Routh "Isn't Likely" as Superman

Routh "Isn't Likely" as Superman

According to Variety, Zach Snyder has stated that Brandon Routh's time as Superman is over.

By kalelrules - Oct 04, 2010 06:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

Variety is reporting that Brandon Routh will not the red cape as the world's greatest superhero in the 2012 Superman reboot.

Routh isn't likely to don the red and blue tights again, Snyder said.

This should finally put an end to the "Routhboot" campaign which has raged for years here on CBM.

The studio is hoping to get the new film ready for release into theaters for holiday 2012. That would give the studio two powerhouse franchise films through its DC division that Warner Bros. is trying to breathe new life into across various divisions, starting with next summer's "Green Lantern."

Warners is eager to get the Man of Steel into megaplexes again. The character is not only one of DC Comics' biggest icons, he's also a major revenue generator for the studio through TV shows like "Smallville," videogames and merchandise.

So that settles it, we are getting a new man of steel, and sooner than the December 2012 release date that was previously reported. 2012 is CBM heaven. I really hope the Mayan's were wrong.

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Ibakedeskimo - 10/4/2010, 11:49 PM
hahah Fist!!!! Yeah I am down for someone else than Routh
LEEE777 - 10/5/2010, 12:20 AM
What are you on about???

That doesn't say anything we don't already know since reboot talk?

That official nothing? 'Isn't Likely' means sh1T lol???

We know that! : P

Even if he doesn't don the cape... theres always the JLA movie he's very interested in!


P.s. Theres always HENRY CAVILL for 'THE MAN OF STEEL!'
LEEE777 - 10/5/2010, 12:41 AM
Oh yeah =

: P
Jolt17 - 10/5/2010, 12:46 AM

Ben100000 - 10/5/2010, 1:11 AM
no no no nooooooo he was the only good thing about Superman Returns plz bring him back
Ibakedeskimo - 10/5/2010, 1:53 AM
I think Routh still has the Superman returns stigma.... I am not saying he wouldn't do a good job but..... if its a reboot... lets have a fresh face......
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 2:19 AM

At this point I don't give a [frick] anymore about Zod being in the film again! AT LEAST THERE IS NO BRANDON ROUTH!!!


Routh did nothing "exceptional" or "worthy" of any extra praise in Superman Returns. Sure it was mostly Singer's fault, but Routh went along like a blind-puppy and even the few bits of dialogue he DID have...he sucked.

Bye bye Routh! Oh and return the suit on the way out you jackass =D
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 2:33 AM
I'm so happy by this news I just have to leave a second comment!

I'm just happy the film finally gets a guy that can ACT. Being Superman is more than just the "look" you also have to be able to ACT the part. Routh is a hack and will forever have "Superman Returns" as his cross to bear. Thank god he's gone. I bet all the stupid "Routhbooters" will still see the new film and come out happy even after all that talk and bragging about Routh "supposedly" returning. Well "Routhboot" now comes to an end.
marvel72 - 10/5/2010, 2:48 AM
brandon routh will have a screen test,you've got to give him a chance.

if not him henry cavill,f*ck tom welling.
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 3:08 AM
@deadpool72- I'm all for fairness. but to be fair too...routh only got the role last time cuz he supposedly resembled Chris Reeve...he got it based on his looks and not his acting talent (or lack thereof) this time if routh wants it so bad, he'll have to really FIGHT for it this time. He got babied last time...had his face on all the advertisements and yet he had the LEAST amount of dialogue in the film...overshadowed by the others and yet he was supposed to be the main star?

It is doubtful he will get the role again- THANK GOD.

I say [frick]- routh, welling and caville. We need a fresh, new face. I know caville hasn't been superman but he's the most overhyped for the role. I want the Snyder/Nolan team to make a complete left-field choice.
ChromaCut - 10/5/2010, 3:20 AM

We need a fresh new Superman, it'll be good.
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 3:38 AM
@TheNextAvenger- it is because of fans like you, me, superguy1591, steelrocks30, yourmomnaked, phinehas and the few others on this site who aren't on the "routhbootwagon" that the world can finally have a GOOD Superman film.

It is because of our determination to weed-out the bad actors/elements of the past Superman films. Routh is a weed...he needed to be plucked out and thank god he finally was. Now we can have a descent Superman film at last!

