EDITORIAL: Which storyline is perfect for the Daredevil TV show?

EDITORIAL: Which storyline is perfect for the Daredevil TV show?

What Volume of Daredevil would make the best 16 episode story arc? And what tweaks would need to be made.

Editorial Opinion
By Trickwil - Apr 18, 2014 12:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Daredevil

If you're a fan of the comics like I am Daredevil actually has 3-5 story arcs that on their own could become amazing TV shows. Especially the story arcs that would connect, Cage, Iron Fist, and the Devil. Obviously We don't know if they will make a season 2, or 3 so saying "This story arc, then this story arc" Is pointless. Though I have heard if the mini series Defenders is successful enough the next seasons would be mixes of all the characters, like a Defenders show not seperate shows. Or a if only Luke and Fist are successful a Heroes for Hire show.

Here are my Rankings with things that would need to be changed for it to work as a TV show.

5. Man Without Fear (Frank Miller Volume 1)

This story arc is the one that was butchered in the now infamous Daredevil film. This story arc introduced Kingpin as the major villain and through flashbacks shows Jack the Devil Murdock (DD's dad) as an abusive drunk that worked for the Kingpin as a hired thug before getting killed for not throwing a fight. This arc also de "magics" DD. He didn't get magic powers from a chemical spill it's more that he's a blind ninja. it introduces the Hand, and Elektra as Murdock's dangerous college girlfriend and eventual villain. As well as reintroducing Bullseye as a psychopathic murderer for hire that also murders Elektra. Many of the shots from the film (the only good ones) we direct cuts from the volume.

Pros: It introduces Daredevil and if done correctly could introduce every single character in the DD world. By sticking closer to the source material they might have a chance at solid introductory story arc.

Cons: The film really spoiled it. It would basically be a better retelling of a story we'd already seen. The other con is, as I will point out later, is that Daredevil will bne the first of the street level heroes that get their own show if it's a boring retelling of the same story it's not going to capture casual fans. The other issue is this story arc because it's an origin story doesn't carry the same weight. You need to feel like Murdock is going to die at the end. Or that he should already be dead and is lucky to be alive. 

4. Guardian Devil. (Kevin Smith)

This story arc has the Daredevil protecting a child from his old nemesis Bullseye because this child might the messiah or the anti-christ. And the Daredevil needs to protect or destroy her. There are character reveals through out in the form of letters from Karen Page to Daredevil. Eventually Karen returns to let Matt know that she has AIDs and he needs to get tested. He asks her to help Care for the child , he goes to get answers from Doctor Strange, and when he returns Bullseye kills Page and steals the baby. Matt almost kills himself but changes his mind. Eventually it is revealed this awesome arc was all created by Mysterio and it explains Mysterios death, and the Kingpin is sort of involved.

Pros: The break up letters from Karen can explain the origin in a non-hokey way. Then her being murdered, and the HIV reveal would make for some climactic scenes at the end of episodes. If Marvel wants to tie it into the greater Marvel universe they can have a Doctor Strange as well as a Black Widow cameo without changing the story really at all.

Con: The main villain and the entire ending would have to change. They would have to involve more characters and really stretch the story for it to be a 16 episode arc. Really the ending of this arc ruined it for me. It starts out as a very Daredevil comic that has him questioning his life choices and everything, leading to the very Daredevil ideas of depression and sadness, but the ending is a Spiderman comic. You'd also have to already explain who Sister Maggie is for the arc to make any sense. This could be a solid episode ina  16 episode series. The arc itself wouldn't be condusive for an entire season

3. Wake Up (the Bendis Run)
Using all of the Bendis stuff would be impossible to really wrap up in a bried synopsis. But in general Bendis has DD still hung up on a dead Karen Page (you know the one with Aids that he cheated on) writing her letters, explaining the origins of the character and changing some stuff from the distant past. Eventually leading to the Daredevil being outed as Matt Murdock and framed for a crime he didn't commit. He's arrested and Foggy is killed. All of this manipulated by the Kingpin. DD eventually is freed and Foggy's not dead he's been in FBI protective custody and the Iron Fist has been posing as the DD to keep Hell's Kitchen safe.

