EDITORIAL: Why Isaiah Mustafa Would Suck as Luke Cage

EDITORIAL: Why Isaiah Mustafa Would Suck as Luke Cage

After this movie drops and people start to see this kid's acting limits, you will be like... "dag... this guy really blew it" Then of course a reboot will follow...

Editorial Opinion
By JacobCityBros - Jul 17, 2011 12:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Luke Cage

Old Spice Comments Pictures, Images and Photos

bigshow2312: First, let me start off by saying thank you to all the supporters of our fansite, which is jacobcitybros.
Now, on the money
-When I first heard that Isaiah Musta wanted to be Luke Cage, I thought it was a mere dream of his... like 50 Tyson wanting to be a rapper, it's cute but no. But I certainly wasn't expecting the wave of favor from the comicbook fans... I'm thinking "an uptight & ungraceful actor as an intimidating ex-gangbanger?" Let me type that again: "an UPtight & UNgraceful actor as an intimidating ex-GANGbanger?"....Did we all of a sudden forget the true character of Luke Cage? An ex criminal sent to prison and framed by a peer... When I look at Isaiah... I don't see anything intimidating or criminal-like.. let alone he probably wouldn't survive in prison. That reminds me of Tom Dubois from Boondocks:

What ever happen to giving the creators of these minority characters their due respect? Would Archie Goodwin or the late Dwayne McDuffie find Isaiah suitable for the role? Probably not, right?

Understand that it's hard to picture Al Roker Jr. coming out the hood to save the community.

Do you see my point? It just doesn't fit... sort of similar to Nic Cage wanting to play Superman... it's just not the right role for him.
This dude can easliy pass as a younger Al Roker for crying out loud.
Not just that but what films has he been in to deserve a leading man role? A Tyler Perry movie (not bashing Tyler)? Oh he's worthy. Talk about a miscast...
Here is what the movie would more than likely look like

He probably wanted this role so that he could have something under his belt before his Old Spice contract expires... I mean it seems like every other underpaid buff Black actor is considered for this role... dang... we need more Black superheroes...

Michael Jai White
Dear Michael

You suck at acting...

your friend bigshow2312

Just kidding (somewhat), I actually like Michael... just not as Power Man... Why? Well, I'm not a huge fan of actors portraying multiple characters (Spawn/Gambel) in any comicbook universe (regardless of the role)... cough-Ryan Renolds...it's uncreative and unfair to other talents who work just as hard. That's like Kobe Bryant playing for not only the Lakers but the Heat, Magic & Rockets (that's how I felt while watching Green Lantern) in the same season. That means, where ever Heat plays-Kobe plays... where the Magics play he plays, and so on.
Michael is not only overused but grizzled...and it wouldn't make sense for a 40 year old being caught up in a culprit life, now would it?

Bottom Line: he had his chance with Spawn... get a fresher face...

Terry Crews
Now this is a straight up goof... I tell ya, the ideas people come up with are too dense.
Ok, I don't know about you but I cant take Terry serious enough for such a role. Heck, I laugh even while seeing him in Training Day and he only had a few lines! Maybe he could have a funny part on the side or something. Don't get me wrong, the guy is Diesel but we need an actor who can definitely be deemed subdued. He's just a funny guy... Picture Kevin James as The Penguin... see my point?
Let's see how menacing Terry can be:

-so hardcore right?-

Henry Simmons
Im not a homosexual or homophobic but Henry is too handsome for the part... not just that but in some pictures (not all) he just looks like the ultimate Luke Cage... He's just like Michael, he's cool but very limited in his stagecraft...don't believe me? Then go watch Are We There Yet? or Taxi... he basically played the same character. You gonna need a guy who looks raw and unromantic. How old is Henry anyway? Like 41? No. With Hollywood, a sequel would come out every 3 years... so he'd be 44 by the second film. You people can do better than this.

Idris Elba
I was a fan of this guy waaay before you ever knew him and it sickens me to this him in EVERY FAN FIC ARTICLE as every Black character!
It's like every Black actor died in Hollywood and the creative geeks behind a desktop decides... "well, its fan fic-no Hollywood producer will ever see my article... I guess I'll cast Idris as Black Panther, Luke Cage, A ninja Turtle, Bishop" etc
He is overused on this site... please, no emails telling me how you got a new fan fic article on Black Panter or Luke Cage because guess what! I already know your picks!