Routhboot people just annoy me. They don't even want a reboot...they probably just want a god damned sequel to that shitfest film- Superman Returns. These are the people who would RUIN the new Superman film if they had it their way.
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 4:18 AM
@Superguy1591- Looks like we Superman-fans are going to finally get the GREATEST CBM of all! While fans of other superheroes laughed at us for being Supes-fans...they never could have imagined we'd get the best film of all! I mean it's like you said- we got a great director, producer and screenwriter and hopefully a great actor too!

Hamm is pefect for the role and from what i read, one person stated Hamm has a chance to be Superman since he's starring in Zack Snyder's "Sucker Punch" film!

and as an added slap to LEEE777 (biggest routhboot supporter) "DON'T DOUBT THE HAMM" hahaha! Routh-heads are FINISHED!
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 6:02 AM
@Superguy1591- I feel this film will be so good it will make "Superman Returns" nothing more than a distant memory. =D

I think Snyder knows that Routh has no talent and thus didn't cast him! This seriously calls for a celebration. I will get the champaign and billboards with Routh's face and an "X" over his face, lol.

Those can be the dart boards. LMAO

wildstar13 - 10/5/2010, 7:25 AM
Welcome to reality Routhboot people and wake up!!! WB never even considered to hire Routh to play Superman again after shitfest film Stalker Superman Returns that almost killed the franchise. Hey LP4 I want to join you on the NO MORE ROUTHBOOT celebration.
ASSASSIN666 - 10/5/2010, 7:50 AM
LP4- I wish I had your real face for a dartboard, maybe it would release some of the shit you have stored in your head.Stop being such an ignorant c*nt!
ASSASSIN666 - 10/5/2010, 7:51 AM
wildstar13- You can add yourself to that dartboard too!!!
wildstar13 - 10/5/2010, 8:18 AM
@Assassin666- Wake up from Routhboot dream, reality is calling you Routh Lover!!!! Routhbooth is Dead. WB and Snyder are NOT going to hire Routh back for Superman. I don't hate Routh playing Superman but Stalker Superman Return sucked bad...
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 9:43 AM
@wildstar13- Thanks man! Great to have support on here against the retards should i mention...ah- Assassin666 LMAO

@Assassin666- You're a [frick]en DUMBASS NOBODY LIKED SUPERMAN RETURNS!! God they made Superman into a deadbeat dad who stalks women at their homes and gave him a bastard child. Seriously the film was nearly 3 hours long and he didn't throw a single punch! you know what, please come here so I can take a frying pan to your ugly face you piece of snot! I refuse to let you routhbooters RUIN another good Superman film for the rest of us you piece of shit 'so-called' fan. If you were a TRUE Supes-fan you'd hate Routh and Singer for nearly re-killing Superman on the big screen you ASSHOLE but clearly you are no fan, [frick] you're a wolverine fan, what more can i expect from you. I can just hear you now...crying about Routh not being in the reboot "waaaah! waaah! not fair! not fair!" LOL, hey instead of whining about your little boyfriend not being in the reboot maybe you should just SHUT UP DIPSHIT and let me brag and soak it all in since all i've ever heard from you retarded routhbootists for the past 7 months has been "ROUTHBOOT ROUTHBOOT ROUTHBOOT" so instead of being such a sore [frick]en loser, just shut up and let me soak in all my pride without your whining and bitching like a little girl.

Oh and also "Assassin666" if you're such a routhbooter, you should just STAY HOME when the new Superman reboot comes out, you might not like it since you've been clearly SUCKING ON ROUTH'S COCK all this time. So if you have nothing nice to say to me, SHUT THE [frick] UP AND GO BACK TO PLAYING WITH YOUR DAMN DOLLS YOU [frick]EN CHILD.

lalosuper3001 - 10/5/2010, 10:22 AM
"waaaah! waaaah! not fair! not fair!"
I want Brandon Routh! I wil die if he is not in the new movie! I will kill myself!...

...or not. whatever. I really don't care...
LP4 - 10/5/2010, 10:35 AM
@lalosuper3001- Hahaha that is exactly how lame and brainwashed the Routhbootists are and how they act. Some of them even said they refuse to see the new film unless it's Brandon Routh in the role. Honestly I don't know what Routh did that was so damn special (he did nothing lol) but if that's how routhbootists wanna be then they can just stay home, seriously.

