Man of Steel: Your Thoughts.

Man of Steel: Your Thoughts.

Man of Steel has divided Superman fans, CBM fans, and the general audience. Please help me collect information for a research article about how this movie has affected you.

Feature Opinion
By Tstubbs - Oct 21, 2013 11:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

I would really appreciate in the comments section answers to the following questions. Please NO responses to other CBM users posts. this is purely to collect information, and hopefully enjoyable for others to read through.

1. Are you a Superman fan?
2. if so give a brief reason why or why not.
3. Did you enjoy MOS?
4. If yes, Why? If no, Why?

Please do not reply to the posts. I obviously could search through thousands of posts to get this information, but I really don't want to read through the bickering.
Thanks for your input.

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Zack Snyder Shares Never-Before-Seen Photo Of Henry Cavill As Clark Kent In MAN OF STEEL

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Odin - 10/21/2013, 2:30 PM
2.I don't find the character that magnificent, not bad character though
3.It wasn't bad movie, it was just kinda disappointing. Way better than TDKR or some other CBMs
4.Watch the Smeghead's review from Youtube, I pretty much agree with every word he says in that video
Tstubbs - 10/21/2013, 2:31 PM
@ Odin
Thanks for the link I'll check it out.
BMoore25 - 10/21/2013, 5:15 PM
I am a Superman Fan

I'm a fan because he's the ultimate Good Guy and will do whatever it takes to save his world, and that is something that I have decided I would do, Superman is a constant reminder of how we as humans should treat each other.

I loved the movie, saw it twice in fact, and Loved it. I loved it for the very reason that other people hate or dislike the character, and thats because he's perfect. In the movie he had to work at becoming the Supes that we all know and love, and also being amongst humans he acted as a human. I've never really cared for the Donner movies transition from being Clark Kent from Smallville to some years later with no training he's the perfect superman. I never thought he could lead humans to a better place without having and overcoming flaws of his own, and can then he could show others how to overcome their flaws. Also I had absolutely no qualms with the killing of Zod, and also feel it was justified and I don't care if they address or not in the next film.
GuardianDevil - 10/21/2013, 8:21 PM
1. Yes, I am a Superman fan he is in my top 5 or 6 heroes.

2. Many reasons, first of which is childhood nostalgia. But more importantly the reason is that he is the character that everyone looks up to as the face of goodness, truth and justice. Like how everyone in Marvel looks to Captain America in this way, but with Supes it's not just limited to DC...EVERY comic book hero sees Superman as the highest standard of right and wrong, and he is the role model for every superhero.

3. Yes, Man of Steel was a strong movie IMO.

4. I felt Man of Steel was the Superman that us fans have been waiting for, don't get me wrong I liked the Donner films and Superman Returns too but Man of Steel was the best of the bunch. Action was OTT, but it was coupled with a strong emotional character development and a decent enough story. Performamces were great all around especially Michael Shannon who is definitely top 10 or even top 5 or 6 best CBM villains of all time. The only weak spot was Amy Adams, but I dislike 9/10 CBM women so it's no biggie. About Supes killing Zod, I felt he was justified because Zod had been given his chance to do the right thing multiple times. Supes had no other choice. Great movie IMO, I give it 9 points out of 10.
Odin - 10/21/2013, 11:44 PM
Well apparently some MOS fans don't suit with my opinion, eh Bailkurn44?
GuardianDevil - 10/22/2013, 3:45 PM
TDKR a terrible film??? I guess you haven't seen Batman & Robin, Superman 3, Superman 4, Elektra and Catwoman. Rises is easily the worst of the TDK trilogy but it's still a strong movie, there are plot holes but every movie has those so what else is new?? My problem is that Batman was portrayed as a quitter. But that's the only major gripe.
lucio7lopez - 10/22/2013, 7:27 PM
I'm a Superfan.
I love Man of Steel, awesome movie to me.
Action, epic, deep motivations and a real menace: bad ass villain. Totally cool!
IronSpider101 - 10/24/2013, 3:10 AM
1. Yes. I love the character, I have since I was little. Despite everybody calling him lame, he's always been in my top 3.

2. Some people suggest that comic books are the modern equivalent to greek mythology. I disagree with these people completely, except in the case of Superman. I like that there exists a character in this age that has been able to surpass himself, to the point where "Superman", "Kryptonite" and "Brainiac" are common terms used by people that aren't necessarily references to the comic lore or anything.

On top of that, I love the character as a character. Somebody who has god-like power and is so innately humble and kind that he realizes that he is an example that we should strive to live up to and not the ultimate judge just because he has ultimate power. He COULD stop all wars, he COULD decide whether a country needs to be liberated or not, but he stays out of all of the politics. Leaves it to people to sort out their own problems but gives us a hand when space-aliens and super-beings enter the arena.

There are other facets of his character that I like, too. The idea that he's so powerful that he could potentially destroy his apartment building just by getting out of bed the wrong way, the idea that every single action, however small, that he makes is controlled. That's heart-breaking. There's also the notion that he has to live up to this perfect image that we have of him. He CAN beat all the bad guys, he CAN put out all the fires, he CAN catch all of the falling aircraft, but can he SAVE everybody? Those are the action scenes I find thrilling in Superman. Even when he's fighting somebody, the idea that he's holding back because he doesn't want anybody to get hurt or that he's trying to save everybody while he's being attacked, which potentially could end him? That's powerful shit.