The Real Luke Cage
For some unexplained reason comicbookmovie.com (small hypersensitive community) hates my boy Tyrese Gibson... he really hasn't done anything to deserve so much distaste. Unlike the other choices, he's young, underrated, intimidating (ask Shia), more talented, he's got flavor and grace... The perfect candidate for Luke Cage!
This his how he would sort of be before the serum... an offender (as what Power Man used to be):

This is him with a peer...

Still dont see my point? Let me break it down...
-Unlike Isaiah Mustafa, Ty is recognized in the Black community... he had/has more acting jobs in films (not TV), where he isn't representing some worked-up character that is similar to his past portrayals... Ty is more menacing than Isaiah... who would you take more serious-Ty with a gun or Isaiah with one...

-Michael Jai White: Ty has never had a Superhero film... if he did, I'm sure he wouldn't blow it...
-Terry Crews & Henry Simmons: These are the most silly fan pics ever... uhh... I guess any Black actor with muscle can play Power Man... all he needs is yellow shirt and the tag-line... "Sweet Christmas!"... these two aren't even as threatening as Ty...
-Idris Elba: He may can act better than Ty, but he is overrused... maybe I should start a campaign...

Still not convinced? Check this video out! This is the THE REAL LUKE CAGE

Presumably, Power Man (no offense) is Black people's Superman... we only have a handful characters...but somehow theses films get shelved (Black Panther) while crappy movies like Green Lantern, Punisher War Zone or The Spirit can get produced (not to mention countless reboots) ... I think its right to let Black filmmakers (Antoine Fuqua, Spike Lee, Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry, John Singleton, The Hughes Bros., Tim Story etc) tell the stories of such iconic Black protagonists such as Luke Cage, Black Panther, Static Shock etc and decide who can represent the fictional characters of The Struggle... not Al Roker...

dmb1511: I do not understand why anyone would want to see Isaiah Mustafa to make a fool of himself as Luke Cage. The number one thing that I hate is that Luke Cage is one of the few, good black comic book movie characters, and most (not all, there are a few dumb black people that want to see this) black people hate this guy as Luke Cage this includes me. I know, very well that if black people had anything to do with casting Luke Cage, this guy would have never made the cut. Luke Cage is a raw hero, not a suburban prettyboy who tells you that your body stinks. Let’s Re-think this people. Tyrese Gibson has been waiting on the green light forever and we’re just gonna give it to “the man your man could smell like”. Seriously? This is not funny and I wouldn’t mind this being a really long April fool’s Joke. People boycotted Thor for having one black character in there besides the security guard with a weak joke and the guy who got himself a new hole torn. And you mean to tell me you can support this guy. What part of Luke Cage Can you see in this guy? If anything he is the exact opposite. They do star searches and auditions to find Superman and the pull in Luke Cage from an antiperspirant commercial. Get Real. Of course white people (no offense, as you tell me) have no problem with this. You don’t know what it is like to have few good characters. You wouldn’t have to change white characters black if there were more black characters. Think about it.


-made by dmb1511

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DMB1511 - 7/17/2011, 1:03 AM
Coloso - 7/17/2011, 1:11 AM
Coloso - 7/17/2011, 1:19 AM

I'll take this guy over any of those guys. I might be cool with Henry but I don't know if he can act.
bigshow2312 - 7/17/2011, 3:49 AM

@ HailToTheKingBaby
Taye Diggs as BP? That's dope! Brilliant if the film was made 15 years ago...I like it though!

@ Coloso
The Rock? He'd sound silly with Luke's dialogue
Coloso - 7/17/2011, 4:07 AM
bigshow2312: The Rock? He'd sound silly with Luke's...


Are you still holding a grudge bigshow from the old days in the WWE ;D

The Rock says he'd out muscle, out act, and out superstar these jabronis any day of the week! You smell what the rock is cooking?
Steve1975 - 7/17/2011, 10:33 AM
Please check out Eric Thomas Wilson as Luke Cage. A new trailer on youtube July 16th. I think he is Luke Cage more than any of the guys you have been discussing.
HaroldOfGalactus - 7/18/2011, 12:54 AM
I say no to Tyrese not because he isn't "ghetto" or menacing enough. I say no because he isn't big enough.

You say they could use special effects and camera tricks to make him look bigger, but all of that will eat away at the budget, as will his payment for the movie.

Tyrese could be a decent choice... IF the movie had a MASSIVE budget that the studios were willing to risk on a fairly unknown character.
HaroldOfGalactus - 7/18/2011, 1:01 AM
Also, what of Morris Chestnut? Is he too old and good looking as well?

