What I Am Most Looking Forward To From Zack Snyder

What I Am Most Looking Forward To From Zack Snyder

The world awaits Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but theres something else I demand from Zack Snyders' Man of Steel world.

Editorial Opinion
By neihofft - Jul 30, 2014 04:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel
Source: comicbook.com
SDCC has passed. Officially, WB had no plans to put anything Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice related on the full front. So as it stands, we are very very lucky as fans to get what was presented to us. We live in, dare I say, the New Golden Age of superheros. I certainly dont think there is any over saturation, nor do I think any of us should think that. It is an awesome time to be a comic book fan. These characters are all over the place, whether you prefer DC or Marvel. Each company has these characters embedded into pop culture; and it is a beautiful thing to get these movies. 

We were all extremely lucky to get a glimpse of what our trinity looks like together when Zack Snyder surprised us not only by showing up, but by bringing his super hero friends. I'll admit, I was disappointed not to HEAR anything from them, but we do have to rememeber how far out this movie is, which is why it is so incredible to be getting official character posters of any kind. 

But.  I am not here to adress Batman v Superman. I am here to talk Man of Steel, and how I feel slightly short changed. 



I'm not here to give some giant review of the movie. But I have some words on it. I can full heartedly say it is my favorite movie of all time. I'm not saying its the best, I'm saying I enjoyed it more than any other movie I've seen. I had tears of joy seeing what was put on the screen before me; it was pure awesome to me, and it hit home where it should have. I have very few qualms with the movie. Most of it being what I feel is Goyers fault. However, there is one thing I feel is present in about all of Zacks moviesIf you miss one line that is being said it can throw everything out of context. 

I don't think this is a weakness in his directing, just pay attention. There were indeed subtle things in Man of Steel, but again, I'm not here to prove that case. I just believe you destruction moaners need to shut your pie hole. Who cry about Superman "le
veling" the, what was it Snyder said? Oh yeah 32 square mile Metropolis. And if you pay attention to that last fight, the ONLY building that evengoes down is the one Zod uses his heat vision on. The terraforming machines are what does all the damage, which was still small potatoes in comparison to the city. Superman wasn't some dumb ouf that was destroying the city like many of you haters claim.


                                                     (Even though I laughed at this pause I had when watching)

Now what is it I want from Zack  Snyder?

I want the damn Man of Steel Directors Cut

From the teasers released for the movie, there were a few scenes we can notice that weren't included in the theatrical cut. There were even some lines I caught in the official trailers that never made it, such as Kal talking to Zod and saying, "I won't betray them." WHERE WAS THIS CONVERSATION? When was it said? Its little things like this that bugged me about the movie. I loved what I got. But I feel what was presented lacked a few lines like that that were very Superman-Esque. That could have solidified it for some of the viewers. For all we know, the complete script written by Goyer was great, but what we got was missing a few pieces.

Comicbook.com reported back when the movie came out about a possible Directors Cut. And that a whopping 37+ minutes was cut out. I believe its possible some of that was a bit of action, but not too much. Even the entire Zod/ Superman battle was only 6 minutes from start to finish. I'd say we are misssing out on about 30 more minutes of story. What else are we missing? I believe what we could get is an entire other vision much like the Watchmen Directors Cut. 

That is what disappointed me most about Zack showing up to SDCC and no panel was hosted. Perhaps we will get our answer next year. No doubt WB/DC will go big on the Comic Con a year out from their movie. The marketing has been great so far.

