In the Civil War comic book, the Man Without Fear is a key member of Cap's anti-registration team. Whilst being interviewed on IGN, Charlie Cox, who plays Murdock in the hotly anticipated Netflix series, was asked about a possible appearance for his character in the film, and though he doesn't confirm anything, it definitely sounds like he's up for it.......

By TheBritAvenger - Apr 02, 2015 01:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Daredevil

Recently, Daredevil stars Charlie Cox and Deborah Ann Wool (who play Matt Murdock and Karen Page on the show respectively) were quizzed by IGN reporters on how and if their characters could come to the big screen. One of the more interesting details revealed was that Cox has been reading Civil War- the comic book event that next year's Captain America: Civil War is based off. 'Recently I've been reading Civil War, which I know they're making, and Daredevil does appear in that,' he said. He does quickly clarify that he hasn't been called about it- 'I have not been invited to that party'- but he does seem to be very excited about the possibility of an appearance. 'It'd be cool to just be with all those guys', he said.

The pair were also quizzed on which Avenger they would like to share a screen with, and both of them said Black Widow! Cox also mentioned that Murdock and Widow have a history in the comics, so that could potentially be awkward. What do you think guys? Could Daredevil appear in Civil War? Should he? Let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading!  

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CherryBomb - 4/2/2015, 2:20 AM
Damn, these two are BEAUTIFUL.
FrozenDiamondz - 4/2/2015, 2:39 AM
Josh will delete this because reasons..
AstonishingArachnid - 4/2/2015, 2:47 AM
@Vegeta So your saying that Dick Grayson wasn't Batman, Bucky wasn't Cap, Scott Lang wasn't Ant Man and John Stewart wasn't Green Lantern? You need to read more comics if you think that mantles can't be passed. It may have not been Murdoc first but Rand was still DAREDEVIL.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 4:22 AM
But it WAS Daredevil. Just a different guy in the suit. They all still called him Daredevil.
MrCBM56 - 4/2/2015, 4:32 AM
*Sigh* I don't wanna admit it... But @Vegeta is right. Unless they're really itching to give us the "Sleep well, Judas" line, Daredevil or even Rand doesn't need to be in Civil War. It would be awesome to see him in his season 2 break out of Prison 42, or whatever they call it just to show he was present during that event. I doubt they'll leak his identity though, but who knows?

Give me Punisher instead in a sizable role please.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 5:00 AM
That's not my logic. My logic is that Mark Millar genuinely had no idea that Danny Rand had been manipulated into being Daredevil and actually wrote him as Matt Murdock in Civil War. It wasn't until they reached the last stages of editing that they slipped in a line to address that it wasn't Matt, but he was drawn as Matt and everything in Civil War.
DrKinsolving - 4/2/2015, 5:09 AM

Actually, there's also Raymond Connor (Ultimate Daredevil) so there's more than one

And, I hope Murdock does appear, I have to read Civil War again, but other than the Rand/Daredevil panel, I think I remember there being a quick reference to Murdock
DrKinsolving - 4/2/2015, 5:15 AM
"Ray would eventually take over the mantel as Daredevil. Using a costume and equipment almost identical to the original, save for contrast of yellow and red schemes to the design. He now roams through NYC, Hell's Kitchen presumably, to succeed Daredevil."

^^ @Vegeta

Your totally wrong about Daredevil not being a legacy character, just saying
SuperCat - 4/2/2015, 5:23 AM

AstonishingArachnid - 4/2/2015, 5:28 AM
@Vegeta Scott Lang originally stole the Ant Man mantle so your argument is kinda null. Danny was still DD with or without consent. Same way Otto was considered Spiderman despite the fact he basically killed Peter.
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 5:29 AM
I appreciate the super pedantic exacting nature of comic book canon... I really do..., but whenever people talk in detail about anything Marvel has done after around 1988 (especially as it relates to the big events), my eyes glaze over. That's not to say that there aren't good stories from any era, but some quirk in my fandom just prevents modern canon from feeling all that important to me.

Origins are one thing, and arcs are often important, but the ups and downs of the month to month soap opera just does not seem all that relevant to me when it comes to adapting these characters to screen.

As far as Daredevil in Civil War, I'm not broken up about him not getting the call. He and the Netflix cast may not make it to the Infinity Wars, so I'm not expecting them to get shoehorned into an already packed solo film.
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 5:39 AM

My recollection of the Civil War era is a little vague, and I didn't follow Daredevil during it, but I think Vegeta is pretty much right.

Unless there was intent on the writer/editorial staff's part to replace Murdock with Rand on any sort of long-term basis, or they at least had Murdock pass the torch in some way, he wasn't really Daredevil.

