UPDATE: Why Zack Snyder is the Perfect Director for The Man of Steel!

UPDATE: Why Zack Snyder is the Perfect Director for The Man of Steel!

There are many choices out there for the director of the Superman reboot, The Man of Steel, but there is only one guy for the job...
(UPDATE: Snyder is now director and I have reposted this in light of the announcement!)

Editorial Opinion
By Ozymandias - Oct 05, 2010 12:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

UPDATE: I have decided to repost this in light of Snyder being chosen to diect The Man of Steel!

With Nolan now the "godfather" of the Superman film series, the franchise will be going into a new direction. According to various sources on the web, Warner Bros. is aiming to release The Man of Steel in Christmas 2012...meaning that Nolan and WB will have to find a director for the movie soon. We all know that if the movie does indeed come out in Christmas 2012 than Nolan will not be able to direct it since he will be doing the 3rd Batman movie which is set to come out in the summer of 2012.


Now before I had even seen 300 I had no clue who Zack Snyder was at all. I had seen Dawn of the Dead but I had no idea that it was directed by Zack Snyder. After 300's box office success, many critics called Snyder a "possible redeemer in movie making". When Warner Bros. was marketing Watchmen they acclaimed him as a "visionary" director...and I completely agree. The man has pulled off one of the most difficult CBM's to ever make (Watchmen) and he is the best one for adapting the source material to the big screen.

Now like some of you know, the man has yet to make a original movie. Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen were all non-original films. Dawn of the Dead was a remake and 300 and Watchmen were graphic novels. His next film, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole which comes out this September is also based on a book. However, he has started work on a original movie, Sucker Punch, that comes out March 2011. He also wrote the script himself which took 6 years to write.


Snyder also has a good relationship with WB. They approached him to direct Watchmen because they were impressed with how he directed 300. They also greenlit Sucker Punch because they were happy with how Watchmen turned out. Sucker Punch also comes out in March 2011...which would be the ideal time for Nolan and WB to hire a director for The Man of Steel. Imagine, Nolan and Snyder working on a CBM together. This would be a dream come true to many of us CBM fans, having these 2 brilliant directors working together. Yes, Snyder would have to tone the film down and make it PG-13 but I believe he could since Nolan would help him out. He would also have to lay off the sex scenes for this to. I don't really care if he would use his trademark slow motion fight sequences in this but one thing's for sure: Snyder would give us a REAL Superman villain. Not just Lex Luthor again, he would give us Brainiac, Metallo or some other cool villain.

Snyder would also make the movie darker just like WB wants the reboot to be like. He would develop the characters and make them look great, just like in 300 and Watchmen. Snyder has proven time and time again, that he makes the actors become the characters in his movies. He can capture the mood of his movies and the feel and grittiness of them. Nolan would help him direct this of course and maybe give Snyder some tips.


Well, thats all I have to say. I'm not trying to change your opinion, I'm just trying to tell you why Snyder has all of the qualities and why he is capable of directing The Man of Steel. Please vote and comment below, I look forward to hearing what you have to say ;)

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AverageCitizen99 - 5/23/2010, 1:43 PM
Both Zack and Chris are extremely talented filmmakers and a collaboration would be pretty interesting to catch. I'm not bought on the whole 'dark' aspect because Superman and Spider-Man are meant to be bright and fun characters, but with Snyder's knack for making the actors the characters and with the Nolan's superb script writing and planning this could be epic.
DaenerysTargaryen - 5/23/2010, 2:11 PM
TheUnknown - 5/23/2010, 2:16 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about Sucker Punch. It sounds really interesting.
LEEE777 - 5/23/2010, 3:32 PM
OZY @ Your a bit late for this party dude!

WE ALL KNOW ZACK would be perfect for the next SUPERMAN movie!!!

But Kudos!


matt28 - 5/23/2010, 4:07 PM
i liked watchmen but i think zack's film style is a little to dark for the man of steel aka the man of hope
AshleyWilliams - 5/23/2010, 4:37 PM
superbatspiderman - 5/23/2010, 7:21 PM
Zack Snyder is a great director but he is way yoo dark for Superman aand if I wanted a dark Superman I think that the Wachowski brothers they would make Superman awesome.

Zack Snyder is 100% perfect for The Dark Knight Returns man thinking of him msking that movie is giving me a nerdgasm.
DaenerysTargaryen - 5/23/2010, 7:28 PM
If Snyder is chosen to direct the superman movie, then lets be prepared to see Superman fly in sllloooooowwwwwww moooooootttttioooooooon. :)
sapach - 5/23/2010, 10:29 PM
there's still a possibility that Snyder could create a dark environment without making Superman a dark character.
Upupandaway - 5/23/2010, 10:40 PM
I'm sorry, but the sex scene in Watchmen was just as bad as emo Peter Parker in Spiderman 3. What worked with Watchmen was what was taken directly from the source. What didn't was the stuff Snyder added. Overall the tone of the book was not there and the character interactions weren't as good as the individual actor performances, which says a lot about the director. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, but it's definitely not the movie masterpiece some make it out to be. Snyder should have ditched the sex scene, the overlong slow motion fight scenes, and included more character development and more honest character interactions. The movie made me want to go back to the comics to see how it was supposed to be done. Snyder does great with visuals, but he still has a long way to go to become a great, deep director.
LEEE777 - 5/24/2010, 5:21 AM
ZACK made the sercond best CBM of all time!!!

