Casting For Superman Reboot Has Not Begun!

Casting For Superman Reboot Has Not Begun!

It seems casting has NOT started for the upcoming Superman reboot. Plus no return for Superman Returns star Brandon Routh. As well as a word from a possible candidate for the role:

By bleedthefreak - Nov 26, 2010 07:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

An anonymous source over at Geek Files is claiming that after many rumors of the contrary casting for Zack Snyder's reboot of Superman has still not begun:

"casting has NOT started at Warner Bros".

The source also said that there will be no recreation of past films.

They are going for something completely different:

"not re-creating anything or anyone that has been done or seen before, such as Christopher Reeve or Brandon Routh. The studio is going for a new look altogether".

A former model turned actor Anderson Davis is considered a strong candidate for the role due to having the right look.

Geek Files had a chance to talk to Davis:

"I think most are bored with the inner battle and self-discovery Superman has gone through. This Superman needs to become more sure of himself and then start kicking some ass. Bottom line, I think people want to see some gut-wrenching true emotion from their Superman and I can give them that."

"As for this Superman reboot I think it is a simple recipe for success: Give the people a bad ass Superman, not a guy that always has to keep his 'hands clean;' you give the people a hero they can relate to and look up all at the same time, so they can feel his heart and passion for what he stands for, and you will have an awesome flick."

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bleedthefreak - 11/26/2010, 8:27 PM
I am upset they are going to half ass this movie but if that is what it takes for WB to keep the rights then fine I will sacrifice.
P862010 - 11/26/2010, 8:39 PM
yeah i am sure Nolan and Snyder guys who actually cast good actors in their movies will cast a model lolol

i call some Huge BS
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:20 PM
@bleedthefreak- NICE update but why upload such a gay looking pic of the guy? I prefer the one in the business suit that "Superguy1591" posted.

So now it's likely between this guy and Matthew Goode? Odd choices to say the least but hey- AT LEAST WE GET A NEW SUPERMAN.

WB better not [frick] it up again or i'll be so [frick]en pissed i swear i'm sick of them. They have [frick]ed up 3 Superman films so far AND Smallville is NOT helping Superman's image. If they can give GL a badass film, they should be able to do the same with Superman.

He deserves a WORTHY OPPONENT. He needs to fight someone already. Keep Lex in the film he is ESSENTIAL but have him as a side-villain aiding the main villain. I vote- Luthor and Brainiac of course but since WB never wants Superman to fight, they just might go back to Supes being all "touchy-feely" and never throwing a punch.

Batman has thrown plenty of punches in the Nolan films. GL will be throwing punches (particularly a giant fist through the use of his ring) so why can't Superman be given the SAME respect as them? He is the FIRST so he deserves the BEST film of the three. It makes no sense for WB to say "Ok Batman and GL, you guys get the BEST movies. Supes...[frick] you" That is basically what WB has been doing to Supes through the years. I mean come on- "Superman Returns" ??? "Smallville"???

That is all bullshit. Superman deserves better. He deserves a REAL enemy. A REAL physical threat is all the fans want at this point. No more whining, no more stalking lois, no more child-support issues, no more of the- "I feel so alone" emo crap.

GIVE THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT- A REAL fight is what is necessary at this point. 5 boring Superman films without the use of his actual rogues gallery except for- Lex and Zod is pathetic.

If I could smack WB upside the head I would. They just have no respect for Big Blue.
WingDingaLing - 11/26/2010, 9:26 PM
i totally agree that they should start fresh and not bring back any actors from the previous films even though i like brand routh as superman.

but i think they should get this casting thing going pretty soon. i'm confident that nolan and snyder will cast a great actor to play superman. so i hope they don't cast any models are pretty boys. but get someone who is built like him and has great acting.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:29 PM
I end this rant with- [frick] YOU WARNER BROTHERS. The new film better not take place completely in West Africa, we need him back in Metropolis at some point AND I don't want the "warring tribes" to be the villains of the film- THAT IS SO [frick]ING LAME. We all have wanted Brainiac. Stop being little douchebags and stop dancing around the issue WB, give the fans what we want.
deadpoox - 11/26/2010, 9:29 PM
marvelguy - 11/26/2010, 9:33 PM
I'm with the majority: new Superman, no homages with past actors. The homages are nice. Between "Smallville" and Singer's sequel, they are more than done!