3. I hated Man of Steel. Goddawful.

4. Not for the normal reasons. To be honest, I don't care about the destruction or Superman snapping Zod's neck. I can accept those elements. As well as any character elements that they had that negate what I've listed up there.

I hate Man of Steel because it wasn't anything. Here you have Superman, a character ripe with story-telling GOLD. And what do you do? You completely ignore it for the sake of action. The action was nice, visually it was appealing. But that only goes so far.

I really want to love the movie, even now. But every time I watch it it fights me. They keep mindlessly quoting things about hope ("The 's' stands for hope", "You will give the people of earth an ideal to strive towards...") and instead of actually having a movie in which the Kryptonians create a seemingly hopeless situation, in which the public views Superman as their one "hope" to be saved. We get ZERO public response to ANYTHING that happens in the movie and instead just get over-long action scenes.

Then you have that other type of movie it could've been. Lara expresses concern that Earth will be unkind to her son, Clark is raised by Kents that fear the public reaction to him, to the point where as an adult he flat-out says "I don't trust Zod, but I also don't trust people." WOW! Perfect jumping off point!People don't trust him either. Here's an ENTIRE dynamic you can utilize for this movie. All you need to do is pay that off. And what happens? Overlong goddamn action scenes, Clark's mistrust is never even close to addressed again, and Hardy gives a throwaway line about how Superman isn't the enemy.

Everything I DID like about the movie, I can trace back to other incarnations of Superman (All Star Superman, Smallville, Superman: Brainiac, etc) which is typical of Zack Snyder. The man has literally zero creativity. All he and Goyer did here was copy and paste a few inspiring sounding speeches, slapped together some story elements from better works, and filled the blanks with action, because Zack Snyder had NO [frick]ing idea where to go with any of these story elements.

Look at the scenes that would require actual writing ingenuity and notice how absent it is. Superman kills Zod, yells, is COMPLETELY over it by the next scene (don't give me any of that sequel B.S, if a movie can't cover its own shit, it fails as a movie). The movie establishes a certain realism, waits until the very end to show classic Clark Kent so they don't have to put any brain-power into reinventing that HUGELY FANTASY aspect in order for it to make sense in their "realistic" universe.

And the worst crime is that no character in this movie was in fact a realized character. The casting was SUPERB and yet not a single goddamn character got any sort of arc or anything interesting to get across. Zod was literally the most developed and understandable character, and even then he was a bland villain that nowhere near resembles anything unique about General Zod. Henry Cavill is a PERFECT choice for Superman. Nailed the role. And yet... even HE, the title character of the movie, wasn't a fully realized character. Hal Jordan in Green Lantern was even more of a character that Superman. And yes, I would go as far as to say that Green Lantern (which I thought was mediocre, not worthy of any strong emotion on either side) is a better film.

That's why I hate Man of Steel. Not only did it waste ALL the story-telling potential that the Superman mythology is ripe with. But it doesn't even function as a goddamn movie on its own. And it is a SHAME that the same hacks get to do a sequel. There's NO chance that they can handle a complex character like Batman when Superman wasn't even a character in his own film. There's no way they can balance that.
IronSpider101 - 10/24/2013, 3:22 AM
I also don't like people calling Snyder a "visual director". Even there, he's only ever just mimicked visuals from other works or let more talented people do all the work.

His style isn't visuals, it's theft. Theft and mediocrity. He is a complete hack.
Tstubbs - 10/24/2013, 8:23 AM
Thanks you for your thoughts on MOS. I loved the film. I may not agree with everything you said but I can respect and understand where you are coming from on your points. Very insightful, Thanks.

Thanks you also for everyone else that has posted. Please, if you can steer some people this way to comment that would help me out a great deal.
KeeperoftheKrackle - 10/24/2013, 9:50 AM
I am a huge Superman fan. I have always read Superman comics, watched Superman movies, watched Superman TV shows, played Superman video games, collected Superman toys, read Superman novels, and have just generally been interested in all things Superman. Superman is beyond other super heroes, he is an ideal, there's so much that can be said about Superman and so much philosophy that can be discussed in regards to the character and the stories around him. No, I did not enjoy Man of Steel. I would say mostly because of poor story telling, insincere acting, disjointed editing, and a bland color palate. The Krypton scenes and the version of Krypton created for the film I did find to be a very interesting creative choice, mostly because of the obscure comic series it mostly stemmed from. I always found the World of Krypton (1987) storyline to be fascinating and unique amongst all the other takes on Krypton so I found it rather bold to base the films version off this series considering it is little used as a version of Krypton over the last 26 years since its release. Around my house we refer to the Nolan's Dark Knight films as the Urban Crime Fighter series, the films are a lot of things but they are just not Batman. Similarly, I found Man of Steel to be Underdeveloped Amoral Alien Hero and not really Superman. The film had film making flaws and that turned me off enough, but with so many disregards for logic, intelligence, and then such a flimsy version of the character it was just not a Superman film that I very much enjoyed, respected, or have been able to find many redeeming qualities about. It made me sad. Superman should bring hope. It left me feeling, just like the visuals on screen, bland and gray.
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