Think about it!

And of course he isn't going to make SUPERMAN like WATCHMEN!

WTF lol?!?

TEA @ : D
LEEE777 - 5/24/2010, 5:23 AM
GambitAceOfSpades @ Good man!!! ; D
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 5:23 AM
I wouldnt mind if he directed it....

I loved the Punch that CLARK GAVE ZOD in SALVATION (before he caught Lois)

Ive know joined the HENRY CAVILL/SUPERMAN bandwagon...
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 5:26 AM
Cavill is ripped in one of the IMMORTAL pics...Id post it,but Im using my phone.
DaenerysTargaryen - 5/24/2010, 6:47 AM
Here's the picture of Cavill in the Immortals:
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 7:33 AM
Hows Cavills American accent...Ive only seen him in The Tudors and Stardust
AngryRob - 5/24/2010, 7:40 AM
DaenerysTargaryen - 5/24/2010, 8:20 AM
superman in sloooowwww motttioooon ;)
Vafrous - 5/24/2010, 8:21 AM
@Angry...well played...
I can imagine Supes kicking Zod/Whoever of a building whilst say that...Oh and Superman with a painted six pack...
Fortress - 5/24/2010, 8:33 AM
Nolan & Snyder! I like the sound of that!

with 2 power guys like that on Supes! =$$$$$$$$$-£££££££-EEEEE! world wide sucess!!!!!!!!!
zephyr - 5/24/2010, 10:37 AM
Sounds good to me. Snyder and Nolan would make an excellent team, as long as their directing styles don't clash. If Snyder can bring the same directing style of Watchmen to Man of Steel I'd be happy.
Upupandaway - 5/24/2010, 11:08 AM
Snyder was faithful to Gibbons, not Moore. He's not a master of nuance. Everything with him is at the surface, while Watchmen has many layers. That worked very well in 300 and I think he's a perfect match for Frank Miller's other works, such as DKR, but it didn't translate well to Watchmen. To many, Watchmen makes the case for presenting comic books at literature. Snyder didn't help the case. Give Daredevil or Luke Cage to him, we might have something. I would nominate David Fincher or JJ Abrams to direct Supes. Both have a handle on both character development and effects.
matt28 - 5/24/2010, 1:04 PM
Zack snyder would be perfect for a spawn reboot. p.s i think metropolis should look dark before superman shows up if there doing the origin story
superbatspiderman - 5/24/2010, 2:57 PM
Snyder would be perfect for the Dark Knight Returns. That would be amazing.
CorndogBurglar - 5/24/2010, 6:36 PM
i don't think Snyder deserves to be praised as the ultimate CBM director. yes, he made extremely faithful presentations of 300 and Watchmen. But those are both single story graphic novels with a beginning and an end. the only story those characters are ever seen in. he basically took the GN's and made a movie of them, scene for scene.

give him a character with 40,50, or 60 years of continuity under their belt, and there's NO WAY he would be able to follow the stories exactly as they are in comics. Its just impossible, and thats not bad mouthing him, i'm saying its impossible for ANYONE to do.

something a lot of fans don't seem to understand is that in comics, stories are good because they're constantly building off of what came before. well in the movie world, those previous stories haven't happened, so of course when someone tries to make a Dark Phoenix Saga movie, it sucks balls.

he would face the same problems every other CBM does, and things would NEED to be changed. and when things get changed, people whine and complain.

but anyway, i don't think Snyder fits Superman anyway. like others said, his style is geared more toward a Batman style movie.

CorndogBurglar - 5/24/2010, 6:45 PM
@ upupandaway

see i disagree. yes, watchmen the GN had many layers, but a lot of those layers really didn't need to be there. don't get me wrong, i loved the GN, but did we really need all that side story of the 2 lesbians, or the psychiatrist having issues with his wife?

i think Snyder did a very faithful job of getting the important parts and themes of the GN, and putting them on film. nothing important was missing. the same story was told, and we saw the same personalities and characterizations of the heroes/villains.

