yellow sun may have an adverse effect. We don't have to go the nuclear irradiated debris floating to Earth scenario for Kryptonite . Zod might have been inadvertantly creating a toxic planet for his people because of yellow sun radiation instead of a red sun.

Can we infer that red sun on kryton equals normal people/thriving environment and the reverse for yellow sun equals super people/deadly environment? The world engine is going to recreate a planteary atmosphere for a panet that thrived in red sun... so if that planet were now orbting a yellow sun, what would happen?

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