They treat it as if Brandon Routh will make or break this new film. I say Routh would be wise to stay the [frick] away.
ASSASSIN666 - 10/5/2010, 12:12 PM
LP4- I think you're enough of a bitch to get on your knees and suck me off, that is of course if your whore of a mother didn't beat you to it jackass!!!!!!!
kalelrules - 10/5/2010, 2:24 PM
I really like Routh as Superman and as an actor. I really thinik that he was the best think abouts returns. The good things abnout him; he's unassuming and has a farm boy type innocence about him.

My choice for the new Superman ....

Jared Padalecki. I think he's an awesome acotr and not too well known yet.

wildstar13 - 10/5/2010, 7:26 PM
@MovieTheaterLad- If you are TRUE Superman fan or read Superman comics where were truth, justice, and American way in Superman Returns movie? He was Stalker,lier, dead beat dad and entered or broke into Lois and Richard's home without their acknowledgement to see his bastard child. I call that home invation. AND IF YOU THINK THAT'S TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND AMERICAN WAY.. dude you got a BIG problem. Superman Return basically killed Superman's image so bad that it nearly killed the whole damn franchise and that's the damn TRUTH! and be nice to LP4 when he is telling the truth.
LP4 - 10/6/2010, 12:17 AM
@WildStar13 and Superguy1591- Thanks guys for the help!! =) It's tough for us being the minority but we're telling the truth here...these routhbootists gotta go. You guys are great though and thank you both so much for the kind words and serious moral support, it means a lot and even though we are online, I can still call you guys comrades =)

@MovieTheaterLad- This is dumb, Iron Man 2 was WAAAAAY better than Superman Returns, the only reason Returns even got such a high score is because of the hardcore fans who've waited 2 decades for a new Superman film, it doesn't mean the overall quality was better. Iron Man 2 in terms of action/story and even romance was lightyears beyond Superman Returns.

LP4 - 10/6/2010, 12:25 AM
@Superguy1591- Thanks buddy =) Yeah these Routhheads are so damn pathetic, they just won't stop bitching until they get their way. Let's hope they don't ruin another Superman film.

@Assassin666- You're nothing but a faceless faggot!!! Your mom sucked me off last night and did a horrible job at it! She should stick to her day job- whoring herself in the back-alleys, the stupid nympho. While your dad continues his day job sucking Bryan Singer's cock just to put your faggot ass through school and to be able to pay for the very computer you use to insult people with! So go jump off a bridge...go play in a busy street...heck do something, just stay away from the computer before you get yourself into serious trouble!

"Superguy1591" is right...i should save my energy because you- Assassin666 are clearly not worth it. Me, Superguy1591 and WildStar13 are all speaking the truth. We allowed you tools to ruin what could have been a perfectly good Superman film once already...we're just trying to make sure that same mess doesn't happen again with Big Blue. We are Superman-fans...and DIEHARD in that sense, so say what you want about me...but leave the other two out of our little squabble. I remember you aimed an insult earlier at WildStar13, leave WildStar13 and Superguy1591 ALONE and any type of routhbootist-sassy-attitude just TAKE IT UP WITH ME. Cause I am FED UP with you ROUTHBOOTISTS!!!
AdamStarr211 - 10/6/2010, 6:56 AM
Armie Hammer for Superman, he is like a young Jon hamm!
wildstar13 - 10/6/2010, 5:56 PM
@ MovieTheaterLad-Superman always stood and fought for JUSTICE and became first iconic Superhero in 1938. I agree he may make few human mistakes while fighting Luthor or other goons but Superman do NOT committ crimes. Because he is a damn HERO!!!! Stalking and home invasion are CRIME done only by criminals not by HERO and he was committing crimes in the Superman Returns. That's not how I see my favorite Superhero portray in the movies and comics. He didn't even say thanks to all those doctors who tried to save his life in the Metropolis hospital, he just disappeared after he got better..oh well I guess Hospital bill were too high. Ran off without paying bill is another crime he committed in the movie. I have been reading Superman for over 20 years and he is a Superhero not a frickin Super criminal.
wildstar13 - 10/6/2010, 6:12 PM
@LP4- Thanks my friend for your support too, let's hope they cast John Hamn for new superman and put Routhboot to the rest for eternity beside future ass666 and Brian Singer's grave sites
DudeOfSteel16 - 10/6/2010, 8:09 PM
Jon Hamm for Superman
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