So dear Zack Snyder, give it to me. Give me that sweet, sexy, delicious Man of Steel Directors Cut


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neihofft - 7/30/2014, 4:14 PM
Jesus, how do I get images on the article? I uploaded, copied and pasted, thought it was quite easy. -__-
gamecreatorjj - 7/30/2014, 4:37 PM
i think they changed it, their should be a button in the tool bar that lets you upload images straight from your computer
Klone - 7/30/2014, 4:38 PM
Oh for [frick] sake. I had no issue with there be high levels of destruction, merely how it was executed and how it was never used for much. The question of "Why the [frick] should I care when the characters themselves, including [frick]ing Superman, are scarily apathetic?" is one of many issues in that aspect of the film for myself. I swear so many choose (not the editorial writer specifically) to intentionally misinterpret some people's issues with the film.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 4:41 PM
Also, some people who moan about the destruction refer to Smallville as well... you know, the battle in a small town that only existed because Superman brought the fight there.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 4:49 PM
@Klone Again...if you pay attention, Smallville was looking pretty okay until Tor-An crashed the plane in the street causing all the fire. It was either the military or the Kryptoians doing shit. Boo hoo if he crashed through some walls.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 4:56 PM
@Klone Actually, I dont even care what YOU specifically have to say about anything. Everything that happens in the movie is pretty explainable within the confines of THIS movie. Even why the fight was brought to Smallville.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:11 PM

I'm only getting irritated by the narrow mindedness when addressing those who have issues relating to the destruction.

And I never said he started destroying the town himself directly. READ. My point was that he brought the fight there. Did Zod bring the battle into the town? Did the military bring the battle there? No and no. Superman did. For anyone that asserts people irritated by Superman bringing a battle into a populated area and acting as the catalyst is being stupid and irrational... pft, please. You'd be providing bad comedy.

Does Superman being the reason why the town of Smallville became a battlefield and his apathy to death and destruction (so insulting) have to bother you? No, but [frick] I hate when people try to deny it.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:12 PM
Werid, only ment to delete the one comment @Pending. It was there twice and deleted both, my bad
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:14 PM
@Klone Youre in the minority of disliking the movie. We could argue this forever. For every argument you have, I have one. And this article was not about any of that. Its about the directors cut. So lets be civil here.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:14 PM

Some do.

Oh wait lemme, guess! The counter argument will be that the Smallville battle was all great and shit because it got the military on Superman's side at long last therefore served some purpose. [frick]ing fantastic.

...Except that outcome is irrelevant to the fact he still brought the battle there in the first place and people who take issue with that aren't being irrational or illogical. Nor are people who aren't bothered by that fact being irrational or illogical.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:15 PM
"@Klone Youre in the minority of disliking the movie."

Typical majority tactics. Must I even explain why this is wrong?
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:17 PM
""@Klone Youre in the minority of disliking the movie."

Typical majority tactics. Must I even explain why this is wrong?"

Typical minority tactics. Must I even explain why this is wrong?
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:18 PM

Well I was addressing one specific part, about the "destruction moaners" because almost all pro-MoS people I see seem to think it is as simple as that. Nop. Plenty of people have no issue with there being high levels of destruction though some of their problems relating to that. I'm merely trying to clarify, albeit in my own arrogant and contemptuous tone.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:19 PM
Your "minority tactics" response does not even make any sense. Do you even know what I actually mean by "majority tactics?"
DCGuy - 7/30/2014, 5:23 PM
Great editorial bro,if you need more help I can help you out man.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:24 PM
Anyways, a comment now addressing the actual topic: don't get high hopes up for a director's cut. From what I remember, the Watchmen ones didn't take over a year to come out after the theatrical so I could be wrong, though most likely you will find those scenes in deleted ones in maybe some future special edition.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:26 PM
@Klone We all know you dislike to movie. The entire site knows. You dont have to keep proving yourself.