Fresh faces, script, interpretation = good for audiences and box office!
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:33 PM
@Daniel Ingar- No we don't.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:35 PM
Donner and Reeve need to be toppled from their sky-high throne once and for all. For the past 3 decades they have ruled. I want this new Superman to top Reeve.

And I want Snyder to really make his mark ABOVE Donner.

New generation deserves a NEW Superman. Routh=Reeve. To me that is just 'more of the same'

LP4 - 11/26/2010, 9:49 PM
@Superguy1591- I tend to agree. Batman, Spider-Man and even though they aren't heroes- both Sinestro AND Joker were all portrayed by Brits (Ledger was Australian but i believe was a British territory or somethin)

That's a lot of good wholesome American comic book characters gone British. If Supes goes British that is ok with me. I prefer an American of course but I am fine with a Brit. Just as long as the guy LOOKS like Supes and can act and is of course a NEW face.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 10:07 PM
@Superguy1591- Cavill? Meh.

He is too "obvious" of a name. I want an actor chosen that NONE of us have ever thought of. Joe M would be GREAT I know but I just don't see him getting the part.

I just wish WB would already start casting, i mean damn. I guess it is good too though- means they are actually taking their time with this film. Perhaps completely RUINING 3 Superman films had finally taught Warner Bros a good lesson??

Doubt it. But we can only hope. For Superman's sake.
VigilantRebel87 - 11/26/2010, 10:14 PM
A superman that will "kick ass" and "not a guy who always has to keep his ahnds clean"?!!! Ok now dont get me wrong. I want to see Supes fight a real villain and more action but I dont think we need to change his character like that. This almost sounds like the John Peters thing that Kevin Smith went through all over again...urrgggghhh!
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 10:25 PM
@VigilantRebel87- I agree with you. Nobody wants a bloodthirsty Superman just out to take names. ^_^

But I understand Anderson Davis' sentiments...we have 5 Supes films and none of them had decent action. The old ones tried but due to their time eras it was hard to film GOOD action. Superman Returns having been filmed in 2006 had absolutely NO EXCUSE to be boring and exclude all action and make it a nearly 3 hour film where Supes doesn't even throw a single punch. Singer had no excuse to do that and that was a complete 'low blow' to us fans and I'm glad it's his last. Singer is our Lex Luthor =)

I don't want a Superman in the likes of "300" but i do want Superman to finally be able to cut loose and actually FIGHT someone. Like I said earlier- if Batman and Green Lantern are being allowed to fight their enemies, why can't Superman? What makes him an exception to the common CBM unwritten rule that the hero battles his villain?

FIVE boring Superman films is ENOUGH for me. This film needs action. Plain and simple. People who want another boring Superman film, they can rewatch "Superman Returns" a billion times or else they can pick up the dvd for Superman Returns in the $5 discount aisle at their local walmart.

It is FINALLY Superman's turn to get the film he rightfully DESERVES. It is his time to THROW A GOD DAMNED PUNCH. His moment. His SHINING moment.

HarrisonBergeron - 11/26/2010, 10:35 PM
Someone on here used to throw Matt Bomer's name around a lot for Supes. I thought it was terrible because he is so skinny, but then every time I'd watch White Collar I would just see Clark Kent. If Bomer could bulk up for Supes like Chris Evans has for Cap I think he'd be a good choice. There is the issue of his voice though, Bomer's voice is not Superman's voice.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 10:39 PM
@itbegins2005- To be honest with you...Superman III and IV were better than 'Returns' in my opinion. At least they had Superman fight someone and they didn't have some bastard child and had far fewer plot holes than Superman Returns.