Pros: It's a long great story arc that has things pre built into it so explain, Page, Elektra, Bullseye, and every other important character in the DD world. As well as a great arc of him falling from grace. There are a ton of one off and one shots but culminating at the end of the season with Daredevil discovering Iron Fist as the Daredevil would be a great way of connecting the 2 shows.

Cons: The best part of it is basically a retelling of the same story from the late 80s. If this story and another story (Born Again) are linked or smashed into one story it could be great and could connect Daredevil to Iron Fist really well. Also there's no big villain fight at the end just a good fight every issue or so. You're also condensing a run of about 3-4 years into 1 season which might be difficult

2. Inferno (Nocenti)
This story arc involves  alot more of the magical aspects of the marvel universe, So it depends on where they want to go. The main villain is Kingpin and Typhoid Mary. Basically Daredevil is trying to get his life back together with Karen Page when he basically cheats on her with Typhoid Mary. This all happens as Hell's Kitchen is taken over by Demons. Daredevil basically loses everything his life completely falls apart and Karen leaves him. (If you read DD you know this happens often.) At the end he is escaping his life living in Upstate New York.

Pros: it's gritty and exposes more of the magical world that DD exists in. It shows the flawed nature of the hero. 

Con: it's wierd it's a good arc if you just love theheroes. The reason I put it at number 2 is that you have tie ins with other street level heroes and can make a tie in with Doctor Strange if that's what they want to do. Also this could combine with the Shadowlands arc really well which would involve several of Marvel's current and future heroes as tie ins to Phase 3. But you'd have to make a lot of changes to make it stick.

1. Born Again (Frank Miller)
This story arc involves Daredevil's secret identity exposed by possible aids having, junky, porn star, prostitute and love of DD's life Karen Page for a hit of smack. This info gets to the Kingpin who systemattically destroys Daredevil's life. There are amazing climactic endings to comics like DD being beat up drugged, doused with whiskey and put in a car going into the river, Daredevil's house getting firebombed, Daredevil getting disbarred from practicing law. 

Pros: it's very very Daredevil. For most this is your favorite arc and it's retold in so many different ways. Through flashbacks from Karen Page you can tell entire episodes and the love triangle between Foggy and DD. You can even do flashback about the Hand and Stick and Elektra if done properly as well.

Cons: Elektra, Bullseye, and most of Daredevil's origins aren't described so flashbacks to them would be necessary. It's really adult which I like but some won't. You'd have to probably change the character Nuke, to Bullseye because i doubt Chris Evans will make an appearance on a Netflix show. It would also make more sense. And a personal thing. DD wanting to stay with Karen and start a life with her and the whole Karen page thing is stupid in my opinion. I get that Murdock is a very damaged person but why would he take back a heroin addicted prostitute after she sold him out for smack? It never really made sense to me.

Let me know what your rankings are . In my opinion ideally they would tie origin stuff into a few earlier episodes and then use the full Born Again arc, with an ending closer to the ending of the Bendis arc with Murdock going to prison because I feel like the blind lawyer being locked up with a bunch of inmates that he put there would be a great episode. And then the big reveal, battle with Bulleye, foggy is alive, FBI agent comic characters can be introduced, and then Iron Fist protecting Hells Kitchen as the DD.
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Klone - 4/18/2014, 12:55 PM
I really hope C. Hall gets the role. It's not totally out of the question given that Marvel has hired plenty of actors before who has campaigned for roles.
Klone - 4/18/2014, 1:06 PM
Granted I want to punch C. Hall in the face whenever I see BatManiac's avatar :P
kong - 4/18/2014, 1:12 PM
I like these! I'd love to see any of them as the arc, but your #5 is what is go with. He has one of the best origin stories so they should go with it. If I'm not mistaken it's been, or is going on, 10 years since Batfleck's Daredevil so people have forgot. The mainstream audiences don't remember it probably and it wasn't a box office hit either. I'd also love to see them outdo the previous film.
CorndogBurglar - 4/18/2014, 1:52 PM
Guardian Devil is my favorite Daredevil story of all time.