The movie made tons of money. It was well received with audiences. We have a sequel being written by a much better writer. A sequel that basically guarantees Justice League. Is there really any point to continue going on that YOU feel this wasnt how Superman should be? Because most people enjoyed it. As a giant Superman fan myself, having read most of his stories, even I thought this movie was spot on for how he should be. I get it. You wanted him to reflect or feel bad about the people and stuff. I have a feeling its going to be addressed in the sequel. And may have been in the directors cut. Either way, your feelings wont detract how I feel about the movie. And I know mine wont either. Thats the beautiful thing about movies, the subjectiveness. Me and you clearly saw two different movies.
kong - 7/30/2014, 5:27 PM
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:27 PM
@DCguy thanks man

@Klone Yeah Im not exactly expecting one, just hoping for it. Zack usually does them. It would just be a shame to me to not get one. I dream though :p
DCGuy - 7/30/2014, 5:31 PM
LOL @TheReddestHood don't be like that xD

@neihofft no problem man, great work here please do more editorials and answer my inbox so I can help you get some images here :)
Klone - 7/30/2014, 5:40 PM

Again, I was trying to clarify something that people constantly misinterpret. Although I'm sure I'll have people suggesting I had no intention of clarification merely because of the tone I use.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 5:41 PM
@Pending It maybe had something to do with severing his spinal cord. Kryptonian or not.

I mean sure we could imagine some different battle all we want, Im still happy with what we got.

Could have been cool to see him and Zod fighting in front of the phantom zone, struggling not to be sucked in, and Superman ultimately knocks him in or something. I can see tension in that. But. Im still okay with the direction that was taken.
MrCBM56 - 7/30/2014, 5:59 PM
Seriously, @Klone owns everyone with logic.
yonny616 - 7/30/2014, 6:21 PM
Must Klone show up in every Man of Steel related thread? He goes to them like a moth to a light.
kong - 7/30/2014, 6:21 PM

@neihoft and @Klone were like...

So I was like...

thedarkbeyond - 7/30/2014, 6:22 PM
I am also one of the people who does't have a problem with the destruction and Superman killing Zod because of the simple fact that he is new to the whole superhero thing and he hasn't had any experience with a threat this size. Also it makes him more human that he has a hard time with his emotions getting in the way Zod taunted him and threatened his loved ones which makes him angry and so he becomes blinded by that anger but I think in this one we will hopefully see a Superman who has his emotions in check.

Also I never saw anyone saying anything about the level of destruction and body count in Avengers. Now don't get me wrong I loved Avengers and I don't consider myself a Marvel or DC fan-boy exclusively I love CBM's in general, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 6:27 PM
LOLOL @TheReddestHoood

@Dcguy Fixed with images! Thanks very much man!!
neihofft - 7/30/2014, 6:28 PM
@Thedarkbeyond THANK YOU. Exactly.
Klone - 7/30/2014, 6:33 PM

...[frick]ing hell I swear...
Klone - 7/30/2014, 6:34 PM

I'm the one doing all the punching and owning ;P
DCGuy - 7/30/2014, 6:36 PM
@TheReddestHood LMFAO you're so epic bro xD

@neihofft yay!!!
MrCBM56 - 7/30/2014, 6:39 PM
@metropolisman LMAO. Avengers "destruction" was... You know. Never mind. You must not have put too much thought and or attention in that comment.
feedonatreefrog - 7/30/2014, 6:43 PM
"If you miss one line that is being said it can throw everything out of context."

Agreed. I noticed that a lot of people seem to have missed or forgot this very important line: "maybe there's more at stake here than our lives or the lives of those around us".

If you missed or forgot that line, the context of Clark keeping his existence a secret, Jonathan's death, Clark having to kill Zod, etc can be totally misunderstood.
kong - 7/30/2014, 6:50 PM
@Klone Yeah cause it ended like this:

And we was like:

neihofft - 7/30/2014, 6:54 PM
@feedonatreefrog That line specifically I usually bring up as well. It was pretty important. Everyone seems to forget it because of him saying "Maybe," right before it. The "maybe" seems really out of context, until you finish the sentence that you posted above.
feedonatreefrog - 7/30/2014, 7:08 PM
A lot of people seem to think Jonathan is self-serving and just trying to keep Clark safe, when that line shows that he's thinking more about the world's well-being, not just his son's.
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