I still remember that junkyard scene in Superman III when Clark battled Superman. Very memorable and that one scene alone topped the entire 2 1/2 hour TRASH that was- SUPERMAN RETURNS. Bryan Singer took a giant dump on the big screen and called it 'Superman Returns'

GREAT investment Warner assholes. No respect for Superman at all. I HOPE you don't [frick] it up again for us, otherwise I PRAY TO GOD (Marvel/Disney) will take Superman away and give us fans better films. I am a DC guy always have been and always will be but i can sense that WB has little respect for Superman. And if they just continue to butcher him time and again then it just makes more sense for Disney to own Supes. WB is only good with Batman. They may get lucky with Green Lantern. But I am at my wits-end with them in terms of Superman.

sweetre15 - 11/26/2010, 10:43 PM
I hope his experience of voicing the character in the animated All-Star Superman adaptation would help him portray the character live action if he's chosen but he does have a good look for it nonetheless.
BetaRayB - 11/26/2010, 11:03 PM
I don't like the look of him at all. He looks like an Irish bareknuckle boxer, maybe, but NOT Superman. He's shy by about 30 pounds of sheer bulk. I'm sick of these models and actors with limited experience. I want a great actor who looks the part and looks like SuperMAN. Jon Hamm, accept no substitutes! And Mary-Louise Parker as Lois Lane. Adults!

I also hate the idea of Joe Magnolia or whatever his name is. I don't want a Superman that looks like he works at a pizzeria in Brooklyn.
LP4 - 11/26/2010, 11:04 PM
Furthermore @itbegins2005- WB has a hatred for Supes I can feel it. I mean they once considered nic cage for the role -_- that is pathetic. Now their recent film track record with their big-name heroes: Batman got 'Begins' an epic film and then TDK an even MORE epic film. Green Lantern is looking to have an epic first film maybe topping 'Begins' even. Superman got 'Returns'- a HORRIFYING disappointment and now it is getting rebooted- PATHETIC. They might not HATE Superman but Superman IS their most bastardized hero. That is a fact. WB dont care bout Supes
Eugensfield - 11/26/2010, 11:13 PM
Kirk Allyn played him in the serials and lived to a ripe old age. George Reeves (no kidding) played him on the original TV series and either committed suicide (according to the police report) or was murdered by a jealous girlfriend (according to legend). Christopher Reeve hurt his back falling off a horse and was paralyzed for the rest of his life. So far Dean Cain has thrived like Kirk Allyn since his stint as superman ended.
Super Probiotic Review
sweetre15 - 11/26/2010, 11:48 PM
@LP4: That was Tim Burton who wanted Nic Cage NOT WB. And Bryan Singer was hard from them to control. Seeing as how WB opted NOT to sequel Superman Returns it was an indication that they didn't like the movie seeing as how it made about as much revenue as Batman Begins.
ChromaCut - 11/26/2010, 11:51 PM
Ehh, I was really looking forward to this, but now, it isn't looking good at all.
JayRich001 - 11/27/2010, 1:05 AM
Does anyone else think we should let Superman go. I'm I the onlyone who thinks it is a time come and past for this character.
LP4 - 11/27/2010, 3:03 AM
@Sweetre15- ya stupid WB opted not to make a sequel but they were the assholes who "ok'd the script. They always do this shit where they hype up a Supes film then totally [frick] it up the ass. I remember being so excited back in 06' only to be disappointed. WB sucks and have zero respect for Superman AND his fans
UltimaRex - 11/27/2010, 3:42 AM
@JayRich001. Yes you are the only one.
JustinMSalvato - 11/27/2010, 4:03 AM
Davis would make one ugly Superman.

As for them not casting anyone yet, it's because they're waiting for Smallville to end so they can hire Tom Welling.

I'm gonna get a lot of flack for that one.. ;-)
LEEE777 - 11/27/2010, 5:57 AM


ROUTH'S perfect for JLA!!!

: p

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