However, it probably isn't agood starting point for the show. I would have to say "Man Without Fear".
ruadh - 4/18/2014, 2:38 PM
Completely behind the Bendis stuff being used. That whole sequence is awesome, and what got me into the character in the first place. Like you said, great way to introduce a lot of his supporting cast, and where it take Kingpin would be very interesting. Also for Echo, and would be awesome to have a Scarlet Johanson cameo or even episode.
ruadh - 4/18/2014, 2:47 PM
As an exercise, I started working on a trilogy of scripts based on Bendis' run, and didn't get any further than a treatment. I obviously wasn't breaking new ground, but just wanted to see if it could be more or less done. That experience gives me confidence that it lends well to such a medium, but an episodic series would probably be even better.

And the season doesn't need to end with a big fight. It could actually end with him going to prison. Big fat cliffhanger, to be resolved either in one of the other series, or in the Defenders.
CherryBomb - 4/18/2014, 3:06 PM
Typhoid Mary would be amazing to see in the show!
I strangely liked Mary from the Elektra movie.
BUT she wasn't really Typhoid Mary.

It'd be cool to see her portrayed with justice.
ruadh - 4/18/2014, 3:21 PM
She was the only reason I've ever been tempted to try that movie...but not tempted enough.
Trickwil - 4/18/2014, 3:44 PM
I think combine the Bendis stuff (letters from a dead Karen Page, and some of his great Episodic comics) and the Born Again story line with him going to prison. Like instead of Karen page coming back to New York, have her executed by Bullseye or by the pimp that drives her to New York and all they find is like a box of letters she wrote him. You can combine the assassination attempts and stuff from the Born Again story line and allllllll the characters make an appearance during the Bendis stuff so you wouldn't have to retell an origin story. I say End the first season with him confronting Iron Fist, and Rand being like "It's cool I was just keeping it warm until you were free" "Who are you" and then a coy smile and the next season starts with Iron Fist there and follows the tournament of immortals.
Trickwil - 4/18/2014, 3:44 PM
Also I love Typhoid Mary and the multiple personalities story line and would love to see the Hand, and Dr. Strange in a Daredevil show.
Tainted87 - 4/18/2014, 8:32 PM


I think that combining elements from just about every storyline is what Marvel is keen to do. I know Born Again is probably the most well-known Daredevil story, but it would only be suitable as a grand finale, not something to start a tv show with. I made the mistake of giving it to a buddy of mine to borrow, and since he'd never read a Daredevil comic in his life and vaguely remembered the movie, he was SO CONFUSED.
Tainted87 - 4/18/2014, 9:03 PM
I'm definitely all-for Michael C. Hall as Daredevil, despite being in his 40s, but I dunno, I'd rather see him as Ben Urich.
CaptainAmerica31 - 4/19/2014, 6:08 AM
Man without fear will most likely be used
ruadh - 4/19/2014, 9:18 AM
It's also important to remember any comic story used as a basis will not likely be adapted faithfully.
Tainted87 - 4/19/2014, 9:41 PM
^Says the guy with the Die Another Day gun barrel sequence. Oh, like I wouldn't notice...
Trickwil - 4/22/2014, 8:59 AM
C-Hall is just too old. There's been a lot of rumors about Richard Madden playing DD, I've always wanted Ben Foster for the role. We need someone who can emote and be emotional because the fact is DD is about a guy who's life gets destroyed every weekend.
BoomTubeB - 4/23/2014, 10:46 AM
BoomTubeB - 4/23/2014, 10:47 AM
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