I only think Chestnut would be good for the role because He was pretty much a bad ass in half past dead, and you know hes got street cred from boyz n the hood
bigshow2312 - 7/18/2011, 1:31 AM

@ Coloso
Ok fine... be he's too old

@ Steve1975
Maybe... he's an unknown... his name wouldn't draw anybody to see it... pretty good choice... I just dont want to see Isaiah

@ HaroldOfGalactus
I agree about the budget, and Morris being too old and good looking lol
Morris is the man! I actually would see him before Jai White, Idris, Crews or Simmons (the rock too)
Street cred is a definite must for Black celebs these days... just ask Tiger Woods

Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:41 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:42 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:42 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:42 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:42 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 11:42 AM
Tyrese looks alright, but he's way to short. We all know luke cage is supposed to be a big dude (6'-6) but I've seen tyrese, he's my height at about 5'-10. Don't get me wrong he is a decent actor with a look, but not Luke cage IMO.
Draken182 - 7/18/2011, 12:02 PM
Damn, sorry the website wasn't responding, and i hit submit too many times, how can i delete all these comments that accidentally got sent, sorry guys.

In the mean time i think i found the real luke cage for ya. check it out, it just released, i think. his name is eric thomas wilson, dudes jacked and looks like a big time contender!


what do you guys think?
SageMode - 7/18/2011, 4:47 PM
Henry Simmons is the best choice IMO. but you pick Tyrese Gibson? SMH. FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bigshow2312 - 7/18/2011, 11:43 PM


Wow@your homo-avatar
& your complaint of my complaint


I dont know why they took off the edit buttons...
Dont think his size is a problem... Hugh Jackman did well as a tall Woverine, right? They used camera tricks for the villain Xerses (cant spell it) in 300, right? That shouldnt be a dilemma...

On Eric, aaaaaaa he's unknown which will probably hurt the film's income... Tyrese is know throughout Black communities (the audience in which it's intended for), but the new dude is a contender... just not number 1


Troll, you must read an article before you comment...smh...FAIL!!!!
Comeback with some valid points will ya... then change your avatar other than a constipated cartoon... wait, dont.... its compatible with your name "Sagemode"...
Minato - 7/19/2011, 6:21 AM
I like tyrese in the role and agree with you complaints about the other actors. Tyrese can act and deserve a movie he can headline in. If we are talking about charactor vs actor size hollywood has never had a problem with that. Whoever put the rock up there needs to stop hes not even black. As a black superhero fan I can deal with Tyrese being Luke Cage. Now I wanna hear you opinion on who should play my favotite african superhero Black Panther. Black Panther is one of my top 3 favotite heros period.
kong - 7/19/2011, 11:07 AM
i totallyh agree. It gets really annoying when fanboys are all Luke Cage is 6'6 not 5'10. Have you fanboys forgotten that there's a mainstream audience. Hugh Jackman is 6'2 and Wolverine is 5'2. IO read an article about that and he worked out alot so it took the attention away from his height, and have you forgotten that Luke Cage is supposed to be muscular.

@Coloso you suck. you cast some non-black dude to play a black dude. Just because he's got muscules.
bigshow2312 - 7/19/2011, 11:46 PM

@ Hush2010
You suggest a Black Panther? I'll think about it..

@ RedHood13
Get em (coloso)...

DMB1511 - 7/30/2011, 12:08 AM
Saying First is really abusive isn't it?

I Must have hurt everyone.
jjmeylar - 8/21/2011, 1:43 PM
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much for pointing out that Terry would also suck as Luke. I don't see how anyone can take him seriously. Exhibit A:

bigshow2312 - 8/23/2011, 6:57 PM


Yeah! I wish this would of made the front page for others to see

He cant act: delivery of lines is whack and couldnt display any real emotion for the character
Plus, people pick him because he's big and black
I'm glad you agree
ThaMessenger07 - 8/30/2011, 11:51 AM
Tyrese is not in the slightest bit tough looking lol. He's an R&B singer first son. "SWEET LADY, WON'T YOU BE MY!"

bigshow2312 - 9/22/2011, 9:59 PM

Wow, somebody has been catching up on their music history

Did you know that Idris Elba was a singer before becoming an actor?
MrCameron - 10/6/2012, 11:58 AM
Wow, great article. I agree with all of you points. I don't get why everybody hates Tyrese so much, like you said, he really hasn't done anything to deserve this much distaste. I'd be all for him in the role. But for other choices, what about Common? He's a good actor who has the raw and unromantic looks.
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