people complain about the squid missing from the movie, but really, in the GN, the squid appeared, then promptly exploded. it might have well been Doc Manhattan's power being manipulated. that actually makes more sense, considering the general public in the movie and graphic novel already had a certain level of distrust for Doc Manhattan. he was an easy target to manipulate the people with. much easier than trying to get people to believe that an extra-dimensional squid from a parallel universe just decided to show up in the middle of New York and suicide bomb us, lol.
Upupandaway - 5/24/2010, 7:41 PM
@CDB- I'm not talking about all of the content, but the deeper meaning. It was like watching a bar's house band do a cover Stairway to Heaven. It may have all of the right notes, but it doesn't have the timbre of the original. Squid or no squid, the Cold War nuclear paranoia was not palpable. 4 of the main characters were done well (Rorschach, Night Owl II, Comedian, and Doc Manhattan), but the interactions between the characters were hollow and there was no real feel of a previous relationship. (IMO, Silk Specter II and Ozymandias weren't done well at all.) With the over-indulgent fight, sex, and arm cutting off scenes, it just didn't work out. I'm not saying that Snyder's a hack. I think he put a lot into the movie, but he ended up with more an uneven motion comic than a great film. He's very talented visually, but he needs to work on developing his characters as being emotionally realistic. Watchmen the movie is a great accompaniment to the GN but not a great movie in and of itself. I'm not a purist by any sense of the imagination, but the story just needed to be told better. That's why there's more critical praise for the GN than for the movie.
Upupandaway - 5/24/2010, 8:18 PM
@Anil- Actually, I enjoyed the film, but only in the context of the GN. It wasn't really great as a film, but more as a "it's cool to see that on screen" thing. There was so much focus on having the characters look cool as individuals, though, the interactions suffered from that. Also, Ozy was more run of the mill super-villain than idealist. Moore really tried to ultimately see his characters as almost pityable, rather than cool, which contradicts what Snyder presented. I really do think that Snyder has the potential to be a great director, but he hasn't gotten there yet. He's got a few projects coming up that sound interesting, though. I'd really like to see him come into his own. He has an amazing eye. He just needs to do the same with his storytelling. As for DC, I really think that they should consider hiring some of their Animation people (i.e. Paul Dini who is connected to Abrams via Lost) to produce live action. DC's animated universe is consistently good, adult, and appealing to a larger audience. Just think if these guys had good actors and a budget.
CorndogBurglar - 5/25/2010, 5:21 AM
@ anil

yeah man, i'm not saying he should never be given the chance to do Superman, i was just trying to say that i can't see his style fitting Supes. again, thats not to say he wouldn't do a good job, though. he just wouldn't be my first choice. :)
CorndogBurglar - 5/25/2010, 5:25 AM
@ upupandaway

but see, that was kind of the whole point of what Snyder was doing with Watchmen. The GN of Watchmen was done as kind of a parody of the comic industry at the time. (mainly superhero comics. i'm sure you know that already.) The movie, as Snyder said before it was ever released, was done as kind of a parody to superhero movies at the time. Thats why we see nipples on Ozymandias' suit, and the way it was presented, it was all meant as a bit of a slap i the face of CBM's that had come before it. so thats why it came off feeling so different from the GN. Snyder was trying to make a statement to the form of media (CBM's) just like Moore was trying to do with the comic world at the time. :)
Upupandaway - 5/25/2010, 9:07 AM
@CDB- I'm not talking in absolutes. I can definitely see why people like the movie and I liked it to a degree. I like Moore's "Supreme" comics as well, which have the same parody (albeit less serious) vibe to it. Matthew Goode could of had three nipples on his costume, but he mumbled the whole movie. : ) I'm just saying that I'd like to see Snyder do something more subtle. Watchmen had the potential to have more subtlety, but Snyder went for much more grandiose and I think that reflects in the movie's reviews. Supes needs subtlety, which Donner and Reeves did an excellent job with, to work. Good talks though. : )
ALmighty1080 - 5/25/2010, 9:55 PM
i wish he'd do it, they have already offered it to him before and he turned it down saying he didnt kno if he could handle the mother of all comic book characters
joekerr93 - 8/21/2010, 6:44 PM
i think that zack could do a great job with superman if given a nolan/goyer script. he could just add his style to their story, and it would probably translate well to the big screen.
i do think that snyder used too much slow motion in 300 though, and i have yet to see Watchmen. i would like to see some slow motion in perhaps a Superman/Doomsday (or really any strong villain) fight.
i think snyder as director has merit.
GreenHalJordan - 10/5/2010, 6:39 PM
see now the cool thing about snyder directing superman is the fact that superman can be really dark and in a way it is, BUT if done right (which will probably happen) it can be where the movie and villains are really dark, however superman would be that ray of hope and light. the hero of the film. the "white knight" i guess you could say. personally i would love to see some epic fight scenes between superman and Zod or braniac.
Protonite - 10/5/2010, 7:34 PM
@ joekerr93 - If you think 300 doesn't have too much slo-mo, then I guess you'll love Watchmen. I, on the other hand, am really sick of Snyder's overuse of said effect. It's okay in certain action scenes, but when you use it just to show people riding on a horse or smoking a cigar, you know you're pushing the limit.
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