Not that it really matters much in the context of this article. Regardless of whether Rand was legitimately Daredevil or not, Cox isn't playing Rand. That said, there's nothing stopping Marvel from appropriating Rand's role and giving it to Cox's Murdock, either. It's not worth quibbling about, in my view.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 5:46 AM
Did I stutter? I never said Murdock was in Civil War, I said Millar wrote him as such due to blind ignorance. The point is: Danny Rand, for that period of time, WAS Daredevil and you can't debate that. Matt wasn't around, Danny took up the Daredevil mantle for a while, end of story. Just because he was manipulated into doing it, doesn't make him any less of what Daredevil is as a character. He still fought the good fight, unlike your other two examples who were just outright posing as Daredevil WHILE Matt was still in action as Daredevil. That's being an imposter, but for that period of time, Matt wasn't Daredevil. Danny was. Just like how Rhodey was Iron Man during Secret Wars, and don't give me that "legacy character" bullshit, because that was more or less the same situation. Rhodey took over as Iron Man while Stark dealt with alcoholism, Rhodey WAS Iron Man for that stint of time. Matt stopped being Daredevil, Danny took over, even if it was a case of being manipulated into the situation. Rand was doing Matt a favour by pretending to be Daredevil, taking the heat of the media away from Matt. Danny Rand, for a very brief period of time, WAS Daredevil. He wasn't doing it to disgrace Matt Murdock, he was doing it to help him. I'm not arguing that Matt isn't the definitive Daredevil, and that seems to be what's fueling your side of this, I'm saying that Danny was Daredevil for a while and you can say he was an imposter all you like but he WAS Daredevil. Blind fanboy love seems to be the foundation on which you've constructed this opinion that Danny was an imposter. Fact of the matter is: Danny Rand WAS Daredevil during Civil War and thus Daredevil was IN Civil War.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 5:47 AM
What am I doing, there's a block button now.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 5:48 AM
Ah, that's so much better.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 5:56 AM
Eh, eh, eh don't start that again!
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 6:02 AM

It's as I feared. Rather than merely being used to obscure disruptive individuals, overuse of the block button is rapidly creating islands of homogeneous opinion and temperament. Soon, we will all only post our own opinions without concern for discourse, like shouting into a void.

(There was only one person I really wanted to block, but I haven't seen him post since the feature was added... It's oddly unnerving.)
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 6:02 AM
I'm so glad you get this.
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 6:03 AM
It was Dexter wasn't it?
NovaCorpsFan - 4/2/2015, 6:04 AM
I figured I'd read your response and thought [frick] it, I'll unblock the guy. If you see this as a reasonable discussion, then fire away, mate.
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 6:09 AM

If you'd like, I could get an objective measure of the reasonableness of the exchange.

The standard metric for rationality is a Vulcan formula, so I'll have to convert these readings... One moment...

Yes... it seems, by these instruments, that discussion was... approximately 9000 with an acceptable margin of error.
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 6:14 AM

No, he had so many accounts and was so often banned I didn't see the point. I'm not going to say who it is, though. No use making a big deal about it. It will just be nice to never to have to wade through their braying jackassery anymore.
AstonishingArachnid - 4/2/2015, 6:17 AM
@Spock0clock He isn't right because Danny was Daredevil. There is physical evidence in the form of comic panels that show Danny Rand as Daredevil in the 616 canon for a long period of time, not just 5 issues. Consent has nothing to do with passing a mantle as most of the time the previous mantle holder is dead (Batman, Cap, Blue Beetle). Mantles can even be seized aggressively, like Doc Oc and Spiderman. But they didn't call him Doc Oc masquerading as Spiderman, he was just Spiderman, albeit 'superior'. So if Doc Oc, who stole his right to Spider-Man's legacy can still be called Spiderman then Iron Fist can be Daredevil.
Spock0Clock - 4/2/2015, 6:21 AM
"I've never been a big fan of 40+ characters shoehorned onto a double page spread, so it's not something I particularly want to see on the big screen."

That's where we differ. I'm not saying I want every movie to be a team-up, but every once and a while I want to see the superhero equivalent of this:

Just literally throw it all up on the screen and let the solo films/series dig into the characterization.
Orphix - 4/2/2015, 6:37 AM
If Daredevil does appear in Civil War then he will be the first character introduced in a TV Show to then appear in a film. I know quite a few characters have traveled in the opposite direction but - as far as I am aware - not from TV .
PymParticle - 4/2/2015, 6:41 AM
Civil War is one of the few movies where they can afford to have so many appearances. If they don't do it, it will just be incredibly silly.

If you're going to make the netflix series be part of the MCU and make all these big bold claims, then acknowledge them in the movies as well.

The only thing they can keep out of continuity is AoS, that would really ruin things.
Pasto - 4/2/2015, 6:46 AM
Vegeta was one of the first people I blocked as soon as that button dropped.
krylonshadow - 4/2/2015, 7:01 AM
Why do you guys care that Matt Murdock was not in Civil War? Since when was the MCU ever a faithful adaptation of the comic books? Are you kidding me? It's like how people criticize Days of Future Past for changing stuff, when the MCU completely makes up half its material, and fills the other half with random tidbits from various comics. Then Marvel starts releasing comic books based on the MCU versions of the characters to make it look like their cinematic universe actually has anything to do with their comics. Get your heads out of your asses, if they want to put Matt Murdock in Civil War, they'll do it. It doesn't matter to them what happened in the comics.
528491 - 4/2/2015, 7:18 AM
I hope they don't stick him in Civil War, if only because it would somewhat undermine the appeal of seeing the eventual Defenders crossover mini-series if we've already seen Daredevil cross-over with the higher stature Avengers characters before it.
blackandyellow - 4/2/2015, 7:22 AM
Daredevil is only interesting when Iron Fist is wearing the costume.
TheRationalNerd - 4/2/2015, 7:32 AM
Am I the only one who reads @Vegeta 's comments in Vegeta's voice? lol
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